Portuguese Bridge - Debre Libanos - Ethiopia / Äthiopien - 03.05.2017
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Debres Libanos Monastery and Portuguese Bridge, Ethiopia
This very rugged, off the beaten track excursion into Ethiopia wasn't beginning with the most enthralling sights in the world! Interest in Debres Libanos Monastery centers around the fact that it is the biggest in Ethiopia. Remodeling inside was just finishing up with a sheet covering the saint buried in the center. However, the guide was informative.
A weekly market outside before driving a short distance to the 16th century Portuguese Bridge built for, what else...the Portuguese could cross the river during a war!
Portuguese Bridge at debre Libanos , Ethiopia , The birth of the blue Nile
Join me in exploring the world.
DEBRE LIBANOS Portuguese Bridge
A short distance from Debre Libanos and Tekle Haymanot's cave: the 19th-century Portuguese Bridge spans the river (june 2006)
Debre Libanos Monastery & Holy Cave - Ethiopia / Äthiopien - 03.05.2017
Mehr dazu demnächst auf Siehe auch zahlreiche Reiseberichte über Äthiopien unter
Debre Libanos Travel Vlog
Lying 100km north of Addis Ababa is the impressive town of Debre Libanos.
It is comprised of Monasteries, beautiful mountains, country side scenery, the beautiful Nile Gorge with its abundant endemic bird life and Gelada baboons and last but not least the famed ‘Portuguese Bridge’ built in the 1890s. I would recommend you to visit Debre Libanos next time you are in Ethiopia.
Gear(s) Used:
GoPro Hero 7 Black
DJI Mavic 2 Pro
Edited on:
Adobe Premiere Pro
june 2006 - The famous medieval monastery of Debre Libanos - about 130km north of Addis Ababa - the renowned monastery of Debre Libanos, founded in the 13th century in a magnificent 700m-high canyon. The modern church's built in the 1950s by Haile Selassie, in a small wooded gorge. Several waterfalls over the gorge's edge.
Debre Libanos was the political centre of the Ethiopian Church in the 16th century. It was visited in 1520 by the Portuguese priest Francisco Alvares.
The spread of Christianity through Shoa in the 13th century - On the opposite side of the stream to the main church, the cave where Abuna Tekle Haymanot prayed until his death (aged 98) is now maintained as a shrine.
A 19th century stone spans the river. Tis bridge is known as the Portuguese Bridge.
Portuguese bridge Ethiopia
Junto à ponte portuguesa, na Etiópia.
Near portuguese bridge, Ethiopia.
Docu-Film: Debre Libanos
E’ il più grande massacro di religiosi e fedeli cristiani avvenuto in Africa. Tra il 21 e il 29 maggio del 1937, monaci, preti e pellegrini ortodossi, radunati nel monastero di Debre Libanos per la festa dell’Arcangelo Mikael e di San Tekle Haymanot, vengono trucidati dalle truppe italiane, comandate dal generale Maletti, dietro un preciso ordine del Viceré Rodolfo Graziani. A 80 anni esatti dalla conquista italiana dell’Etiopia, attraverso un’ accurata ricostruzione storica, basata su testimonianze e documenti inediti, Tv2000 in un docu-film dal titolo ‘Debre Libanos’ di Antonello Carvigiani con la regia e fotografia di Andrea Tramontano, a cura di Dolores Gangi. Andato in onda il 21 maggio e il 22 maggio, racconta la storia di una barbarie pressoché sconosciuta in Italia. Secondo le ultime ricerche storiche, il numero delle vittime di questa strage sarebbe compreso tra 1.800 e 2.200, mentre il rapporto ufficiale stilato dal Viceré Rodolfo Graziani parla di “solo” 449 morti.
Il docu-film, girato tra Addis Abeba e Debre Libanos, ricostruisce i fatti storici grazie al contributo di Ian Campbell, il maggiore studioso della strage, al monaco di Debre Libanos, Abba Hbte Gyorgis e ad un testimone ultranovantenne di quei tragici avvenimenti, Ato Zewede Geberu. A questi, si aggiungono il Patriarca della chiesa ortodossa di Etiopia, Abuna Matthias I e l’ Arcivescovo di Addis Abeba, il cardinale Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel.
