Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Peninsula of Magdalena
Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Peninsula of Magdalena
The Magdalena Peninsula is a 69-acre peninsula located near the entrance to the Bay of Santander in the city of Santander, Cantabria along the north coast of Spain. The peninsula is a popular recreational destination for both tourists and locals.
The historic Palacio de la Magdalena is located on the peninsula, which along with its surrounding gardens, is designated as a cultural heritage site. Also located on the peninsula is a small zoo, three galleons of the Cantabrian mariner Vital Alsar Ramírez, two beaches and a lighthouse.
The Peninsula of La Magdalena covers an approximate area of 25 hectares. It is one of the topographical projections of the Bay of Santander, the largest estuary in Cantabria. Access to the Peninsula, if it is not by the sea or by the beaches overlooking the Bay, is usually gained via Reina Victoria Avenue and Juan de Borbón Street, which give direct access to entrance of the public park, located to the West of the Peninsula, at its narrowest part. Admission to the enclosure is free from 8 to 22 hours, and cars are not allowed unless they have express authorization. Several footpaths go through the place, which is very accessible, although we must be careful with cliff areas. From the Peninsula we can gain access to the beaches of La Magdalena and Bikini. Its busiest road is the one that surrounds the Peninsula, offering magnificent coastal views.
The southern slope of the Peninsula offers a magnificent panorama of the Bay of Santander, with the terrain of the inner region as a beautiful backdrop. On this side we find two beaches of Santander: La Magdalena Beach, westwards, and Bikini Beach, so-named at the end of the 1950s for being the first place where this garment was seen on the bodies of foreign girls coming to the city as students or tourists. In front of this beach stands the island of La Torre (wrongly called “island of Los Ratones” by some locals), in which is located the Sailing School. When Queen Isabel II visited Santander in 1861, a shop was set up here. It was because of its shape that the place was named for a time “island of La Corona” (The Crown). Very near this rock is the island of La Horadada, an important enclave for the local imaginary given that legend has it that the heads of Holy Martyrs Emeterio and Celedonio went through it on board a stone boat. A few years ago a strong storm brought down the natural rock bridge naming this little island, which houses a small buoy.
Following its uneven perimeter, the Peninsula features several “points” or projections: La Punta del Puerto and La Punta del Higar, eastwards, and La Punta del Caballo and La Palomera, northwards. Almost from the beginning of the isthmus, it gains height until it reaches the peak at the site of the Palace, which is almost completely surrounded by spectacular cliffs.
To the Northeast we can contemplate one of the most important islands in the Cantabrian coast, the island of Mouro. Located a few metres from the beginning of the Bay, housing Cabo Menor Lighthouse, it is a key location for sailors and fishermen. It is also notable for the richness of its natural reserve. The northern part of the Peninsula offers a magnificent view of the cove of El Sardinero up to Cabo Mayor Lighthouse.
( Cantabria - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Cantabria . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Cantabria - Spain
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Royal Palace of La Magdalena, Santander - Spain (HD1080p)
*** Palacio de la Magdalena is a palace located on the Magdalena peninsula of Santander, Cantabria, Spain. It was built between 1909 and 1911 by a popular subscription to the Spanish royal house. Created by architect Javier Gonz?lez Riancho and Gonzalo Bringas Vega, located in the place where the old fort of San Salvador de Hano. ***
Royal Palace of La Magdalena, Santander , May 2016
The Peninsula of La Magdalena covers an approximate area of 25 hectares. It is one of the topographical projections of the Bay of Santander, the largest estuary in Cantabria. Access to the Peninsula, if it is not by the sea or by the beaches overlooking the Bay, is usually gained via Reina Victoria Avenue and Juan de Borbón Street, which give direct access to entrance of the public park, located to the West of the Peninsula, at its narrowest part. Admission to the enclosure is free from 8 to 22 hours, and cars are not allowed unless they have express authorization. Several footpaths go through the place, which is very accessible, although we must be careful with cliff areas. From the Peninsula we can gain access to the beaches of La Magdalena and Bikini. Its busiest road is the one that surrounds the Peninsula, offering magnificent coastal views.
Visit to Palacio De La Magdalena and Santander , Spain
Palacio de la Magdalena. Santander , Cantabria, Spain
Santander, Spain: Palacio de la Magdalena
Explore the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander, Spain.
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Places to see in ( Santander - Spain )
Places to see in ( Santander - Spain )
Santander is the capital of the autonomous community and historical region of Cantabria situated on the north coast of Spain. Located east of Gijón and west of Bilbao. Santander houses the headquarters of multinational bank Banco Santander, and is the location of the founding of the namesake company.
Santander is the capital city of the Cantabria region on Spain’s north coast. The Palacio de la Magdalena, once the royal summer residence, lies at the mouth of the Bay of Santander on the rocky La Magdalena Peninsula. West, the city center is home to the Catedral de Santander, with its octagonal cupola and Gothic cloister. Nearby, the Paseo de Pereda promenade runs along one side of the Jardines de Pereda gardens.Santander is the capital city of the Cantabria region on Spain’s north coast. The Palacio de la Magdalena, once the royal summer residence, lies at the mouth of the Bay of Santander on the rocky La Magdalena Peninsula. West, the city center is home to the Catedral de Santander, with its octagonal cupola and Gothic cloister. Nearby, the Paseo de Pereda promenade runs along one side of the Jardines de Pereda gardens.
The municipality of Santander has included, since 2009, the city of Santander and the urban areas of Cueto, Monte, Peñacastillo, and San Román, places that were once villages but are increasingly being assimilated into the city centre. Santander and these towns have several neighbourhoods that are not separately administered and do not have specified boundaries but some of which do have a certain personality that differentiates them from other areas of the city. Currently the city of Santander is working to adapt the municipality to the law of large cities and thus decentralise power in several districts.
As a service centre at the regional level, Santander contains important public institutions and private organisations with a large number of employees, including Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, the University of Cantabria and Grupo Santander. Activities related to culture, leisure and tourism are an important part of the city's economy, and the regional and municipal authorities look to augment the summer tourist trade with additional offerings, including conventions, conferences, cultural festivals and cruises. Banco Santander, Spain's largest bank and corporation, is headquartered here.
( Santander - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Santander . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Santander - Spain
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Península de la Magdalena Santander
Península de la Magdalena Santander
Los rincones de la península de la Magdalena
Esta vez os presento un vídeo realizado como proyecto de universidad en el que enseñamos la belleza y los rincones que ofrece la peninsula de la Magdalena desde una gran variedad de puntos de vista.
Espero que lo disfrutéis.
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Visita al Palacio de la Magdalena en Santander
en nuestro paso por Santander no puede faltar una visita guiada al Palacio de la Magdalena, un lugar privilegiado y en el que conoceremos no solo una parte de la historia de la ciudad.
SANTANDER Peninsula de la Magdalena CANTABRIA
SANTANDER Península de la Magdalena CANTABRIA
SANTANDER | La Península de La Magdalena y National Geographic
| Hace tiempo National Geographic me publicó a doble página una fotografía aérea de la Península de la Magdalena para ilustrar un reportaje de Santander. No me extraña que fuera así pues este espacio verde cargado de historia es parte imprescindible de una de las bahías más bonitas del mundo.
Ha llegado el otoño para quedarse. Aunque en la costa los árboles caducifolios a penas lo reflejan en hojas en su mayoría verdes yo lo siento con fuerza.
Paseo por la Península de la Magdalena en un día soleado y fresco. No hay viento pero la mar está revuelta con pequeñas olas de espuma blanca. Siempre que visito Santander y tengo algo de tiempo entre reuniones o compromisos me escapo por este saliente de tierra firme que protege en parte a la capital de Cantabria.
Como una tradición repito los mismos sitos y tiempos. Disfruto con los baños de pingüinos y focas grises en aguas frías del Cantábrico para seguido admirar los viajes de Vital Alsar en sus sobrias embarcaciones ancladas en tierra firme. Asciendo entre árboles frondosos hacia el Palacio de la Magdalena, sede histórica de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, y me asomo a la bahía con la isla de Mouro y su faro al fondo. Por último me bajo por un bosquete caducifolio que empieza a tomar un color dorado hasta la idílica playa de la Magdalena. Un broche final con bañistas y gente tomando el sol a finales del mes de octubre.
Para llegar hasta aquí hemos entrado a Santander recorriendo todo el frente marítimo dirección el Sardinero para desviarnos a la derecha por la entrada debidamente señalizada a la Península de la Magdalena. Utilizamos un amplio aparcamiento en la playa del Camello para acceder andando por un pequeño paseo marítimo que nos lleva directamente al parque público. Instalaciones adaptadas a personas con problemas de movilidad, puntos de información y tren turístico, chiringuitos y baños públicos.
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TAGS: península de la magdalena, peninsula de la magdalena, santander, santander cantabria, Santander spain, Santander España, que ver en Santander, Santander espagne, el diario montañes, diario montañes, jaled ibarra, el mundo de jaled
La Peninsula de La Magdalena.Santander.wmv
Península de la Magdalena.
La Península de la Magdalena es un espacio natural de 24.5 hectáreas, situado entre el núcleo urbano y la zona del Sardinero. La cima está coronada por el Palacio Real, obra de los arquitectos González de Riancho y Gonzalo Bringas. Al pie del palacio se encuentran las caballerizas construidas en el año 1920. En este lugar se vienen realizando los cursos de verano de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. En la Magdalena también se encuentra un pequeño zoológico, en el que pueden observarse multitud de especies cono los leones marinos, los pingüinos, las focas y un largo etcétera de especies marinas. Todo se encuentra rodeado de una gran variedad de especies arbóreas El Palacio de la Magdalena fue donado en el año1912 por la ciudad de Santander al rey Alfonso XIII para pasar sus vacaciones veraniegas. Aquí residían los reyes y sus hijos junto a la península de La Magdalena hasta la proclamación de la República. El Palacio mezcla elementos británicos y franceses, fue realizado por los arquitectos Javier González Riancho y Gonzalo Bringas. El Ayuntamiento de Santander cedió en el año1908 el parque de la Magdalena al rey Alfonso XIII y decidió construir un palacio por suscripción popular para que la familia real veranease en la ciudad. En el año 1931 la propiedad pasó al gobierno de la República, creándose al año siguiente la Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, institución que desarrolla allí sus actividades. El Palacio fue construido con piedra de mampostería procedente de Cueto y con cubierta de pizarra. Presenta una planta rectangular con un cuerpo saliente hacia el norte Consta de sótano, planta baja, planta principal, ático y desván. Las fachadas son asimétricas, abundando entrantes y salientes que dan la sensación de varios cuerpos independientes. Dispone de dos entradas principales, una al norte para carruajes, con pórtico, y otra en la fachada sur con escalinata. En su interior predomina la ornamentación de gusto inglés. También forman también parte del conjunto las caballerizas, realizadas en la parte baja de la península en 1918. La península de la Magdalena consta de una extensión aproximada de 28 hectáreas en las que se pueden visitar, el Palacio, las caballerizas, un pequeño zoológico y la balsa y los tres galeones con los que el navegante cántabro Vital Alsar atravesó el Pacífico y el Atlántico.
Superficie = 24,5 hectáreas
Fauna y flora
La península natural de la Magdalena se encuentra frente a la bahía de Santander, en el Mar Cantábrico. Este espacio natural es frecuentado por algunas aves marinas. Es muy numerosa la superficie arbolada. En la Magdalena se encuentra un pequeño zoológico, en el que pueden observarse multitud de especies cono leones marinos, pingüinos, focas y un largo etcétera de especies marinas.
No te lo pierdas
El Palacio de la Magdalena y sus jardines fueron declarados Bien de Interés Cultural en el año 1982.
Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Palacio Real de La Magdalena
Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Palacio Real de La Magdalena
The Palacio de la Magdalena is an early 20th-century palace located on the Magdalena Peninsula of the city of Santander, Cantabria, Spain. Construction of the palace was initiated in 1908 by the local government of Santander for the purpose of providing a seasonal residence for the royal family of Spain. Funding was provided via popular subscription of the local populace.
The design and construction of the Palacio Real de La Magdalena were overseen by architects Javier González de Riancho and Gonzalo Bringas Vega, with construction completed in 1912. King Alfonso XIII and his family first arrived at the Palacio de la Magdalena on August 4, 1913, and returned annually to summer at the palace through 1930. The royal family used the palace as a base for numerous recreational and sporting activities, and the king sometimes also held government meetings at the property. The annual trips ended with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931.
Beginning in 1932, the palace was used to host summer courses through the Menéndez Pelayo International University. In 1977 Don Juan de Borbón sold the palace and the peninsula back to the city of Santander, which had previously given it as a gift to the royal family, for 150 million pesetas. The palace, which was declared an historical monument in 1982 and renovated between 1993 and 1995, continues to be used as a conference and meeting hall today. It is the most visited place in the city of Santander.
The building of Palacio Real de La Magdalena has an eclectic style, combining English, French, and regional styles. It has two entrances, one on the north side for carriages, with a portic, and another to the south, which is the main entrance. The south entrance features two octagonal towers and double staircase tranches. The building is covered with stone masonry slate. The highlight of the interior is the reception rooms, which hold paintings of interest by artists such as Luis Benedito, Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, and Fernando Alvarez Sotomayor.
The stables were designed by Javier González de Riancho. They emulate a medieval English village with sharp roofs of steep slopes and wooden tiles. After summer courses were started, the stables were converted to student dormitories. The palace is also used in external shots for the Spanish TV series Grand Hotel.
( Cantabria - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Cantabria . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Cantabria - Spain
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Santander , Spain
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Santander . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Santander.
If you want Things to do List in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that region also.
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List of Best Things to do in Santander
Peninsula of Magdalena
Playa de El Puntal
Playa Primera de El Sardinero
Museo de Prehistoria y Arqueologia de Cantabria
Parque de Cabo Mayor
Playa de Matalenas
Ermita de la Virgen del Mar
Jardines de Piquio
Palacio Real de La Magdalena
Playa del Camello
KEVIN WEATHERILL, lead voice and writer of the English 80-90s pop band IMMACULATE FOOLS -- now reformed and relocated in Spain -- , performs their song NEVER GIVE LESS THAN EVERYTHING (1987, from their 2nd studio album Dumb Poet) in their concert at the end of the 1st night of this year's MAGDALENA EN VIVO music festival (last year called Los conciertos de La Campa), in the beautiful Magdalena Peninsula in Santander (Cantabria, Spain), next to the beach and to a wonderful view of the bay.
The original formation of the band lasted from 1984 to 1997. After their breakup, Kevin Weatherill reformed the band in 2015 with new members and several formations until the present one. He relocated to Spain in 2016.
I must admit I was not very familiar with their music in the 80s. After hearing them now, I would highlight the strength of the lyrics by Kevin Weatherill. He is a musical poet more than anything, but also has very catchy songs such as Got me by the Heart, Sad or Immaculate Fools, and I also like the folk tones with the violin and the harmonica.
- Campa de la Península de la Magdalena (Magdalena Peninsula Field), Santander, Cantabria, SPAIN. Monday, 22 July 2019 (already Tuesday, the 23rd.), 1:12 am.
MAGDALENA EN VIVO music festival. 1st night performances:
- ELLA BAILA SOLA: 9:15 pm.
KEVIN WEATHERILL, vocalista y escritor principal del grupo inglés de pop IMMACULATE FOOLS -- ahora reformado y residente en España -- , interpreta su canción NEVER GIVE LESS THAN EVERYTHING (1987, de su 2do álbum de estudio Dumb Poet) en su concierto al final de la primera noche del festival de música MAGDALENA EN VIVO de este año (el año pasado se llamó Los conciertos de La Campa), en la hermosa Península de la Magdalena de Santander (Cantabria, España), junto a la playa y a unas maravillosas vistas de la bahía.
La formación original del grupo duró de 1984 a 1997. Después de su separación, Kevin Weatherill reformó el grupo en 2015 con nuevos miembros y varias formaciones hasta la actual. Se mudó a España en 2016.
Debo admitir que no estuve muy familiarizada con su música en los 80. Después de oírles ahora, destacaría la fuerza de las letras de Kevin Weatherill. Es sobre todo un poeta musical, pero también tiene canciones muy pegadizas como Got me by the Heart, Sad o Immaculate Fools, y también me gustan los tonos folk del violín y la armónica.
- Campa de la Península de la Magdalena, Santander, Cantabria, SPAIN. Lunes, 22 de julio de 2019 (ya el martes, 23), 1:12 am.
Festival de música MAGDALENA EN VIVO. Actuaciones de la 1ra noche:
- ELLA BAILA SOLA: 9:15 pm.
Palacio de la Magdalena
Península de la Magdalena, palacio, Santander, Cantabria, dron
Santander: Magdalena Palace
Santander is an elegant city which extends over a wide bay with views of the Cantabrian Sea. Its historic quarter includes a group of majestic buildings, like the Magdalena Palace, which are situated against an incredible natural backdrop of sea and mountains. #visitspain #SpainInDetal