Ploumanac'h Lighthouse - 4K DRONE FOOTAGE
4K footage from Ploumanac'h and its lighthouse. The city of Ploumanac'h is located in the coast of Britanny, France.
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Drone :
MicroSD SanDisk extreme 64go
Music :
The Inspiration by Keys of Moon Music |
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
#drone #footage #FIMIX8SE
The Lighthouse at Ploumanac'h, Brittany
Ploumanac'h - France 2011
Ploumanac'h è un piccolo centro portuale francese e una delle più famose località balneari della Costa di Granito Rosa, la celebre costa sulla Manica della Bretagna settentrionale.
La località è famosa per la scogliera con il faro e, soprattutto, le enormi formazioni rocciose in granito “rosa”, che, per loro forme, modellate dai venti, dalle piogge e dalle maree, hanno anche assunto nomi particolari come “Castello del diavolo” (Château de Diable), “Cappello di Napoleone” (Chapeau de Napoleon), Silhouette de Saint-Yves, “Il Coniglio”, ecc.
Ploumanac'h is a small French port and one of the most famous seaside resorts on the Pink Granite Coast, the famous on the Channel coast of Northern Brittany.
The resort is famous for the cliff with the lighthouse and, above all, the enormous rock formations in granite pink, which, by their forms, shaped by winds, rains and tides, have also taken special names like Devil's Castle (Château de Diable), Napoleon's Hat (Chapeau de Napoleon), Silhouette de Saint-Yves, The Rabbit , etc.
Please watch: San Francisco p1
Eines der schönsten Länder dieser Welt ist Frankreich. Eine der schönsten Regionen von Frankreich ist die Bretagne und einer der schönsten Landstriche der Bretagne ist die Côte de Granit Rose. Schön angelegte Küstenwanderwege führen entlang einer traumhaft schönen Strand- und Felsenlandschaft von Tregastel bis zum Leuchtturm Phare de Ploumanac’h. Die starken Gezeitenunterschiede zwischen Ebbe und Flut und das wechselnde Licht verändern die Landschaft permanent.
One of the most beautiful countries in the world is France. One of the most beautiful regions of France is Brittany and one of the most beautiful regions of Brittany is the Côte de Granit Rose, the pink granite coast. Beautiful coastal walks lead along the beautiful beach and rock landscape of Tregastel to the lighthouse Phare de Ploumanac'h.
Music from
Exploring France - Ploumanac'h Rocks (The Pink Beach of Bretagne)
#TravelEurope #Ploumanach #PinkRocks #PloumanachRocks #Brittany #France
Ploumanac'h (French pronunciation: [plumanak] or [plumana], and in Breton [pluˈmãːnax]) is a village port in a natural harbor, part of the commune of Perros-Guirec, in the arrondissement of Lannion, in the Côtes-d'Armor department of the Brittany region of France. In 2015 it was voted the village most preferred by the French, unique spot. The feature of the area is the pink granite rock and the Sands of Cote de Granit Rose coast. Ploumanac'h Lighthouse is one of the buildings you should visit. The chapel of Saint Guirecfaces the beach and the view is amazing.
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Waves of the Pink Granite Coast
A small taste of the sights and sounds under the Lighthouse at Ploumanac'h, Brittany, France.
Soleil levant, sentier des Douaniers, Ploumanac'h, janvier 2010
Promenade sur le sentier des douaniers à Ploumanac'h
Phare de Ploumanach
Pour prouver à quel point ça souffle!
roaring waves and spray at Phare de Ploumanach
Me enjoying the roaring waves and spray at Phare de Ploumanach, Cote de Granit Rose, Bretagne, France, Januari 4th 2012
Ploumanac'h - Brittany 2013
Ploumanac’h è famosa per le sue scogliere di granito rosa, imponenti formazioni rocciose modellate dal vento e dal mare che offrono al visitatore uno spettacolo quasi surreale.
Un sito naturale di una bellezza straordinaria.
Il vento e la pioggia hanno modellato nei secoli queste coste facendo assumere alle rocce le forme più stravaganti e impensabili ma tutte di un colore rosato
Le rocce possono raggiungere anche un'altezza di 20m e al tramonto si colorano di splendide sfumature che vanno dal grigio al rosa e al lilla
Ploumanac is famous for its pink granite cliffs, impressive rock formations shaped by wind and sea that offer the visitor a show almost surreal.