Il massacro di Debre Libanos è l’ultima, tragica conseguenza di un attentato contro Graziani. Nel febbraio del 1937 due giovani eritrei, Abraham Debotch e Mogus Asghedom, nel cortile del palazzo del governo, lanciano alcune bombe contro il Viceré. Sette sono i morti. Graziani viene ferito. Gli italiani scatenano una feroce vendetta. Per tre giorni Addis Abeba viene messa a ferro e fuoco. E’ una strage. I due attentatori fuggono verso il Nord del Paese in direzione del monastero di Debre Libanos accompagnati da Simion Adefris un giovane intellettuale cattolico che lavora come tassista ad Addis Abeba, lo zio dell’attuale arcivescovo di Addis Abeba, il card. Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel. Il giovane tassista viene arrestato e giustiziato nel carcere di San Giorgio.
“Mio zio è morto a soli 24 anni – ha raccontato il cardinale – e mia zia dovette pagare con l’oro i responsabili della prigione per avere il corpo del marito e dargli sepoltura nel cimitero cattolico”. Ma non basta. Graziani è convinto che i due giovani attentatori siano nascosti nel monastero di Debre Libanos, uno dei centri più importanti sia per la spiritualità e che per l’identità nazionale etiopica. E’ il pretesto per regolare definitivamente i conti con la Chiesa ortodossa, ritenuta ispiratrice e fiancheggiatrice della resistenza anti-italiana.
Il 18 maggio del 1937, il generale Maletti, dopo uno scambio di telegrammi con Graziani, mostrati per la prima volta nel docu-film di Tv2000, accerchia con il 45esimo battaglione la cittadella conventuale di Debre Libanos. L’eccidio avviene in un luogo isolato: Laga Welde. Lontano da testimoni. Nessuno deve vedere ciò che accade. Ma c’è qualcuno che sente. E’ Ato Zewede Geberu, oggi ultra 90enne: “All’epoca avevo 15 anni. Non ho visto il massacro. Ma l’ho sentito. Ho sentito i colpi della mitragliatrice. Abbiamo avuto paura siamo rimasti nascosti nel nostro villaggio. Dopo due-tre giorni sono andato a vedere. C’erano ancora i cadaveri, centinaia di morti, forse 600, 700. E gli animali cominciavano a mangiarli”. E’ la prima tappa della strage. La seconda avviene in un altro luogo isolato a Debre Berhan. Qui, qualche giorno dopo, su ordine esplicito di Graziani, vengono uccisi anche tutti i diaconi.
“Non si è trattato di un cosa buona – ha commentato il Patriarca della Chiesa ortodossa Tewahedo di Etiopia, Abuna Matthias I – E’ un fatto storico. Una situazione avvenuta 80 anni fa. Abbiamo perso tantissime persone, inclusi i monaci, il vescovo Abuna Petros. Adesso quasi tutto giustamente è stato dimenticato e perdonato. Posso dire che è bene così. Cosa si può fare? Cosa si può fare adesso?”.
Da un'idea di Lucio Brunelli. L’autore è Antonello Carvigiani. La regia e la fotografia sono di Andrea Tramontano; a cura di Dolores Gangi.
Picture perfect Portuguese Bridge
Close to Debre Libanos monastery in Ethiopia is this stone bridge they call the Portuguese bridge.
A 33m long, 3 arches stone bridge with waterfall and views over the Abay river gorge.
Baboons and 'attacking' kite's so everything for a nice short stop along the way.
Debre Libanos Monastery ( review by Ashu Celebrity)
May blessing of Abune Tekelehaimanot be with Us.
Inside Ethiopia S02E01 Debre Libanos (1080p)
Inside Ethiopia - Season 2 - Episode 1 of 1 - Debre Libanos
Language: English
Subtitles: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Thai
VoiceOver by: Bianca Arndt
Inside Ethiopia is a non-commercial production that introduce the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, his people and life style.
This production is independent and not supported in any way by any trademark, company or government or non-government organization.
Follow us on Twitter:
#ieth #insideethiopia @nemethstarPro
Inside Ethiopia is © Nemeth/Star Productions 2018
All video and picture material used in this production Copyright by © Nemeth/Star Productions 2018
Any use of this material without a written confirmation from Nemeth/Star Productions is not allowed.
