World Youth Parliament held in Salamanca, Spain
Young people from around the world take part in the 5th World Youth Parliament, hosted at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in Spain.
Ven a estudiar a la Universidad de Salamanca
Places to see in ( Salamanca - Spain ) Clerecia
Places to see in ( Salamanca - Spain ) Clerecia
La Clerecía is the name given to the building of the former Royal College of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Spirit) of the Company of Jesus , built in Salamanca between the s. XVII and s. XVIII. It is of baroque style . It differentiates the school, with an interesting cloister , and the church, with an impressive facade of three bodies.
The name of Clerecía is due to a denomination abbreviated of its membership to the Real Clergy of San Marcos after the expulsion of the Jesuits of Spain . The works began in 1617 under the protection of Margaret of Austria , wife of Philip III , apparently as an act of relief to the order by the prison suffered by its founder, Ignacio de Loyola , by the Inquisition in the mocha tower of the Cathedral of Salamanca . Finishing in 1754.
After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain, decreed by Charles III through the Pragmatic Sanction of 1767 , the building was handed over to the Royal Clergy of San Marcos, based in the church of San Marcos . This one, later ceded the building (except the temple) to the Diocese of Salamanca, which installed in him the Seminary of San Carlos.
In 1940, the Pontifical University of Salamanca was created , instituted by Pope Pius XII , and the Diocese gives the building as its headquarters. Although this delivery did not include the temple of the Holy Spirit, the Pontifical University suppressed the cult in it from September 2012 to be exploited tourist. Only weddings of alumni and people connected with the Pontifical University are allowed.
( Salamanca - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Salamanca . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Salamanca - Spain
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We love SALAMANCA: Study Abroad Vlog 7
Took a day trip to Salamanca. Absolutely loved the architecture. It was cool because we were just learning about that architecture style in class. Also the view we saw from the top of the cathedral was amazing! I guess it was too amazing that I spent to long looking at it because the rest of the class left me and perry up there and we had to try to figure out where they were and run to them. Overall, fun day!
#Follow me España, Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Fresh-x CityChurch, Salamanca
Aquí el nuevo vídeo, mostrando un poco de mi Universidad aquí en Salamanca, ademas de otros lindos lugares.
ademas les muestro un poco de la gran acogida que hemos tenido en dos lugares, que tienen como enfoque evangelístico entregar amor y ser luz en medio de la oscuridad a través del ejemplo de Jesucristo.
I had the opportunity to study abroad in Madrid (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) for a semester and here's a narration of my wonderful experience!
Lovely 3-bedroom flat near Universidad de Salamanca / Universidade Pontificia de Salamanca
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Book it. Live it.
Alojamientos compartidos Universidad de Salamanca
Entrevistas a estudiantes y mayores que conviven juntos, bajo el programa Alojamientos compartidos de la Universidad de Salamanca.
University of Salamanca - promo video (english)
This is a promotional video for the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain.
Fantastic! University of Salamanca since 12th century
University of Salamanca
The University of Salamanca is a Spanish higher education institution, located in the town of Salamanca, west of Madrid, in the autonomous community of Castile and León. It was founded in 1094 and given the Royal charter of foundation by King Alfonso IX in 1164. It is the oldest founded university in Spain and the second oldest European university in continuous operations. The formal title of University was granted by King Alfonso X in 1164 and recognized by Pope Alexander IV in 1165.
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La Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) es una universidad católica española, de carácter privado, fundada en 1940 y ubicada en Salamanca, con campus en Salamanca y Madrid. Como Universidad Católica su finalidad es garantizar de forma institucional una presencia cristiana en el mundo universitario frente a los grandes problemas de la sociedad y de la cultura” Cuenta con 6.194 estudiantes.
Los gobiernos liberales del siglo XIX hicieron que los estudios de Teología y Derecho Canónico fueran excluidos de la Universidad de Salamanca. El papa Pío XII crea, en 1940, una nueva universidad para restaurar esas dos facultades, en la misma ciudad, y le confiere la categoría de Universidad Pontificia. Así nace la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. El Decreto de Erección fue firmado el 25 de septiembre de 1940, por petición expresa del episcopado español, cumpliendo así con la preocupación personal del Cardenal Plá y Deniel de recuperar en Salamanca las Ciencias Eclesiásticas, que habían sido poco a poco desplazadas y suprimidas definitivamente de las universidades españolas en 1852. De esta manera, tras varios intentos de restauración, vuelven a Salamanca los Estudios Eclesiásticos.
