Praia de Major em Sanxenxo na Galiza (Espanha)
A praia de Major é uma das maiores do concelho de Sanxenxo na Galiza (Espanha) com um areal de mais de 900 metros. É uma praia no seu estado natural rodeada por grande dunas e por um pequeno rego que ao desaguar forma uma pequena laguna. Tem bandeira azul, nadador-salvador e bar.
Playas de Sanxenxo - Pontevedra
Haz un recorrido espectacular por algunas de las playas del municipio pontevedrés de Sanxenxo: playa de Silgar, playa de Baltar, playa de Canaliñas, etc. Redescubre las más populares y sumérgete en otras menos conocidas. Htto://
Places to see in ( Sanxenxo - Spain )
Places to see in ( Sanxenxo - Spain )
Sanjinés is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra. Sanxenxo is situated in the southern part of the O Salnés region. Sanxenxo is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean in the estuaries of Pontevedra and Arousa, which lie in its western areas.
Sanxenxo is a popular tourism destination. Sanxenxo is widely regarded as the best and certainly the most exclusive beach resort in Galicia. Sanxenxo is a favorite resort for Spanish public figures .
Sanxenxo welcomed the Volvo Ocean Race 2005-2006 started on November 12, 2005 from Vigo. The race organisation and the competing teams chose Sanxenxo as their base in Spain. An In Port race took place in Sanxenxo on November 5. It gave spectators a chance to see the race boats at close quarters. The 2013 edition of the Tour of Spain was held in the Rias Baixas, Galicia (Spain), between August 24 to September 14. Sanxenxo was the goal in the first stage of La Vuelta 2013 that began in Vilanova de Arousa in a Batea, a wooden platform out in the water used for farming of mussels, oysters and scallops.
Alot of beaches to enjoy in ( Sanxenxo - Spain ) such as :
A Lanzada: gravel beach for surfers in great demand because it faces the open sea and has good surf all year round because it is not protected by the island of Ons as are the others. Sanxenxo shares this beach with the town of O Grove.
Silgar: the most famous beach is also the representative of the municipality. Silgar fills every summer of Spanish and foreign tourists seeking relaxation on the beach of Galician estuaries. The Madame is the famous statue that is in a rock that lies midway between the shore and the buoy and that is emblematic of Sanxenxo.
Baltar: Also known as Portonovo beach, separated from the beach at the tip of Sigar Vicano is a wonderful beach with a large green area behind, pursued its course in two walks, one of wood, and small and unusual dunes near the village. This, together with Canelas and Caneliñas conform Portonovo beaches.
Caneliñas: small beach, a refuge for those seeking a fine white sand and a comfortable place between buildings Portonovo. It is usual to see young people enjoying the Covas, a strait of water between two rocks on one edge of the beach and is completely empty when the low tide.
Canelas: Caneliñas and after leaving the tip of Seam, we consider this beach dunes and small size, place of young people in the summer Portonovo.
Paxariñas: hidden and nestled among the rocks we find this small beach accessible by a drop enabled by the council.
Montalvo: giving to the island of Ons and back to a notorious forest, the beach is between two separate campsites.
Areas: a beautiful beach which usually come from tourism and the nearby municipalities of Pontevedra and Poio.
Bascuas: small and quiet nude beach, the only such Sanxenxo around. Little or nothing visible from the main road Bascuas takes refuge from the wind through the rocks surrounding it.
Lapa: situated in the parish of Noalla between Area Gorda beach, separated only by the island's physician, and A Lanzada, presents a half-shell.
A Nosa Señora: small cove situated at the foot of the shrine of A Lanzada, between beaches and Foxos Area Gorda. Presents an area of fine white sand and sand with fatter where the rocks are frequent and large boulders.
Areas Gordas: Semi beach noted for the quality of its waters, its white and fine sand, although it appears by name, and the beauty of its surroundings.
Panadeira: small and not very deep sea has been at the center of the coastline of the village. Attached to a playground, is heavily used by local people.
Lavapanos: Small beach, situated in the centre of Sanxenxo. Is too quiet, perfect for stay you only.
Other major blue flag beaches are: Maxor, Nanín, Pragueira, or Foxos Santa Mariña; as well as other small Carabuxeira, Two Boats, Agra, A Granxa, Fontela, etc. complete the list.
( Sanxenxo - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Sanxenxo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sanxenxo - Spain
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Montando a Areoso en la Playa de Major (Sanxenxo)
Montando a Areoso en la playa de Major (Sanxenxo)
Praia da Pragueira em Sanxenxo na Galiza (Espanha)
A praia da Pragueira fica localizada no concelho de Sanxenxo na Galiza (Espanha) a cerca de 7Km desta cidade. Está integrada num espaço natural onde desagua uma pequena ribeira de água doce e é contigua à Praia de Major ( e está após a praia de Bascuas (
Playa de Major en Portonovo
•ั๑ Mar en la Playa de Pragueira (Sanxenxo) •ั๑
Grabado el día 27 de Octubre de 2013
Olas en Saiáns (Pontevedra) / Waves on the beach of Saians (Spain)
Grabado el 21de noviembre de 2016, cuando el temporal azotaba la costa / Recorded on November 21, 2016, when the storm striked the coast
Apartamentos Playa Major
Somos un complejo de 12 apartamentos ideales para familias con niños situados en el municipio de Sanxenxo y a 2 minutos caminando de la Playa Major.
Praia de Baltar Portonovo Sanxenxo
A Praia de Baltar tem 600 metros de comprimento, desde a zona urbana de Portonovo até à Punta del Vicaño, que separa de Sanxenxo. Com bandeira azul, tem águas calmas protegidas pelo molhe do Clube Náutico, areia branca muito fina e dunas protegidas por acessos em passadeiras de madeira.
La playa de Baltar tiene 600 metros de largo, desde el casco urbano de Portonovo a Punta del Vicaño que separa Sanxenxo. Bandera azul, aguas tranquilas protegidas por el muelle del Club Náutico, la arena blanca y fina y dunas protegidas por pasarelas de madera.
Praia de Paxariñas Sanxenxo Pontevedra
Praia de Paxariñas, Municipio: Sanxenxo, Provinca: Pontevedra, Comunidade: Galiza (Galicia) País: Espanha (Spain).
Praia de pequenas dimensões (150 por 40 metros), semi-urbana, areia branca e mar suave. Tem bandeira azul, bar e nadador salvador.
Small beach (150 by 40 meters), semi-urban, white sand and moderate ocean. It has blue flag, bar and lifeguard.
Playa de Baltar #BebopYourWorld #Galicia #Sanxenxo
Viaje a Galicia.Playa de Sanxenxo.3-7-2017.
Playa de Montalvo (Sanxenxo)
Playa de Lajuelas (Aldan)
Praia de Areas Gordas em Sanxenxo na Galiza
A praia de Areas Gordas está situada em Noalla (Sanxenxo) na Província da Galiza em Espanha. Está delimitada pela praia da Lapa e pela Ermida de Nossa Senhora da Lanzada. Tem uma extensão de 250 metros de areia fina e branca, bandeira azul, nadador salvador e bar.
Playa de silgar sanxenxo
Este v�deo se ha subido desde un tel�fono con Android.
Playa de Pragueira
Playa de Pragueira en Sanxenxo.