Bergama / Pergamon - Turkey
Bergama. The antique site of Bergama with the Acropolis, the Theater, the Temple of Zeus and Athene.
Director Eric Ross draw up this report.
TURKEY: Theater of Pergamon Bergama Acropolis
Pergamon Bergama, Turkey
Bergama - Pergamon
cestování po Turecku
Red Basilica, Bergama, İzmir, Aegean, Turkey, Asia
The Red Basilica, also called variously the Red Hall and Red Courtyard, is a monumental ruined temple in the ancient city of Pergamon, now Bergama, in western Turkey. The temple was built by the Roman Empire, probably in the time of Hadrian and possibly on his orders. It is one of the largest Roman structures still surviving in the ancient Greek world. The temple is thought to have been used for the worship of the Egyptian gods specifically Isis and/or Serapis, and possibly also Osiris, Harpocrates and other lesser gods, who may have been worshipped in a pair of drum-shaped rotundas, both of which are virtually intact, alongside the main temple. Although the building itself is of an immense size, it was only one part of a much larger sacred complex, surrounded by high walls, that dwarfed even the colossal Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek. The entire complex was built directly over the River Selinus in a remarkable feat of engineering that involved the construction of an immense bridge 196 metres (643 ft) wide to channel the river through two channels under the temple. The Pergamon Bridge still stands today, supporting modern buildings and even vehicle traffic. A series of tunnels and chambers lies under the main temple, connecting it with the side rotundas and giving private access to different areas of the complex. Various drains, water channels and basins are located in, around and under the main temple and may have been used for symbolic reenactments of the flooding of the Nile. The temple was converted by the Byzantines into a Christian church dedicated to St John but was subsequently destroyed. Today the ruins of the main temple and one of the side rotundas can be visited, while the other side rotunda is still in use as a small mosque. The temple's date of construction is not recorded, but from the style of the sculptures and the building techniques a date in the first half of the second century AD has been proposed. Its use of red brick on a massive scale, unique in Asia Minor but relatively common in Italy at the time, indicates that the architect was not local. The immense size and lavish construction of the complex points to an extremely wealthy patron who sent a Roman architect and brick masons to Pergamon to build the temple. The most likely candidate is the emperor Hadrian himself. He is known to have been an enthusiastic sponsor of the Egyptian gods; he built temples of Isis and Serapis at various places in the Roman world, including at his own villa in Tivoli. At some point during the Christian era the temple was gutted by fire. It was not restored, but was redeveloped in the 5th century AD as a Christian basilica, built inside the shell of the destroyed temple. Arcades were built dividing the interior into a central nave and two side aisles. The eastern wall was demolished and replaced with an apse. The floor level was raised by about 2 metres (6.6 ft), obscuring the original Roman floor, though the former floor level has since been restored by archaeologists. The church was probably destroyed by the forces of the Arab general Maslamah ibn Abd al-Malik, who besieged and looted the city in 716-717 during his unsuccessful bid to conquer Constantinople. Pergamon fell into Turkish hands in 1336 and the building was converted into a mosque. The complex has been investigated and excavated in a series of campaigns by the German Archaeological Institute. In 1906-1909 P. Schazmann prepared detailed drawings of the ruins during a German excavation of the Hellenistic city. The temple and temenos were excavated by Theodor Wiegand from 1927. New archaeological studies were carried out from 2002 to 2005 under A. Hoffmann. Restoration efforts have also been pursued, first in the 1930s under O. Bayatlı, the Director of the Bergama Museum, and later in the 1950s and 1960s. Further restoration work was conducted on the main temple in 2006 and the south rotunda was restored between 2006 and 2009.
My Office Today: Pergamon Acropolis Greek Ruins, Bergama Turkey
Professional Group Travel Organizer, Mark Ewing, shares his travel career and travel lifestyle. This is one of the best travel jobs in the world!
A visit to the ancient city of Pergamum. #Bergama #Pergamum #Turkey #TravelTurkey
A wonderful visit to the ruins of Pergamum overlooking the city of Bergama, Turkey. A must see in western Turkey.
Music: Going, Going, Gone - The 126ers
Red Hall in Bergama | Red Basilica in Pergamon, Aegean Reagion Turkey
We have been to Bergama, which is a populous district, as well as the center city of the same district, in İzmir Province in western Turkey.
The Red Basilica, also called variously the Red Hall and Red Courtyard, is a monumental ruined temple in the ancient city of Pergamon.
The temple was built by the Roman Empire, probably in the time of Hadrian and possibly on his orders. It is one of the largest Roman structures still surviving in the ancient Greek world.
Bergama is also renowned for its high quality carpets. There are approximately eighty villages that still weave Bergama carpets. The history of carpet weaving in Bergama dates back to the 11th century - when Turkish migration started to the area. Bergama carpets have almost always been woven with wool - an attestation to the pastoral life style of the Yörük clans populating the area at the time.
