Gipsifiles ghost hunter ha deciso di fare un indagine in questo meraviglioso e magico sito archeologico situato a 30 minuti da Cagliari. Divertitevi a guardare questo video e ad ascoltare le voci che abbiamo catturato. See you soon.
I Menhir e la Necropoli di Pranu Mutteddu di Goni - Archeologia della Sardegna
Realizzazione e montaggio: Federica Selis
Immagini: Federica Selis
Voce: Federica Selis
Musica: Deep Purple Child in Time - Deep Purple in Rock (1970)
Pranu Muttedu - Italian Stonehenge
Near the town of Goni there is this incredible archeological park. One of the most important of #Sardinia. An extensive platform of arenite and schist, on which stands a vast pre-Nuragic monumental complex ‘divided’ into a number of agglomerations.
To the south of the village are the burial grounds of Pranu Mutteddu and Nuraxeddu, exceptionally surrounded by large groups of menhir pairs in alignment or inside the tombs themselves, and from round constructions likely of a sacred nature. Excavated in rocks further south stands the Domus de Janas necropolis of Genna Accas, consisting in three tombs.
The sepulchres consist of two or three concentric rings of stones, sometimes with a frontage in echelon to support the mound. At the centre is the funeral chamber, which is accessed through a corridor formed by orthostatic slabs, covered with lintels. The cellae within are circular or elongated, depending on how many sepulchres are housed inside. The coverings were tabular or pseudo-inverted. The grandiose Tomb II has an entrance, an antechamber and a funeral cella that have been excavated in two distinct rocky blocks, carefully set down and arranged, with fine workmanship and an architectural design that recalls the Domus de Janas sepulchres. The excavations revealed miniature pots, arrowheads in obsidian and various other objects, including a flint dagger and a white stone hack. From the artefacts, we can trace the complex to the late Neolithic period (3200-2800 BC) with late ‘assimilations’ through to 2600 BC.
La Sardegna nel 3200 A.C. : il complesso di Pranu Muttedu a Goni (Italy)
Archeologia da brividi in uno dei siti più intriganti della Sardegna.
A Goni sorge il complesso Pranu Muttedu
Sito Archeologico di Pranu Metteddu a Goni
Breve Intervista ad Alessandra Pilloni, Archeologa del Sito di Pranu Mutteddu a Goni (Sardegna )che fornisce una sintetica descrizione del sito per gli amici di Radio Gassino Uno. Gli Allineamenti di Menhir. Le Tombe. Le Domus De Janas
Pranu Muttedu - Goni
Uno dei più importanti compendi monumentali della preistoria sarda.
La presenza di numerose tombe e menhir fa pensare ad un utilizzo del sito in funzione di riti sepolcrali e religiosi, collegati al culto degli antenati. Il complesso archeologico Presenta la più alta concentrazione di Menhir che si conosca in Sardegna
THE STONEHENGE of SARDINIA-Pranu Mutteddu a Goni.
It is from here that the journey begins to discover prehistory: from the extensive park in Pranu Mutteddu (the field of myrtles). Approximately 200 thousand square meters of surface distributed on both sides of the Provincial 23, which for about five millennia have preserved evidence and suggestions of the Neolithic civilization in Sardinia. Surrounded by ancient oaks and other endemic species, domus de janas, non-hypogean tombs and menhirs resist the weather. It is precisely these perdasfittas, about sixty in all, that stimulate the analogies with the English megalithic complex in scholars and visitors. They lie between the Mediterranean vegetation in groups of two, three and even six, largely aligned and oriented along an astral logic linked to the cult of the ancestors, perhaps representing their figures, male and female, or rather constituted a refuge for their souls. What is certain, however, is the sepulchral function of the area, as suggested by the numerous tombs scattered throughout the park. There are simple ones, consist of mounds of earth and stones at ground level, and the more complex ones characterized by concentric circles of stones with the funeral cell at the center (elongated or circular depending on whether the corpse was deposited extended or curled up on itself ) and jewelry and weapons inside. Of particular suggestion are the tumuli preceded by a megalithic entrance, perhaps a symbol of wealth and prestige of the deceased, and those protected by the menhirs, imperishable guardians of the sacredness of the place. To admire the subterranean tombs prior to the other by at least a thousand years, notes the history of Sardinia with the evocative name of fairy houses, or witches, you need to get to the rock of Genna Accas slightly prominent than the valley between the colorful colors of the vegetation and the aromas of bushes and shrubs, the small niches carved in the sandstone emerge.
