Piet Hein Eek opent atelier in Eindhoven
Op het oude fabrieksterrein van Philips heeft de bekende ontwerper Piet Hein Eek uit Geldrop een groot atelier geopend. Daarmee heeft designstad Eindhoven er een nieuwe trekpleister bij.
Dutch Design Week Eindhoven - Piet Hein Eek
Op bezoek in de fabriek van Piet Hein Eek ijdens de Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven.
Piet Hein Eek wint Designprijs | LXRY TV
Dit jaar staat Masters of LXRY in het teken van design. Nederlands topdesign. Maar wie zijn de ontwerpers achter de ontwerpen? Irene van de Laar zoekt deze week Piet Hein Eek op. Hij werd bekend met zijn kast van sloophout, maar inmiddels maakt hij veel meer producten van allerlei verschillende materialen. Eind oktober ontving hij de eerste Designprijs van het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Brabant.
Piet Hein Eek begint designhotel op Strijp-R in Eindhoven, opening in 2019
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Op ons YouTube kanaal van Omroep Brabant vind je video's over Nieuws, Sport en Evenementen uit de provincie Noord-Brabant. Omroep Brabant is één van de grootste regionale omroepen van Nederland. Dagelijks luisteren 340.000 Brabanders naar hun omroep en kijken 540.000 personen naar de tv-programma's. Online wordt Omroep Brabant maandelijks gemiddeld 20 miljoen keer bezocht.
Dutch Profiles: Piet Hein Eek
Making unique products out of so called worthless materials. That's the core business of designer Piet Hein Eek. According to his philosophy, waste should be treated as gold, and the labour and time it takes to transform it, as almost worthless. This reversed approach to the production process turned out to be both feasible and profitable. His furniture and other products sell worldwide and can be seen in The Museum of Modern Art in New York as well as many other galleries and museums. It all began with this scrapwood closet in 1990, when perfection was still the norm.
Recently, Piet Hein Eek moved into a huge old factory in Eindhoven, employing around 50 people, most of them craftsmen. Upscaling the business was never a goal, but it turned out to be the perfect way to let ideas grow slowly, taking the time to find the best way to produce them. With this approach, good ideas don't get wasted.
Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering
Producer: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen
Research: Liselot Francken
Director: Noud Holtman, Alexander Oey
Camera: Wiro Felix
Sound: Eric Leek, Benny Jansens
Editor: Noud Holtman
Colour Correction: Maurik de Ridder
Music/Sound Design: Pastelle Music
Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix
Commissioned by DutchDFA
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Eindhoven designer Piet Hein Eek: I always want to make my own stuff
See more architecture and design movies on Dezeen:
In our series of movies from Eindhoven, Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek discusses his fascination with waste materials and explains how he set up his huge studio complex in the city to manufacture his own products.
Piet Hein Eek's studio, which we visited during Dutch Design Week 2013, is housed in a large former factory on the outskirts of Eindhoven.
It wasn't meant to be this big, says Hein Eek. But when we bought the building this was the only one where the workplace could be in the heart of the company, which was important for us.
See the full article on Dezeen:
Piet Hein Eek over de Dutch Design Week
Eindhoven staat deze week in het teken van de Dutch Design Week. Meer dan 1800 ontwerpers van mode, architectuur en andere producten tonen hun werk op tientallen locaties in de stad. Kriskrasverslaggever René van Hoof duikt een dag in het ontwerpleven en doet verslag van wat er zoal te doen is in Eindhoven.
Piet Hein Eek on respecting material, technique and craftsmanship
Piet Hein Eek is devoted to creating products with a special attention to detail and quality.
Piet Hein Eek believes in creating products with the aim that there will be no materials left over, or creating products using leftover materials. Often leftover materials go to waste because the labour to reappropriate them is too expensive, so the Dutch furniture designer decided to turn this notion on its head.
I don't like the idea that labour is so expensive that you throw away a piece of material that is good enough to be a leg but because we're so expensive it's waste, says Eek. So I turned the world around and said, 'Labour costs nothing, materials cost a fortune.'
Eek shows examples of his work that adopts this approach, including various pieces of designer furniture, all of which use every remaining scrap of wood.
In this presentation he also talks about his company in Eindoven and its multifaceted approach. From a workspace and shop to a gallery and restaurant, Eek reveals the essence of his company – that doing everything by oneself is greatly rewarding. He believes that creating an environment that is positive and stimulating will lead to success.
Piet Hein Eek Interview: Maximum Respect for Materials
The fabulous furniture of Dutch designer, Piet Hein Eek, has become an international brand. Here he reveals his inspiring creative philosophy and introduces us to his 10,000 square meters production unit in Eindhoven, where he executes his ideas “out of chaos.”
“It’s not romantic at all – it’s very pragmatic.” Piet Hein Eek wishes to create a contrast to our everyday life, where everything is rushed and not done properly. The designs take their time to make, and that’s an important part of the point – doing the maximum with the minimum, using leftovers and adding an enormous amount of labour: “I’m like a chef in a restaurant.”
“I think designers shouldn’t think they are only there to design, but actually should be a pain in the ass during the whole process.” As a child, Eek used to make small, detailed matchstick chairs, already then nurturing a wish to create. Eek has incorporated this sense of playfulness in his work as a designer – he avoids marketing plans, uses discarded materials that others often don’t see the value in, and generally pays tribute to chaos, which he considers a source of inspiration.
Piet Hein Eek (b. 1967) is a Dutch designer, who graduated from the Academy for Industrial Design in Eindhoven in 1990. While studying at the Academy, he did the exam project ‘Scrap Wood Cupboards’ of which he sold all the cupboards and used the money to start his own design studio in 1992. Eek’s interest in old materials developed after restoring a cupboard for his sister, noticing that the old wood looked nicer than the new. His business is built around old materials, working outside the circuit of mass production. Eek’s work is sold in numerous galleries worldwide, and he has exhibited at venues such as MOMA, New York and Cíbone in Tokyo, Japan. Mostly known for his furniture, Eek also does interior designs and cooperates with architects.
“If I create my own environment, which fits in my world, and where I am happy, the chance that I function well and make good stuff is quite big. And that is the biggest challenge – to have success.” Eek’s workspace, located in an industrial area of Eindhoven, is an old Philips factory from the 1950s, where they used to produce ceramics. True to his passion for discarded materials, the old pipes from the original factory are used in the design of the workspace.
Learn more about Piet Hein Eek at:
Piet Hein Eek was interviewed by Christian Lund at his factory in Eindhoven, February 2014.
Camera: Sandder Lanen
Edited by: Kamilla Bruus
Produced by: Christian Lund
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2015
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Peter van der Heijden Q.E.D. / Gallery Piet Hein Eek / Eindhoven 2016.
Video registration of the exhibition of visual artist Peter van der Heijden; 'Quod Erat Demonstrandum' in the gallery of Piet Hein Eek in Eindhoven in the summer of 2016.
The exhibition comprised 130 works; recent collages and prints, objects and installations, as well as a selection of key works from 1974 to the present.
Peter van der Heijden (‘s-Hertogenbosch, 1950) is a Dutch visual artist. He makes collages, mixed media, installations, projections, art works in the public realm and is known for an experimental and multi-disciplinary approach. The prints and mixed media, as most of his autonomic work, are based on his persistent fascination for natural and evolutionary processes, geology and history.
Designer Piet Hein Eek in Eindhoven
The core of designer Piet Hein Eek philosophy is that waste should be treated as gold. His combination of uncommon material and also uncommon, but simple methods of working has become the thread through his work. Making unique products out of so called worthless materials.
It all began with a scrap wood closet in 1990, when perfection was still the norm. But instead of working purely as a designer, he is producing, distributing and even selling his own products. His furniture and other products sell worldwide and can be seen in The Museum of Modern Art in New York as well as many other galleries, shops and museums.
Recently, Piet Hein Eek moved into a huge old factory in Eindhoven, employing around 50 people. A fantastic place where he have everything in one place; studio, showroom, production, gallery, warehouse, shop, and a great restaurant. And it´s all done in his own unique way.
Let´s meet Piet and his team and hear what drives him.
