VLOG TRAVEL to Penataran Temple Blitar East Java Indonesia
Upgrading the temple, is a temple of Hindu background who have been there since the Kediri kingdom and used until the era of the Majapahit kingdom.
Upgrading temple complex is the largest temple complex in East Java and located in the southwest slopes of Mount Kelud. Situated at an altitude of 450 m above sea level, the temple complex is located in the village Penataran Panataran, Nglegok subdistrict, Blitar.
Upgrading temple discovered in 1815, and has not been known until 1850. This temple complex was discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was Lieutenant Governor-General in the British colonial period in Indonesia at that time.
Raffles, together with an expert Dr.Horsfield a visit to the Natural Sciences Penataran, and the results of his visit is recorded in a book entitled History of Java which was published in two volumes. Raffles trail is later followed by other researchers, namely: J.Crawfurd a resident assistant in Yogyakarta, then Van Meeteren Brouwer (1828), Junghun (1884), Jonathan Rigg (1848) and NWHoepermans which in 1886 held in the complex inventory Panataran temple.
The original name of the temple is a temple believed Penataran Palah called in the inscriptions Palah, and built in 1194 by King Çrnga (Syrenggra) the title Sri Maharaja Sri Sarweqwara Triwikramawataranindita Çrengalancana Digwijayottungadewa. Kediri Çrnga king reigned between the years 1190 - 1200, as the temple mount for a worship ceremony in order to neutralize or avoid the danger caused by the frequent Kelud erupted.
Penataran Temple - Blitar, East Java
Penataran Temple
Penataran is the largest and the most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers at north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends. Among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also, the water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
Penataran Temple - Blitar - East Java
Penataran is the largest and most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends, among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
Penataran Temple - Blitar
Penataran Temple
Penataran is the largest and most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends, among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
Candi Penataran Blitar Jawatimur di sore hari • Beauty of Penataran Temple at East Java Indonesia
Beberapa tempat wisata yang populer di Blitar sangatlah banyak.
Salah satunya adalah Candi Penataran ini, yang merupakan peninggalan kejayaan kerajaan di Jawa Timur.
Inilah salah satu bukti Keindahan candi Penataran yang berada di Blitar, Jawatimur, Indonesia di sore hari.
Penataran Temple Blitar
Penataran Temple
Penataran Temple begitu megahnya peningalan candi penataran yang berada di kota Blitar, bangunan candi sampai sekarang menjadi bukti bahwa dulu kita pernah menjadi kerajaan yang besar
sekarang candi penataran menjadi situs cagar budaya
Penataran Historical Temple - Blitar - East Java
Penataran is the largest and most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends, among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
Candi Penataran (Penataran Temple) Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Penataran Temple, The Most Important Temple At Majapahit Reign
Penataran Temple
Penataran is the largest and the most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers at north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends. Among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also, the water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
Penataran Museum - Blitar
Penataran is the largest and most important Hindu temple complex in East Java. It lies just 10 Kilometers north of Blitar on the lower slopes of Mt. Kelud. It had said that this temple was dedicated to the Siva and use for at least three hundred years, from the 12th to 15th centuries. Most of the buildings, which can be seen today, however, were constructed during Majapahit's golden century.
The layout of the temple is similar to that found in the Balinese Pura today. A number of small buildings are scattered within a sacred, walled enclosure, with the largest and most important temple at the rear of the complex, Hindu legends, among them the Ramayana epic, are carved in relief on the temple walls and terrace foundations.
Penataran tourism is the supporting tourism area near the Penataran Temple. In this area, we can find swimming pools for adult and children, also water bike pool, artificial lake and children playground.
What's up gengs
Enjoy our vlog at penataran temple!
Present by:
Agatha adelia /01
Della ardhelya /12
Devi yuli/ 13
Kurnia indah/22
Putri yeriska/28
penataran temple by ifa
candi penataran blitar jawa timur indonesia
Penataran or Panataran (Indonesian: Candi Penataran) is one of the largest Hindu temple ruins complex in East Java, Indonesia. It is located roughly 12 km northeast of Blitar, with the closest airport being farther away at Malang. Believed to have been constructed between the 12th century to the 15th century, the temple played a significant role in the Majapahit Kingdom, especially under King Hayam Wuruk.He considered his favorite sanctuary.Penataran dates from the Kediri era.
Candi Panataran is a Shiva (Siwa) temple. It is notable for including one the largest Indonesian collection of reliefs showing life stories of Hindu god Vishnu in different avatars. In particular, the temple site include the Rama story in the Javanese version of the epic Ramayana, as well Krishna story as depicted Triguna's Krishnayana epic poem.Comparative studies of reliefs related to Hindu epics at Penataran and Prambanan temple (Yogyakarta) complexes have attracted the attention of archaeologists.
World Heritage status Edit
The dated temple in the Penataran complex
This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on October 19, 1995 in the Cultural category. This temple was identified in Nagarakretagama as Palah temple and reported being visited by King Hayam Wuruk during his royal tour across East Java. The site is being considered to be put on the World Heritage list of sites that have outstanding universal value to the world.
Candi Penataran atau Candi Panataran atau nama aslinya adalah Candi Palah adalah sebuah gugusan candi bersifat keagamaan Hindu Siwaitis yang terletak di Desa Penataran, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Candi termegah dan terluas di Jawa Timur ini terletak di lereng barat daya Gunung Kelud, di sebelah utara Blitar, pada ketinggian 450 meter di atas permukaan laut. Dari prasasti yang tersimpan di bagian candi diperkirakan candi ini dibangun pada masa Raja Srengga dari Kerajaan Kadiri sekitar tahun 1200 Masehi dan berlanjut digunakan sampai masa pemerintahan Wikramawardhana, Raja Kerajaan Majapahit sekitar tahun 1415.
Candi Panataran
RA 34200116.JPG
Kompleks Candi Penataran: Candi Candra Sengkala, dengan Candi Naga dan Candi Utama di belakangnya.
Candi Penataran is located in Indonesia Candi Penataran
Lokasi di Pulau Indonesia
Informasi umum
Gaya arsitektur
Desa Penataran, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur.
8°00′57″LS 112°12′33″BT / 8,015833°LS 112,209167°BT
Awal konstruksi
Sekitar 1200 Masehi
Terus ditambah dan digunakan hingga 1415 Masehi
Detail teknis
Sistem struktur
Candi dan teras berundak dari susunan blok batu andesit yang saling mengunci
Dalam kitab Desawarnana atau Nagarakretagama yang ditulis pada tahun 1365, Candi ini disebut sebagai bangunan suci Palah yang dikunjungi Raja Hayam Wuruk dalam perjalanan kerajaan bertamasya keliling Jawa Timur.
Pada tahun 1995 candi ini diajukan sebagai calon Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO dalam daftar tentatifnya.
Penataran Temple - Averting the Wrath of Mt Kelud (EN)
Penataran Temple, the largest temple complex in East Java is located in the southwest slopes of Mount Kelud, about 12 kilometer north of the city of Blitar. The condition of this temple and its reliefs is still relatively good. This temple holds a lot of mystery. For example, the dvarapala statues at the entrance is similar to the Mayan guard statue in South America. There is also a stone carving resembling a cactus, which only exists in The Americas. Soldiers with a strange fashion, like the Aztecs or Maya, is also carved in the temple that was built during the Kadiri era.
Part of the Kompas Ring of Fire Expedition 2011.
by Septa Inigopatria, Pietter Buyung Khristianto.
Penataran temple
Candi penataran, kabupaten Blitar
PESONA KOTAKU Candi Penataran (Palah) Blitar
Candi Penataran yg bernama lain Candi PALAH didirikan 1200 Masehi, bertempat di Ds. Penataran Kec. Nglegok Juga menyimpan sejuta Sejarah Bagi Kota Blitar
Title : ARFAS - Prasasti
Genre : rock metal
Duration : 07:24
Source : SoundCloud
File Format : Audio MP3
Tags : Arfas, Prasasti,
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Info Destinasi:
Nanda Wahyu K (Mr.Big59)
Wa / Tlp : 085645827387
Melihat Candi Penataran Blitar Dari Udara [ Video Drone Wisata Blitar ]
Tempat wisata di Blitar nggak cuma pantai saja lho. Ada wisata sejarah di Blitar. Candi Penataran Blitar adalah salah satu yang baru saja saya kunjungi.
Candi Penataran Blitar peninggalan Kerajaan Kadiri ini juga merupakan salah satu tempat wisata gratis di Blitar. Jadi kalau liburan ke Blitar, mampir kesini ya!
My Instagram : instagram.com/catperku
My Travel Blog : catperku.com
Candi Penataran, Menghalau Amarah Kelud
Candi Penataran, kompleks percandian terbesar di Jawa Timur yang terletak di lereng barat daya Gunung Kelud, sekitar 12 kilometer utara kota Blitar. Bangunan dan relief di candi ini relatif masih bagus. Candi ini memiliki banyak hal yang misteri. Misalnya, patung dwarapala di pintu masuk yang mirip dengan kebudayaan suku Maya di Amerika. Ada juga ukiran batu menyerupai kaktus, padahal tanaman ini hanya ada di Amerika. Pasukan dengan busana aneh, mirip suku Aztec atau Maya, juga ada di candi yang dibangun pada masa Kadiri ini. Ekspedisi Cincin Api Kompas - Januari 2012. KOMPAS/Septa Inigopatria, Pietter Buyung Khristianto
DAY 8 | Bung Karno's Grave and Penataran Temple | JAVA ROAD TRIP 2019
Java Road Trip DAY 7. The grave of Indonesia’s founding father, Sukarno or Bung Karno, has become a favorite destination for religious tourists visiting Blitar in East Java over the Idul Fitri holiday.
Although less popular than beaches and recreational parks in the area, the grave remains popular among those who uphold a tradition of ziarah during the religious holiday. Ziarah means visiting places considered to have divine or spiritual inspiration. Usually, people visit the graves of their family members or of public figures.
Penataran or Panataran (Indonesian: Candi Penataran) is one of the largest Hindu temple ruins complex in East Java, Indonesia.[1] It is located roughly 12 km northeast of Blitar, with the closest airport being farther away at Malang. Believed to have been constructed between the 12th century to the 15th century, the temple played a significant role in the Majapahit Kingdom, especially under King Hayam Wuruk. He considered his favorite sanctuary. Penataran dates from the Kediri era.
Candi Panataran is a Shiva (Siwa) temple. It is notable for including one the largest Indonesian collection of reliefs showing life stories of Hindu god Vishnu in different avatars. In particular, the temple site include the Rama story in the Javanese version of the epic Ramayana, as well Krishna story as depicted Triguna's Krishnayana epic poem. Comparative studies of reliefs related to Hindu epics at Penataran and Prambanan temple (Yogyakarta) complexes have attracted the attention of archaeologists
This video was inspired by my favorite youtubers: JKT DELICACY, Jor Dan Di, Presiden Joko Widodo, Indonesia Islands, Edbert Prathama, The Way Overland, Tiyana Jovanovic, Lost LeBlanc, Daftar Populer, Ponco Suhirno, BIG Daddy, Citra Allegro, Driving Series Indonesia, Mike & Ty, Anton Tjitro and MORE. Don't forget to check them out!
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