Playa Los Gringos, Nagua República Dominicana
Playa de Los Gringos,preciosa playa parte de la Bahia Escocesa del Oceano Atlantico que bordea la parte Norte de la Isla de Santo Domingo,hubicada a tan solo unos minutos de la Ciudad de Nagua.Como decimos los Nagueros “Entra si quieres y sal si puedes”.
Alberto Films
Music by: Lindsey Stirling - Love's Just A Feeling feat. Rooty
Playa de Los Gringos,Nagua Republica Dominicana
Playa de Los Gringos,preciosa playa parte de la Bahia Escocesa del Oceano Atlantico que bordea la parte Norte de la Isla de Santo Domingo,hubicada a tan solo unos minutos de la Ciudad de Nagua.Como decimos los Nagueros Entra si quieres y sal si puedes.
Los Gringos Beach In Nagua - Another Uncrowded Beach On The North Coast Of The Dominican Republic
Los Gringos Beach in Nagua is one of those fairly well developed beaches that can be quite crowded on holidays and the occasional weekend. However on most weekdays you can have the whole beach to your self. Nagua is a busy town of about 80,000 people so you can imagine how festive this beach can be at party time.
Keep checking the DR Escapes website and our Youtube channel for more expat interviews and tours of businesses and healthcare facilities of interest to future expats. If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes Youtube channel then you may want to do that today by clicking on the subscribe button. This is one of the fastest ways to keep up to date on all the latest video tours and interviews of interest to anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.
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And finally, if you have not already participated in one of our free DYD Discovery Tours of the north coast of the Dominican Republic...... WHY? Heck, worst case you get to explore another beautiful part of the world and best case you will fall in love with this little rural village overlooking the ocean that has become home to so many other expats. Click to sign up for YOUR own Discovery Tour.
Expat lifestyle
Expat road trip
Cabrera Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic beaches
Los Gringos Beach in Nagua
DR Escapes
Retire overseas
#Turismo Visitantes Playa de Los Gringos Matancitas Nagua Abril 2019
Turismo Playa de Los Gringos Matancitas Nagua Abril 2019
Playa Los Gringos, Nagua
Playa Los Gringos, Nagua
Playa los Gringos, Nagua, Rep Dom
Playa Los Gringos, Nagua
Playa Los Gringos, Nagua
Playa de nagua (Los gringos). #playadominicana
Esta es la segunda parte de el vídeo que hice sobre la playa Los gringos, y está playa que verán o vieron es una parte que pertenece a la playa Los gringos, así que se me ocurrió el compartirla con ustedes y mostrarla.
Es muy hermosa, un lugar único, refrescante, ya las personas que la han visitado y los que pertenecen al municipio de nagua saben de lo que estoy hablando, porque han vívido esos increíbles momentos.????♥️????.
*Espero que le halga gustado.
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Road Trip Samana/El Catey Int'l Airport to Playa Los Gringo
Recently while dropping off two great couples returning to Canada, I thought I’d video a beautiful beach on my return trip. One of almost countless beaches, this one is located just outside of Nagua. Nagua is a bustling city boasting about 115,000 in population and the beach is called Los Gringos. As with all of the beaches in our region aside from holiday’s or weekends you’ll never find them crowded and Los Gringos is no acceptation. Why not accompany me as I’m heading down the carretera back to my home town of Cabrera. Stay tuned as we’ll be creating several new and interesting videos showing why we (and a growing number of others) chose the Dominican Republic as our place and the region of Cabrera located on the north coast as our home. Until next time this is Barry in DR
To stay up-to-date on the latest trends why not sign up For those who like bouncing around the DR visiting with interesting people, in general gaining a wealth of information about the DR for sure you’ll want to click on subscribe to our something feels wrong YouTube channel. It’s almost like being on excursion with us. Finally you’ll love our thought-provoking interviews. Dialogue from high profile well respected authorities sharing their perspectives on our rapidly changing world.
Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you’re thinking about expatriating, opting out for a simpler lifestyle. Maybe you’re concerned about the direction your nation is currently heading in and just want a plan B that includes an exit strategy. The reason doesn’t matter because the answer remains the same. Click and begin taking the first step towards your own excursion. See for yourself if our little area might be the right fit. Both the Something Feels Wrong website and YouTube channel a must for anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.
Retire Overseas
Retirement Dominican Republic
Plan B Exit Strategy
DYD Tour
Dominican Republic Residency
Dominican Republic Passport
Leaving America
Leaving Canada
Leaving Europe
Cabrera Dominican Republic
North Coast Dominican Republic
Live in the Dominican Republic
Considering Expatriation
Reallocate your portfolio
Straighty Baby by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
The following are all licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license at
etl Duck Explodes 24-96 by cmusounddesign
Human Element Fire by emonic
Lakeside Birds 2 by jus
Waves Barcelona Calm by mmiron
Quick Zoom/Slow Down by Benjamin Harvey Design
This was a spontaneous trip to the beach and these guys randomly started rapping. I found this really entertaining it made me laugh a ton, I hope it makes you laugh too if you understand what they're saying.
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Los Bojolos de Nagua- Dominican Republic Amazing Beach
Los Bojolos de Nagua: Es una de las playas mas bella de republica dominicana con sus aguas extraordinariamente cristalinas, con un color azul-verde turquesa, en la cual se aprecia una hermisa vista de playas de arena que abarca todo un arco gigante en el cual se obserban incontables matas de coco y palmeras que, a su vez, brindan belleza, sombras y ese encanto que a todos nos encantaría soñar dentro de la realidad. Es, sin dudas, un excelentísimo lugar para visitar.
Playa de los Gringos II
Playa de los Gringos en Nagua,esta es la parte que queda mas cerca a Matancitas.
Recorrido director general Policía Nacional por playa Los Gringos y La Poza de Bojolo, Nagua.
Recorrido de supervisión del director general de nuestra #PolicíaRD por Playa Los Gringos y la Poza de Bojolo en Nagua. #SemanaSanta2019 #PactoPorLaVidaRD
Turismo Poza de Bojolo y Playa de Los Gringos Matancitas Nagua 2019
Turismo Poza de Bojolo y Playa de Los Gringos Matancitas Nagua son las playas mas visitadas en la costa del nordeste, el video fue grabado fin de semana largo Lunes 1ero de Mayo 2019
la poza de bojolos playa de nagua
#lapozadebojolos playadenagua #lasmaravillasdelarepublicadominicana Solo me falta un poquito para decir que he recorrido mi hermosa República Dominicana entera y tu puedes acompañarme en cada gira que asemos acuerda seguirnos en nuestra pagina de facebook
International Nursing: Nagua, Dominican Republic
Turismo en Playa Los Gringos y Poza de Bojolo Matancitas Nagua rep dom.
Este video muestra el turismo Playa Los Gringos y Poza de Bojolo Matancitas Nagua
Esther Tejeda en Nagua en la Provincia Maria Trinidad Sanchez
Un recorrido por el municipio de Nagua en la Provincia María Trinidad Sánchez, conociendo su gastronomía, cultura, lugares de esparcimiento y diversión, y sobre todo la calidez de su gente y riqueza natural.
A tour of the town of Nagua in Maria Trinidad Sanchez province, knowing their food, culture, places of recreation and entertainment, and above all the warmth of its people and natural wealth.