Sant'Andrea, la celebrazione a Sarzana 30-11-2017
Festa di Sant'Andrea. E' stata celebrata oggi la Santa Messa in onore del Patrono della Città di Sarzana alle ore 10,30 dal Monsignor Luigi Ernesto Palletti. La processione partita dalla Cattedrale di Luni-Sarzana con la Reliquia del Santo è arrivata fino alla Pieve di Sant'Andrea.
La pieve di Sant'Andrea
Veduta aerea del piccolo borgo sui colli di Imola
Best Attractions and Places to See in Sarzana, Italy
Sarzana Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Sarzana. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Sarzana for You. Discover Sarzana as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Sarzana.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Sarzana.
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List of Best Things to do in Sarzana, Italy
Basilica Catedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Fortezza di Sarzanello
Fortezza Firmafede
Cantine Lunae
Spiaggia Libera Attrezzata Oasi Chiosco
Pieve di Sant'Andrea
Centro Storico del Paese di Tellaro
La Goletta Restaurant & Beach
'A Butega Tenuta DI Marinella
frantoio Ambrosini
Places to see in ( Sarzana - Italy )
Places to see in ( Sarzana - Italy )
Sarzana is a town, comune and former short-lived Catholic bishopric in the Province of La Spezia, of Liguria region, northwestern Italy, 15 kilometres east of Spezia, on the railway to Pisa, at the point where the railway to Parma diverges to the north. In 2010 it had a population of 21,978.
The position of Sarzana, at the entrance to the valley of the Magra (ancient Macra), the boundary between Etruria and Liguria in Roman times, gave it military importance in the Middle Ages. The first mention of the city is found in 983 in a diploma of Otto I; in 1202 the episcopal see was transferred from the ancient Luni, 5 kilometres (3 mi) southeast, to Sarzana. Sarzana, owing to its position, changed masters more than once, belonging first to Pisa, then to Florence, then to the Banco di S. Giorgio of Genoa and from 1572 to dogal Genoa itself.
These changes left in Sarzana a conspicuous fortress, which remains a focus of attraction for people interested in military history and specifically in the history of fortifications (see Star fortress). In 1814 it was assigned to the Kingdom of Sardinia, the frontier between Liguria and Tuscany being now made to run between it and Carrara. In 1921 Sarzana was the scene of fights (Italian: Fatti di Sarzana) between the population and Mussolini's Fascist squads. During them, a small group of Carabinieri and, alter, simple citizens opposed and pushed back some 300 armed Fascists who had come to devastate the town, resulting in eighteen dead and about thirty injured.
Alot to see in Sarzana such as :
the former Sarzana Cathedral: a white marble Gothic-style church built 1355–1474. It houses two elaborately sculptured altars of the latter period.
Citadel of Sarzana; former citadel built by Pisans, was demolished and re-erected by Lorenzo de' Medici.
Castle of Sarzana: located on the hill of Sarzanello, at the site of fortress from as early as emperor Otto I. The castle was rebuilt or enlarged by the condottiero Castruccio Castracani, and later became the residence of the bishops of Luni.
Pieve of Sant'Andrea: 10th-11th century parish church, and rebuilt in 1579, and has 16th-century portal. It houses 14th-15th century marble statuary, a Vocation of Saints by Domenico Fiasella, and a dodecagonal baptismal font.
San Francesco: documented from 1238 and, according to tradition, founded by St Francis himself. It houses the funerary monument (1328) of Castruccio Castracani's son, by Giovanni di Balduccio; the tomb of bishop Bernabò Malaspina; and a frescoed lunette attributed to Priamo della Quercia.
Palazzo del Capitano: designed by Giuliano da Maiano (1472), but now entirely altered.
( Sarzana - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sarzana . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sarzana - Italy
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The Colors of Sarzana, Italy
Sarzana (Italian pronunciation: [sarˈdzaːna]) is a town in the Province of La Spezia, of Liguria, Italy, 15 km east of Spezia, on the railway to Pisa, at the point where the railway to Parma diverges to the north. In 2008 it had a population of 21,356.
The position of Sarzana at the entrance to the valley of the Magra (ancient Macra), the boundary between Etruria and Liguria in Roman times, gave it military importance in the Middle Ages. The first mention of the city is found in 983 in a diplom of Otto I: in 1202 the episcopal see was transferred from the ancient Luni, 5 km southeast, to Sarzana.
Sarzana, owing to its position, changed masters more than once, belonging first to Pisa, then to Florence, then to the Banco di S. Giorgio of Genoa and from 1572 to Genoa itself.
These changes left in Sarzana a conspicuous fortress, which remains a focus of attraction for people interested in military history and specifically in the history of fortifications.
In 1814 it was assigned to the Kingdom of Sardinia, the frontier between Liguria and Tuscany being now made to run between it and Carrara.
Sarzana was the birthplace of Pope Nicholas V in 1397.
A branch of the Cadolingi di Borgonuovo family, Lords of Fucecchio in Tuscany from the 10th century onwards, which had acquired the name of Buonaparte, had settled near Sarzana before 1264. In 1512 a member of the family (Francesco Buonaparte, who died in 1540) permanently took up residence in Ajaccio, becoming the founder of the Corsican line of Buonapartes and hence a direct forebear of Sebastiano Nicola Buonaparte. He in turn was the great-grandfather of the emperor Napoleon I (who was born in Corsica in 1769).
In 1921 Sarzana was the seat of fights between the population and Fascist squads (Italian: Fatti di Sarzana). During them, a small group of Carabinieri and, alter, simple citizens opposed and pushed back some 300 armed Fascists who had come to devastate the town, killing some of them. During the German occupation of Italy in World War II, Sarzana was a center of partisan resistance.
Main sights
• The noteworthy cathedral of white marble in the Gothic style, dating from 1355, was completed in 1474. It contains two elaborately-sculptured altars of the latter period.
• The former citadel, built by the Pisans, was demolished and re-erected by Lorenzo de' Medici.
• The Castle on the hill of Sarzanello was built or enlarged by the condottiero Castruccio Castracani. It is located on the site of a fortress existing here from as early as the reign of emperor Otto I, and was later a residence of the bishops of Luni.
• Pieve of Sant'Andrea, dating to the 10th-11th centuries. It was later remade, the last time in 1579, and has not a 16th century portal. In the interior has 14th-15th centuries marble sculptures, a Vocation of Saints by Domenico Fiasella and a dodecagonal baptismal font.
• Church of San Francesco, documented from 1238 and, according to the tradition, founded by St. Francis of Assisi himself. In the interior, on the Latin cross plan, is the funerary monument of Castruccio Castracani's son, by Giovanni di Balduccio (1328) and the tomb of bishop Bernabò Malaspina, as well as a frescoed lunette attributed to Priamo della Quercia.
• The Palazzo del Capitano was designed by Giuliano da Maiano (1472), but is now entirely altered.
(From Wikipedia)
Sarzana, totem digitale descrive il Crocifisso Mastro Guglielmo 27-11-2018
Una guida multimediale per conoscere in maniera approfondita il prezioso crocefisso ligneo di Mastro Guglielmo, custodito nella Cattedrale di Sarzana. Il totem, realizzato grazie al sostegno della Fondazione Carispezia, sarà presentato venerdì pomeriggio alle 15.00 in occasione delle celebrazioni per S.Andrea Patrono di Sarzana.
Sarzana/Сарцана, Лигурия, Италия: август 2016
Сарца́на или точнее Сардза́на (итал. Sarzana) – небольшой городок неподалеку от Ла Специи, расположенный в долине реки Магра в 10 км от восточной части Лигурийского побережья Италии на границе с Тосканой. Расположение этого старинного городка на важной древнеримской дороге Виа Франчиджена сделало его в своё время предметом постоянных споров между Флорентийской, Генуэзской и Пизанской Республиками.
