Ancient Cities of Patara and Myra, Kaş, Antalya, Turkey
I created this video by using photos that I took in the Ancient Cities of Patara and Myra in March 2011.
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Bu video, Mart 2011 ayında Patara ve Myra Antik Kentlerinde çektiğim fotograflardan üretilmiştir.
Videoyu daha net izlemek için lütfen HD olarak seyrediniz.
Produced by Seref Halicioglu
Background Music;
Dan Skinner & Adam Skinner - Battle Hordes
Dan Skinner & Adam Skinner -- Kraken
Igor Dvorkin - Poltergeist
didgeridoo Patara Amphitheater
Playing at the ruins of an acient Amphitheatre in Patara Turkey.
Daywalks near Kas, Patara, Phellos,Turkey, May 10 - 19, 2012.
From a hotel in Kas we made walks to Phellos, Patara, Liman Agzi with or without use of a dolmus.
Kas is a very nice authentic village.
You can find the tracks on and search under my radioamateurcallsign pa0rbc
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Patara Theatre Camping - Lycian Way - Turkey
The Lycian Way is a long-distance footpath in Turkey around part of the coast of ancient Lycia. It is approximately 335 miles (540 km) long and stretches from Ölüdeniz, near Fethiye, to Geyikbayırı, about 20 kilometers from Antalya. It is waymarked with red and white stripes.
Ancient Patara
Patara (Lycian: Pttara), is situated on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey near the modern small town of Gelemiş, in the Antalya Province. It is the birth place of St. Nicholas, who lived most of his life in the nearby town of Myra (Demre). Patara is said to have been founded by Patarus, a son of Apollo. In antiquity, it was a flourishing maritime and commercial city on the south-west coast of Lycia on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Patara was situated at a distance of 60 stadia to the southeast of the mouth of the river Xanthos. It was noted in antiquity for its temple and oracle of Apollo, second only to that of Delphi. Nicholas of Myra was born at Patara in ca. 300. The name Patara is still attached to the numerous ruins of the city. These consist of a theatre excavated in the northern side of a small hill, a ruined temple on the side of the same hill, and a deep circular pit, which may have been the seat of the oracle. The town walls surrounded an area of considerable extent; they may easily be traced, as well as the situation of a castle which commanded the harbour, and of several towers which flanked the walls. On the outside of the walls there is a multitude of stone sarcophagi, most of them bearing inscriptions, but all open and empty; and within the walls, temples, altars, pedestals, and fragments of sculpture appear in profusion, but ruined and mutilated. The situation of the harbour is still apparent, but it is a swamp, choked up with sand and bushes.
Tag 6: Myra, Andriake, Kas und Patara Stephanberlin's photos around Patara, Turkey (kas patara)
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Entry from: Patara, Turkey
Entry Title: Tag 6: Myra, Andriake, Kas und Patara
Hinter dem schönen Amphitheater von Myra, vorbei an uralten Felsengräbern, klettern wir früh am Karfreitagmorgen ein ausgewaschenes Bachbett hinauf, über Stock und Stein und durch Gestrüpp, um hoch oben von der Akropolis eine tolle Aussicht über die Küstenebene zu genießen, die hier fast weiß ist von den Dächern all der Gewächshäuser in denen köstliche Tomaten und Gurken gezogen werden. Dazwischen wachsen Orangen und Zitronen, wo man jetzt die reifen Früchte pflücken kann und gleichzeitig an den süßlich duftenden Blüten riechen. In der Ferne lässt sich das Museum mit der kleinen spätantike Kirche erkennen, in der der heilige Nikolaus begraben und verehrt wurde, ehe die kostbaren Gebeine geraubt und nach Bari verschleppt wurden, vor über 1000 Jahren. Von hier aus ging die Legende um die Welt und vermischte sich mit anderen, bis sie zu einem Schokoladen-Osterhasen wurde.
Beim nahen antiken Andriake kann man hübsch am Strand entlang spazieren, bis zu einer Flussmündung, bei der der lykische Wanderweg auf einem wackligen Steg herüberquert. Eine mehrtägige Wanderung hier ist sicher auch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Nach einem Bad Im kalten Fluss durchstreifen wir die spärlichen antiken Ruinen in den Dünen und bewundern die zahllosen Ausflugsschiffen die im Sommer Tagesgäste auf die nahe Insel Kekova schippern.
Wir fahren weiter, über die Berge nach Kas, wo ein hübsch gelegenes kleines Amphitheater auf die Besteigung und ein netter kleiner Hafenort ohne Strand auf die Erkundung warten. Immer am Meer entlang geht es weiter nach Westen. Der unwiderstehliche Traumstrand von Kapitas in einer kleinen Bucht unterhalb der Küstenstrasse lädt erneut zum Baden, im türkisfarbenen glasklaren Wasser.
Kalkan ist ein hübscher Ferienort mit Hafen, Kiesstrand, vielen kleinen Läden und sympathischen Restaurants, wo man sicher gut übernachten könnte, aber uns zieht es noch eins weiter, ins nahe Dorf Patara. Der Abendspaziergang dort, am endlosen einsamen Sandstrand, der Sonnenuntergang am wunderbaren Amphitheater und das Spiel der Reflexionen an der halb im Grundwasser versunkenen ehemaligen Hafenstrasse, an der die Frösche quaken, zur einbrechenden Dunkelheit, gehören zu den zauberhaftesten Erlebnissen der ganzen Reise. In der Golden Pension an der Dorfstrasse werden wir freundlich empfangen und gut bekocht und schlafen fest, unter dem Moskitonetz.
