Kołobrzeg beach, Kołobrzeg, West Pomeranian, Poland, Europe
Kołobrzeg is a city in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in north-western Poland with some 47,000 inhabitants. Kołobrzeg is located on the Parsęta River on the south coast of the Baltic Sea. It has been the capital of Kołobrzeg County in West Pomeranian Voivodship since 1999, and was in Koszalin Voivodship from 1950 to 1998. During the Early Middle Ages, Slavic Pomeranians founded a settlement at the site of modern Budzistowo. Thietmar of Merseburg first mentioned the site as Salsa Cholbergiensis. Around the year 1000, when the city was part of Poland, it became seat of the Diocese of Kołobrzeg. During the High Middle Ages, the town was expanded with an additional settlement a few kilometers north of the stronghold and chartered with Lübeck law. The city later joined the Hanseatic League. Within the Duchy of Pomerania, the town was the urban center of the secular reign of the prince-bishops of Cammin and their residence throughout the High and Late Middle Ages. When it was part of Brandenburgian Pomerania during the Early Modern Age, it withstood Polish and Napoleon's troops in the Siege of Kolberg. From 1815, it was part of the Prussian province of Pomerania. As the Nazis took power in Germany, the local Jewish population was discriminated against, determined to be subhuman and eventually subjected to genocide. In 1945 Polish and Soviet troops seized the town, while the remaining German population which had not fled the advancing Red Army was expelled. Kołobrzeg, now part of post-war Poland and devastated in the preceding Battle of Kolberg, was rebuilt but lost its status as the regional center to the nearby city of Koszalin.
Kołobrzeg today is a popular tourist destination for Poles, Germans and due to the ferry connection to Bornholm also Danish people. It provides a unique combination of a seaside resort, health resort, an old town full of historic monuments and tourist entertainment options.
Park Bajka Błonie - plac zabaw, fontanny i inne atrakcje dla dzieci
Ostatni upalny weekend spędziliśmy z dziećmi w Parku Bajka W Błoniu. Na powierzchni 3 hektarów znajdziecie masę atrakcji dla dzieci w różnym wieku w tym: place zabaw, fontanny, pajączki, zjeżdżalnie, huśtawki, kule, rozbudowane piaskownice, tyrolki, stoły do ping ponga, instrumenty muzyczne czy świat krzywych zwierciadeł.
A to tylko cześć z wymienionych atrakcji czekających na was w Parku Bajka w Błoniu.
Co ważne właściciele obiektu pomyśleli o punkcie gastronomicznym więc jeżeli zgłodniejecie nie musicie się daleko ruszać.
Duża ilość cienia i sporych rozmiarów fontanny przynoszą ukojenie w najcieplejsze wakacyjne dni.
Jeżeli często zastanawiacie się gdzie wybrać się na weekend z dzieckiem koniecznie subskrybujcie nasz kanał na YouTube:
Na upalne dni polecamy również parki wodne w Polsce i nie tylko: