▀▄▀▄ Museu Nacional do Azulejo / National Azulejo Museum ▀▄▀▄ - 4 - Igreja / Church Madre de Deus
A IGREJA DA MADRE DE DEUS é atualmente parte integrante do Museu Nacional do Azulejo. Neste templo, a talha e os azulejos constituem um dos melhores exemplos do Barroco em Portugal. A igreja tem planta longitudinal com nave única e capela-mor de pequenas dimensões. O altar em estilo rococó todo coberto a ouro é magnífico. Na igreja há belos painéis de azulejos da escola holandesa, de finais do século XVII. No piso superior destaca-se a Capela de Santo António, com soalhos de madeira do Brasil, e ainda a Casa do Presépio onde está um presépio da autoria de António Ferreira.
THE CHURCH OF MOTHER OF GOD is now part of the National Azulejo Museum. In this temple, the carvings and tiles are one of the best examples of the Baroque in Portugal. The church has longitudinal ground plan with a single nave and main chapel of small size. The altar in rococo style, all covered with gold, is magnificent. In the church there are beautiful tile panels from Dutch school, of the late seventeenth century. On the upper floor there is the Chapel of St. Anthony, with wood floors from Brazil, and a Nativity Scene by António Ferreira.
Drawing from church Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, Italy
Drawing from church Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, Italy
Participation of academic artists and art students from Fortaleza - Brazil
Teacher: Edu Oliveira
Academic Art Students
Aurelia Simplicio, Aurelia Alencar, Cezarina Duvalee, Eliete Barreto, Paula Franklin, Nereide Alves, Sarah Bastos, Marcelo Silva, Lucas Goes, Mana Celani, Margarete Zanete, Lucia Cavalcante, Antonieta Campos, Michele Souza, Seila Brito, Vitoria Marques, Silânia Cavalcante, Ligia Mosque, Graça Mendonsa, Sonia cavalcante.
Desenho da Igreja de Santa Maria Maior Roma Itália
Desenhistas acadêmicos brasileiros
Museu de Arte Sacra - N#7
O Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo é uma das principais Instituições brasileiras voltadas ao estudo, conservação e exposição de objetos relacionados à arte sacra
Endereço: Av. Tiradentes, 676 - Luz, São Paulo - SP, 01102-000
#saopaulo #museu #artes #art #glauberlunz
I was drawn to the curve
Oscar Niemeyer
Roberto Burle Marx
Cândido Portinari
Pampulha Modern Ensemble:
São Francisco de Assis Church
Yacht Golf Club (now Tennis Club)
Casino (now the Pampulha Art Museum)
Ball Room (now Center of Reference in Urbanism, Architecture and Design)
The ensemble also includes the Residence of Juscelino Kubitschek (now Kubitschek House) and the boardwalk by the lagoon that articulates them and confers the unit.
Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
1940 - 1944
Oscar Niemeyer
As Curvas do Tempo. Memórias
Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 1998. 294 pp. 93-5
IAB. Depoimento de Oscar Niemeyer, “Itinerário de Niemeyer”, registro, mimeo, filme Wladimir de Carvalho. 1974. P.3. In Marta Adriana Bustos Romero, “Niemeyer e o sentido do lugar: uma visão bioclimática”
Ana Claudia Schad
Bernardo Gouvêa
Bruno Jalamaro
Eugenio Hansen, OFS
Gabriel de Andrade Fernandes
Haroldo Kinder
kathia shieh
Matthias Ripp
Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte
Sérgio Mourão
Tuami Pricila Matielo
wiki 01_Raquel Mendes Silva
Old Bossa by Twin Musicom is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution
TAS_The Architectural Site
Maria teve mais filhos: SIM OU NÃO? | Pe. Chrystian Shankar @Projeto Luz e Vida [CC]
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Read English below...
A Torre de Belém é um dos monumentos mais expressivos da cidade de Lisboa. Localiza-se na margem direita do rio Tejo, onde existiu outrora a praia de Belém. Inicialmente cercada pelas águas em todo o seu perímetro, progressivamente foi envolvida pela praia, até se incorporar hoje à terra firme.
O monumento se destaca pelo nacionalismo implícito, visto que é todo rodeado por decorações do Brasão de armas de Portugal, incluindo inscrições de cruzes da Ordem de Cristo nas janelas de baluarte; tais características remetem principalmente à arquitetura típica de uma época em que o país era uma potência global (a do início da Idade Moderna).
Classificada como Património Mundial pela UNESCO desde 1983, foi eleita como uma das Sete maravilhas de Portugal em 7 de julho de 2007.
O monumento reflete influências islâmicas e orientais, que caracterizam o estilo manuelino e marca o fim da tradição medieval das torres de menagem, ensaiando um dos primeiros baluartes para artilharia no país (ver fortalezas).
Parte da sua beleza reside na decoração exterior, adornada com cordas e nós esculpidas em pedra, galerias abertas, torres de vigia no estilo mourisco e ameias em forma de escudos decoradas com esferas armilares, a cruz da Ordem de Cristo e elementos naturalistas, como um rinoceronte, alusivos às navegações. O interior gótico, por baixo do terraço, que serviu como armaria e prisão, é muito austero.
A sua estrutura compõe-se de dois elementos principais: a torre e o baluarte. Nos ângulos do terraço da torre e do baluarte, sobressaem guaritas cilíndricas coroadas por cúpulas de gomos, ricamente decorada em cantaria de pedra.
A torre quadrangular, de tradição medieval, eleva-se em cinco pavimentos acima do baluarte, a saber:
Primeiro pavimento - Sala do Governador.
Segundo pavimento - Sala dos Reis, com teto elíptico e fogão ornamentado com meias-esferas.
Terceiro pavimento - Sala de Audiências
Quarto pavimento - Capela
Quinto pavimento - Terraço da torre
A nave do baluarte poligonal, ventilada por um claustrim, abre 16 canhoneiras para tiro rasante de artilharia. O terrapleno, guarnecido por ameias, constitui uma segunda linha de fogo, nele se localizando o santuário de Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso com o Menino, também conhecida como a Virgem do Restelo por Virgem das Uvas.
Belém Tower (in Portuguese Torre de Belém, pronounced: [ˈtoʁ(ɨ) dɨ bɨˈlɐ̃ȷ̃]) or the Tower of St Vincent is a fortified tower located in the civil parish of Santa Maria de Belém in the municipality of Lisbon, Portugal. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (along with the nearby Jerónimos Monastery) because of the significant role it played in the Portuguese maritime discoveries of the era of the Age of Discoveries.The tower was commissioned by King John II to be part of a defense system at the mouth of the Tagus River and a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon.
The tower was built in the early 16th century and is a prominent example of the Portuguese Manueline style,but it also incorporates hints of other architectural styles.[The structure was built from lioz limestone and is composed of a bastion and the 30 meter (100 foot), four story tower. It has incorrectly been stated that the tower was built in the middle of the Tagus and now sits near the shore because the river was redirected after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. In fact, the tower was built on a small island in the Tagus River near the Lisbon shore
short responsory
Short Responsorial Psalm
Procissão do Fogaréu e todo o processo etnográfico construído pelo [PROJETO SALA50]
[Homens carregando tochas saíram em cortejo pelas ruas. Cerimônia simboliza os últimos dias de vida de Jesus Cristo]
Tradição e fé marcaram o centenário da Procissão do Fogaréu em Oeiras, a 313 km de Teresina. A maior manifestação religiosa do Piauí reuniu cerca de cinco mil fiéis na noite desta quinta-feira (13) nas principais ruas da cidade, segundo a Pastoral da Igreja Católica.
O cortejo luminoso feito somente por homens relembra a perseguição dos soldados romanos à Jesus Cristo e simboliza os últimos dias de vida dele antes da crucificação. No ato litúrgico, os fiéis saíram em procissão levando tochas acesas e durante a passagem as lâmpadas da cidade eram apagadas e a iluminação era feita apenas pelas lamparinas.
O Fogaréu saiu por volta das 21h da Catedral de Nossa Senhora da Vitória, com os penitentes cantando hinos de louvor ao som da matraca e percorre as ruas do centro histórico de Oeiras, retornando ao ponto de partida. Enquanto isso, as mulheres acompanharam a cerimônia das calçadas e janelas. Já as mais idosas rezavam dentro de casa e na igreja.
A cerimônia reuniu fiéis de várias cidades piauienses e de outros estados e faz parte do calendário da Semana Santa mais tradicional do estado. A fé que é passada de pai para filho, como é o caso de Francisco das Chagas Menezes, de 66 anos. Ele já adulto aprendeu em casa a participar da tradição.
