Playa Medio Mundo, Ceiba, Puerto Rico
Mónica Judith nos lleva de paseo para el municipio de Ceiba, Puerto Rico desde donde se adentra en la Reserva Natural Medio Mundo y Daguao para presentarnos una de las playas mas hermosas de este municipio, la playa Medio Mundo.
Playa Medio Mundo, Ceiba Puerto Rico
El miedo y el mar son una combinación letal. - John Katzenbach
????Playa Medio Mundo, Ceiba Puerto Rico ????????
Instragram: @SosaJzon
Music: The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down (Illenium Remix)
Poza Playa Medio Mundo, Ceiba PR
En este video podrán conocer una poza que muy poca gente conoce
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Instagram: lilithsigh
Twitter: lilithsigh
Snapchat: lilithsign
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PO Box 3165
Bo. Amelia
Cataño, PR 00963-3165
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Medio Mundo Ceiba Puerto Rico
Playa Medio Mundo Ceiba Puerto Rico
Beach at Ceiba Puerto Rico area Beach los machos #3
PlayaMedio Mundo Ceiba, PR
Solo una prueba mas de que Dios se manifiesta en todo lugar
Playa Medio Mundo, Ceiba Puerto Rico.
Cayo Piñero Ceiba, Puerto Rico. Medio Mundo Ceiba 1080p Sony AS100v
Medio Mundo, Ceiba PR
Estrenando GoPro
Medio Mundo Ceiba
Playa Machos de Ceiba y area de medio mundo.
Driving in Puerto Rico from Fajardo to Puerto Medio Mundo | Machos Beach
Just a short drive south of Fajardo on the east coast of Puerto Rico is the town of Ceiba, once home to the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. The U.S. Navy closed down the base in 2004 after the Puerto Rican people won the fight to stop the Navy’s use of the island of Vieques for bombing practice. The Roosevelt Road base was used to service the bombing practice and the Atlantic Fleet.
Ceiba is known for its beautiful environment and surroundings. One of the many attractions in Ceiba is the forest running along the coastline between Fajardo and Ceiba. Hiking this stretch of forest at night is a very popular activity. It is estimated that approximately 95% of the forest is mangrove swamp. You will be able to see many species of birds, so bring your binoculars if you plan to visit the forest. You might also catch sight of turtles and manatees.
Ceiba is a clean community with many very nice homes.
Just outside the town of Ceiba is Playa Los Machos, a natural beach and popular among many.
The beach here is not too appealing and there's not much to see besides a pier, some fishing boats, the ocean, and a small bar and grill that was closed while we were here.
Not far from here is Macho beach...
Los Machos is a more appealing place to catch some rays if you don't mind stepping over some seaweed.
The waters can be pretty rough and it's not generally recommended to swim here.
At the south end of the parking area are some mangrove trees and a path that leads to a hidden beach... Playa Medio Mundo, which is one of the properties managed by the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico.
For more beaches in Puerto Rico, visit:
Una Vuelta por Ceiba / VLOG #41
El pasado sábado 7 de abril pasamos a dar una vuelta para ver personalmente y documentar los barcos en deterioro que se supone serían desmantelados, pero que se están pudriendo en plena bahía de la antigua base militar de Ceiba. Para nuestra sorpresa nos encontramos con que además de barcos hay una antigua plataforma petrolera... El lugar es súper lindo, increíble y nos aventuramos a ver todo el área de la antigua base.
Playa Medio Mundo.
Ceiba,Puerto Rico.
Seq_Medio Mundo-Daguao Natural Reserve: Ceiba, Puerto Rico
Medio Mundo y Daguao es el área natural protegida de mayor extensión que manejamos y contiene el segundo bosque de mangle más grande de todas las islas de Puerto Rico. Este, junto a los ecosistemas terrestres, costeros, transicionales, estuarinos y acuáticos que se encuentran en el área, provee hábitat para un total de 26 especies raras, endémicas, vulnerables y en peligro de extinción. Entre las especies documentadas se encuentra el manatí antillano, la mariquita, la boa puertorriqueña y varias especies de tortugas marinas que dependen de estos ecosistemas.
Medio Mundo y Daguao is the most extensive natural protected area under our management and contains the second largest mangrove forest in all the islands of Puerto Rico. Together with the terrestrial, coastal, transitional, estuarine and aquatic ecosystems found in this area, they provide habitats for some 26 species of rare, endemic, vulnerable and endangered species. Among those that have been documented, are the West Indian Manatee, the Yellow-shouldered Blackbird, the Puerto Rican Boa, and several species of sea turtles that depend on the area’s ecosystems.
Music: Earth by David Solis
Medio Mundo, Daguao / Ceiba
Aventura y aprendizaje con Para La Naturaleza en Ceiba Medio Mundo, Daguao (2017)
Únete a la familia y Suscríbete:
Mi tierra y mis playas , ceiba PR
Muelle antigua base