Playas Asturias: Playa de Xagó
Ocupación: Muy elevada. • Longitud aproximada: 1.750 m • Accesos: Rodados. • Servicios: Aparcamiento: Sí. • Socorrismo: Municipal. Advertencia de peligro por megafonía y carteles. • Material: Arenas. • Color: Claro. • Forma: Rectilínea. • Desembocadura fluvial: Ninguna. • Entorno: Residencial. • Tipo de playa: Oleaje fuerte. Ventosa. • Atractivos: Ecológicos (dunas), turístico-recreativos y deportivos (windsurf, vela, surf). • Peligrosidad: Alta.
La fusión de dunas eólicas —de inestimable valía desde el punto de vista científico— y playa constituye el extenso y muy frecuentado arenal de Xagó, bastante degradado, paisajística y ecológicamente, por la explotación de arenas en el campo dunar y la presencia masiva de vehículos que se introducen casi hasta el borde mismo de la playa.
Places to see in ( Asturias - Spain ) Llanes Beach
Places to see in ( Asturias - Spain ) Llanes Beach
There are no exclusively, 100% nudist beaches in Llanes or, as a matter of fact, in Asturias. All of them are mixed, some small, some large and everyone tans together happily. But Tayada (also known as La Atalaya beach) is special for a lot of reasons. One being that Llanes is an attraction for tourists. If you are looking for a small and safe beach in Llanes, perfect for the entire family then Buelna is the perfect choice. A 50 meters long beach of fine golden sand, Buelna is mostly known for the peculiar looking rock facing it and the landscape around it.
Locals and people familiar with this beach call it Antilles. Maps and guides of the Llanes coastline might show it as Cué beach so be warned that they are the same beach. You might look at the pictures of Andrín and think you have seen them somewhere else before, but let me tell you that what you remember seeing might be pictures of its “twin sister” called Ballota beach.
Completely missing from official maps and guides, Portiellu is a secluded nudist beach hidden in Llanes really close to the Toró beach. Why the secrecy? Well, I don’t think there is any secrecy when it comes to the official tourism board, is just that Llanes has so many beaches that only the better preserved ones. Troenzo is the one of the popular beaches belonging to the beautiful village of Celorio. If you are familiar with the municipality of Llanes then you probably know that a lot of the most popular beaches of this municipality actually concentrate in Celorio and they are too many to add them all here.
I must confess I was a bit lost when I arrived at Celorio for the first time and saw Las Cámaras beach and then the maps telling me I was supposed to see here the Palombina beach while (with low tide) I was actually seeing 2 beaches not one. Finding La Entrada beach is rather easy, most of the beaches in the municipality of Llanes being quite accessible, with parking, amenities, some of them urban and surrounded by bars, restaurants and accommodation.
Everybody knows the Ballota beach. Actually everybody knows the beaches of Llanes and Ballota is one of the most beautiful there (don’t mistake this Ballota with the Ballota beach in Cudillero, they couldn’t be more different) Getting to Ballota is easy. Everyone, Asturian or not, knows Torimbia, the most popular nudist beach of Asturias. Its shape and winding access make it impossible to forget and once you were here, you will remember it forever. Why is that? Torimbia is a typical shell-shaped beach of white sand (and boulders right under the cliffs), 500 meters long.
Borizu is one of the beaches of the village of Celorio, in Llanes, Asturias. If you have ever been to Llanes then you know that this is a big thing. If you haven’t been here before, you are about to find out why with just mentioning the village of Celorio it should be a good. This place is famous for more than one reason, so let’s take them one by one: first of all because Guadamía is a beautiful and rather unusual beach, second of all because it belongs to 2 municipalities (LLanes and Ribadesella) and the third reason is that the cliffs surrounding this beach are truly spectacular.
( Asturias - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Asturias . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Asturias - Spain
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Playa de Verdicio, también llamada playa de Tenrero ya que desemboca en ella el río del mismo nombre, se encuentra en el concejo de Gozón.
Vuelo visual con el DJI Mavic Pro
Epic Emotional and Cinematic Motivational Background Music - by AShamaluevMusic
Playas Asturias: Playa de Verdicio
Ocupación: Alta. • Longitud aproximada: 300 m • Accesos: Rodados. • Servicios: Aparcamiento: Sí. • Socorrismo: Sí, municipal y advertencia de peligro con carteles. • Material: Arena. • Color: Tostado. • Forma: Concha. • Desembocadura fluvial: Río Tenrero. • Entorno: Residencial. • Tipo de playa: Fuerte oleaje. • Atractivos: Paisajísticos, ecológicos, arqueológicos, recreativos, pesqueros y deportivos (windsurf, buceo, surf). • Peligrosidad: Alta.
La presencia de una controvertida urbanización y de discutibles equipamientos turísticos quita encanto al arenal de Verdicio, paraje de remarcada importancia paisajística, ecológica —por sus dunas— y arqueológica —por la existencia de restos prehistóricos del Paleolítico Inferior.