Piet Hein Eek over de Dutch Design Week
Eindhoven de creatieve Silicon Valley van de wereld. Dat zei Piet Hein Eek donderdag in Onder Ons. Creativiteit en techniek zoeken elkaar hier op. Wat ik bedenk kan ik hier ook laten maken. En dat maakt dat veel ontwerpers hier willen blijven. De regio is een speciale voedingsbodem.
Piet Hein Eek neemt voormalig Philips Pompgebouw op Strijp R in Eindhoven onder handen
Niet zitten op of aan, maar wonen in een Piet Hein Eek. Binnenkort kan dat in Eindhoven. De ontwerper gaat het oude pompgebouw op Strijp R verbouwen tot tien woningen. Zaterdagochtend konden belangstellenden een kijkje nemen in het bouwval en wellicht hun toekomstige huis.
Piet Hein Eek on the essence of his company
View more inspiring videos like this one at
Piet Hein Eek is devoted to designs that reveal an astonishing quality. At Dutch Design Week 2012, he spoke about his company and how it is perceived as a multifaceted enterprise. From a physical workspace and gallery, to a restaurant and shop, Eek reveals his design process in multiple settings. He also talks about his restaurant mimicking his design process and exhibiting his latest products in his showroom.
Designindaba.com hosts hundreds of videos of speaker presentations and interviews and world design news. Updated daily, its content features the most cutting-edge design thinking and the work and ideas of the world's industry leaders in all the creative fields.
Design Indaba is a multi-tiered platform committed to a better world through creativity. Established in 1995 with its flagship conference, it has evolved into a multidisciplinary experience that now consists of the globally acclaimed annual Design Indaba Conference, Simulcast, Expo and FilmFest, as well as a host of parties, performances, training workshops, design projects, community initiatives and publications.
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Piet Hein Eek ontwerpt voor IKEA
De producten van Piet Hein Eek liggen vanaf 2017 in de schappen van IKEA, de Zweedse meubelgigant.
Dutch Designer Piet Hein Eek on Sustainable Dutch Design
Recorded on 15 December 2014 at the Netherlands Embassy in Washington D.C. for exhibition ReUse ReTouch ReDutch.
Website Piet Hein Eek:
Dutch Design Week 2016 - Piet Hein Eek
Studio Woongeluk is tijdens de Dutch Design Week 2016 in Eindhoven op bezoek bij Piet Hein Eek. Kijk mee naar zijn werkplaats en shop. Daarnaast zijn nog een aantal ontwerpen te zien van andere designers.
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Verder zien we ontwerpen van:
Adrianus Kundert & Tomas van der Sman
Bas Vellekoop
Cedille by Francoise Oostwegel
Maison Deux
Scheublin & Lindeman
Camerabeelden: Webzter.nl
Muziek: Bensounds
Montage: Studio Woongeluk
Ambassadeur Piet Hein Eek over de DDW
Vanaf morgen staat Eindhoven weer ruim een week lang in het teken van de Dutch Design Week. Op verschillende plekken in de stad laten ontwerpers zien wat ze in hun mars hebben.
Piet Heijn Eek is ambassadeur van de DDW. Hij is blij dat het designevenement ondanks de financiele problemen doorgaat
Residence op PAN Amsterdam 2016 - Interview met Piet Hein Eek
Wat doet designer Piet Hein Eek op de PAN Amsterdam? Dat was ook onze eerste gedachte, maar eigenlijk is het ook weer niet zo gek. Wie wel eens in zijn ‘wereld’ in Eindhoven is geweest, weet dat kunst daar ook een grote rol speelt. Er is zelfs een volwaardige galerie aanwezig op zijn terrein in Eindhoven. Er worden exposities gehouden, kunst verkocht en kunstenaars vertegenwoordigd. Dan hoor je ook thuis op PAN Amsterdam dachten zowel Piet Hein Eek, de organisatie achter PAN en wij! Net als in Eindhoven toonde Eek op de beurs zijn unieke mix van kunst, design en interieur. Luister zelf maar.
Piet Hein Eek geeft een rondleiding in zijn werkplaats
via YouTube Capture