(texto retirado do portal GP1 - Teresina(PI) -
(Para mais informações sobre o PROJETO SALA50)
???? 86 9 8853-4003
Procession of the Fogaréu and all the ethnographic process constructed by the [SALA PROJECT50]
[Men carrying torches went out in courtship through the streets. Ceremony symbolizes the last days of Jesus Christ's life]
Tradition and faith marked the centenary of the Fogaréu Procession in Oeiras, 313 km from Teresina. The largest religious gathering in Piauí gathered around five thousand faithful on Thursday night (13) on the main streets of the city, according to the Pastoral Ministry of the Catholic Church.
The luminous procession made only by men recalls the persecution of the Roman soldiers to Jesus Christ and symbolizes the last days of his life before the crucifixion. In the liturgical act, the faithful went out in procession carrying lit torches and during the passage the lamps of the city were erased and the illumination was done only by the lamps.
Fogaréu left around 9:00 pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory, with the penitents singing hymns of praise to the sound of the rattle and travels the streets of the historic center of Oeiras, returning to the starting point. Meanwhile, the women followed the ceremony of the sidewalks and windows. The older women prayed indoors and in the church.
The ceremony brought together faithful from various cities in Piaui and other states and is part of the calendar of the most traditional Holy Week in the state. The faith that is passed from father to son, as is the case of Francisco das Chagas Menezes, 66 years old. He had grown up learning at home to participate in the tradition.
(Text removed from the portal GP1 - Teresina (PI) -
# Teresina # piaui # oeiras # oeiraspiaui # fogareu # procissaodofogareu # weeks # brazil # folklore # custom # leonardomascarenhas # travel # trip # travel # photoofday # day # party # dreams # form # music # love # magic # fire # strong # Art # museum # gallerie # photographer
(For more information on the SALA50 PROJECT)
???? 86 9 8853-4003
São Vicente de Fora Lisboa
#insta360onex Mosteiro São Vicente de Fora Lisboa
Monastry São Vicente
Visita Guiada ao Palace Hotel do Buçaco - Portugal (480p) (English Subtitles/Google Translate)
O Palace-Hotel do Buçaco é a mais impressionante obra neomanuelina das várias que existem no país. De uma beleza que parece irreal, localizado no coração da espantosa mata do Buçaco, que guarda construções Carmelitas dos Sécs.XVII e XVIII, este grande hotel do Séc.XIX testemunha muito mais que o excepcional talento do seu autor, o cenógrafo Luigi Manini. Fala-nos de um Séc. XIX penoso e da capacidade que Portugal teve de o superar. A historiadora de arte Raquel Henriques da Silva é a nossa guia nesta Visita que percorre diversos séculos, geografias, episódios históricos universais e, claro, dos costumes românticos.
Data de emissão : 25 de Maio de 2015
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - Saint Benedict Monastery
Mosteiro de Sáo Bento is one of the finest colonial churches in Brazil. Built between 1617 and 1641 on Morro de São Bento, the monastery has an excellent view over the city. The simple facade hides a baroque interior richly decorated in gold. Among its historic treasures are wood carvings designed by Frei Domingos da Conceição and made by Alexandre Machado, and paintings by José de Oliveira Rosa.
Guia de viagem - Quito, Ecuador | Expedia.com.br
Se está pensando passar umas férias em Quito, este video vai te ajudar a tirar todas suas dúvidas.
Expedia.com.br te oferece várias informações sobre seus destinos favoritos, incluindo informações sobre os melhores hotéis, passagens baratas de avião e aluguel de carros econômicos. Mas isso não é tudo, temos também informações sobre qual as épocas do ano para viajar, detalhes sobre aeroportos e os pontos turísticos que não pode perder em sua viagem para Quito.
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Porto (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈpoɾtu]) (occasionally also known as Oporto in English) is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal.The urban area of Porto, which extends beyond the administrative limits of the city, has a population of 1.3 million (2011) in an area of 389 km2 (150 sq mi), making it the second-largest urban area in Portugal. The Porto Metropolitan Area includes an estimated 2 million people. It is recognized as a Gamma- level global city by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Study Group, being one of five cities on the Iberian Peninsula with global city status, (the others being Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon and Valencia).
Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996. Its settlement dates back many centuries, when it was an outpost of the Roman Empire. Its Latin name, Portus Cale, has been referred to as the origin for the name Portugal, based on transliteration and oral evolution from Latin. In Portuguese the name of the city is spelled with a definite article as o Porto (English: the port). Consequently, its English name evolved from a misinterpretation of the oral pronunciation and referred to as Oporto in modern literature and by many speakers.