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Uygarlık tarihinin kültür ve sanattaki ilk zirvesi ( 28 Aralık 2014 Pazar gecesi, saat 22:10'da, NTV'de )
Issız bir tepede büyük bir hazineyle başbaşa kalan adamın öyküsü; Pergamon...
İskender’in generali dünyanın en büyük hazinesini bu tepeye sakladı ve öldü. Tepedeki komutan bu hazine ile olağanüstü bir uygarlık inşa etti; kültür ve sanatın ilk zirvesi olan Pergamon’u.
Fantastik filmlerin (Yüzüklerin Efendisi) esinlendiği olağanüstü bir şehir görüntüsü... Teraslarla inşa edilmiş tarihin ilk mimarlık eserleri. Türkiye’de az bilinen bir Mısır tapınağı. İlk heykel ekolünü oluşturan sanatçıların yurdu. Mısır’dan sonra kendi kağıdını üreten ikinci uygarlık. Eski çağların en ünlü hastanesine sahip, ilk spor hekimi ve eczacı Galenos’u yetiştirmiş şehir; Pergamon.
Kendi kağıdını üretmiş ikinci uygarlık
Anadolu’nun Roma’ya nasıl ‘miras kaldığı’ antik dönem tarihçilerinin en çok tartıştığı konu başlıkları arasında... En büyük düşmanı Keltler (Galatlar) olan Pergamon (Bergama), MS 1. yüzyılda gelecek arayan İtalyanların koşarak geldiği Anadolu’da en zengin başkentti. Pergamon, uygarlık tarihinin kültür ve sanattaki ilk zirvesiydi. Antik çağın göz kamaştıran mimarlık eserlerinden biri; Zeus Sunağı, bu zengin kentin en değerli sembolleri arasındadır. Günümüzde bir kısmı Berlin’deki Pergamon Müzesi’nde sergilenen bu yapının inşa edildiği Pergamon’da hala görülecek çok yer, anlatılacak çok öykü var. Bilinen ilk tam teşekküllü hastane olarak tanımlanan Pergamon Asklepion’u ile antik yerleşimin Roma döneminde inşa edilen yeryüzündeki en dik tiyatrosu sıradışı öykülerden sadece ikisinin başlığıdır. Ayrıca, Mısır’ın papirüs ihracatını durduğu Pergamon, bu nedenle kendi kağıdını üretmiş ve deriden imal edilen bu malzemeye batı dillerinden Türkçe’ye geçtiği şekliyle “Parşömen” denilmiştir.
Ahmet Yeşiltepe’nin hazırlayıp sunduğu “Müze Ziyaretçisi; Dünyanın En Büyük Müzesi Türkiye” projesi, 13 bölümden oluşan bir belgesel dizi olarak her Pazar gecesi NTV’de yayınlanıyor.
“Müze Ziyaretçisi; Dünyanın En Büyük Müzesi Türkiye”
28 Aralık Pazar, saat 22:10 NTV
3D Bergama (Pergamon)
Pergamon Zeus sunağı ve daha fazlası.Malesef sunak şu an Berlin de.
Basamaklar ve Buluşmalar - Bergama Antik Tiyatrosu ( pergamon antique theatre )
Bergama Antik Tiyatrosu Belgeseli - Pergamon Antique Theatre
Exploring Pergamon that is great ancient city and theater in Turkey with photos.
We used photos from pixabay and flickr.
Music: Martijn de Boer- Bait Bill on
Instagram and Twitter account for more photos in Turkey:
Blog account for more information about Pergamon:
Theatre of Pergamon Ancient City
Theatre of #Pergamon Ancient City is located in a very steep slope, one of the steepest in the world.
The Heart of Anatolia Bergama & Pergamon
The Asklepion at Pergamon in Turkey
The Asklepion is an ancient healing center in Pergamum/Bergama, Turkey. For more information see
Bergama - Pergamon - Akropol - Acropolis - Świątynia Trajana - Teatr - Turcja - Turkey
Bergama - Pergamon - Akropol - Acropolis - Świątynia Trajana - Teatr - Turcja - Turkey
cable car to Pergamon
Theatre of The Pergamon Ancient City and Its Scenery
The Pergamon Ancient City is located in Bergama District of İzmir Province of Turkey. The Theatre locates on a very steep slope. This video taken from Pergamon Acropolis. Modern Bergama City can see under The Theatre.
Pergamon, Turkey SD 480p
Pergamon- the Greek city at the top of a mountain, the largest theatre on the side of the mountain.
Testing the Theater Acoustics at the Asclepion in Pergamon, Turkey
Incredibly good acoustics at all of the ancient theaters we have visited during our trip, this one was no exception.