Hippy's Beach Bar Restaurant, Potami Beach, Karlovasi, Samos Ιsland, Greece
Στο ποτάμι Σάμου στις 15/08/2018
A real chillin' location, right on the beach: Hippy's in the Potami area, close to Karlovasi, on greek island Samos offers great food at Hippy's restaurant, or you can spend your time right around the corner at the bar or on the beach beds of the club area. Friendly people, funny cats – I love that place!
SOUND & VISION by paleblueice.com
A video by Lothar Trampert / Paleblueice.com
Big Waves at Potami Beach of Karlovassi / Samos Island/ Greece
big waves at potami beach of Karlovassi. Beautiful Sunset
PoTami Beach, KarLovasi, SAMOS Mysizee vlogg
Like the most beaches in Samos also Potami beach is so beautiful.
Potami Beach one of the most popular beaches of Samos with crystal clear sea, and beautiful sunset,
Samos är en grekisk ö i Egeiska havet, tillhörande regionen Nordegeiska öarna. Den är en av landets största och bördigaste öar och ligger vid Mindre Asiens västra kust, söder om Chios, norr omPatmos och Dodekaneserna, och väster om udden Mykale, från vilken den åtskiljs genom ett knappt 2 kilometer brett sund. Ön är 478 km² stor och har 44 100 invånare. Ön var under den förhistoriska tiden en mäktig stat, speciellt under tyrannen Polykrates hov. När han regerade byggdes bland annat Eupalinos tunnel. Under samma tid föddes Pythagoras, upphovsmannen till Pythagoras sats, på ön. Han har sedermera givit namn åt Pythagorion, en stad som ligger på ön. Dess historia har emellanåt varit krigisk med olika styren och flera sammandrabbningar, tills den i samband med Balkankrigen år 1912 blev en del av Grekland
Potami Beach, Samos
Potami Beach,Samos Karlovassi
Music : Ficci — Love Lost
Το Ποτάμι - Potami beach at Samos
H παραλία Ποτάμι και ο Αι Νικόλας στο Καρλόβασι της Σάμου
Potami Waterfall, Samos, Greece
Amateur GoPro video hiking up Potami waterfalls in Samos, Greece. August 04, 2013
Potami Beach - Samos
Strong winds and high waves in the morning on the empty Potami Beach. We've decided not to stay there since it seemed that it was nearly impossible to swim in such rough seas.
Potami Beach Samos
Samos, Karlovassi, Potami, Greece, Grecja
samos 2013 Potami waterfall #1
samos 2013 Potami waterfall , part 1. walf from the parking to the begin of gorge, then entering in the creek up to the first waterfall. to continue on the creek, you have to go up to the restaurant Archodissa, then take the other stair to go down againg in the gorge but upstream of the first two waterfalls, then you can continue in the creek. prima parte del percorso, dal parcheggio all' inizio della gola, per poi continare fino alla prima cascatella. per continuare oltre, salire alla taverna Archodissa e poi riscendete a monte delle prime due cascate, per continuare lungo il ruscello
POTAMI WATERFALLS SAMOS: All the way up and back
The famous Potami Waterfalls are kind of dissapointing for many visitors, because they just take one look and see no waterfall. That's right, folks. So for the real show and further special entertainment you have to walk through the cold water and ruin your shoes or your feet ;-)
This video was made mid of september, and the little potami creek still had a lot of water after a longer no rain period. The video shows my dry and wet walk & climbing all the way up from the Potami beach area to the bridge close to Tsourley. From there I took the way back along the eastern hill side of the creek, had a break in the taverna Archodissa, climbed down the funny stairways to heaven, hell and the creek, and walked back to my starting point, at the old church. All in all a ca. 3 hours trip.
MORE ABOUT Samos at paleblueice.com
A video by paleblueice.com, LJE.CGN 2016
A video by Lothar Trampert / Paleblueice.com
Potami Beach, Samos
Potami beach near Karlovassi, Samos.
Παραλία 'Ποτάμι', Καρλόβασι Σάμου - 'Potami beach at Karlovasi Samos.
H παραλία 'Ποτάμι', είναι απο τις πιο γνωστές παραλίες στο Καρλόβασι, αλλα και γενικότερα στην Σάμο. Βρίσκεται μετά το Λιμάνι του Καρλοβασίου και σαν χαραχτηριστικό γνώρισμα έχει την Εκκλησία του Αγίου Νικολάου που βρίσκεται πάνω απο την παραλία.
'Potami' beach is wellknown nearby the city of Karlovasi and Samos generally. It is located after Karlovasi Port and the most characteristic feature is the Church of Agios Nikolaos that is built on top of the beach.
samos 2013 driving from Karlovassi to Potami
samos 2013 driving from Karlovassi to Potami
A very windy day in Potami Beach, Samos
A very windy day in Potami Beach (Karlovasi), Samos, Greece - June-July 2013. Blog entry:
samos 2013 Potami beach
samos 2013 Potami beach. we went to Potami beach twice, but always in the afternoon, so I do not have a video with the best light of noon. Siamo stati a Potami beach due volte ma sempre nel pomeriggio, quindi non ho filmati con la bella luce di mezzogiorno.
Bella spiaggia ma che però non mi ha entusiasmato come altre, forse perchè tirava un pò di vento, forse perchè era tardo pomeriggio.
Potami Beach Sunset, Samos Island.
Little 15 sec. Instagram clip cut on the iPad.
Samos Island, Greece. Beautiful place to try out new cam's timelapse feature.