Puente románico de Vic
La ciudad de Vic tiene un puente románico bien conservado sobre el río Mèder (siglo XI). Se conoce con el nombre de Pont de Queralt y está construido sobre la base de un puente anterior.
Les Adoberies de Vic
Jornada de Portes Obertes a les Adoberies de Vic, organitzat per ERC-SOM Vic el diumenge 8 de març de 2015
Embalse de la Baells, Vilada/Cercs, Bergueda. Rescuebcn 4k,
El embalse de la Baells es un pantano en el río Llobregat, en España, formado por una presa situada en el municipio de Cercs. Se extiende por los términos de Cercs y Vilada, en la comarca del Berguedá, entre las sierras prepirenáicas de Catllarás, al este, y Figuerassa y Arades, al oeste
El Grup de Teixir vesteix de groc l’Estudiant de Vic
El Grup de Teixir impulsat per la Unitat de Cooperació de l’Ajuntament, participa en la campanya del 9N d’Òmnium Cultural i l’ANC engalanant de groc l’escultura de l’Estudiant de Vic que s’erigeix a la plaça de Don Miquel de Clariana.
Girona, begins that is well connected both airport ( Girona Costa Brava Airport , 10 kms City ) Station High Speed Rail in the heart of the city. Entail the Big Meadow Walk of the city very near this walk and find great restaurant El Celler de Can Roca , the global No. 1 in 2013 and currently num.2 ( 2014 ) . Even in the old entail crossing the river Onyar to see the church of St. Felix and inside. Also see the Jewish quarter and the Cathedral of Saint Narcis Girona , like the Wine square of the city of Girona and the boulevard of the city. The stone bridge , where you can enjoy incredible views of the old town , and see the old fishmongers Bridge (Pont Eiffel ), where we have later on around the Plaza Independencia and San Augustine . In this place , out of the city of Girona , looking around the truck Sanctuary of Angels ( 500 meters ), where we see this peak from the city of Girona, and part of the Costa Brava . In this sanctuary of Angels , 8 August 1958 , the ceremony was held in Salvador and Gala Dali . We Celra direction , to the Isle of willows , where a fall season , we see the landscape of this autumn season , saw the reddish color of some trees. Later , we have the Lake Banyoles in the Plan of the Lake with breathtaking views . Let's walk through this Banyoles , we leave behind , we head next village , town of Besalu , where are your bridge , where we go through from start to finish and enter your old neighborhood , which is amazing. Besalu past , we enter the region of La Garrotxa , where are the people Castellfollit of the Rock , the town is a large mountain tops , where you can see how much was coming to town. In this town , the turning to the village of Loix , where we find a very large spectacular natural landscapes . Also , in the Garrotxa find path Sant Aniol d'Aguja , where we can see the river with us during their route to the final , where the church and the house is being restored . We arrived in the capital of the Garrotxa , which Olot , where Montsecopa view from the volcano , seen as rising Olot , mid-morning , a bit clouded , all surrounded by nature , in ' fall season . Here in Olot on everything around , there is a large area known as the Beech in Jordan , some great places where you can appreciate the season of autumn and see the landscape of autumn beech in Jordan . higher up , towards Vic about Sanctuary Health ( Coll de Revell ) are an incredible landscape, the enchanted Rock , where we enjoy spectacular scenery with great vegetation. For here beside Enchanted Rock , there is the Sanctuary of El Faro , where from the balcony, see some great views as the great singlera Tavertet and Sau Reservoir , heading towards the Sellent jump , you can see the singles . In and Sanctuary Cabrera cave or rock the Cavern of the people of the Squirrel (Barcelona ) following the next town that Tavertet and saw his big singles seen from many places . going down towards Vic , where are the Sau reservoir and you can see the singles Tavertet . Let this great place to visit this place very near Santa Fe del Montseny , in the spring season where we can enjoy great scenery overlooking a splendid vegetation . Here we go to the Monastery of Montserrat ( Bages ), where we visit the great monastery , visiting the Black Madonna , a great icon Catalan . Visited this place , let the direction Queralt Sanctuary , where you can see the town of Berga , below your feet and you can enjoy watching the Montseny line, the horizon . see more of his sanctuary. But up to this site and found the source of the Llobregat, the Sources of the town of Castellar de Llobregat N'hug ( The Berguedá ) saw its waterfalls of water . Visited this place , towards the region of Ripoll , in between there is the Sanctuary Montgrony , great landscapes also interesting to see , if we go to to get Fresser Ribes to Núria , the highest peak , where there comes a cog railway on the top is the sanctuary of Nuria. In the Ripollès running down , there is the village of Beget in the middle of nature, where the peaks of San Marco and The Witches and Eat Black . In this spectacular place we go to Castle Requesens ( Albera , Alt Emporda ) . Here we finish the first route of this report, which has been Girona Castle Requesens . Now, all this explanation that I have done , all the following order, available in spectacular HD images , I hope that they can enjoy , I like the person I enjoyed at the time , these places and landscapes are enjoyed alone enjoy this video ..... thanks and see you soon .... well, back then , with the 2nd part , on the Costa Brava, also with better images with my narrative .