Así, aunque la actual Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca surge hace setenta y cinco años, pretende ser la continuación de las antiguas facultades eclesiásticas de la Universidad de Salamanca. La bula del papa Alejandro IV de abril de 1255 confirma el Estudio General de Salamanca creado por Alfonso IX de León en 1218. El mismo pontífice, en la Bula Dignum arbitramur de 22 de septiembre del mismo año, concede validez universal a los Grados (excepto en París y Bolonia) otorgados por Salamanca in quacumque Facultate. Este hecho es el que le confiere a la Universidad de Salamanca su carácter internacional. Un año antes, el rey Alfonso X el Sabio había otorgado al studium de Salamanca un Estatuto con el que le daba carácter real. Desde 1254 había en Salamanca cátedras de Cánones y Leyes. En el siglo XIV el futuro papa Benedicto XIII (Pedro de Luna) constituyó la Facultad de Teología. Las Facultades Eclesiásticas, Teología y Cánones, tuvieron un fuerte auge en los siglos XVI y XVII.
En los años 40 del siglo XX hubo varios intentos para unificar las dos Universidades salmantinas. Estos proyectos de integración se repitieron en los años 60, pero ninguno de ellos triunfó.
Teología y Derecho Canónico constituyeron el núcleo de la Universidad Pontificia y son estas Facultades las que ocupan un puesto central en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, por el significado que tienen en la concepción de la Universidad y el servicio que han de prestar para que pueda llevar a cabo su misión.
Poco a poco, se fueron añadiendo nuevas carreras que llenarían el edificio de La Clerecía. Cinco años después de su creación como Universidad Pontificia, se instauró la Facultad de Filosofía. En 1949 se implantaron los estudios de Filología Bíblica Trilingüe y en 1958 los de Ciencias de la Educación. Le siguieron, ya en 1971, los estudios de Psicología y Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Enfermería en 1980, Fisioterapia en 1986, Ciencias de la Información en 1988, Informática en 1990, y la Facultad de Ciencias del Seguro, Jurídicas y de la Empresa en 1992.
La organización y estructura actuales de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca se definen en los años 70, convirtiéndose en Universidad de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, aceptando en su totalidad el espíritu del Concilio Vaticano II y encuadrándose en la nueva situación española con una destacada intención de participación.
La Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca es un servicio de apoyo a la docencia, al estudio y a la investigación de la comunidad universitaria. Está constituida por todos los fondos bibliográficos y documentales, con independencia de su soporte material, su tipología documental y su ubicación física, integrantes del patrimonio de la Universidad, adquiridos a cargo del presupuesto de la Universidad, obtenidos con financiación exterior o procedentes de intercambio, donaciones y legados de otras personas físicas y jurídicas.
Los orígenes de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca se remontan a 1779, cuando se crea el Seminario Conciliar de Salamanca. Esta Librería que se irá enriqueciendo con el paso del tiempo, será cedida en 1940 por el Obispo Pla y Deniel a la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA), creándose la actual Biblioteca. En el año 2002, se inaugura la Biblioteca Vargas-Zúñiga, sita en el edificio histórico de la Universidad y obra del arquitecto Emilio Sánchez Gil. El primer director, llamado Prefecto de la biblioteca fue el Dr. D. Francisco de Asís González (1940-1944). Le sucedió en el cargo Lorenzo Turrado (1944-1952) hasta que fue nombrado Rector Magnífico de la Universidad. En 1952 Luis Arnaldich.
Places to see in ( Salamanca - Spain )
Places to see in ( Salamanca - Spain )
Salamanca, in northwestern Spain, is the capital of Salamanca province, part of the Castile and León region. With a history dating back to the Celtic era, it’s known for its ornate sandstone architecture and for the Universidad de Salamanca. Founded in the 1100s and a key intellectual center in the 15th-16th centuries, the university continues to add to the city’s vibrancy with its international student population.