The charm of Goni also resides in a towered nuraghe of unquestionable value for both the excellent state of conservation, especially, for the prestigious location: on top of a hill which degrades the valleys of S'Utturu and S'Idda; look down from the handkerchiefs of oaks and pastures that lie gently to the lake Mulargia.
There are few certainties about the origins of the inhabited center, about when the human labors could have transformed the wooded valley into pathways and stone houses that can still be appreciated in all their simplicity. It is said, however, of a daring shelter of a group of ferocious bandits fleeing from Mandas because there, in the basin surrounded by impassable heights, no one would have had the courage to pursue them. Truth or legend? It matters little. Because here, in Goni, history mixes with fantasy, as in an impalpable and eternal dimension. As in perennial oscillation between today and always.
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Goni
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Goni
Goni is a town and comune in the province of South Sardinia, Sardinia, Italy. Goni is surrounded by the natural ring of the Gerrei countryside with its mantle of oak and ilex trees. It lies in the valley where the River Flumendosa flows between the sides of two mountains. The landscape is fascinating and is combined with a number of important archaeological sites.
Surrounded by a luxuriant wood of cork trees, the Megalithic Necropolis of 'Pranu Mutteddu' is found here, comprising of hypogeal tombs, 'domus de janas', Megalithic circles and menhirs, mysterious thick stones often with anthromorphic shapes, laid out in groups or lined up in different ways. One of these lines is made up of 20 perdas fittas orientated from east to west with reference to the course of the sun.
The village of Goni is an ideal destination for discovering the natural and archaeological beauties of the Gerrei. from the luxuriant Mediterranean shrub that covers the surrounding territory to the Megalithic necropolis of 'Pranu Mutteddu'. 500 m from the outskirts of the village in the Peinconi area, we find a fossil-bearing site with examples of graptolite, a very rare Palaeozoic fossil, contained in the sedimentary strata of the black schist rocks that abound in the area.
Goni is also a very important centre for cork craftwork and basket weaving. On 25th July, Goni celebrates the Feast of its Patron Saint, San Giacomo the Elder, with a solemn procession that moves through the streets of the villages carrying the statue of the Saint on an ox-drawn cart. The religious rites take place alongside the civil celebrations with dancing in the square, modern music, sporting events and a firework display.
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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326 Sardinia Goni Pranu Mutteddu prehistoric menhir
(Magyarul lásd lent)
In this shot we see two giant, vertical monoliths as they have stood here for millennia.
Until modern times it was known only by shepherds, recently also visited by tourists and archeologists. Mass tourism has not appeared yet; spirit of the place (genius loci) can still be peacefully enjoyed.
One of the most exciting open air museums of Sardinia is situated not far from Goni village, on the Pranu Mutteddu plateau, where among beautiful cork trees (Quercus suber), ancient buildups from the times before written history can be seen in their original shape and position. Menhirs, fairy-houses (domus de janas), well-temple, etc.
Ezen a videón két függőlegesen álló hatalmas kőtömböt láthatunk, melyek évezredek óta állnak itt. Eddig csak a pásztorok tudtak róluk, újabban a régészek és a túristák is. Ezen a részen még nincs tömegtúrizmus a hely szelleme (genius loci) zavartalanul élvezhető.
Szardínia egyik legizgalmasabb szabadtéri múzeuma a Goni falu közelében lévő Pranu Mutteddu fennsíkon található, ahol gyönyörű paratölgyek (Quercus suber) között az írott történelem előtti korból származó ősépítmények láthatóak eredeti formájukban.
325 Sardinia Goni Pranu Mutteddu prehisztorikus sziklasír
(Magyarul lásd lent)
One of the most exciting open air museums of Sardinia is situated not far from Goni village, on the Pranu Mutteddu plateau, where among beautiful cork trees (Quercus suber), ancient buildups from the times before written history can be seen in their original shape and position. Menhirs, fairy-houses (domus de janas), well-temple, etc.
In this shot we see a prehistoric stone-grave carved into the host rock.
Szardínia egyik legizgalmasabb szabadtéri múzeuma a Goni falu közelében lévő Pranu Mutteddu fennsíkon található, ahol gyönyörű paratölgyek (Quercus suber) között az írott történelem előtti korból származó ősépítmények láthatóak eredeti formájukban, menhirek, tündérházak (domus de janas), kúttemplom stb.
Ezen a videón az alapkőzetbe vájt prehisztorikus sziklasírt láthatunk.
