Ponte de Lima | Inverno | Portugal
Ponte de Lima em pleno coração do Minho mesmo de inverno, tem o seu encanto. Fizemos uma visita interpretada pela outra margem do Lima, a ponte e o centro histórico. No Inverno sobressai o carisma de Ponte de Lima, as ruas com o comércio tradicional, os restaurantes de tôda a vida, a simpatia das pessoas. Uma visão diferente da que vi durante o verão, e que sinceramente não gostei.
Ponte de Lima aerial view - 4K Ultra HD
Ponte de Lima's main sight is its partly Roman bridge across River Lima. Apparently, a few of the arches date back to Roman times, i.e. just a few centuries AD. The larger part, however, was built later, but is still very old. With its arches just a few feet above the water, the bridge appears way too low, but this somehow adds to its picturesque character. It's a pedestrian bridge and consequently very popular with locals and tourists alike.
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Music: A New Dawn (Royalty Free Music) [CC-BY-NC-ND] Machinimasound
The Roman Bridge of Ponte de Lima, Portugal Davidsbeenhere
The roman bridge of Ponte de Lima, Portugal is an absolute wonder. Ponte stands for bridge in Portuguese, giving the town its name. The bridge was originally used to travel from Braga, Portugal to Astoria, Spain over 2000 years ago.
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
The Roman Bridge of Ponte de Lima, Portugal Davidsbeenhere
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Ponte de Lima | Viana do Castelo | Portugal
Ponte de Lima, situada entre as encostas da serra de Arga e os cumes do Oural, com um microclima quase mediterranico, produzido pelos biombos das montanhas em redor. Uma velha via romana, servida por uma boa ponte sobre o Lima, feita no tempo de Augusto, marca um dos trajectos mais seguidos ao longo da Idade Media entre Portugal e Galiza. Seculos mais tarde a construção de uma nova Ponte Medieval com dezoito arcos ( tres entrerrado sob a actual Praça de Camões) representando um novo prototipo de ponte
Aqui passava uma via romana servindo um dos trajectos mais utilzados na idade média entre Portugal e a Galiza atravessava o Rio Lima nesta vila. Ponte do Lima era um ponto fulcral no eixo viário Norte-Sul, e por isso cedo foi repovoada. Recebeu foral em 1125 por D.Teresa. A vila foi crescendo até que em 1359 por iniciativa de D.Pedro se constroi a muralha com as suas nove torres, e seis portas.
Virtual Tour :
Strong and Courageous 2 Johannes Bornløf
Strong and Courageous 3 Johannes Bornløf
Speechless 1 Johannes Bornløf
Speechless 2 Johannes Bornløf
Speechless 3 Johannes Bornløf
Tropical Feelings 2 Niklas Gustavsson
Tropical Feelings 3 Niklas Gustavsson
Walk Toward The Light 2 Johannes Bornløf
The New World Johannes Bornløf
84th International F.I.C.C. Rally at Ponte de Lima, Portugal
Let us all create bridges of friendship at the 84th International F.I.C.C. Rally at Ponte de Lima, Portugal from 29 July to 7 August 2016. Visit Ponte de Lima! ficc2016.com
Ponte de Lima- Northern Portugal
Ponte de Lima is the oldest town in Portugal. Very picturesque on the Lima River with a very interesting Roman bridge. Worth an afternoon of sightseeing. You can also rent kayaks to go on the river.
Ponte de Lima em Portugal é uma vila histórica e muito charmosa, considerada a vila mais antiga de Portugal ela fica no norte do país. Com construções que resistem desde a época medieval como a Ponte sobre o Rio Lima e a Torre ao lado da rua principal, ela nos presenteia com muita beleza e graça. Quer conhecer Ponte de Lima? Então, Viaje Comigo!!!
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Ponte de Lima, Portugal
Ponte de Lima was founded in the 4th century BC, and there has been a bridge across the river Lima every since. The current bridge was finished in the 14th century. From
Ponte de Lima — Portugal
A video showing Ponte de Lima. The video was taken near the river, right outside the parking area when I got out of the car.
Ponte de Lima, is the oldest vila in Portugal. It is part of the district of Viana do Castelo. The population in 2011 was 43,498, in an area of 320.25 km². The town proper has about 2,800 inhabitants (via Wikipedia)
It's a very calm and green place. I recommend going over the bridge to the other side, there is a beautiful garden there and a nice ceramic art shop.
Timelapse Hyperlapse Ponte de Lima Portugal
Timelapse Hyperlapse Ponte de Lima Portugal
Ponte de Lima - The Oldest Town in Portugal
Vídeo: Câmara Municipal de Ponte de Lima
Ponte de Lima, the Perfect Balance between the History and Nature
Ponte de Lima, the oldest town in Portugal, distinguished by the magnificent landscapes, being a symbol of rurality, environmental preservation, authenticity of traditions and hospitality of its people. Visit Ponte de Lima and enjoy the magnificent natural conditions for practicing sports. Meet the Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro d'Arcos Protected Landscape Area, the International Garden Festival, the Portuguese Toy Museum or perform a walk by the innumerable footpaths and enjoy an unforgettable experience. Blessed by the nature, our gastronomy is as rich and varied as the landscape and heritage. The ‘’Arroz de Sarrabulho” is the ex libris accompanied by the excellence of Vinho Verde from Ponte de Lima, making the perfect marriage of flavors and aromas.
Apresentação do Museu do Brinquedo Português em Ponte de Lima
Mensagem do Presidente da Câmara de Ponte de Lima sobre o Museu do Brinquedo Português em Ponte de Lima.
Fala Portugal - Ponte de Lima baixa fatura da água
Rota turistica da vila de Ponte de Lima
Ponte de Lima é uma das mais antigas Vilas Portuguesa, as suas pacatas ruas com casas pitorescas, tipicamente minhotas respiram história, o património arquitetónico e cultural da vila é riquíssimo, nomeadamente do período Medieval e Renascentista integrando um grande número de solares e casas apalaçadas, atestando igualmente a importância económica de outros tempos, muito derivado da produção de afamado vinho verde.
O nome de Ponte de Lima, vem do rio Lima que atravessa a vila, e da ponte construída pelos romanos.
Ponte de Lima is one of the oldest Vilas Portuguesa, its quiet streets with picturesque houses, typically of region breathe history, the architectural and cultural heritage of the town is rich, especially the Medieval and Renaissance period integrating a large number of manors and palatial houses, Attesting also the economic importance of other times, much derived from the production of famous green wine.
The name of Ponte de Lima, comes from the Lima river that crosses the village, and the bridge built by the Romans.
Ponte de Lima - Rio Lima HD
Veja mais em:
Rio lima ao entardecer
Agosto 2011
Ponte de Lima - Portugal
PONTE DE LIMA é a mais antiga vila portuguesa. Está situada na região Norte do país e recebeu foral da Rainha D. Teresa em 4 de março de 1125. No século XIV, D. Pedro I mandou muralhá-la. Resultou daí um burgo medieval cercado de muralhas e nove torres, das quais ainda restam duas, fazendo-se o acesso à vila através de seis portas. O rio Lima foi, até ao início do século XX, uma via de comunicação com os centros urbanos do litoral e o interior do vale. A ligar as duas margens do rio existe uma ponte medieval, construída a partir de uma romana (desta parte romana ainda resta um troço significativo na margem direita do rio). Esta ponte foi, e ainda é, muito usada como passagem de peregrinos com destino a Santiago de Compostela. O rio Lima foi apelidado de Letes (esquecimento), seguindo o fabulado na mitologia Greco-Romana. Comandadas por Decius Junius Brutus, as hostes romanas atingiram a margem esquerda do Lima, no ano de 135 AC. A beleza do lugar as fez julgarem-se perante o lendário rio Letes, que apagava todas as lembranças da memória de quem o atravessasse. Os soldados negaram-se a atravessá-lo. Então, empunhando o estandarte das águias de Roma, o comandante chamou, da outra margem, a cada soldado pelo seu nome. Assim lhes provou não ser esse o rio do esquecimento.
PONTE DE LIMA is the oldest Portuguese village. It is located in the northern region of the country and received royal charter of Queen Teresa on March 4, 1125. In the fourteenth century, King Peter I ordered the building of city walls. The result was one medieval village surrounded by walls and nine towers, two of which still remain, making the access to the village through six gates. The River Lima was, until the early twentieth century, a path of communication with the urban centers of the coast and inland valley. Connecting the two banks of the river there is a medieval bridge, built from a Roman (of this Roman part there is still a significant section on the right bank of the river). This bridge was, and still is, widely used as a passage for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. The River Lima was nicknamed Lethe (forgetfulness), following the story written in Greco-Roman mythology. Commanded by Decius Junius Brutus, the Roman armies reached the left bank of the Lima, in the year 135 BC. The beauty of the place made them consider they were before the legendary Lethe, that erased all the memories of those who crossed it. So, the soldiers refused to cross it. Then, holding the banner of eagles from Rome, the commander called, from other side, each soldier by his name. Thus he proved to them that this was not the river of forgetfulness.
Lumion Video - Marqueses de Ponte de Lima Palace_2 - Mafra, Portugal
Santamaria na armada ponte de lima
Happy Feet Two - Só o Amor Uma Ponte de Luz Constroi - Betânia Lima - Bridge Of Light
Twitter da Cantora: @betanialima3
Versão Brasileira da Musica Bridge Of Light
Festival promessas 2011
Brazilian version of the song Bridge Of Light