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Photos from this trip:
1. Schattenspiel mit antiken Trümmern
2. Myra hat eines der schönsten Amphitheater
3. Myra - Felsgräber am Theater
4. Gewächshaus-Landschaften
5. Myra - Blick von der Akropolis
6. Köstliche Tomaten
7. Myra - Nikolauskirche
8. Lykische Gräber am Strassenrand
9. Fichernetze am Hafen
10. Amphitheater am Meer
11. Traumstrand
12. Baden im April
13. Strand bei Patara
14. Patara - Blick vom Theater
15. Patara - an der Hafenstrasse
16. Reflexion in den Ruinen
17. Mit einer Distel
18. Sonnenuntergang
19. Naturschauspiel pur
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Patara Prince Hotel & Resort Complex and Villas - KALKAN (Turkey)
Turkey Homes are extremely proud to possess the exclusive right to present this KALKAN property investment opportunity, “three luxury villas and one guest apartment located in the KISLA area of the town, in the exclusive “5 STAR” Patara Prince Hotel and Resort Complex.
Kalkan is a beautiful seaside holiday resort that sits on the stunning south-western coastline of Turkey. A town built around a bay rather like an amphitheatre with many homes enjoying stunning views across the bay.
The town does rely hugely on tourism for its income, however, it has so far not been spoilt by mass tourism and has kept much of its natural charm and outstanding beauty.
The local people strive hard to keep the charm of the town and you can be assured of a warm welcome from all the locals whether it be in passing on the street or in one of the many bars and restaurants. - Your Property and Lifestyle Experts for Turkey
Day 4 Ancient City of Patara on the Lycian Trail
I must apologize for this noisy video; it was so windy, nothing would have helped the sound quality. The Lycian Way hike continued from the Roman Aqueduct over the hills and down to the ruins of Patara.
The ancient city of Patara is one of the oldest and most important cities of Lycia. According to Hittite writings from the Thirteenth Century B.C., it was called Patar and was the only place on the Xanthos valley with access to the sea which became silted up through centuries.
Later ruled by Rome, visitors can walk around the interestings ruins of tombs, baths, theaters, cisterns and more, each with detailed boards giving information. However, I was on a hunt for the brothel; every self-respecting Roman city had a brothel, indicated by the unmistakable phallic symbol pointing the way. At magnificent Ephesus, many symbols pointed the way from the sea to the brothel entrance. And yes, we did find the brothel!
2011 Episode 20 Turkey: Euromos Fethiye Patara Latoon Tloss Saklikent Kalkan Myra
A visit to some ancient cities in Turkey
Dikmen in Patara
After pondering the ancient ruins of Patara I visited the beach to relax and cool down. Sharing bottle of Dikmen with a friend made it even better.
Amphitheater at Patara
No potential danger here!
Full Walk of Myra örenyeri demre Turkey ABANDONED URBEX Tombs & Amphitheater HD
Demre is a town and its surrounding district in the #Antalya Province on the Mediterranean coast of #Turkey, named after the river Demre.
Demre is the Lycian town of #Myra, the home of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the historical man later developed into the figure of Santa Claus. The district was known as Kale until it was renamed in 2005. A substantial Christian community of Greeks lived in Demre (Myra) until the 1920s when they were forced to migrate to Greece after the Population exchange between Greece and Turkey.[4] The abandoned Greek villages in the region are a striking reminder of this exodus. Abandoned Greek houses can still be seen at Demre and the regions of Kalkan, Kaş and Kaya which is a Greek ghost town.[4] A small population of Turkish farmers moved into the region when the Greek Christians were forced to migrate to Greece.[4] The region is popular with tourists today particularly Christian pilgrims who visit the tomb of Saint Nicholas.
ull Walk of St Nicholas (Santa Claus) of Myra Church, Demre ancient Byzantine Church Turkey
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Amphitheater of Lost City Myra (Turkey)
Myra is an ancient town in Lycia (Turkey), where the small town of Kale (Demre) is situated today in present day Antalya Province of Turkey. This Video shows the amphitheater of the lost city Myra.
Patara ruins
Amphitheater by the beach
Patara Antik Tiyatro da Akustik Denemesi
Sadece akustik denemesiydi,
gerçekten kötü bi niyetim yoktu :)
Patara Ancient Theatre Ruin
Recorded on October 11, 2013 using a Flip Video camera.
Türkei-Tour 1995 (Teil 10): Patara - Myra
Anno 1995 unternahmen wir - zwei kunst- und kulturinteressierte Freunde - eine ausgiebige (Auto-)Tour zu den Kunstschätzen des westlichen Teils der Türkei - beginnend in Istanbul, entlang der West- und Südküste, dann ab Alanya nordwärts durch das Taurus-Gebirge über Konya nach Kappadokien und mit dem Schlusspunkt Ankara. Setz Dich zu uns, fahr einfach mit und schau, was wir an Impressionen eingesammelt haben...