Creative Commons Music (detailed in the End Credits):
Bolingo Na Yo Nkolo by Jose Konda (Opening Song)
Licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England License
Published by Jamendo Music
At the Outset (2018) by Yvalain and Juha Hintikka
Yvalain played all instruments excepted wind instruments played by Juha Hintikka, An audio production by Yvalain Debodinance
Licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
jah warriors_Singama Warrior_Zoro (2017) by Zolile Matikinga (Zoro)
zolile matikinga
Licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
Licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
Ethiopian Xmas (2008) by hepepe.hu
Licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
ANIMALIA - DISCOVER LAND (2016) by Marcodà
Licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
Licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
Siyasebenza_Work_Zoro (2017) by Zolile Matikinga (Zoro)
All tracks plyed and produced by Zolile Matikinga
Licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Published by Jamendo Music
Africa 2 (2017) by Rossano Menna
Music by Rossano Menna
Licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported
Published by Jamendo Music
We were very committed to check and respect music licensing rights. But we also just humans and can make mistakes. If we accidentally used music which is not under Creative Commons or where the Licence owner doesn't want us to use his music longer in our production we please you to contact us via YouTube Message or Twitter with the evidence papers that you are the owner of the music. We apologize for the accidentally use and will replace your music during 4 working days (regular working days are from Monday to Friday).
We not paying for any music licensing for this production because this is a non-commercial production. We will replace your music permanently from this production. Thank you!
From Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos
First part of the Northern loop trip in Ethiopia.
We drove from Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos.
Out of the city, passing the suburbs and to the Ethiopian highlands and Debre Libanos.
Connected at last - Suspension Bridges for Ethiopian Highlands
Ethiopia Tour 2015 (Addias Ababa-Debre Libanos) Part 2
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ethiopia, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With about 87.9 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world, as well as the second-most populated nation on the African continent. It occupies a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq mi), and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa.
Some of the oldest evidence for modern humans is found in Ethiopia, which is widely considered the region from which Homo sapiens first set out for the Middle East and points beyond. Tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. During the first centuries of the Common Era the Kingdom of Aksum maintained a unified civilization in the region.
Ethiopia derived prestige for its uniquely successful military resistance during the late 19th-century Scramble for Africa, and subsequently many African nations adopted the colors of Ethiopia's flag following their independence. Ethiopia was the only African country to defeat a European colonial power and retain its sovereignty as an independent country. It was the first independent African member of the 20th-century League of Nations and the UN. In 1974, at the end of Haile Selassie's reign, power fell to a communist military junta known as the Derg, backed by the Soviet Union, until it was defeated by the EPRDF, which has ruled since about the time of the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
Ethiopia is a multilingual society with around 80 ethnic groups, with the two largest being the Oromo and the Amhara. It is the origin of the coffee bean. Ethiopia is a land of natural contrasts; with its vast fertile West, jungles, and numerous rivers, the world's hottest settlement of Dallol in its north, Africa's largest continuous mountain ranges and the largest cave in Africa at Sof Omar. Ethiopia has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa. Ethiopia's ancient Ge'ez script, also known as Ethiopic, is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. It shares many similarities with the Armenian alphabet. The Ethiopian calendar, which is seven years and about three months behind the Gregorian calendar, co-exists alongside the Oromo calendar. A majority of the population is Christian and a third is Muslim; the country is the site of the Hijrah to Abyssinia and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash. A substantial population of Ethiopian Jews, known as Beta Israel, resided in Ethiopia until the 1980s but most of them have since gradually emigrated to Israel.
Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN, the Group of 24 (G-24), the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77 and the Organisation of African Unity, with Addis Ababa serving as the headquarters of the African Union, the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UNECA, African Aviation Training HQ, the African Standby Force and much of global NGOs focused on Africa. Despite being the main source of the Nile, the longest river on earth, Ethiopia underwent a series of famines in the 1980s, exacerbated by civil wars and adverse geopolitics. The country has begun to recover recently, and it now has the largest economy by GDP in East Africa and Central Africa. According to Global Fire Power, Ethiopia also has the 40th most powerful military in the world.Wikipedia
Debre libanos kibre beal
Ginbot 12 2006 Kibre beal in Debre libanos gedam.
enkuwan aderesachihu.,
Ethiopian Flashback No. 1: Portuguese Bridge, December 2007
Ethiopia vs Portugal Military Comparison 2017
Ethiopia vs Portugal Military Strength Ranking 2017
The finalized Global Firepower ranking relies on over 50 factors to determine a given nation's PowerIndex score.
Music Credit: NoCopyrightSounds
Image Credit: Google
Information Credit: globalfirepower
AK-47 set up in Nova Gorgora 16th century Portuguese settlement, Ethiopia