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20 things to do in Lisbon Travel Guide
Lisbon was the final stop of our European tour and we couldn't have chosen a better destination. The city immediately won us over with it's cheery pastel buildings, delicious fresh seafood, and it's unique mix of attractions. It also didn't hurt that we had clear blue skies the whole week we were there! The following video will highlight 20 things to do in Lisbon and we hope it will give you a few ideas of some of the sights this beautiful city has to offer.
*Our NEW Lisbon guide:
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
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1) São Jorge Castle (Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge)
2) Miradouro das Portas do Sol observation deck
3) Carmo Convent (Portuguese: Convento da Ordem do Carmo)
4) Portuguese egg tart pastry - Pastel de nata (Portuguese: pastéis de nata)
5) Belém Tower (Portuguese: Torre de Belém
6) Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Portuguese: Monument to the Discoveries)
7) Jerónimos Monastery or Hieronymites Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
8) Kiosk - Quiosque
9) Tagus River Ferry - (Portuguese: Tejo)
10) Salmão Grelhado - Portuguese Grilled Fish (Salmon Steaks)
11) Visiting Cacilhas Island
12) Lisbon tramway network (Portuguese: Rede de eléctricos de Lisboa)
13) Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara Observation Views
14) Shopping (Rua Augusta)
15) Praça do Comércio - Commerce Square)
16) Santa Justa Lift (Portuguese: Elevador de Santa Justa
17) Bacalhau - Portuguese dried & salted cod
18) Tropical Botanical Garden (Portuguese: Jardim Agricola Tropical)
19) Lisbon Cathedral: Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Mary Major (Portuguese: Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa)
20) Lisbon night views
Our visit Lisbon travel guide covers some of the top attractions including the best in arts, entertainment, museums, nightlife and restaurants. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities that you won't find in your typical tourism brochure or Lisbon city guide.
20 things to do in Lisbon, Portugal | Top Attractions Travel Guide:
Our first stop of the day was Sao Jorge Castle, which is an old Moorish fortification that sits on a hill overlooking Lisbon and the Tagus River. You can get some nice panoramic views of the city from here, and they also have peacocks roaming the grounds.
Miradouro das Portas do Sol is one of the many look out points in Lisbon that offers postcard-perfect views of the city. This particular terrace overlooks the Alfama district and it is always popular with tourists.
Carmo is a mediaeval convent that was ruined during the 1755 earthquake, and today it is used as an archaeological museum. It's a strange feeling walking down the ruined nave of the church and seeing blue skies above your head, but that's exactly what makes it worth a visit.
Another place to visit is Belem Tower. The tower was built on the banks of the Tagus River, and it was meant to act as both a defense system and a ceremonial gateway into Lisbon.
The Jeronimos Monastery is one of the most visited sights in Lisbon. It's one of the best examples of Late Gothic Manueline architecture, so have a close look at the intricate detailing when you visit.
A fun way to get around Lisbon's hilly streets is by riding the trams. There are different lines across the city, but #28 is the most popular one with visitors.
The Santa Justa lift is an elevator that connects the lower streets of Baixa with Carmo Square, and it is the only remaining vertical elevator in Lisbon. Though it is meant to serve a functional role, it is also quite popular with visitors who find the elevator a novel idea.
And that's a wrap for our week in the Portuguese capital! We hope you enjoyed this video and that it gave you some ideas of things to do in Lisbon. As always, if you have any other suggestion for travellers of places to visit and things to do around town, feel free to share them in the comments below. Wishing you happy travels!
This is part of our Travel in Portugal series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Portuguese culture, Portuguese arts, Portuguese foods, Portuguese religion, Portuguese cuisine and Portuguese people.
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
Montevideo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Montevideo – Uraguay’s capital welcomes visitors to its seaside city bounds. Explore Montevideo with us and start planning a trip here of your own.
When ready, browse vacation packages to Montevideo:
Uruguay is emerging as one of South America’s favorite destinations. Its capital #Montevideo has a warm, temperate climate, pleasant sea breezes and miles of boulevards.
#Tour the city while on #vacation here and #visit the towers, squares and cathedrals of its Old Towns. Wander along the 19-mile long promenade, La Rambla leads to the city’s favorite playground: De Los Pocitos Beach.
Enjoy the proud local tradition of “parrilla. The best way to try it is to buy cuts of meat in the Mercado del Puerto, and have those cooked for you on the spot.