Ruta de l'Estudiant de Vic (Josep M. de Sagarra)
La plaça de l'estudiant, la plaça de la catedral, la rambla Davallades i l'església del Carme són alguns dels espais d'aquesta ruta literària basada en la comèdia 'Un estudiant de Vich', de Josep Maria de Sagarra.
El pont de Pedret i el riu Llobregat
Coneixeu el Pont de Pedret? ???? Doncs et proposem fer una petita excursió que us farà gaudir d'unes vistes magnífiques. Podeu anar fins a Berga amb cotxe ???? i allà deixar-lo, perquè a continuació hi ha paisatge que no us ho podeu perdre. Heu d'arribar fins al Pont del Pedret. El passeig el podeu fer a peu ????????♂️o en bicicleta ????, tan sols hi ha tres quilòmetres des del centre de Berga. Però és senzill.
Comenceu la ruta des del Passeig del Vall, al final del qual en direcció al cementiri hi ha una pista asfaltada. A partir d'aquí només haureu de seguir la pista i gaudir del temps i de l'espai. En un moment ja hi sereu i podreu creuar el pont que us portarà a l'església ⛪️ de Sant Quirze de Pedret.
¿Conocéis el Puente de Pedret? ???? Entonces os proponemos hacer una pequeña excursión que os hará disfrutar de unas magnificas vistas. Podéis ir hasta Berga en coche ???? y allí dejarlo por que a continuación habrá una un paisaje que no os querréis perder. Tenéis que llegar hasta el Puente de Pedret. El paseo hasta allí lo podéis hacer a pie ????????♂️ o en bicicleta ????, solo hay tres kilómetros des del centro de Berga, pero es sencillo.
Comenzad la ruta en el Paseo de la Vall, al final del cual en dirección al cementerio, llegareis a una pista asfaltada. A partir de allí solo tenéis que seguir la pista y disfrutar del tiempo y del medio ambiente. En un momento llegareis y podréis cruzar el puente para visitar la iglesia ⛪️ de Sant Quirze de Pedret.
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Racons d'Osona visita Vic
El 26 de maig ens vam traslladar a la capital osonenca per mostrar-vos alguns dels encants de Vic.
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Turismo em Barcelona: VIC
Quem vem à Barcelona, nossa sugestão é conhecer além dos óbvios pontos turísticos, se tiver tempo e se puder, algumas cidades próximas, por exemplo VIC.
O pior é o mico nos erros de gravação!!!!!
Daily Beetle de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (
Divertissement de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (
I Need to Start Writing Things Down de Chris Zabriskie está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (
Les medalles de demà
La Núria Pau, la Mariona Boix i la Júlia Bargalló són les components de l'equip femení B d'esquí alpí. Passen tota la temporada d'hivern viatjant per Europa per seguir el circuit FIS però hem volgut coincidir amb elles a La Molina per saber com es preparen per ser guanyadores.
Temps de neu - 19/02/2015
De Vic a Manlleu siguiendo el curso del río Gurri y del río Ter
A partir de hoy iremos publicando las diferentes etapas de una ruta que enlaza la ciudad de Vic con el Santuario de Núria, en el pirineo de Girona. Lo interesante de esta ruta es que podéis realizarla en transporte público, ya que hay una línea de tren que para en todas las poblaciones. Es la línea R3 de RENFE que va de Hospitalet de Llobregat a Puigcerdà. La primera etapa es la que va de Vic hasta la localidad de Manlleu (Barcelona).
More info.
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Excursión en kayak por el pantano de la baells,Berga
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