Salamanca is an ancient Celtic city in northwestern Spain that is the capital of the Province of Salamanca in the community of Castile and León. The city lies on several hills by the Tormes River. Its Old City was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. With a metropolitan population of 228,881 in 2012 according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Salamanca is the second most populated urban area in Castile and León
Salamanca is one of the most important university cities in Spain and supplies 16% of Spain's market for the teaching of the Spanish language, partially due to the usage of a neutral Castilian Spanish variant which is greatly appreciated. Salamanca attracts thousands of international students, generating a diverse environment.
Salamanca is situated approximately 200 kilometres (120 miles) west of the Spanish capital Madrid and 80 km (50 mi) east of the Portuguese border. The University of Salamanca, which was founded in 1218, is the oldest university in Spain and the fourth oldest western university, but the first to be given its status by the Pope Alexander IV who gave universal validity to its degrees. With its 30,000 students, the university is, together with tourism, a primary source of income in Salamanca.
The Old City of Salamanca was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. Sightseeing in the city, many of them within the old quarter are :
La Plaza Mayor: of Baroque style, designed by architects Alberto and Nicolás Churriguera is the most important of public spaces and the heart of the city.
Campo de San Francisco (Salamanca): First public garden in the city on grounds of the former convent of San Francisco Real.
Huerto de Calisto y Melibea (Salamanca): Garden near the cathedrals where, some say, lies the plot of the novel La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas. Beside it are remains of the Roman Walls.
Plaza del Corrillo (Salamanca): Small square adjacent to the Plaza Mayor. On the left is the Romanesque church of San Martín and the right a series of houses with porches formed by columns of stone completed in pads representing the days of the week (a moon for the Monday, a Mars for Tuesday, etc.).
Capilla de la Vera Cruz: Baroque church with Renaissance façade, headquarters of the five-hundred-year-old Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz of Salamanca. It houses countless works of art.
Cathedrals: Salamanca has two cathedrals, the Old Cathedral, of the 12th century and of Romanesque style, and the New Cathedral, much larger, built in the 16th century of Gothic style and completed in the 18th century. The place where they both join is known as Patio Chico and is one of the most charming corners of the city.
La Clerecía: currently houses the Pontifical University. Building started in 1617 and was completed 150 years later as the Colegio Real del Espíritu Santo, of the Society of Jesus. The style is Baroque. It difference the school, with an interesting cloister and the church, with an impressive façade of three bodies, two twin towers of 50 meters high and a huge dome. The Clerecía name is because it belonged to the Real Clerecía de San Marcos after the expulsion of the Jesuits.
The University of Salamanca was founded in 1134 and in 1218 it was given the royal charter of foundation (Estudio General) by Alfonso IX of León. It was the first university to receive the title of University in 1254. Under the patronage of the learned Alfonso X, its wealth and reputation greatly increased (1252–1282), and its schools of canon law and civil law attracted students even from the Universities of Paris and Bologna.
( Salamanca - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Salamanca . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Salamanca - Spain
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Universidad Pontificia Salamanca, Spain?
via YouTube Capture
Study Spanish in Salamanca @ ISLA by Go! Go! España - Live & Study in Spain
For more information visit our website:
ISLA is an amazing Spanish language school located in the university city of Salamanca. Go! Go! España is a free service helping students from all over the world to learn Spanish in Spain. We provide support with the student visa application, finding the best school, looking for accommodation in any Spanish city and replying to all your questions. Contact Go! Go! España for more information!
ISLA is an award-winning school located in the historic center of this enchanting World Heritage city. ISLA team is strongly passionate about teaching Spanish. This school has a wide variety of Spanish language courses in Salamanca, a wonderful free-time activity program and free study resources online for anybody willing to learn Spanish.
Go! Go! España - Live and Study in Spain
E-mail: info@gogoespana.com
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Jenn Sutherland ISA Salamanca: Bienvenidos a Salamanca!
Jenn is a sophomore Spanish & Secondary Education major from Salve Regina University studying at the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain. In her first ISA featured blogger video, you'll learn a bit about Jenn and join her on a tour of a few of her favorite spots around her new hometown!
Climbing the Pontificia University tower
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (