Едем В СИКАЧИ-АЛЯН смотреть ПЕТРОГЛИФЫ. Нанайская деревня.
Хабаровский край богат на этнику. На выходных можно сьездить в нанайский поселок Сикачи-Алян, что в 80 километрах от Хабаровска. Здесь, на берегу Амура, на валунах древними людьми оставлены десятки наскальных рисунков, охраняемых Юнеско. Возраст самых древних рисунков датируется 12 тысячелетием до нашей эры.
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Инстаграм: PashaFromRuss1a
Three-dimensional polygonal modeling of boulders with petroglyphs
Sikachi-Alyan (UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List) is an outstanding rock art site known for its intrinsic character, cultural context and natural surroundings. Thirteen boulders with carvings were documented by means of digital photography with subsequent photogrammetric processing. In the course of the research, the problems of optimization of data acquisition techniques and processing, as well as the choice of optimal methods for surface visualization were investigated and solved. The uniqueness of the Sikachi-Alyan site from the standpoint of the methodology of documenting is its three features. (a) The dynamic nature of site, boulders with petroglyphs are located within the floodplain of the Amur River and annually undergo not only flooding, but also the impact of river ice during the ice drift. (b) Images exist not only on relatively flat areas of boulder, but also on surfaces of double curvature. (c) The technique of engraving is characterized by deep carving forming a bas-relief. These features make it extremely difficult to document and visualize petroglyps using traditional methods and require a specific approach to the use of 3D modeling. The application of interrelated set of methods and techniques optimized for the specific features of the monument made it possible to create detailed polygonal models of rocks with petroglyphs correctly oriented in space with respect to the horizontal plane and the direction to the north. The models of variable detalization were obtained, which allows to bypass the limitations of existing computer equipment. A number of new methods for visualizing petroglyphs was developed, including the transformation of polygonal model fragments into topographic models. These advanced approach made it possible to understand and interpret the preferences of ancient artists for the landscape location as well as choice of curved basalt surfaces. The study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research # 17-29-04389, 17-01-00511
Author: Devlet, Ekaterina - Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Presenting author)
Co-Author: Svoyski, Yuri - RSSDA Lab; Romanenko, Ekaterina - RSSDA Lab; Peshkov, Aleksandr - RSSDA Lab; Peshkov, Sergey - RSSDA Lab; Pakhunov, Alexander - Institute of
Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Konakova, Ekaterina - RSSDA Lab; Timofeeva, Anastasia - Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yushin, Evgeny -
RSSDA Lab; Gabdulin, Rafkhat - RSSDA Lab; Kleymenov, Anton - RSSDA Lab; Laskin, Artur - Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Моя страна Собери Карту России от Hachette Выпуск № 67/ My country Collect the Map of Russia
В этом номере мы получаем : часть карты: Приморье , 5 наклеек
Содержание журнала № 67:
1.Россия: история и современность - Хабаровск и Хабаровский край
2.Секреты зодчества - Памятник Ерофею Хабарову
3.Чудеса природы - Лотос
4.Диво-дивное - Суда на подводных крыльях и воздушной подушке
5.Золотые руки - Петроглифы Сикочи- Аляна
6.Поиграем - Веселые задания
In this issue we get: part of the map: Primorye, 5 stickers
Contents of the journal No. 67:
1.Russia: history and modernity-Khabarovsk and Khabarovsk Krai
2.Secrets of architecture-Monument to Yerofey Khabarovsk
3.Wonders of nature - the Lotus
4.Divo-divnoe-hydrofoil And hovercraft
5.Golden hands-Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan
6.Let's play - Fun tasks