Trubute to VEB Pentacon & Praktica 德國M42相機老祖宗.プラクチカ カメラ wmv
Praktica (プラクチカ-)is a brand of camera manufactured by Pentacon in Dresden in eastern Germany, formerly within the GDR prior to reunification. Pentacon is the modern-day successor to Dresden camera firms such as Zeiss Ikon, and for many years Dresden was the world's largest producer of cameras. Currently Praktica is the only brand sold by the company; previous ones included Zeiss Ikon, Contax (now owned by the Carl Zeiss company), Exakta, Pentacon and many more.
The firm collapsed after German reunification but was resurrected in partnership with Schneider, and produces many products under various brands such as car industry products, 3D LCD screens, and still cameras and lenses under their own Praktica brand and also for more known international brands.
One of the first inventions of the firm, which is still known today, was the roll film SLR camera in 1936. In the east block countries the firm's products are more known than in the western world. They produce both budget lenses (mostly small, not very durable and having slow autofocus but good in optical quality) and higher priced products. They also produce optical equipment for the space programs of the US, Western Europe and the Russian Federation
1887 Richard Hüttig founded the first camera manufacturing company in Dresden.
1896 Zeus-mirror reflex camera with plate magazine as first single-lens reflex camera from Dresden by the company Richard Hüttig & Sohnhe
1933 EXAKTA 4 x 6,5, a small roll-film single-lens reflex camera using 127 film, was introduced by Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & Co.
1935 Contaflex: first 35mm twin-lens reflex camera with interchangeable lens and the first camera with built-in exposure meter was introduced by Zeiss-Ikon AG.
1936 Kine-Exakta: first 35mm single-lens reflex camera introduced by Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & Co.
1945 Heavy destruction of the 'Dresdner Kamerabetriebe' (Camera Manufacturing of Dresden) through aerial bombing on February, 13th/14th 1945
1949 Contax S: first 35mm single-lens reflex camera with built-in pentaprism viewfinder (world novelty), offering unreversed viewfinder image, introduced by MECHANIK Zeiss Ikon VEB, at that time a 'state-owned' company. It also introduced the M42X1mm screw lens mount for interchangeable lenses
The first M42 mount Praktica was built in 1949 by the Company Mechanik Kamera Werkstätten VEB Niedersedlitz which was founded as Kamera-Werkstätten Guthe & Thorsch GmbH 1919 by Benno Thorsch and Paul Guthe in Dresden.
In 1989 the Berlin wall was down; the GDR was no more; and a great name was soon fade into history. The famous Pentacon factory in Dresden was shortly closed and with it, unless something unexpected happens, the end of the Praktica SLR.プラクチカ- カメラ
The last Praktica film camera built by the VEB Pentacon was in 1990 Aug, it was the BX20S
August 9 2014,,my scooter 1500,,
August 9 2014,,my scooter 1500,,
14 bit raw video
ML's raw video test.
REVIEW: Panasonic Lumix GF1
Want to buy one?
This is my review video of the Panasonic LUMIX GF1, easily the most unique camera I've ever had the opportunity to look at. It's similar to a DSLR in that you can change lenses, but the micro four-thirds system doesn't use a pentaprism or mirror, so it's not a DSLR. Panasonic calls it a DILC: Digital Interchangeable Lens Camera. I don't see DILC taking off as a term, but this camera is hot's been selling out everywhere, and Panasonic is struggling to keep up with demand. It uses SD cards and supports SDHC.
The GF1 has a 12.1 megapixel Live MOS sensor (17.3 x 13.0mm in size), capturing JPEG or raw images at a maximum resolution of 4000 x 3000 pixels. It's also capable of 720p video capture (1280 x 720) in either AVCHD Lite or MJPEG formats. It can shoot in burst mode, up to three frames per second.
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Fixing Focus Issues with a Bronica Waist Level Finder
I finally found a solution to my focusing issues with the Bronica SQ.
Watch the Bronica SQ Saga as it unfolded:
Hi, I'm Ed Verosky. This channel is about my on-going adventures in photography, art, and life. Check out some videos, have fun, and definitely connect with me in the comments.
*Affiliate Partnerships. Many of the links I provide to 3rd-party products or services are affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you anything extra to use these links, but if you do, the seller will pay me a small referral fee.
Titans of 6x7: Mamiya RZ67, Pentax 6x7 MLU, Bronica GS-1 compared
Hello, all!
The audio came out low for some reason, so crank the speakers.
In this video I compare the Mamiya RZ67, Pentax 6x7 MLU and Bronica GS-1. I try to illustrate size comparisons/differences to one another and their size relative to me. This isn’t meant to be a user tutorial on each system, though I do discuss each camera’s major components and mention some of the pros and cons to each system both from a technical and subjective perspective.
When I was looking to shoot larger negatives I began doing some research and these three stood out as the titans of the 6x7 format. However, I couldn’t find any images comparing all of them side by side nor could I find any videos that compared them. So, I decided to assemble some basic systems with each and work with them for a few months to see what I liked and didn’t like about each system as well as what stood out to me as benefits, shortcomings and tradeoffs. I finally had some time this week to put together this video with various camera angles to try and help share some of those findings with you.
Sorry, it’s long, but I hope you find this helpful.
NOTE: I'd been doing some research on the 645n prior to this filming as a smaller hand-held option potentially in the future and I had its 1/60th sync speed on my mind apparently. I've added annotations where I thought I remember discussing it in the video, but it's actually only 1/30th on the 6x7. My apologies.
As always, below is a “chapter” breakdown for the video. This is helpful if you are searching for something specific, but very useful should you wish to review it again in the future.
Intro/General Comments: 0:00
Size Measurements: 4:22
Weights: 7:16
Size/Weight Comments: 9:21
Sizes Compared to TLR and 35mm: 11:07
Pentax 6x7: 13:42
Bronica GS-1: 26:23
Mamiya RZ67: 36:15
Final Review/Additional Pros/Cons: 47:12
Helpful Bronica GS-1 system explanation:
There are tons of videos on the other two cameras...
PhotoTechEDU Day 5: Silicon Image Sensors
Google Tech Talks
February 21, 2007
Photographic Technology Day 5: In this session we examine how digital cameras capture images via the interaction of light with silicon in CCD and CMOS image sensors, including sampling and aliasing effects, noise effects, etc.
Google engEDU
Speaker: Dick Lyon
Vou Rifar Meu Coração.wmv
Documentário que trata do imaginário romântico, erótico e afetivo brasileiro a partir da obra dos principais nomes da música popular romântica, também conhecida como brega. Letras de músicas de artistas como Odair José, Agnaldo Timóteo, Waldick Soriano, Evaldo Braga, Nelson Ned, Amado Batista e Wando, entre outros, formam verdadeiras crônicas dos dramas da vida a dois. Em Vou rifar meu coração, os temas destas músicas se relacionam com as histórias da vida amorosa de pessoas comuns, enfrentando o desafio de falar sobre a intimidade de pessoas reais, em situações reais. Além destas pessoas que abrem seus corações e contam suas histórias, o filme tem os depoimentos de Agnaldo Timóteo, Wando, Amado Batista, Lindomar Castilho, Nelson Ned e de Rodrigo Mell, este último representante da nova geração do brega.
UNBOXING: Panasonic LUMIX GF1 [Part 2]
Want to buy one?
This is part two an unboxing and first impressions video of the Panasonic LUMIX GF1, easily the most unique camera I've ever had the opportunity to look at. It's similar to a DSLR in that you can change lenses, but the micro four-thirds system doesn't use a pentaprism or mirror, so it's not a DSLR. Panasonic calls it a DILC: Digital Interchangeable Lens Camera. I don't see DILC taking off as a term, but this camera is hot's been selling out everywhere, and Panasonic is struggling to keep up with demand. It uses SD cards and supports SDHC.
The GF1 has a 12.1 megapixel Live MOS sensor (17.3 x 13.0mm in size), capturing JPEG or raw images at a maximum resolution of 4000 x 3000 pixels. It's also capable of 720p video capture (1280 x 720) in either AVCHD Lite or MJPEG formats. It can shoot in burst mode, up to three frames per second.
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Viewer options for the Bronica ETRS Camera System
Two options that fit the ETRS. I will do a series on the different parts of this camera system. There is a pentaprism without a meter also.
So reinigen Profis ihre Kamera wirklich - Eindlich wird das Geheimnis enthüllt.
-Natürlich ist dies nur ein Aprilscherz und sollte nicht nachgemacht werden! Wasser kann die Kamera beschädigen.
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Kamera: Timothy Edwards
Schnitt: Timothy Edwards
Regie und Produktion: Benjamin Jaworskyj
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#jaworskyj Polfilter 86mm für 100x100mm Filter System SET *➡️
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SONY a6000* ➡️
SAMYANG 12mm* ➡️
Yongnuo 50mm 1.8* ➡️
Tokina 11-16mm 2.8* ➡️
Luminar 3 zum Vorteilspreis! Mit Gutscheincode JAWORSKYJ gibt es 10€ Rabatt auf Luminar 3. Einfach bei Kauf eingeben.* ➡️
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Quando Criança
Documentário sobre a infância de Luigi Turano, Gino, que nasceu na Calábria Itália em 1939, trata de uma história que conecta o texto de Walter Benjamin, Infância em Berlim por volta de 1900, a Infância de Gino e o poema de Peter Handcke Quando a criança era criança.
Max Weber's Theory and History of Capitalism
TEDxUFG - Luiz Sérgio - Comunicação Intercultural: fronteira, contingência e história
Graduação e mestrado em história, doutorado em sociologia UnB e FU-Berlin; pós doutorados em História na UnB, Las Palmas (ES), Essen (Alemanha), Unam (México). Professor de Teoria da História na UFG, atualmente coordena um Convênio Unibral da UFG com a KU-Eichstaett-Ingolstadt. Tem seis livros publicados e dezenas de artigos e capítulos de livros. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre Filosofia da história e teoria da fronteira no ensaio latino-americano. Ja realizou cinco documentários sobre Goiânia.
No espírito das ideias que merecem ser espalhadas, o TEDx é um programa de eventos locais auto-organizados que reúnem pessoas para partilhar uma experiência ao estilo TED. Em um evento TEDx, TEDTalks em vídeo e palestrantes se combinam para provocar discussões profundas e conexões em um pequeno grupo. Esses eventos locais, auto-organizados são chamados TEDx, onde x = evento TED independentemente organizado. A Conferência TED fornece orientações gerais para o programa TEDx, mas eventos TEDx individuais são auto-organizados.* (*Sujeito a certas regras e regulamentos).
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations).
Mudanza -The Watson Vlog #32
Me mudo...duh?
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suscríbanse al canal de mi compañia Pentaprism
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Contax was a camera brand, started in 1932, noted for its technical innovation and wide range of Zeiss lenses, known for their high optical quality. The final products under the Contax name were a line of 35 mm, medium format, and digital cameras engineered and manufactured by Kyocera, and featuring modern Zeiss optics. In 2005, Kyocera announced that it would no longer produce Contax cameras.
This video is targeted to blind users.
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Creative Commons image source in video
135 film
135 is photographic film in a film format used for still photography. It is a cartridge film with a film gauge of 35 mm, typically used for hand-held photography in 35 mm film cameras.
The term 135 (ISO 1007) was introduced by Kodak in 1934 as a designation for the cassette for 35 mm film, specifically for still photography. It quickly grew in popularity, surpassing 120 film by the late 1960s to become the most popular photographic film size. Despite competition from formats such as 828, 126, 110, and APS, it remains so today.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Zenza Bronica ETRS Medium Format - Photowalk with Images - Kodak Portra 400
I hadn't used the Zenza Bronica ETRS for a while so went out today and shot a roll of Kodak Portra 400 Medium Format Film.
Here are the results.
What film cameras do you shoot? What is your preferred film?
The Kaleidoscope Lens
A mysterious pair of glasses allow Natalie to see the world in a different way.