Gubbio, Italy #42 Piazza Grande
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#Italy #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Gubbio, Italy #42 Piazza Grande
GUBBIO -ITALY- spettacolo piazza grande / i campanari
#christmastime #icampanari #natale #gubbio
spettacolo della facciata di palazzo dei consoli a gubbio con suoni della campana
pokaz na scianie palazzo deo consoli w gubbio wraz z dzwonnikami
musica island-pirosion (no copyright)
Gubbio Live Stream
In Diretta da Piazza Grande, Gubbio, Umbria, Italia
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Places to see in ( Gubbio - Italy ) Piazza Grande
Places to see in ( Gubbio - Italy ) Piazza Grande
From the Piazza Grande you have a wonderful perspective of the valley in which Gubbio lies. If you're fortunate to be in Gubbio in Mid May you simply must try to witness the Festa dei Ceri which is truly incredible.
You can either walk up or take the lift, I prefer to take the lift up and walk down. It is a large square with many important buildings surrounding the square. The Palazzo dei Consoli is a large gothic building with a fan shaped staircase
Piazza Grande is the main focal point of Gubbio. During the Festa dei Ceri each May 15th, the plaza is filled with thousands of people for one of the most amazing and chaotic Umbrian events of the year.
Beautiful plaza with grand Palazzo, restaurants, trolley stop, elevator, and incredible views! Great photo op stop. If you are visiting Gubbio, this is a must. I beautiful Piazza, with plenty of bars, cafes and shops nearby. The views from here are stunning, especially at sunset.
( Gubbio - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Gubbio . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Gubbio - Italy
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Visita guidata a Gubbio. Buona visione.
View from Palazzo dei Consoli Piazza Grande
View from Palazzo dei Consoli Piazza Grande, Gubbio, Italy; filmed on 20th October 2015
Italia - Gubbio (PG) - Panorama da Piazza Grande
Motociclisti senza Frontiere - Vacanze estate 2010 - Gubbio (PG) - Panorama da Piazza Grande
Gubbio, Palazzo dei Consoli e Piazza Grande
Festa dei Ceri 2018 l'alzata in Piazza Grande, Gubbio
The video captures the moment the three Ceri rise and run around the flagpole before setting off to salute the city. The jostling of the crowd is evident in the shaky camerawork!
Perugia. Gubbio. Italy in 4K
Riprese con Sony FDR AX33 4K-Editing con Pinnacle 19, di Gubbio in Provincia di Perugia. Italy.
Luoghi Visitati.
Panoramica. Piazza Quaranta Martiri. Spedal Grande. Chiesetta di San Giuseppe. vie del Borgo con case Medievali. Palazzo Ducale. il Duomo. vie del Borgo. Palazzo Pretorio. Piazza Grande (Cuore del Borgo). Palazzo dei Consoli. Porta Vehia. via Dante Alighieri. dal Monte Ingino la Basilica di San Ubaldo. Belvedere di Gubbio.
Ringrazio della Visualizzazione.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Gubbio, Italy
Gubbio Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Gubbio. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Gubbio for You. Discover Gubbio as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Gubbio.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Gubbio.
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List of Best Things to do in Gubbio, Italy
Piazza Grande
Basilica of Saint Ubaldo
Palazzo dei Consoli and Museo Civico
Cathedral (Duomo di Gubbio)
Chiesa di San Francesco
La Botte dei Canonici
Palazzo Ducale
Teatro Romano
Fontana del Bargello
Church of St. Augustine (Sant'Agostino)
Gubbio, Italy #55 Piazza di Bargello
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5858 SW 81 ST
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#Italy #Davidsbeenhere
About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Gubbio, Italy #55 Piazza di Bargello
GUBBIO - Festa dei Ceri 2019, l'Alzata in Piazza Grande (
Gubbio, Umbria Italy walk2
Palazzo dei Consoli, built 700 years ago, is the grandest building in Gubbio, a well-preserved medieval town in Umbria, Italy. The palace is enormous, reaching nearly 250 feet high like a skyscraper from the Middle Ages, and contains the main art and history museum of Gubbio. Our local friend Isabella Ceccarelli brings us also to the Piazza Grande and the City Hall, the Palazzo del Podesta.
GUBBIO - I Bersaglieri in piazza Grande (
Places to see in ( Gubbio - Italy )
Places to see in ( Gubbio - Italy )
Gubbio is a medieval town in central Italy. Its Colle Eletto cable car climbs to Mount Ingino, with the 5-naved Sant’Ubaldo Basilica and views of the Apennines Mountains. In town, Gubbio Cathedral contains 16th-century paintings and a baroque chapel. Inside the Gothic Consoli Palace, with its crenellated top, is the Civic Museum. Displays here include the Iguvine Tablets, 7 bronze slabs with ancient inscriptions.
While most of Umbria feels soft, warm and rounded by the millennia, Gubbio is angular, sober, imposing and medieval through and through. Perched on the steep slopes of Monte Ingino, the Gothic buildings wend their way up the hill towards Umbria's closest thing to a theme-park ride: its open-air funivia (cable car). The town's stunning preservation will floor you; and wandering its evocative streets, alleyways and staircases elicit textbook Italian dreaming.
Hugging the lower slopes of the Mount Ingino is the Italian medieval town of Gubbio. You may recognize the name for its association with St Francis who, it is said, went up the mountain to meet the wolf who was terrorizing the townsfolk. Whether this is truth or legend, we don't know but the town is alive and thriving.
Stroll through the narrow streets and marvel at the stone work of these ancient buildings including the curious doors of the dead. These are a secondary door which is so named as it's thought when someone died the body was brought through this alternate door. Superstition played a big part in medieval times and the second door could be due to this. It is also believed that if you circle the font in the town's square 3 times you will go crazy. Although we can laugh and joke about these superstitions now, there was a time where these were believed.
The main plaza is called Giordano Bruno's square which was named after the Dominican Friar who was burned at the stake for heresy. This was for a combination of his lack of belief in many deeply held Catholic ideals and his seemingly far fetched astrological ideas. He believed the stars were the suns for other planets and solar systems. This we now know is the case but back then you had to tow the line or risk becoming toast.
The Palazzo dei Consoli is a huge building, akin to a medieval skyscraper. Its external staircase graciously spills out into the Piazza Grande welcoming the people to come and explore further. From here take a cable car up to the church of Ubaldo who is the city's patron saint. His corpse is housed in a glass case in the church. It is here that the famous candle race or Corsa dei Ceri is run.
( Gubbio - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Gubbio . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Gubbio - Italy
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Gubbio, Umbria Italy walk6 dinner
Dinner at home with Isabella and family in Gubbio, Umbria, in Italy, was one of those special travel experiences that only happen once in a rare while and make you feel like a resident instead of a visitor. The large dining room was a medieval tavern, big enough for the kids to play soccer on roller skates while we sample the wines and enjoy a great meal!
GUBBIO Piazza Grande - 360 view INSTA 360 ONE X
La mia città di origine GUBBIO ha da offrire meraviglie architettoniche invidiabili. Questa, Piazza Grande, è la piazza pensile più grande d'Europa.
Con questo video mi piacerebbe farvi fare due passi su di essa così da poterla ammirare
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• Nome : Riccardo Baroglio
• Nato a : Gubbio 07/01/1984
• Residenza : Barberino di Mugello
• Professione : Manager presso ristorante McDonalds
• Statura : 177
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Gubbio - Palazzo dei Consoli e Museo Civico
Gubbio (Perugia) - Il Palazzo dei Consoli costituisce con il complesso di Piazza Grande e Palazzo del Podestà una tra le più maestose e ardite realizzazioni urbanistiche medievali
Costruito al centro della città, l'antico palazzo di Governo rappresenta la grandiosità del progetto politico e istituzionale del Comune Eugubino al principio del XIV secolo.
Di stile gotico l'edificio alto oltre 60 metri, domina la città con la torre campanaria e la loggia panoramica e si apre verso la grande piazza pensile con la scalinata a ventaglio. Molto suggestivo è l'interno: la grande sala dell'Arengo con volta a botte, la cappella palatina e il piano nobile riservato alle funzioni di governo dei Consoli, con affreschi, arredi lignei e fontane. Nel corridoio segreto, i servizi igienici medievali e le tubature per l'acqua corrente testimoniano l'alto grado di tecnologia raggiunto dalle maestranze eugubine.
Il Museo
Le sale di Palazzo dei Consoli ospitano dal 1909 le collezioni del Museo Civico.
Irrinunciabile meta negli itinerari regionali, l'edificio è considerato il principale polo museale della città di Gubbio. La raccolta museale allestita su diversi piani, illustra la storia e la cultura locale dalla preistoria al XX sec.
Di assoluto rilievo e fama internazionale sono le Tavole iguvine, sette lastre di bronzo su cui è iscritto il più importante testo in lingua umbra e la più estesa descrizione di riti religiosi che il mondo occidentale antico abbia mai restituito. Le Tavole rappresentano il cuore di una collezione archeologica tra le più ricche dell'Umbria con reperti risalenti all'epoca umbra e romana.
La raccolta numismatica si compone di importanti esemplari italici e romani in bronzo, monete medievali, ducali e papali, quest'ultime coniate dalla zecca di Gubbio.
Allestita nella sala della loggetta e lungo il corridoio segreto, la raccolta di ceramica spazia dalle maioliche arcaiche (XIV sec.) ai manufatti del XIX sec. Di particolare rilievo è la produzione eugubina rinascimentale a lustro rosso e dorato della bottega di Mastro Giorgio Andreoli (XVI sec.) Numericamente significativo è il vasellame farmaceutico tra cui originali duomi d'alambicco in terracotta rossa.
Le sale del piano nobile ospitano la pinacoteca ricca di dipinti su tavola e tela principalmente di scuola umbra, databili dal tardo Duecento all'Ottocento.
Degni di nota sono il Reliquiario miniato (XIV sec.), il Crocifisso ligneo di scuola giottesca opera del Maestro della Croce di Gubbio (inizio XIV sec.), il Gonfalone (inizio XVi sec.) realizato da Sinibaldo Ibi, artista seguace del Perugino e l'Immacolata Concezione di Francesco Signorelli (1527).
A questo vanno aggiunte due particolarissime e interessanti collezioni, la collezione risorgimentale, che testimonia l'impegno della città durante quel periodo così importante per la storia del Paese, e la collezione tibetana, donazione di un diplomatico inglese alla municipalità.