Pelplin. Bazylika Katedralna Wniebowzięcia NMP. Pelplin Abbey.
Pelplin Abbey (Latin: Polplinum) is a former Cistercian abbey, located in Pelplin, Poland, to the south of Gdańsk.
It was founded in 1258 by Sambor II, Duke of Pomerania, as Samboria, and was a daughter house of the Cistercian Doberan Abbey. It was first sited in Pogódki (Pogutken) near Kościerzyna (Berent) and re-located in 1276 to Pelplin. By decree of the Prussian government of 5 March 1823 it was dissolved. Since 1824 the church, as Pelpin Cathedral, has been the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin.
Ave Maria Bacha-Gounoda, Cacciniego, Saint-Saensa i Mozarta gra na skrzypcach Wojciech Czemplik.
Outside Pelplin Abbey in Pelplin Poland August 2016
St Josephs Church Pelplin Poland August 2016
Pelplin - Afryce TV-Pelplin HD
Dnia 15 sierpnia 2016 roku w Pelplinie, odpust Najświętszej Maryi Panny także Dzień Świętego Bernarda. Brat Tomasz na stoisku misyjnym, będzie opowiadał o misjach w Afryce. Będzie można nabyć kawę Cardinale Massaia. Całkowity dochód ze sprzedaży kawy będzie przekazany na misje w Afryce.
Bloody Autumn in Pelplin 1939
The video presents terryfying German terror imposed on the Polish community in the Pomerania District after German invasion of Poland in 1939. The events in Pelplin, known as the Bloody Autumn, are unforgettable account of human hatred while waging a war. Learn more and please share.
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Pelplin Miasto z Duszą NO AUDIO
Aivars Kalējs – Solitudinem faciunt
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Dr. Cristiano (Kris) Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at Pelplin Cathedral as part of the 20th International Organ Music Festival in Pelplin, Poland.
Bazylika Katedralna Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny.
XX Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Organowej w Katedrze w Pelplinie.
Organ specifications ➝
Aivars Kalējs (b. 1951) – Solitudinem faciunt
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
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Having performed in North America, Europe and South America, Latvian Brazilian Dr. Cristiano Rizzotto (Kris Rizzotto) is an active recitalist who frequently performs the works of contemporary composers. Cristiano is the Organist & Choirmaster at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, and the Director of the Good Shepherd International Concert Series. Dr. Rizzotto became a published composer after Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in 2014.
Cristiano was named a member of The Diapason‘s 20 Under 30 Class of 2017. Dr. Rizzotto was previously the titular organist at the Benedictine Abbey of Rio de Janeiro, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
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The International Organ Music Festival in Pelplin had its predecessor in the Pelplin Chamber Concerts series that was run in the Pelplin Cathedral by the local cultural centre and the Diocesan Curia from 1992. The Concerts were strictly local and the performers predominantly Polish.
After the main organ inside the Cathedral had been renovated in 1999, the first edition of the International Organ Music Festival was held. From the very start the Festival became one of major cultural events of its kind in Poland and the biggest and only such event in the Kociewie region and this part of the Pomorskie province – the nearest philharmonic hall is in Gdansk, some 70 km away. Until now the Festival has been managed by Gedymin Grubba, except for the years 2001-03, when Leszek Mateusz Gorecki was the director.
In the meantime the Festival has expanded its artistic agenda, grown the number of concerts and changed its character and rank. Musicians from all over Europe and the world have started to appear side by side with Polish colleagues, and chamber, choral and symphony concerts have been added to organ performances. As a result, the Festival now meets the criteria of a summer philharmonic.
A number of Festival concerts have turned into significant regional cultural events. The scope of the project has made it very popular with the audiences and the media, and the organizers now include the Pelplin Diocesan Curia, Cathedral Parish, Commune and Town Office and Municipal and Communal Cultural, Sports and Recreational Centre.
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The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption or Pelplin Abbey (Latin: Polplinum) is a former Cistercian abbey, located in Pelplin, Poland, to the south of Gdańsk. Pelplin Abbey It was founded in 1258 by Sambor II, Duke of Pomerania, as Samboria, and was a daughter house of the Cistercian Doberan Abbey. It was first sited in Pogódki (Pogutken) near Kościerzyna (Berent) and re-located in 1276 to Pelplin. By decree of the Prussian government of 5 March 1823 it was dissolved. Since 1824 the church, as Pelplin Cathedral, has been the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin.
XIX Festiwal Muzyki Organowej - Pelplin
Pelplin - dziękczynienie za pontyfikat Benedykta XVI
Pelplin - dziękczynienie za pontyfikat Benedykta XVI
Katedra pelplińska 10.03.2013
My Room 9 at Hotel nad Wierzycą in Pelplin Poland August 2016
Muzeum Diecezjalne Part 1 Pelplin Poland August 2016
Potential Marshrutky Minibus from Pelplin to Tchew Poland August 2016
Pelplin - 3 maja 2019 r.
Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja.
Aivars Kalējs – Introdukcija un Pastorāle 'Kas ļaujas Debestēva rokās'
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Dr. Cristiano (Kris) Rizzotto, organ
Recorded live in concert at Pelplin Cathedral as part of the 20th International Organ Music Festival in Pelplin, Poland.
Bazylika Katedralna Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny.
XX Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Organowej w Katedrze w Pelplinie.
Organ specifications ➝
Aivars Kalējs (b. 1951) – Introdukcija un Pastorāle 'Kas ļaujas Debestēva rokās', Korāļsonāte, Opus 77
Aivars Kalējs (b. 1951) – Introduction and Pastorale “He Who Yields Before the Hands of God in Heaven” from Chorale Sonata, Opus 77
Videos like these take many days to make and hours of very focused attention, as well as expensive equipment. Please consider supporting the production of more high quality recordings like this by donating to my YouTube channel using either of the two PayPal links below:
Thank you!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Having performed in North America, Europe and South America, Latvian Brazilian Dr. Cristiano Rizzotto (Kris Rizzotto) is an active recitalist who frequently performs the works of contemporary composers. Cristiano is the Organist & Choirmaster at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, and the Director of the Good Shepherd International Concert Series. Dr. Rizzotto became a published composer after Toccata was released by Wayne Leupold Editions in 2014.
Cristiano was named a member of The Diapason‘s 20 Under 30 Class of 2017. Dr. Rizzotto was previously the titular organist at the Benedictine Abbey of Rio de Janeiro, owner of one of the oldest organs in South America and where the monks have kept the tradition of the chants and liturgy alive since the 16th century.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The International Organ Music Festival in Pelplin had its predecessor in the Pelplin Chamber Concerts series that was run in the Pelplin Cathedral by the local cultural centre and the Diocesan Curia from 1992. The Concerts were strictly local and the performers predominantly Polish.
After the main organ inside the Cathedral had been renovated in 1999, the first edition of the International Organ Music Festival was held. From the very start the Festival became one of major cultural events of its kind in Poland and the biggest and only such event in the Kociewie region and this part of the Pomorskie province – the nearest philharmonic hall is in Gdansk, some 70 km away. Until now the Festival has been managed by Gedymin Grubba, except for the years 2001-03, when Leszek Mateusz Gorecki was the director.
In the meantime the Festival has expanded its artistic agenda, grown the number of concerts and changed its character and rank. Musicians from all over Europe and the world have started to appear side by side with Polish colleagues, and chamber, choral and symphony concerts have been added to organ performances. As a result, the Festival now meets the criteria of a summer philharmonic.
A number of Festival concerts have turned into significant regional cultural events. The scope of the project has made it very popular with the audiences and the media, and the organizers now include the Pelplin Diocesan Curia, Cathedral Parish, Commune and Town Office and Municipal and Communal Cultural, Sports and Recreational Centre.
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The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption or Pelplin Abbey (Latin: Polplinum) is a former Cistercian abbey, located in Pelplin, Poland, to the south of Gdańsk. Pelplin Abbey It was founded in 1258 by Sambor II, Duke of Pomerania, as Samboria, and was a daughter house of the Cistercian Doberan Abbey. It was first sited in Pogódki (Pogutken) near Kościerzyna (Berent) and re-located in 1276 to Pelplin. By decree of the Prussian government of 5 March 1823 it was dissolved. Since 1824 the church, as Pelplin Cathedral, has been the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin.
Noc Muzeów Pelplin -2016 TV-Pelplin HD
Dawne opactwo cysterskie w Pelplinie ponownie otworzyło swoje wrota dla wszystkich zainteresowanych podczas Nocy Muzeów – 14.05.2016.
Dyrektor Diecezjalnego Centrum Informacji Alicja Słyszewska uroczyście powitała wszystkich uczestników chętnych poznania na nowo piękna dawnego Opactwa Cysterskiego.
Wydarzenie cieszyło się dużym zainteresowaniem mieszkańców jak i przybyłych turystów.
Outside Hotel nad Wierzycą in Pelplin Poland August 2016
Msza krzyżma w Bazylice katedralnej w Pelplinie 21 04 2011 cz 2
Spacer po Katedrze w Pelplinie...
Zapraszam na krótki spacer po tej wspaniałej budowli. Obecnie gotycki kościół, pierwotnie świątynia klasztoru Cystersów.
Jest to dawny zespół klasztorny, którego główną częścią jest katedra, jest rdzeniem obecnego miasta Pelplina. W 1258 książę Mszczuj II sprowadził z Doberanu Cystersów do pobliskich Pogódek, a następnie w 1276 konwent został przeniesiony do Pelplina. Pierwotny niewielki kompleks budynków zastąpiono w XIV wieku obecnym, monumentalnym założeniem.
