Perm Russia 4K. City - Sights - People
In this series we're gonna take a look at different Russian cities. Some are good some are bad. Some are old some are new. But its worth taking a look.
#Perm #Russia
Russia: Monument to Grad multiple rocket launcher unveiled in Perm
A monument to the Soviet Grad multiple rocket launcher was unveiled in Perm, Tuesday in anticipation of the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
It was installed in front of the Scientific Research Institute of Polymeric Material that developed the technology to manufacture the filter of the Grad shells. The monument was made from an actual BM-21 Grad-1, designed in 1986, that later formed part of the first Soviet arsenal.
SOT, Georgi Amarantov, consultant and former employee of Scientific Research Institute of Polymeric Material (Russian): Primarily [among the developments of the institute] was rocket fuel, pyrotechnic components, the design decisions on the engine and the charge. They doubled the striking range of this weapon.
SOT, Georgi Amarantov, consultant and former employee, Scientific Research Institute of Polymeric Material, (Russian): I would say that 80 percent of the missile armaments of the Russian army are made with the participation of our institute while the share of other powder enterprises is only 20 percent.
Video ID: 20170221- 046
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style Shaolin 2014 Perm Russia Qiangshu
Шаолиньцян город 2014
Grandissìm Ufo registràt ra' sondà Sohò ra' NASA
Ciao a tutti mi chiamo giuseppe melchiorre sono italiano e precisamente di salerno, siete i benvenuti al mio canale qui potrete trovare tante notizie di ogni genere dal paranormale,a delle ricette di cucina,a teorie sugli ufo,sui misteri,parlo in generale di qualsiasi argomento e siccome voglio distinguermi dagli altri canali i titoli dei miei video sono in dialetto napoletano ossia il mio dialetto salernitano che è uguale a quello napoletano
Il dialetto napoletano è una lingua e patrimonio dell'UNESCO
buongiòrn a tuttì in chisti iuorni nu' amatoriàl ha registràt nu' ufo vicino o' sol a' fatto tramìt a' dirètt ra' nasà ra' sondà SOHO chistu oggètt rimanè immobìl ppe quasì un''òr e po va vià
Voglio precisare che sono il primo canale su youtube che ha messo i titoli e la descrizione video in napoletano quindi se in seguito ci saranno altri canali che faranno come me chiedo che youtube si impegni a far rispettare il mio impegno per proporre questa mia novità con titoli in napoletano che ripeto fino ad oggi 06/07/2019 ho solo io
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Non possono essere considerati contenuti ripetitivi argomenti come il meteo,terremoti,inondazioni,siccità,tsunami,eruzioni vulcaniche,cambiamenti climatici, e tanto altro in quanto sono informazioni che possono cambiare ogni singolo giorno ora o minuto la ripetizione è da considerarsi secondo la legge solo nel caso in cui si scrivono,si stampa,o si ripete in forma audio lo stesso argomento parola per parola e fa riferimento al medesimo giorno e anno questa secondo la costituzione è ripetizione.
L'informazione che cambia giorno mese e anno non può considerarsi ripetitiva in quanto è soggetta a variazioni
Esempio classico a scopo solo informativo
Previsioni del tempo per oggi sabato 8 giugno 2019
Previsioni del tempo per oggi domenica 9 giugno 2019
Oggi 8 giugno 2019 improvvisamente un temporale si è abbattuto in Toscana
Nei primi due esempi non c'è ripetizione in quanto la data è diversa il giorno altrettanto
sabato 8 giugno o domenica 9 giugno sono completamenti diversi
Nel terzo esempio il meteo come ben tutti sappiamo è soggetto a variazioni
in questo momento c'è il sole ma tra due minuti potrebbe esserci forte pioggia e neanche qui c'è ripetizione
I fenomeni naturali come il meteo,eruzioni vulcaniche,terremoti,e altri fenomeni naturali che avvengono sul nostro pianeta e nello spazio non sono in nessun modo contenuti di terze parti o proprietà di qualcuno sono di pubblico dominio cioè di tutti.