Самой известной достопримечательностью Сарцаны является средневековый форт, который состоит из крепости Сарцанелло, бывшей некогда Архиепископским дворцом, и крепости Фирмафеде, построенной пизанцами в ту эпоху, когда Сарцана располагалась на границе Генуэзской Республики и владений семейства Медичи.
Крепость Сарцанелло, также известная как Каструччо, имеет форму алмаза, состоящего из двух сопоставленных равносторонних треугольников. Один из треугольников обращен в сторону города и защищен тремя угловыми башнями, второй охраняет доступ в крепость. Обе части крепости соединены мостом.
Duomo Di Sarzana.
A zonzo per Sarzana.
La chiesa di Villa Basilica - LUCCA -
Musica - Kevin Macleod (
Foto/Video - Andrea Giampaoli/ilgiampa1 (
Il rastrellamento di Migliarina, le celebrazioni 18-11-2016
Stamani al Monumento ai Caduti nei Campi nazisti nel complesso scolastico 2 giugno si è tenuta la Commemorazione del Rastrellamento di Migliarina.
Il territorio spezzino - CARPENA - La Spezia
Il mio territorio - Madonna dell'Olmo ( La Spezia)
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In questo video sono stato a farmi un giro a Bergamo tra la città alta e quella bassa. #vlog
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incidente stradale 19112016
Grave incidente nel pieno della notte: un’auto con cinque giovani a bordo è precipitata dal raccordo autostradale. Tutti i ragazzi sono stati trasportati in ospedale, due di loro sono in gravi condizioni
Daniele Rabuazzo
Neve, la provincia pronta a eventuali emergenze 30-11-2017
Allerta neve per possibili nevicate in Liguria, ma che non coinvolgeranno la provincia spezzina.
Il freddo potrebbe comunque creare dei disagi, per questo gli abitanti delle zone più alte della provincia si stanno preparando.
Lo spettacolo delle nuvole su Caprigliola - Saverio Pepe
Dalle colline orientali di Aulla, in qualunque stagione, sul borgo di Caprigliola si ripete un fenomeno scenografico che è quella della corsa delle nuvole sull'antico borgo. Le nuvole, con il corredo di ombre e luci, corrono verso il fiume Magra, abbracciando le case e attraversando il panorama.
Caprigliola si trova su di un'altura, a ridosso del fondovalle della Magra, a dominio delle vie dei commerci che risalivano la vallata e si spingevano ai porti di Luni e a Bocca di Magra. Le prime notizie sul castrum Caprigliola risalgono al XII secolo.
Nel 1185, Caprigliola fu concessa in feudo da Federico I a Pietro vescovo di Luni e suoi successori. Nello stesso periodo, il borgo era già centro fortificato, cinto di mura e residenza estiva dei Vescovi di Luni con il palazzo, di cui restano tracce murate e l'elegante torre cilindrica ancora integra. Il complesso vescovile occupa la parte alta del colle ed è oggi affiancato dall'imponente mole della chiesa settecentesca di San Nicolò, la cui costruzione con tutta probabilità ha inglobato il primitivo nucleo castrense. Nel 1401, Caprigliola, Albiano e Stadano si diedero a Firenze.
Nel 1556 i Fiorentini, per ordine di Cosimo di Medici, dotarono il borgo di mura fortificate, a conferma del ruolo strategico che gli assegnavano. Le maestose mura sono ben conservate e nel borgo si trovano la porta del XV secolo, stemmi medicei, maestà di marmo e ricchi portali. Nei dintorni l'olivo e la vite offrono prodotti di qualità. Il territorio è compreso nell'area DOC dei Colli di Luni.
Festa di N. S. della Guardia a Velva
Anche il Vescovo ha ricordato le popolazioni terremotate
del Centro Italia in occasione della Solennità di Ns. della Guardia. Stamattina, Mons. Tanasini ha presieduto la Messa al Santuario di Velva. Il Pastore della Diocesi ha invitato ad affidare la propria vita a Maria.
Il mio territorio - Beverino Castello - SP