Travel Bulgaria 2013 Stone Forest Pobiti Kamani Побити камъни
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни) is a rock phenomenon located in Varna Province, Bulgaria, on the road between Varna and Sofia around several villages just west of Varna. It consists of several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 7 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 metres high and from 0.3 to 3 metres thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look like they are stuck into the surrounding sands, which gives the phenomenon its name.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani was designated a natural landmark in 1937.
There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin, divided roughly into two groups — supporting an organic or a mineral origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity, while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Based on field observations and a petrographic and stable isotope geochemical study, evidence now exists that these structures represent an exceptionally well exposed paleo-hydrocarbon seep system (strongly depleted carbon isotope signatures of the dominant low magnesium calcite cement).
Pobiti Kamani. Болгария.
Экскурсия в Сад камней в Болгарии!
«Вбитые камни» (болг. Побити камъни, «Каменный лес», «Диликташ» (от тур. dikili taş — вбитый камень), «Побитые камни») — скальные образования в #Болгарии, расположенные в 18 км от Варны по обе стороны от дороги #Варна — #София вблизи сёл Слынчево, Баново и Страшимирово и города Девня. Распределены на большие и малые группы на площади 7 км².
Представляют собой каменные колонны высотой от 5 до 7 м (некоторые до 10 м), толщиной от 0,3 до 3 м разного сечения. #Колонны не имеют твёрдого основания, полые и заполнены песком.
Существует несколько гипотез их происхождения, которые можно объединить в две основные группы — органического и неорганического происхождения. Первая из них объясняет возникновение колонн скоплением кораллов и водорослей; согласно второй их призматическая форма — результат выветривания горных пород, наподобие «Мостовой гигантов» в Северной Ирландии, или образования песчано-известняковых конкреций. Чтобы сохранить уникальный объект, в 1937 году скалы были объявлены памятником природы.
#Камни создают причудливые очертания людей, животных, разных частей тела:))
Здесь своя мощная энергетика. Поляна является местом силы.
Местность открыта всем ветрам и жаркому летнему солнцу. Рекомендовано к посещению рано утром!
Большое спасибо за просмотры, лайки и комментарии!
Bulgaria: Pobiti Kamani, Aksakovo
The stone forest is located in the Varna province, close to the Aksakovo town.
Побити камъни:: stone forest:: Варна-Varna
Защитената местност „Побити камъни” се намира на около 20 км западно от гр. Варна, започвайки на няколко километра южно от гр. Белослав, на север около самия град, близо до завода за соди и с. Страшимирово. Пресичайки старото шосе Варна - Девня и автомагистрала Хемус завършва около селата Слънчево и Баново.
Скалните образувания представляват цилиндрични каменни колони, достигащи височина до 7 м. и диаметър при напречно сечение в някои случаи до 3 м, разположени върху пясъчна повърхност. Всички колони в основата си са цилиндрични по форма. Строежът на колоните е пръстеновиден, с ясно очертана външна и вътрешна зона. Външната зона е от светло до средносив здраво циментиран варовик, с кръгло до леко неправилно напречно сечение и дебелина от 10 до 50 см. Вътрешната зона е от пясък.
Сложните колони двойници или тройници имат съответно по две или три вътрешни зони.
Най-често те са неправилно разположени в местността, но на отделни места образуват редици.
Колоните са вертикални или наклонени, различни по форма, с вътрешна или външна ребриста повърхност.
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни) is a rock phenomenon located in Varna Province, Bulgaria, on the road between Varna and Sofia around several villages just west of Varna. It consists of several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 7 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 metres high and from 0.3 to 3 metres thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look like they are stuck into the surrounding sands, which gives the phenomenon its name.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani was designated a natural landmark in 1937.
There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin, divided roughly into two groups — supporting an organic or a mineral origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity, while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни, planted stones), also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.
Според най-последователният изследовател на Побитите камъни - проф. Иван Начев, те не са коралови рифове поради липса на биоконструиращи корали в колоните, не са и конкреции, тъй като вместващите скали са безкарбонатни и не съдържат конкрециообразуващи вещества. Той ги определя като микробиално-карбонатни или бактериално-водораслови миниатоли , нарастващи на песъчливото дъно на кюизкото море и изтъква като съвременен пример образуването на подобни миниатоли в залива на акулите в Австралия, които достигат височина до 20 cm.
Варненските бактериално-водораслови колони са впечатляващо природно чудо, което няма пълен аналог, описан в световната литература. Ключови организми в техния генезис са цианобактериите, отговорни за генерирането на микробиалния карбонат, от който са изградени. Ламинираните строматолити, концентричните онкоиди, микритът, пелоидите и водорасловите влакна са индикатори за ролята и значението на цианобактериите за синседиментационния растеж на колоните и куполите.
The Stone Desert (Pobiti Kamani)
Pobiti Kamani (bulgarian: Побити камъни), also known as The Stone Desert is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province.
It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria. The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick.
Pobiti Kamani /Побити камъни/
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни) is a rock phenomenon located in Varna Province, Bulgaria, on the road between Varna and Sofia around several villages just west of Varna. It consists of several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 7 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 metres high and from 0.3 to 3 metres thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look like they are stuck into the surrounding sands, which gives the phenomenon its name.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani was designated a natural landmark in 1937.
There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin, divided roughly into two groups — supporting an organic or a mineral origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity, while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Nikon D200, Nikkor lenses, (c) 2006
Pobiti Kamani/Вбитые камни/Каменный лес Болгария 06.2019(planted stones)
«Вбитые камни» (болг. Побити камъни, «Каменный лес», «Диликташ» (от тур. dikili taş — вбитый камень), «Побитые камни») — скальные образования в Болгарии, расположенные в 18 км от Варны по обе стороны от дороги Варна — София вблизи сёл Слынчево, Баново и Страшимирово и города Девня. Распределены на большие и малые группы на площади 7 км².
Представляют собой каменные колонны высотой от 5 до 7 м (некоторые до 10 м), толщиной от 0,3 до 3 м разного сечения. Колонны не имеют твёрдого основания, полые и заполнены песком.
Существует несколько гипотез их происхождения, которые можно объединить в две основные группы — органического и неорганического происхождения. Первая из них объясняет возникновение колонн скоплением кораллов и водорослей; согласно второй их призматическая форма — результат выветривания горных пород, наподобие «Мостовой гигантов» в Северной Ирландии, или образования песчано-известняковых конкреций. Чтобы сохранить уникальный объект, в 1937 году скалы были объявлены памятником природы.
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни, planted stones[1]), also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.[citation needed] The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look as if they were stuck into the surrounding sand, which gives the phenomenon its name. Sandstorms and sand twisters have also been known to commonly occur in this desert region of Bulgaria. The Stone Desert is not only a well known European tourist attraction due to its desert like habitat, but it is one of few places where desert type vegetation such as cactus are known to grow. It is also the only desert in Europe in which desert reptilians and other desert type animalia are found to thrive. The Stone Desert along with the Tabernas Desert of Spain is one of two naturally formed deserts in all of Europe and the only known naturally formed desert in Eastern Europe.
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Stone Forest Varna Planted stones
18 km Nord-West from Varna, Bulgaria, September 2017
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни, planted stones), also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe. The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look as if they were stuck into the surrounding sand, which gives the phenomenon its name. Sandstorms and sand twisters have also been known to commonly occur in this desert region of Bulgaria. The Stone Desert is not only a well known European tourist attraction due to its desert like habitat, but it is one of few places where desert type vegetation such as cactus are known to grow. It is also the only desert in Europe in which desert reptilians and other desert type animalia are found to thrive. The Stone Desert along with the Tabernas Desert of Spain is one of two naturally formed deserts in all of Europe and the only known naturally formed desert in Eastern Europe.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani (The Stone Desert) was designated a natural landmark in the late 1930s. There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin. The pioneering hypothesis can be divided roughly into two groups: suggesting an organic or abiotic origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity (but detail investigation shows no coral), while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering and desertification of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Based on a petrographic and stable isotope geochemical study and field observations, evidence exists that these structures represent an exceptionally record of paleo-hydrocarbon seep system (low magnesium calcite cements are strongly depleted in heavy carbon isotope 13C). The pathways of fluid circulation are recorded as columns set in sands, which columns after recent sand removal gave desert-like landscape. The dynamic reconstruction of the origin of these structures, the processes of fluid migration and microbial mediation of hydrocarbon oxidation leading to carbonate precipitation have been studied by De Boever et al. (2009).
A Stone Forest In Bulgaria??? | INspire 54
Free training on living your life purpose:
A Stone Forest In Bulgaria??? | INspire 54
Our next stop for healing sites is the Stone Forest in Bulgaria.
The Stone Forest that's in Bulgaria is in the middle of a highway.
As you'll see in the video, it's strange that there are pillars all over this stone forest.
Hemma shares insights of what she researched about the story regarding the stone forest.
We took our time here to draw in the energy of this place by meditating until some loud kids started screaming like maniacs.
Being here though brought up some of my own questions about life, about our life purpose, about the Unvierse.
In this video, I show you around the Stone Forest of Bulgaria.
“Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian : Побити камъни, planted stones), also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.” Wikipedia
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Gabriel ✌♥????
Stone Forest Bulgaria/ Побити камъни
Pobiti Kamani , also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look as if they were stuck into the surrounding sand, which gives the phenomenon its name. Sandstorms and sand twisters have also been known to commonly occur in this desert region of Bulgaria. The Stone Desert is not only a well known European tourist attraction due to its desert like habitat, but it is one of few places where desert type vegetation such as cactus are known to grow. It is also the only desert in Europe in which desert reptilians and other desert type animalia are found to thrive. The Stone Desert along with the Tabernas Desert of Spain is one of two naturally formed deserts in all of Europe[citation needed] and the only known naturally formed desert in Eastern Europe
Unusual ancient stone pillars in Bulgaria
Unusual ancient stone pillars in Bulgaria.
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни, planted stones, also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.[citation needed] The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look as if they were stuck into the surrounding sand, which gives the phenomenon its name. Sandstorms and sand twisters have also been known to commonly occur in this desert region of Bulgaria. The Stone Desert is not only a well known European tourist attraction due to its desert like habitat, but it is one of few places where desert type vegetation such as cactus are known to grow. It is also the only desert in Europe in which desert reptilians and other desert type animalia are found to thrive. The Stone Desert along with the Tabernas Desert of Spain is one of two naturally formed deserts in all of Europe[citation needed] and the only known naturally formed desert in Eastern Europe.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani (The Stone Desert) was designated a natural landmark in the late 1930s. There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin. The pioneering hypothesis can be divided roughly into two groups: suggesting an organic or abiotic origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity (but detail investigation shows no coral), while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering and desertification of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Based on a petrographic and stable isotope geochemical study and field observations, evidence exists that these structures represent an exceptionally record of paleo-hydrocarbon seep system (low magnesium calcite cements are strongly depleted in heavy carbon isotope 13C). The pathways of fluid circulation are recorded as columns set in sands, which columns after recent sand removal gave desert-like landscape. The dynamic reconstruction of the origin of these structures, the processes of fluid migration and microbial mediation of hydrocarbon oxidation leading to carbonate precipitation have been studied by De Boever et al. (2009).
Dallas Residence (Varna City, Bulgaria)
Check and booking now:
Dallas Residence (Varna City, Varna Province Bulgaria) Hotel
Only 300 metres from Varna's shore, Dallas Residence offers air-conditioned accommodation with free Wi-Fi, a swimming pool, spa facilities and a tennis court. There is also a covered private car parking on site.
The property is set in among stunning gardens, 200 metres from the Piccadilly Park Commercial Complex and 4 km from the city centre.
The individually designed accommodation units feature mahogany handmade furniture, elegant lamps and custom artwork.
Dallas Residence's restaurant serves home-made meals.
You can take a trip to the Aladja Monastery, which is 14 km from Varna, or to Pobiti Kamani - a fossil forest, 18 km from Dallas Residence.
Check and booking now:
Stone Forest Varna Circle of Wishes
18 km Nord-West from Varna, Bulgaria, September 2017
Pobiti Kamani (Bulgarian: Побити камъни, planted stones), also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe. The desert consists of sand dunes and several groups of natural rock formations on a total area of 13 km². The formations are mainly stone columns between 5 and 7 meters high and from 0.3 to 3 meters thick. The columns do not have solid foundations, but are instead hollow and filled with sand, and look as if they were stuck into the surrounding sand, which gives the phenomenon its name. Sandstorms and sand twisters have also been known to commonly occur in this desert region of Bulgaria. The Stone Desert is not only a well known European tourist attraction due to its desert like habitat, but it is one of few places where desert type vegetation such as cactus are known to grow. It is also the only desert in Europe in which desert reptilians and other desert type animalia are found to thrive. The Stone Desert along with the Tabernas Desert of Spain is one of two naturally formed deserts in all of Europe and the only known naturally formed desert in Eastern Europe.
In order to be preserved, Pobiti Kamani (The Stone Desert) was designated a natural landmark in the late 1930s. There are a number of theories regarding the phenomenon's origin. The pioneering hypothesis can be divided roughly into two groups: suggesting an organic or abiotic origin. According to the former, the formations are the result of coral activity (but detail investigation shows no coral), while the latter explain the phenomenon with the prismatic weathering and desertification of the rocks, the formation of sand and limestone concretions, or lower Eocene bubbling reefs.
Based on a petrographic and stable isotope geochemical study and field observations, evidence exists that these structures represent an exceptionally record of paleo-hydrocarbon seep system (low magnesium calcite cements are strongly depleted in heavy carbon isotope 13C). The pathways of fluid circulation are recorded as columns set in sands, which columns after recent sand removal gave desert-like landscape. The dynamic reconstruction of the origin of these structures, the processes of fluid migration and microbial mediation of hydrocarbon oxidation leading to carbonate precipitation have been studied by De Boever et al. (2009).
Places to go - mountain Vitosha in Bulgaria
Mountain Vitosha is located in South Eastern Europe, just 15 minutes away with a public transport from the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. This short video is recorded in the middle of March and several weeks before the beginning of the spring. The building is called the national palace of culture.
Drone footage with the Parrot Anafi - Pobiti kamani - Bulgaria 2019
Pobiti Kamani, also known as The Stone Desert, is a desert-like rock phenomenon located on the north west Varna Province border in Bulgaria. It is considered the only desert in Bulgaria and one of few found in Europe.
Trailer - The Stone Forest - Varna , Bulgaria - 03 Jun 2017 - in 4K
Побити Камъни - Варна , България - 3 Юни 2017 , 4К
Местността, в която се намират Побитите камъни, е единствената естествено формирана пустиня в Източна Европа и една от двете естествено формирани пустини в Европа, като другата е пустинята Табернас в Испания.
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:54 1 Etymology
00:02:22 1.1 Other places named Varna
00:03:02 2 History
00:03:10 2.1 Prehistory
00:03:45 2.2 Thracians
00:08:10 2.3 Antiquity
00:12:09 2.4 Bulgarian conquest
00:13:09 2.5 Middle Ages
00:15:52 2.6 Battle of Varna
00:16:48 2.7 Late Ottoman rule
00:18:32 2.8 Third Bulgarian State
00:20:19 3 Geography
00:22:22 3.1 Climate
00:23:28 4 Governance
00:23:53 4.1 Local government
00:25:11 4.2 Boroughs and urban planning
00:25:48 4.3 Policing and crime
00:26:33 4.4 Consulates
00:26:54 4.5 Twin towns and sister cities
00:27:05 5 Demography
00:29:40 5.1 Ethnic, linguistic and religious composition
00:33:01 6 Economy
00:36:39 7 Transport
00:37:41 8 Landmarks
00:41:12 8.1 Churches
00:43:22 8.2 Architecture
00:46:02 9 Education
00:46:16 9.1 Higher education
00:47:49 9.2 Institutes and colleges
00:48:33 9.3 Secondary education
00:49:18 9.4 Libraries
00:49:29 10 Culture
00:50:10 10.1 Museums
00:51:11 10.2 Galleries
00:51:31 10.3 Performing arts professional companies
00:52:06 10.4 Art networks
00:52:17 10.5 Other performing arts groups
00:52:32 10.6 Notable bands and artists
00:53:35 10.7 Concert halls
00:53:59 10.8 International arts festivals
00:55:09 10.9 National events
00:55:47 10.10 Local events
00:56:27 10.11 Varna in fiction
00:57:31 11 Media
00:59:04 12 Healthcare
00:59:48 13 Sports
00:59:56 13.1 Football
01:00:46 13.2 Swimming
01:02:04 13.3 Other sports
01:03:46 14 Notable people
01:04:00 15 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos (Ancient Greek: Ὀδησσός), grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third-largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos, grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.