Pic Negre Andorra
Andorra Offroad Tours
For more information visit:
Pic Negre d'Envalira 2.823m Grandvalira Andorra Ski Touring
Ski Touring in Andorra
Una aventura más esta vez con la tropa de Splitboarders para hacer cumbre en el Pic Negre d'Envalira a 2.823m. El punto de partida ha sido desde el Costa Rodona de Pas de la Casa y cruzando por las pistas hasta la zona de Abelletes y Isards para subir por el collado y cresteando hasta alcanzar el plano que nos lleva directo al Pic Negre i Pic d'Envalira. Un día tremendo con la mejor compañía y descendiendo por una de las vertiginosas canales que nso llevan de vuelta a Isards.
YOW What's up XL FAMILY!!This is our first family trip to Andorra. We want to show everyone that this small country has so much more to offer than what some people say.
Exploring around Andorra la Vella, the capital of the tiny country of Andorra in the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain.
Hope you enjoy watching.
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Email Us!- xanderlia0621@gmail.com
todocaminosubarus pic negre Andorra
Salida de la concentracion con los residuos de las fiestas celebradas
Andorra la Vella-2017; Grandvalira; Mountain skiing.
The group of tourists of Moscow arrived to ski to Andorra.
Pic Negre Grau Roig Virtual Tour, Service, Andorra
SPORT 2000's quality rental system has vastly expanded in the past few years. During the 2010/11 season we welcome the many new rental stations which, with the most up to date equipment and wide selection, will contribute to your perfect holiday!
SPORT 2000 rent is the biggest supplier of winter sport items in the Alps, regardless of whether you are spending your winter holiday in Andorra, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic or Switzerland. Our slogan best for rent conveys what we offer our customers:
Top Material - Service after each rental, adjusted to current standards
Convenience - You'll find us across the whole of the Alps, always close to mountain railways.
Price - You'll receive from us the most popular equipment at a fair price
Wide choice of the best known winter sport brands
Pic Negre d'Envalira - Andorre
Ski de randonnée en Andorre: Pic Negre d'Envalira.
Novembre 2016
Pic Negre Virtual Tour, Shop, Andorra
Pic Negre Grau Roig Virtual Tour, Outside, Andorra
SPORT 2000's quality rental system has vastly expanded in the past few years. During the 2010/11 season we welcome the many new rental stations which, with the most up to date equipment and wide selection, will contribute to your perfect holiday!
SPORT 2000 rent is the biggest supplier of winter sport items in the Alps, regardless of whether you are spending your winter holiday in Andorra, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic or Switzerland. Our slogan best for rent conveys what we offer our customers:
Top Material - Service after each rental, adjusted to current standards
Convenience - You'll find us across the whole of the Alps, always close to mountain railways.
Price - You'll receive from us the most popular equipment at a fair price
Wide choice of the best known winter sport brands
Excursió al Pic Negre / Andorra, el país de 7 estrelles
Un recorregut per llacs i cims amb sortida del poble de Pas de la Casa (Andorra) fins el Pic d'Envalira
ANDORRA, principado dos pirenéus
Correndo Mundo visita Andorra. Conheça todas as peculiaridades deste pequeno país europeu e corra connosco o Trail Pic Negre. Põe seu tênis e vem com a gente!
Andorra - Shopping and Tourist Destination
MenStyleFAshion has an interview with the head of Tourism in Andorra about why this country makes a fabulous shopping and tourist destination.
Pas de la casa(andorra)
Andorra la vella
Timelapse Pic de Font Blanca, Andorra
Pic de Font Blanca
Shopping in Andorra
Riot batons, stun guns, butterfly knives and CS Gas guaranteed effective against 100% of all known French.
Andorra has it all!
5 Andorra 7 Excursió al Pic Negre YouTube 360p
(not) smuggling into Andorra
Ever tried to cross into Andorra 4x4 style? Neither did we, and technically we didn't even succeed here.
Sorry for the constant exposure and colour shifts, this was a new lens test (it failed).
shot on iPhone X using Moment lenses
/Mavic Pro
/Sony A7R2
*Uploaded this late! Better late than never :)*
I’m FINALLY vlogging, after years of taking videos and never uploading them..here we are!
I’m embarking on such an adventurous journey, taking a chance and moving to a new country, I decided “why not document?!”
Thank you for sticking throughout the whole video..if you didn’t but still had time to read this…well…subscribe anyways!
If you have any positive criticism on how to vlog/edit or have any suggestions on what you’d like to see, leave a comment down below!
Music By
Joakim Karud - Classic
Joakim Karud - Dizzy
Support Joakim Karud:
Ikson - All Night
Ikson - Outside
Support Ikson:
#Andorra #AWeekInMyLife #Andorralavella
EPIC ANDORRA: Aventuras a medida en los alojamientos más exclusivos *IMPRESIONANTE*
Para disfrutar en familia o con amigos hemos descubierto Epic Andorra. ¿Qué es Epic Andorra? Se trata de una manera exclusiva de descubrir Andorra a través de experiencias personalizadas que os acercarán a la naturaleza ¿Cómo? Imaginad dormir en bordas (antiguas cabañas de pastores) de diseño. Esta empresa ha recuperado estos espacios del patrimonio nacional y los ha rehabilitado con el máximo gusto para ofrecer opciones diferenciales de turismo sostenible.
Pero Epic Andorra es mucho más que alojamientos exclusivos, la propuesta de valor consiste en proporcionar también aventuras a medida para completar vuestra escapada. Aquí tenéis multitud de opciones adaptadas totalmente a vuestros gustos y necesidades. No os creáis que todo va de esquí, para nada. Desde volar en helicóptero por las montañas de Andorra hasta una excursión con raquetas de nieve o una ruta en bicicleta o a caballo. Las ideas no se acaban. Ellos os van a presentar muchas propuestas y vosotros vais a poder decidir cuál es el sueño a cumplir.
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