Poganovo Monastery Serbia
Poganovo Monastery Serbia 16.03.2013
Poganovo canyon & monastery: Serbia
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Poganovo Monastery - Manastir Poganovo
The Monastery of St. Jovan Bogoslov or Poganovo monastery (Mанастир Погановo) is a Serbian Orthodox monastery situated in the gorges of the river Jerma, near the village Poganovo, municipality of Dimitrovgrad, Serbia.
The frescoes were made by masters from Northern Greece. Frescoes inscriptions are in Church Slavonic language.
Poganovo Monastery was protected by Serbia since 1949, and declared Monument of Culture of Great Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia
Recently, two scholars have introduced Jefimija into the discussion regarding the patronage of the famous bilateral icon representing a vission of the prophets Ezekiel and Habakkuk on one side and the Mother of God with St. John the Theologian on the other. Formerly at the monastery of John the Theologian at Poganovo, Serbia, the is now kept in the National Gallery Sofia, Bulgaria: G. Babić, 'Sur l'icônede Poganovo el la Vasilissa Hélèn', in D. Davidov, ed., L'Art de Thessalonique et des pays Balkaniques et les courants spirituels auXIVe siècle (Belgrade, 1987), pp 57-65; G. Subotić, Ikona vasilise Jelene i osnovaći manastira Poganova, Saopštenja 25 (1993), pp. 25-40. Both authors argue against earlier opinions based on a partly preserved inscription, in Greek, that the icon was a gift of the Empress Helena Dragaš, wife of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (1391-1425). They suggest that the donor may be Jelena/Jefimija, who as a wife of a Despot would have had, in the late period, the title of valissa.
Muzika: Kosta Manojlovic - Tebe pojem (We Sing to Thee)
Poganovo Monastery - Манастир Поганово
This beautiful monastery I visited 2012. I decided to design this paper model to remember the memory of this place.
The Poganovo Monastery of St. John the Theologian is a Serbian Orthodox monastery situated in the gorges of the river Jerma, near the village Poganovo, municipality of Dimitrovgrad, Serbia. The frescoes were made by masters from Northern Greece. Frescoes inscriptions are in Church Slavonic language.
Poganovo canyon :Serbia
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manastiri: Sukovo i Poganovo
Погановски манастир / Poganovo Monastery
Погановски манастир „Свети Йоан Богослов“ (на сръбски: Манастир Поганово) е православна света обител на левия бряг на река Ерма, в околностите на село Поганово, Царибродско, Сърбия. Манастирът е част от Нишката епархия.
Manastiri eparhije niske HD
Grupa vernika iz Novog Sada i Futoga posetila je manastire eparhije niske. Poseceni manastiri su: Mrzenica, Djunis, Poganovo ili manastir Svetog Jovana Bogoslova, i crkve: Lazarica i Adrovac
Manastir Poganovo (XIV) Srbija
Road to Poganovo monastery
Manastir Sopocani - Sopocani Monastery Serbian Orthodox Church
Манастир Сопоћани, дом Свете Тројице, је подигао краљ Стефан Урош I (1243-1276) недалеко од извора реке Рашке. Манастир се налази на 17 km западно од Новог Пазара. На овом месту, изворишту српске средњовековне државе Немањића, трећи син краља Стефана Првовенчаног је иза себе оставио задужбину која својом величином и лепотом надмашује све дотадашње српске цркве. Фреске манастира Сопоћани су право ремек-дело уметности, што је много година касније Сопоћанима донело светску славу. Данас је један од најзначајнијих српских културних споменика, који је 1979. године увршћен на УНЕСКО-ву листу светске баштине у склопу споменика средњег века обједињених под заштићеном целином Стари Рас и Сопоћани.
The Sopoćani monastery (Serbian Cyrillic: Сопоћани) (pronounced [sǒpotɕani]), an endowment of King Stefan Uroš I of Serbia, was built in the second half of the 13th century, near the source of the Raška River in the region of Ras, the centre of the Serbian medieval state. It is a designated World Heritage Site, added in 1979 with Stari Ras.
Manastir Ravanica, Srbija - Monastery Ravanica, Serbia
Poganovski manastir, Serbia, with Devil Riders MCC Bulgaria
Day trip to Poganovski manastir in Serbia. About 100 kilometers from Sofia, the start point for this trip.
Sukovo-Poganovo-Trnski Odorovci (Kanjon Jerme)
This is the road passing through the canyon of the river Jerma in the south-east Serbia. The recording is starting in the village of Sukovo and is finishing in the village of Trnski Odorovci.
The road is in extremely poor condition, and in some places is passing through very narrow and dark tunnels. However, the nature is very attractive with beautiful river Jerma and mountains that are surrounding this place.
The road is passing near 14th century Serbian Orthodox monastery (Poganovo Monastery).
Complete route shown in the video can be seen here:
Recorded with Garmin Dash Cam 55.
Fr Serafim Baltic explains the significance of St. Mardarije, a new Serbian saint
This was a student project for a theology class at Loyola University Chicago.
Hristian-Hristosiy painter
Poganovske impresije 2008.(2)
Reportaza o likovnoj koloniji Poganovski manastir.
Autor: Petar Videnov
Snimatelj: Gosa Vladimirov
Montaza: Slavisa Milanov
Slike Dimitrovgrada na dlanu - emisija 02 - manastir Poganovo - (TV KCN)
Label and copyright: TV KCN
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Около Погановски манастир, Сърбия
Sukovski manastir
Reportaža o monasima Sukovskog manastira koji se bave modernim načinima poljoprivredne proizvodnje