The “Matache Măcelaru” and Alexandru Moghioroş Markets in Bucharest
author: Camelia Popa; photos&audio : Radio Romania International
Cost of living in Bucharest Romania. Piata Obor part II
Cost of living in Bucharest Romania. Piata Obor part III
【K】Romania Travel-Bucharest[루마니아 여행-부쿠레슈티]오보르 시장/Obor Market/Honey
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[한국어 정보]
오보르 시장은 부쿠레슈티에서 가장 큰 시장으로 불과 10년 전만 해도 부쿠레슈티 상권의 중심이었던 곳이다. 지금은 자본주의와 함께 대형마트와 백화점이 들어서 예전만은 못하다고 한다. 가장 먼저 내 눈에 띈 것은 벌꿀. 여기저기 쌓여있는 꿀들이 내 호기심을 자극했다. 루마니아 사람들은 양배추와 오이를 절여 식사할 때 항상 곁들여 먹는다. 우리나라의 김치와 비슷하다고나 할까? 마음씨 좋게 생긴 아주머니가 권해서 한번 먹어봤는데 너무 짰다.
[English: Google Translator]
Oh Borghese market is only 10 years ago was the center of Bucharest commercial area with the largest market in Bucharest. Now lift the hypermarkets and department stores along with the old capitalism is only mothadago. The first thing my eyes ttuin honey. They were piled up here and there, honey stimulates your curiosity. Romania is always served when people eat a meal pickled cabbage and cucumbers. Should I were similar to Korea's kimchi? The good-looking hearted Aunt gwonhaeseo once I've eaten too jjatda.
[Romanian: Google Translator]
Oh piață Borghese este acum doar 10 ani a fost centrul zonei comerciale București, cu cea mai mare piata din Bucuresti. Acum ridicați hipermarketurile și magazine, împreună cu capitalismul vechi este doar mothadago. Primul lucru pe care ochii mei ttuin miere. Ei au fost îngrămădite aici și acolo, miere stimulează curiozitatea. România este intotdeauna servit atunci cand oamenii mananca o varza si castraveti murati masă. Ar trebui să au fost similare cu kimchi Coreea?Bine la suflet Mătușa gwonhaeseo dată am mâncat prea jjatda.
■클립명: 유럽083-루마니아01-07 오보르 시장/Obor Market/Honey
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,루마니아,Romania,Romania,Republica Romania,성상엽,2006,10월 October
Delia - Da, mama (Live Piata Constitutiei, Bucuresti, Romania, 17.07.2015)
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Piata taraneasca in curtea Institutului de Agronomie
Bucuresti / Bucharest - Piata Obor
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Terasa Obor - Bucharest, Romania
The best mici in Romania!
Cei mai buni Mici - Terasa Obor, Cocosatu, Ciotoianu, City Grill, La Gil, Matache sau Cora?
Cei mai buni Mici - Terasa Obor, La Cocosatu, La Ciotoianu, City Grill, Gil, Matache sau Terasa Cora?
► Reteta de Pasta de Mici ♨
► Sustine GatesteUsor $
Am testat 7 terase ce servesc Mici din Bucuresti in functie de numarul de review-uri din Google si Facebook acordate de catre clientii lor. Ca sa raspund la intrebarea care sunt cei mai buni mici dupa parerea mea, am luat la rand pentru a degusta mici: Terasa Obor (2.5 Lei/Micul fara Paine), La Cocosatu' (3.3 Lei/Micul), La Ciotoianu (2.8 Lei/Micul), City Grill (5.5 Lei/Micul), Terasa Piata Matache (2.5 Lei/Micul), La Gil (2.5 Lei/Micul) si Terasa Cora (7.9 Lei/pachet 4 Mici).
Raspuns: La Ciotoianu sunt cei mai buni Mici dupa criteriile mele.
Cel mai scump: City Grill
Cel mai ieftin: La Ciotoianu
Cel mai mare: La Ciotoianu
Cel mai mic: City Grill
Cea mai rapida servire: Terasa Obor
Cel mai aspectos local: La Cocosatu
Cel mai murdal local: Terasa Cora
Cel mai prost mustar: La Gil
Cel mai putin gustos: Terasa Cora
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Market in Romania, Ploiesti | Viewers Request | Cheap Bazaar
We are starting a new series of videos, its called Viewers Request. Our viewers can post comment requesting something which they are interested in and if we get many requests, we will make a video on it. We have been receiving many requests to show you guys market in Romania. Well, today is the day! We went to one of the famous markets in a nearby city, Ploiesti. This place has everything you need from meat to fruits, cheese to noodles, water to fish. Its called Halele Centrale. Best thing is that the price is on bargain basis so you can negotiate to cut a better deal and you have a lots of vendors to choose from so you don't need to worry about monopoly.
We really hope you enjoyed this video. You can submit your requests in the comment for any future video you would like us to make. Please leave in comments what do you think about it?
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Romania: Christmas markets in Bucharest
25th episode of 'Going East'. This time I am in Bucharest to visit the Christmas markets.
Hala Matache va fi reconstruită
Global Street Food Awards - Bucharest
Delve into Bucharest's hyper-local Terasa Obor for the best mici (grilled spiced sausage) in town!
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Apus de soare in Delta Vacaresti, Bucuresti. Bebop 2.
Obor @ UpDownBucharest
Obor is the name of a square and the surrounding district of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. There is also a Bucharest Metro station named Obor, which lies in this area.
Obor stands in the place of Târgul Moșilor, a fair famous throughout Wallachia, which was held twice a week. In old Romanian obor meant enclosure, corral. Located outside the city, in the 18th century, it was also the place for public hangings. About 20 Turks captured from wars were hanged here by the Romanians.
The Obor market (Piața Obor), the direct successor of the original fair, was, until 2007, Bucharest's largest public market. It covered about 16 city blocks and included a variety of indoor and outdoor market spaces, with goods ranging from compact discs to live chickens. Informally, the market spilled into the surrounding neighborhood, both in terms of street vendors and in terms of the nearby Magazin Universal (Universal Store) named Bucur Obor, a large commercial building that has been parcelled up into hundreds of small, independent retail stores. The market was demolished, not without public outcry, in order to pave the way for a modern market and a small park, thus ending a 300 year tradition.
Obor is near the quarter of Colentina and Mosilor.
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