#Explore the UNESCO-listed Old Town of Colonia del Sacramento, with its landmark lighthouse, sleepy Plaza de Armas, historic Portón de Campo and atmospheric Street of Sighs.
Uruguay may be small, but its big heart and relaxing vibe creates a lifetime of memories.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
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Conheça a Igreja de Santo Antonio em Lisboa - Portugal!
Meu destino é a Croácia, mas antes aproveitei para ficar alguns dias em Portugal. Nesta série de vídeos passei pelos principais pontos de Lisboa e algumas vilas no norte de Portugal:
• São Paulo - Aeroporto de Congonhas
• Belo Horizonte - Aeroporto de Confins
• Lisboa - Fonte Luminosa
• Lisboa - Arroios
• Lisboa - Mouraria
• Lisboa - Óculos Prada
• Lisboa - Igreja de São Domingos
• Lisboa - Elevador Santa Justa
• Lisboa - Praça do Comércio
• Lisboa - Rio Tejo
• Lisboa - Sé
• Lisboa - 23
• Lisboa - Igreja de Santo Antonio
• Lisboa - Convento do Carmo
• Lisboa - Cais do Sodré
• outros
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Vídeos por Ton Pederneiras
Nos vemos na estrada!!!
City Tour de Dia Inteiro em Curitiba
Você tem um dia inteiro e quer um passeio para conhecer os lugares mais legais de Curitiba? Este tour privativo em Curitiba é a opção ideal para quem gosta de conforto e atendimento personalizado. Um passeio para chamar só de seu! Que tal?
Confira no vídeo como é este roteiro da Special Paraná pela cidade. Você conhecerá os lugares mais emblemáticos de Curitiba no seu ritmo, com guia e veículo só para você. Sem esperas, sem demoras, com o conforto de ar-condicionado e profissionais fantásticos para mostrar o melhor de Curitiba.
O Jardim Botânico, uma caminhada pelo centro histórico, o Museu Oscar Niemeyer, o Bosque do Papa, a Torre Panorâmica, o bairro de Santa Felicidade, Parque Tingui, Parque Tanguá, Ópera de Arame, Unilivre e o Bosque Alemão. Fantástico! Tudo em um dia, do seu jeito. Seja este o roteiro sugerido ou com algum outro lugar que você queira conhecer, o passeio é todo seu!
Quer saber mais sobre Curitiba e região? Que tal baixar nosso guia 10 Coisas para Fazer em Curitiba o Ano Todo. É só clicar aqui:
Que tal ter uma empresa amiga em Curitiba para organizar seus passeios? A Special Paraná faz isso desde 2007 e já atendeu pessoas do mundo inteiro!
Entre em contato conosco:
Tel.: 41 3232-1314
Whatsapp: 41 99935-7215
City tour de dia inteiro em Curitiba:
Taking the Church to the Street
Presenter: Rev. Debbie Little
This video is part of the BCSTM Continuing Education Encore Events Archive.
Visit to view this video and others like it.
October 24, 2014
Description: One day more than 20 years ago, Debbie Little looked at all the people sitting on the Boston Common park benches and thought, “The church is out here, not where buildings are necessarily, but where people are. We need to show up for it!” With this inspiration, she was moved to take the gifts of the church out to people who cannot come in to receive them—gifts which she describes as celebration, accompaniment, welcome, continuity, prayer, music, Bible study, and pastoral care. Who are these people, how do we serve them, where do we begin? Say YES to the small voice within and the leading of Pope Francis, and join Rev. Little as she shares experiences, graces, and struggles of church life on the street. “Jesus was a homeless man and so am I,” says Billy, who joins her with others to share blessings they have received from being met by church on the street.
Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry
Exposed illuminati Temple of Lucifer will shock you! (R$E)
America's Temple of LUCIFER shocking illuminati Exposed (2016)
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An exclusive look inside America's biggest Jesuit Temple in Washington DC.
The sheer amount of subliminal anti-Christ symbolism the Luciferians use leaves us without doubt at how important the Truth of Jesus Christ the Messiah is, as everything is centred around inverting Him!
..but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.
- Acts 19:27
So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
- Matthew 24:33
There is a wolf coming.
Music (Used with Permission) -
88 Ultra - Sirens - A Thousand & One
Blue Sky Black Death - Angels of Light
korz0n4god - Kingdom of Lies Will Die
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Featuring Pastor Charles Lawson.
R$E Round SaturnsEye Online:
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