L’Italia si impegna a rispettare la libertà di stampa sia in virtù del dettato costituzionale che degli obblighi assunti nei confronti dell’Unione europa, di cui è un membro fondatore. Infatti, anche la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione ne prevede la tutela e riconosce la piena libertà di espressione e informazione
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Ténéré Viaggi - Grande Traversata Pechino / Torino 2012 - Russia, guado tra Perm e Kazan.wmv
Guado tra Perm e Kazan
Grande Traversata Pechino / Torino Agosto 2012
UFOs near the Sun Jan 2015 Myunhauzen74 channel tribute
This wondrous video is by our friend Aleksey Sapoznikov on his YouTube channel Myunhauzen74. Link:
Please donate and support his work....Peace
Пермский планетарий. Телескоп.
Russia: Tomsk - a charming Siberian City
Tomsk is a city on the River Tom in the south-west of the great Siberian Taiga. Established in 1604 under a decree from Tsar Boris Godunov, the city was a garrison town and later home to many exiles of the Tsarist regime. In 1830 gold was discovered nearby, thus increasing its importance, but when the Trans-Siberian Railway was constructed, the line bypassed the city, Today this 'backwater' University city is full of character and history, home to the much loved wooden architecture with its fine details......
Since the days of my youth sung by the Russian Ensemble Ark Uglich
2x2 2.53 average on CCC Open Moscow 2019
Cube: MGC
Russia won't hand back Crimea, Flynn's resignation
(15 Feb 2017) The US interprets the law in different ways depending on who it is applied to, Russia said on Wednesday.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova was commenting on accusations against US President Donald Trump team representatives the in New York Times, accusing them of having illegal meetings with Russian diplomats during the electoral campaign.
She added that Russian diplomats were always fulfilling their duties within the international diplomatic rules and regulations.
When asked to comment on a claim by US Senator John McCain, made on Tuesday, that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Zakharova stated that an explicit comment was being prepared, adding that John MCCain exists, yes.
Asked about whether Crimea could be returned to Ukraine as a way to reach the annulment of sanctions on Russia, Zakharova said Russia doesn't return its territories.
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Космическая среда №123: Экипаж «Союза» - на Байконуре, Передача энергии в космосе
Еженедельная интернет-программа «Космическая среда» телестудии Роскосмоса.
Выпуск 123. В программе от 2 декабря 2015 года:
- Подписание соглашения в Роскосмосе.
- Экипаж «Союза» отправился на Байконур.
- Одной строкой: Передача энергии на расстоянии, Зеркало для «Джеймса Вебба», Карта тёмной материи.
- Астрофотография недели: «Усмешка гравитации», «Зеленые» облака, галактика NGC3521
- Знаете ли Вы: Самая далекая посадка.
- Анонс программы «Космонавтика» на 5 декабря 2015г.
Weekly Internet program Space Wednesday of Roscosmos TV. Issue 123. In the program of December 2, 2015:
- Signing of the agreement in Roskosmos.
- The crew of Souyz went to Baikonur.
- In one line: Transmission of energy at distance, the Card of a dark matter, the Mirror for James Webb.
- Astrophotography of week: Gravitation smile, Green clouds, NGC3521 galaxy.
- Whether you know: The farthest landing in Solar System.
- The announcement of the Cosmonautica TV program for December 5, 2015.
Путешествие в Сибирь / A journey to Siberia in 1890
Путешествие в Сибирь
Ю.Шокальский 1890г. Вологодская, Пермская, Тобольская, Казанская губернии.
A Journey to Siberia 1890
Yu. Shokalsky 1890 Vologda, Perm, Tobol, Kazan provinces.
Here I present a album of photographs taken in 1890 during an expedition to North-Eastern Siberia made by Yuli Mikhailovich Shokalski (1856-1940).
His route (as per the photographs) began in Vologda and ended in Kazan, taking in The Ural Mountains , the city of Ekaterinburg and Perm.
