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Recorded 11/19/2016 in Zamora, Ecuador.
Parque Nacional Podocarpus, Zamora, Ecuador
Podocarpus National Park (Spanish: Parque Nacional Podocarpus) is a national park located in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Loja, in the south-east of Ecuador. It was created in 1982. Caminata a la Gran Cascada La Poderosa en enero 2016.
Podocarpus National Park, Loja, Ecuador
Podocarpus National Park is situated just south of Loja in the southern Andes mountains of Ecuador. The altitude within the park ranges from 960 - 3800 meters, making it possible to see a tremendously wide range of plant and animal life.
The park is named for the Podocarpus tree, which is among over 4000 species of plants found in the park, along with 560 species of birds, and 68 recorded species of mammals.
There are two main entrances to Podocarpus Park, one close to Loja, another near Zamora, and other smaller access trails, one close to Vilcabamba.
From the Loja entrance, you can walk 8.5 kilometers to start of the hiking trails, or take a taxi from Loja. You can enjoy a day trip, or stay overnight in one of the cabanas.
There are several trails in this section of the park, the longest leading to Lagunas de los Padres, a 15 kilometer, 4-day return trek.
This video was shot from a look off at 2900 meters.
For more on Podocarpus, read this post on our website:
Hiking to Podocarpus National Park, Loja, Ecuador * Национальный Парк Подокарпус, Лоха, Эквадор
This is a little video about hiking to Podocarpus and getting to the highest point of the hill. Me and my wife are dummies in hiking so it took for us 4,5 hours (instead of 3) to get to the checkpoint. But it was a real journey we can recomend to everybody to visit and to try.
Это небольшое видео о нашем походе к вершине холма Парка Подокарпус. Туристического опыта у нас практически нет, так что поход у нас занял 4.5 часа (вместо 3). Хоть для нас путь и оказался сложным, мы можем рекомендовать каждому посетить парк и забраться на вершину холма, Это того стоит! Просто незабываемое приключение!
Visit to Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador: Hiking, Birds (37 Photos)
Ecuador’s Podocarpus National Park is said to have some of the highest plant and animal diversity in the world.
In this post, we share 7 reasons to visit this amazing place.
National Parks of Cajas and Podocarpus [Cuenca - Ecuador - Episode 8]
We lied! The Amazon video was not the last bit of Ecuador! This one is! Have a look to the amazing national parks of Cajas and Podocarpus. :-)
1) Flying High by FREDJI
Music promoted by Audio Library
2) Upbeat and Energetic Background Music | Flaming Energy | Free Background Music by Nicolai Heidlas:
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Music provided by Free Vibes:
3) craves - By My Side | Majestic Color
Zamora, Ecuador, Podocarpus park 2
Zamora, Ecuador, Podocarpus park 2
Parque Nacional Podocarpus - Loja y Zamora Ecuador
Parque Nacional Podocarpus, es una maravilla natural ubicada al sur del Ecuador, entre las provincias de Loja y Zamora. Por la vegetación nativa de esta zona se ha reconocido a Loja, a nivel mundial, como el Jardín Botánico de América, donde se encuentra una gran variedad de orquídeas únicas en el mundo.
Ministerio del Ambiente y Ministerio de Turismo del Ecuador
Ecuador Potencia Turística
All You Need Is Ecuador
Parque Nacional Podocarpus 1990 LA TV ECUADOR
Realizado por: Gustavo Yanez
Loja Ecuador to Podocarpus National Park, Near Vilcabamba Ecuador
This is a beautiful national park of Ecuador, called PODOCARPUS! Next video: walking one of the trails in the park.
Podocarpus property 134 hectares.
Two hours riding from the main road we find this property surrounded by beautiful vegetation and extremely pure water. (Water comes from the sources of the Podocarpus National Park)
The tranquility in this place is incomparable, the pure air is unique. There is a great diversity of flora and fauna.
A dos horas cabalgando desde la vía principal encontramos esta propiedad rodeada de hermosa vegetación y agua extremadamente pura. (El agua viene desde las fuentes del Parque Nacional Podocarpus)
La tranquilidad en este lugar es incomparable, el aire puro es único. Hay una gran diversidad de flora y fauna.
Música por e-soundtrax:
Hiking down from Podocarpus National Park - Ecuador; Parque Nacional Podocarpus
This is a short video of the 8.5km road between the park entrance and the refugio at the Northern edge of the park between Loja and Vilcabamba. The views were absolutely astounding and we are glad the weather cooperated so we could see so far on our hike down.
The road from the entrance to the refugio is a fire road, just to give an idea of what the hike will be like. If you are lucky, you may be able to catch a hike up or down with the rangers. Otherwise a taxi costs approximately $20 from Loja to the refugio.
Zamora, Ecuador, Podocarpus park 3
Zamora, Ecuador, Podocarpus park 3
road to Cajanuma, Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador
Parc National Podocarpus, Ecuador, road to Cajanuma, 2800m
El Parque Nacional Podocarpus se encuentra en una zona de gran biodiversidad y endemismo en la región sur del Ecuador. El parque posee una flora excepcional, por lo que ha sido considerado el Jardín Botánico de América. Descubre esto y mucho más en el siguiente reportaje de #CulturaCientíficaUTPL
The Jocotoco Antpitta is an endemic bird discovered 10 years ago. It´s in danger of extintion.
JenM Tours, Podocarpus National Park
Euador, Vilcabamba, Podocarpus
Parque Nacional Podocarpus
Solo en Ecuador!!!
Only on Ecuador!!!
Podocarpus Zamora, Ecuador
Light Showers in the Beatiful Amazonia Rain
Visitamos el asombroso Parque Podocarpus
Considerado como uno de los parques más importantes del país
Posee un sin número de atractivos turísticos, tanto al interior del área, como su zona de influencia. Cada año son miles los turistas que lo visitan.