Budowa opactwa rozpoczęła się w II ćwierci XIV wieku, trwała do około 1400 roku. Oprócz zabudowań skupionych wokół wirydarza w części zachodniej kompleksu wzniesiono zabudowania gospodarcze z browarem, w części wschodniej wzniesiono niewielki kościół Bożego Ciała. W XVII i XVIII nastąpiła gruntowna barokizacja świątyni; otrzymała bogaty wystrój ołtarze, organy i ambonę. W 1823 miała miejsce kasata zakonu, a rok późnej ustanowiono diecezję pelplińską.
Wyposażenie: 23 ołtarze, z których główny uznawany jest za najwyższy w tej części Europy (25,5m) z obrazami Hermana Hana - „Koronacja Maryi Panny” i „Wizja św. Bernarda”, w ołtarzu bocznym - ”Wniebowzięcie NMP”, tajemniczy z artystycznym wyrazem, nastrojowy nokturn o silnych światłocieniowych kontrastach w typie rembrandtowskim - „Pokłon pasterzy” (w predelli). Z najstarszego wystroju kościoła zachowały się: niewielki fragment polichromii przedstawiający Świętego Krzysztofa, freski neogotyckie projektu Fryderyka Stummela, wykonane zostały przez autora
i jego uczniów.
Artexflow - Feeling Good
Dominus Illuminatio Mea
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Drive in Poland - villages - Kociewie region/ Поездка в Польшу - деревни / Fahrt in Polen - Dörfer
Starting in Pelplin, then driving through Kociewian villages (Northern Poland - Pomerania)
Wikipedia quote: Pelplin pronounced [ˈpɛlplʲin] is a town in Tczew County, Pomeranian Voivodship, Poland. Population: 8,320 (2009). The former Pelplin Abbey is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelplin, and the abbey church is now Pelplin Cathedral.
It is home to one of the finest collections of medieval art in Poland held at the Diocesan Museum in Pelplin.
Wikipedia quote: Kociewie is an ethnocultural region in the eastern part of Tuchola Forest, in northern Poland, Pomerania, south of Gdańsk. Its cultural capital is Starogard Gdański, and the biggest town is Tczew. The region has about 250,000 inhabitants. It has well-developed industry and agriculture.
Vožnja u Poljskoj - sela
Вожња у Пољској - села
Поездка в Польшу - деревни
Паездка ў Польшчу - вёскі
Поїздка в Польщу - села
Cesta v Poľsku - dediny
გამგზავრება პოლონეთში - სოფლები
Польшада жүру - ауылдар
Vairuoti Lenkijoje - kaimai
Conduce în Polonia - sate
Conducir en Polonia - pueblos
Dirija na Polônia - vilas
Conduire en Pologne - villages
Rijden in Polen - dorpen
Kör i Polen - byar
Kjør i Polen - landsbyer
在波兰开车 - 村庄
ポーランドのドライブ - 村
पोलैंड में ड्राइव - गांवों
Roads in Poland / Дороги у Польщі / Дороги в Польше / Дарогі ў Польшчы / Silnice v Polsku / Cesty v Poľsku / Ceste u Poljskoj / Путеви у Пољској / Пътища в Полша / Drumuri în Polonia / Carreteras en Polonia / Estradas na Polônia / Strade in Polonia / Routes en Pologne / Δρόμοι στην Πολωνία / Polonya'daki yollar / पोलैंड में सड़कें / ਪੋਲੈਂਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੜਕਾਂ / पोल्याण्डमा सडक / 在波兰的道路 /ポーランドの道路 / Straßen in Polen / Vägar i Polen / Veier i Polen / Wegen in Polen / Teed Poolas / Ceļi Polijā / Keliai Lenkijoje / Utak Lengyelországban /폴란드의 도로/ Tie Puolassa /
Driving through Polish villages - Проезд через польские деревни - Праязджаючы польскіх вёсак - Проїжджаючи по польським селам - Jízda po polských vesnicích - Prechádzanie poľskými dedinami - Mazúria Vožnja po poljskim selima - Vožnja po poljskih vasi - Шофиране през полските села - Conducerea prin satele poloneze - Conducir a través de pueblos polacos - Condução através das aldeias polacas - Traverser des villages polonais - Guida attraverso villaggi polacchi - Fahrt durch polnische Dörfer - Rijden door Poolse dorpen - Kör genom polska byar - Kørsel gennem polske landsbyer - Kjører gjennom polske landsbyer - पोलिश गांवों के माध्यम से ड्राइविंग - पोलिश गाँउहरु मा ड्राइभिङ्ग गर्दै - ポーランドの村を駆け抜ける - 开车穿过波兰的村庄 - ਪੋਲਿਸ਼ ਪਿੰਡਾਂ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਚਲਾਉਣਾ - ਮਸੂਰੀਆ პოლონეთის სოფლების გავლით - Οδήγηση μέσω πολωνικών χωριών - Polonya köyleri ile sürüş
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Beer in Klimat Pub Only Bar in Pelplin Poland August 2016