Piva River Canyon in Montenegro (Pluzine)
Piva Canyon (Pluzine)
În canionul râului Piva din Muntenegru a fost construit un baraj arcuit de beton de 220 m înălțime. A fost construit în perioada 1969-1976 și este o clădire magnifică care înconjoară natura.
Toate centralele hidroelectrice: conductele de alimentare, sălile de mașini, tunelul de drenaj, stația de transformare și stația de distribuție sunt subterane și sunt situate în partea stângă a barajului de lângă baraj.
Condițiile de teren grele și inaccesibile necesită o organizare foarte eficientă a construcțiilor. O problemă deosebită a fost unitatea de ciment, deoarece a trebuit să utilizeze transportul maritim, feroviar și rutier pe o lungime totală de aproximativ 600 km.
Balkans Road Trip. #5 Piva Canyon Road. Mratinje Dam
April 23, 2018
Šćepan Polje - Plužine (26km)
Piva Canyon Road is a very scenic drive, part of the European route E 762, in the southwest of Montenegro near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The road is asphalted and still remains an adrenaline-pumping journey, following the Piva Canyon, cut between the mountains of Bioč, Volujak, Maglić and Pivska planina. The road's winding design, providing stunning panoramic views, is very curvy and fun for a leisurely ride, so it pays to take it slow. The canyon is 33 km long, deep up to 1.200 m, in the Piva, one of few most spectacular rivers in Montenegro.
The road encompasses miles of stunning views through twisty hair pin corners, high elevations and steep grades. The road goes through many rocky tunnels through the rocks of the canyon, near the lake.
The asphalted road, also known as M18, runs along the Lake Piva reservoir, the second largest lake in Montenegro. It’s the result of the construction of the Mratinje Dam on the Piva River in 1975. The dam is 220m (720 ft) high, and therefore one of the highest in Europe and the view from the top is astonishing.
Piva Canyon - Discover Montenegro in colour ™ | CINEMATIC video
The beautiful canyon is cut between the mountains of Bioč, Volujak, Maglić and Pivska planina, it's 33 kilometer long, deep up to 1.200 meter and the river generates immense power used for the power station of Mratinje which dammed the canyon in 1975. The dam is 220 meter high, one of the highest in Europe and creates the Pivsko Jezero lake, the third largest in Serbia and Montenegro, which flooded the old location of the monastery of Piva from the 16th century, so the monastery was moved to a new location.
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Montenegro- Plužine-Piva
Driving to border (Ščepan polje)
Plužine - Trsa - Montenegro
Drive along the picturesque P14 road between the villages of Plužine and Trsa in Montenegro.
Przejazd malowniczą drogą P14 pomiędzy miejscowościami Plužine oraz Trsa w Czarnogórze.
Возите се сликовитом цестом П14 између села Плужине и Трса у Црној Гори.
Vozite se slikovitom cestom P14 između sela Plužine i Trsa u Crnoj Gori.
Durmitor National Park Piva Tara Canyon Pluzine Pivsko jezero Montenegro 2442014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Piva River Canyon Road /Northwest of Montenegro near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina E762 M18
Foča - Šćepan Polje - Plužine
Piva Canyon Road, part of the European route E 762, in the northwest of Montenegro near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The road is asphalted and still remains an adrenaline-pumping journey, following the Piva Canyon, cut between the mountains of Bioč, Volujak, Maglić and Pivska planina.The canyon is 33 km long, deep up to 1.200 m, in the Piva, one of few most spectacular rivers in Montenegro.
The road encompasses miles of stunning views through twisty hair pin corners, high elevations and steep grades. The road goes through many rocky tunnels through the rocks of the canyon, near the lake.
The asphalted road, also known as M18, runs along the Lake Piva reservoir, the second largest lake in Montenegro. It’s the result of the construction of the Mratinje Dam on the Piva River in 1975. The dam is 220m (720 ft) high, and therefore one of the highest in Europe and the view from the top is astonishing.
Tnx to driver Mento
Montenegro longest Zip Line - 1400 m - Eko Piva - 360 VR video
The total lenght of the Zip Line is 1400 meters.
The duration of the flight is about 2 minutes.
The maximum speed of the fliht is 65 km/h.
Location: Piva Lake, Plužine, Montenegro
Piva River Canyon - Montenegro
Drive through Piva River Canyon in Montenegro. A land of innumerable tunnels.
Przejazd przez kanion rzeki Pivy w Czarnogórze. Krainę niezliczonych tuneli.
Вожња кроз кањон Пиве у Црној Гори. Земља безбројних тунела.
Vožnja kroz kanjon Pive u Crnoj Gori. Zemlja bezbrojnih tunela.
Piva kanyon - Piva gát - Montenegro 2014
Piva canyon and the Piva dam
Montenegro 2014
Piva Canyon - Montenegro
Piva (czarn. Пива) – rzeka w Czarnogórze; wypływa ze źródła na górze Golija. Płynie głębokim, miejscami do 1200 metrów, wąwozem. Nieopodal Mratinje przecina ją zapora wybudowanej w 1975 elektrowni wodnej, tworząca tam sztuczne jezioro o powierzchni 12,5 km².
Dalej rzeka kieruje się na północ i nieopodal miasta Šćepan Polje na granicy czarnogórsko-bośniackiej wraz z inną rzeką, Tarą, tworzy rzekę Drinę;
Sanja Ilic & Balkanika - Korana
Montenegro - Piva Lake to Trsa on Durmitor
Plužine-Trsa-Žabljak (NP Durmitor)
P14 road is the most beautiful and spectacular mountain road in Montenegro, which passes through National Park of Durmitor. This road connects towns of Plužine which is situated on the Piva lake with the highest situated towns not only in Montenegro, but in the whole of Balkans, Žabljak (1456 m above sea level). It passes through Prevoj Sedlo which is the highest paved mountain pass in the country.
Complete route shown in the video can be seen here:
Recorded with Garmin Dash Cam 55.
Piva canyon - road E762 - Црна Гора
Przejazd drogą E762 od granicy z Bośnią i Hercegowiną w kierunku miasta Plužine
Piva River Canyon - Montenegro
Drive through Piva River Canyon in Montenegro.
Przejazd przez kanion rzeki Pivy w Czarnogórze.
Montenegro / Driving over Mratinje Dam / Lake Piva reservoir / Piva Canyon / Piva River /
Local adventure tours guides ( Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina )
National Park Trips - Durmitor and Sutjeska
Montenegro / Driving over Mratinje Dam / Lake Piva reservoir / Piva Canyon / Piva River
Piva canyon, Montenegro
Canyon of the river Piva and the Piva lake in Montenegro.
Piva kanyon Montenegro 2019.07.14 - RAW video