A natural site of outstanding natural beauty.
The wind and rain have shaped over the centuries these shores by the rocks take the most extravagant and unthinkable but all of a pinkish color
The rocks can reach a height of 20m and at sunset they beautiful shades ranging from gray to pink to lilac
Please watch: San Francisco p1
⛱️ Ploumanac'h: La magie des Rochers - Bretagne Télé
Ploumanac'h aime les rochers. Ploumanac'h aime la #Manche.C'est la #beauté et la magie de la #Bretagne et des Cotes d'Armor.
Station balnéaire , Ploumanac’h est célèbre pour ses rochers de #granit rose. D’imposants amas de pierre sculptés par la mer et le vent, qui offrent au visiteur une vue presque irréelle. Un site naturel d’une exceptionnelle beauté. En 2015, le bourg est désigné « village préféré des Français » à la suite d'un concours organisé par France 2.
Reportage HD - TV Quiberon 24/7 - 21 Septembre 2015 -
Ploumanac’h is a village in the commune of Perros-Guirec. The Pink Granite Coast, so-called because of the colour of its rocks, is one of the most beautiful stretches of Brittany’s coastline. The area is renowned for its unusual rock formations, the best of which can be found on the coastal path between Perros-Guirec and the port of Ploumanac’h.
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by TV Quiberon 24/7 #Ploumanach #PerrosGuirec #Lannion
bretagne le phare de Ploumanach
Balade le long du phare de Ploumanach, chemin des douaniers en Mars 2005
storm in BRITTANY: ploumanac'h 06/02/2013
this is the great storm in brittany
Ploumanac'h (HD)
Côtes d'Armor, Côte de granit rose.
Coast at Ploumanac'h, Brittany
The size and shape of rocks would not be out-of-place in Arizona and they are characteristically pink in colour.
Find differences: Ploumanac'h (France)
Play game FIND the DIFFERENCE and improve your concentration and observation skill. Compare two pictures I made in Ploumanac'h (Perros-Guirec, Bretagne, France) shown side by side and spot two differences between them. You have 30 seconds for each.
Difference game helps you to concentrate, think and learn to notice details. And as a bonus: Playing these types of games can lower stress and anxiety, as well as boost happy endorphins in general. That's why I offer my videos to You!
So are you ready to hunt differences in this challenging picture puzzle game? Take the test now and see how you do!
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#finddifference #differencegame #ploumanach
Mer démontée à Ploumanac'h (1)
Le 08 février 2014 à 13h au phare de Men Ruz
Le coefficient de marée est de 40
La force du vent d'ouest de 28 noeuds
La houle de 4 à 6 mètres
On peut imaginer la même houle avec un coefficient de marée de 114
CÔTES D'ARMOR - Ploumanac'h | Suduaya [4K Drone]
[Série Nature de Bretagne - Épisode 7 - Ploumanac'h | Le Joyau du Nord ]
En Côtes d'Armor, sur une musique originale du local Suduaya Ar Mor.
Son nouvel album :
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Bienvenue en Bretagne, dans les côtes d'Armor, à Ploumanac'h, Trégastel et la Presqu’île Renote !
Un véritable joyau breton que l'on vous laisse survoler.
Sur la musique Ar Morde Suduaya, un gars du coin :)
Une combinaison entre granit rose, phare d'exception, maisons atypiques, plages à l'eau cristalline et une zone natura 2000.
Cette série est réalisé bénévolement pour soutenir les actions de Bretagne Vivante sur la conservation de la nature.
Pour aider la nature et sensibiliser un maximum de gens, vous pouvez :
- Faire une donation à Bretagne Vivante, ici :
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Pouce bleu pour soutenir notre travail :)
Musique : Suduaya - Ar Mor ( Koumoul edit ) sur Altar Records
Images réalisées au DJI Phantom 4 Pro et à la Gopro Hero 6.
Les images sont la propriété du Voyage des Koumoul.
Elles peuvent être vendues afin de financer les futures vidéos de l'association.
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Mentions légales : Vidéo réalisée à titre bénévole et gratuit pour Bretagne Vivante sur Ploumanac'h avec accord CCMAR
Matricule d'exploitant du drone : ED5124
Tourony helicopter
Lighthouse repair from Tourony beach