Look Inside Jama Pekel (Hell Cave) in Slovenia
Take a quick peak into the Hell Cave — thought to be the residence of the Devil himself — in Slovenia. Jama Pekel cave is nicknamed the Hell Cave because of the shape of the opening and the streams of steam that pours from the entrance at certain times of the year.
Read about a visit to Jama Pekel, with tips on when to go, how much, and why visit:
The Pekel Jama is a well-known karst cave near the settlement of Zalog pri Šempetrui in Slovenia, and is a series of underground caves right inside the karst rock. The cave is a tad creepy when you wander through the 3-million-year-old chambers, all dimly lit and eerily silent.
Should you visit Pekel Jama cave? Absolutely. It has a fascinating history and a lot to see, too. The cave is so old that they have found the bones of neanderthals inside — proving that it was used for shelter in the earliest days of civilization. Having visited the cave on a week-day, we were, quite literally, the only people there for a visit. Once we paid, the tour guide brought our small group inside and took us on a personalized tour of the caves, answering questions and telling stories and facts, with fun names for some of the more unique formations inside Jama Pekel.
Božična skrivnost v jami Pekel
Žive jaslice in glasba v podzemni jami v Savinjski dolini. Tradicionalno prireditev vsako leto 25. in 26. decembra organizira Turistično društvo Šempeter v Savinjski dolini.
Christmas Story in Cave Pekel (live presentation and music performances)
Experience the magic of the Christmas story in the wonderful underground world - in cave Pekel by Šempeter in the Savinja Valley.
Velika Pirešica - Šempeter v Savinjski dolini with Yamaha TDM 900
20.avgust 2011
Velika Otvoritev novega prostora v Šempetru!!!
Nov ambient,poslušna glasba,zabava s plesom***
@MAIL - minibar2011@hotmail.com
Robert Smodej - Posnetki Savinje iz Šempetra v Savinjski dolini 25. 12. 2009 ob 14.30
Posnetki Savinje iz Šempetra v Savinjski dolini
25. 12. 2009 ob 14.30
by Robert Smodej
Funny Cool Firefighters - Pgd Šempeter v Savinjski dolini
Obiščite nas tudi na naši spletni strani pgd-sempetervsd.si.Predstavljamo vam nekaj utrinkov iz gasilskega življenja in gasilskih tekmovanj. Člani PGD Šempeter, ki smo z vami vedno, ko nas potrebujete.
New Project 1
Predstavitev Občine Prebold - www.obcinaprebold.si
Kilometer proti jugu od izvoza Šempeter ali Šentrupert v Savinjski dolini z avtoceste Maribor - Koper leži kraj, idealen za vse, ki želijo pobegniti od stresnega vsakdana in se sprostiti v podeželskem raju. Tam, kjer se končajo širjave, kjer se poleti bohotijo nasadi hmelja ter pisana polja, med katerimi žubori rečica Bolska, leži Prebold, katerega prve poselitve segajo v srednji vek, ko je bil Prebold še last žovneških gospodov. Občini Prebold je uspelo zadržati povezanost neokrnjene narave s prijaznostjo domačinov in bogato kulturo, prepleteno s skrivnostnim pridihom preteklosti, kar z gostoljubnostjo danes tvori biser podeželja.
Občina Prebold, Hmeljarska cesta 3, 3312 Prebold, Slovenija Tel.: 03/70 36 400, Fax: 03/70 36 405 © Copyright 2011-2012 Občina Prebold
73 vprašanj, Polona Ramšak
OŠ Šempeter v Sav. dolini, 73 vprašanj, Polona Ramšak, Naša misel, David Dolenc
Hail in Celje
Storm with hail in Celje, Slovenia.