Yuli Mikhailovich Shokalsky was a Russian geographer, oceanographer and cartographer. A grandson of Anna Kern, Pushkin's celebrated mistress, Shokalski graduated from the Naval Academy in 1880 and made a career in the Imperial Russian Navy, helping establish the Sevastopol Marine Observatory and rising to the rank of Lieutenant-General in 1912. At the Naval School he taught mathematics, navigation and physical geography.At the same time, he developed interest in limnology and meteorology and became the most prolific Russian author on the subjects. In the Marine Miscellanies alone, he published some 300 articles.
He also taught at the Naval Academy in Leningrad University. During this time he was elected as full member of the Russian Geological Society.
He became Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society from 1917 to 1931.
This is a fascinating glimpse of a bygone age.
Music from Isle of the Dead Tone Poem by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Act of God - Act of God
Group: Act of God
Album: The Place of Worship (FL September 23rd, 2005)
Song: Act of God
Origin: Perm (Russia)
Genre: Symphonic Death Metal
Formed in: 1996
Status: Active
UFO - mystery solved!
Some background info: I bought a fisheye
CCTV lens from Steve at and put it on
a colour camera attached to the outside of my
observatory near Brisbane. It is in an enclosure which
causes some reflections (it has doubled up all the
stars!), and is not exactly brilliantly focussed either -
oh and don't forget the near full moon!
I set the camera to a 2.5 sec exposure and left it
recording all night with the software set to take a
frame every 5 seconds - just for fun.
When I watched it back this morning, there is an
object traversing SE-NW at approx 3:07am (23rd April 2011) very bright
and possibly with a tail. It takes nearly three mins to
go from horizon to horizon and I have checked Calsky
and Heavens above for any known object that
matches, but nothing.
It would have to be very high to be illuminated by the
sun at this time across the whole sky, so that rules out
an aircraft. Going too slow for a meteor...
Any ideas?
Ah-ha! I was out at 3am this morning and spotted another one. This time I could see for real what was causing the streak, and it was a light aircraft of all things. That explains why it was slow and bright!!!
GTA 5 Marš u gulag!
get rekt
Russia could be about to deploy ballistic missiles that can ‘RIP APART’ US defense system
Although he did not name the new intercontinental ballistic missiles, Russia’s deputy prime minister claimed the missile would be able to penetrate and defeat all American air defences.
Dmitry Rogozin, who is also in charge of the defence industry, said: “These weapons will soon appear in our armed forces.
Thank you for watching and God bless you!
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Вне времени / Beyond time - Time Lapse Video
Съемки велись на протяжении апреля-августа 2014 в Республике Молдова.
12 звездных ночей и более 50 часов съемочного времени, более 10 000 снимков.
Фотоаппарат - Canon EOS 60D
Объективы - Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II AF 11-16 mm f/2.8 и Sigma 150 mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM APO Macro.
Таймлапс (timelapse) - зрелищные кадры, природа, звезды, космос
Тймлапс (timelapse) довольно интересная техника, находящаяся на грани фото и видео. В последнее время она приобрела заметную популярность, не смотря на то что сама техника существует уже десятки лет.
Russia: Sappers honoured with state awards after Syria deployment
Russian bomb disposal teams received state awards in Moscow's Nakhabino district, Tuesday, after a three-month-long mission to clear Syria's Aleppo of improvised explosive devices.
Commander of the Russian Engineering Corps, Yuri Stavitskiy, honoured around 30 sappers during an official ceremony at the International Mine Action Centre.
Video ID: 20170221- 050
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??Russia & China Modifying OUR Weather??
#Russia #China #WeatherModification #DEW #Fire #Weather #Hurricanes #Tornado #Warfare #WWIII #Depopulation #GOV #CampFires #Cali
Russia and china admit to modifying the atmosphere. Geoengineering is NOT a conspiracy and there is lots of proof and facts that you can find out there. this is just another Informational vids from another Fellow Patriot. links is in the description. Happy Holidays Everyone And God Bless!
go check out Arch Angel X youtube channel. he has lots of great content.