Magico Pranu Mutteddu (Goni)
Gipsi Files fa' due chiacchiere prima dell' ghost hunting della sera. #goni#pranumutteddu#mistero#magia#storia#sardegna#EVP#voice#vocinellanotte#fanfasmi#stonehenge#dolmen#domusdejanas
Sardegna - la Barbagia - Armungia, Funtana Cuberta, Goni, Pranu Mutteddu
Un viaggio nel cuore della Sardegna. Posti misteriosi e stupendi. Chi visita questi luoghi difficilmente li dimentica. Odori, colori, paesaggi persone fiere sono la peculiarità della Barbagia o comunque di quella Sardegna che non è lambita dalla frenesia della Costa Smeralda o delle località prettamente turistiche
Pranu Muttedu, la Stonehenge della Sardegna
Nei pressi di Goni, piccolo centro abitato in provincia di Cagliari si trova il complesso archeologico di Pranu Muttedu una delle più importanti aree funerarie della Sardegna preistorica. È qui che si trova la più alta concentrazione di menhir e megaliti dell'Isola e sempre qui si possono ammirare diverse Domus de Janas, le 'case delle fate', ovvero tombe, ma scavate nella roccia.
Produzione Droneimagine di C.M.L. Srl per Sardegna Promozione
323 Sardinia Goni, Pranu Mutteddu fennsík menhir sorok
(Magyarul lásd lent)
In this shot we see some Menhirs situated in the center of the cultic site. Shapes of the central positioned, bigger monoliths reminiscent of human figures. At this archeological site not only Menhir-row, but Menhir-circles recalling Stonehenge can be found.
One of the most exciting open air museums of Sardinia is situated not far from Goni village, on the Pranu Mutteddu plateau, where among beautiful cork trees (Quercus suber), ancient buildups from the times before written history can be seen in their original shape and position. Menhirs, fairy-houses (domus de janas), well-temple, etc.
Ezen a videón a kultikus hely központjában található néhány menhirt láthatunk. A központi helyzetű nagyobb kőtömbök emberi figurákra emlékeztetnek. Ezen a lelőhelyen nemcsak menhir sort, hanem menhír köröket is láthatunk, melyről Stonehenge juthat eszünkbe.
Szardínia egyik legizgalmasabb szabadtéri múzeuma a Goni falu közelében lévő Pranu Mutteddu fennsíkon található, ahol gyönyörű paratölgyek (Quercus suber) között az írott történelem előtti korból származó ősépítmények láthatóak eredeti formájukban, menhirek, tündérházak (domus de janas), kúttemplom stb.
324 Sardinia Goni Pranu Mutteddu dolmen menhir
(Magyarul lásd lent)
In this shot we see the central dolmen (stone-grave) of the cultic site. Shapes of the central positioned, bigger monoliths reminiscent of human figures or phallic symbols.
At the end of the scene an old cork tree can be seen to the right of the monolith with its cortex peeled up to about 2,5 meters. Sardinia is a cork exporter. The cortex of the tree is the raw material of corks and is also used as a substitute for wood parquet.
One of the most exciting open air museums of Sardinia is situated not far from Goni village, on the Pranu Mutteddu plateau, where among beautiful cork trees (Quercus suber), ancient buildups from the times before written history can be seen in their original shape and position. Menhirs, fairy-houses (domus de janas), well-temple, etc.
Ezen a videón a kultikus hely központjában található dolment (sziklasír) láthatjuk. A központi helyzetű nagyobb kőtömbök emberi figurákra vagy fallikus szimbólumra emlékeztetnek.
A jelenet végén a kőtömbtől jobbra eső idős paratölgy kérge kb 2,5m magasságig le van hántva. Szardinia paratölgy exportőr. A paratölgy kérgét boros dugó készítéshez, ill. parketta helyettesítőként is használják.
Szardínia egyik legizgalmasabb szabadtéri múzeuma a Goni falu közelében lévő Pranu Mutteddu fennsíkon található, ahol gyönyörű paratölgyek (Quercus suber) között az írott történelem előtti korból származó ősépítmények láthatóak eredeti formájukban, menhirek, tündérházak (domus de janas), kúttemplom stb.
A Pranu mutteddu.avi
Visita al sito archeologico di Pranu Mutteddu- Comune di GONI.
Pranu Muttedu, la Stonehenge della Sardegna (video 2)
Secondo video del nostro canale girato nell'area archeologica chiamata Pranu Mutteddu, una delle più suggestive e importanti aree funerarie della Sardegna preistorica.
Siamo nella Sardegna sud-orientale, nel territorio del piccolo comune di Goni (Ca), nella regione del Gerrei.
In quest'area archeologica si trova la più alta concentrazione di menhir e megaliti dell'Isola e si possono ammirare diverse Domus de Janas, le cosidette 'case delle fate', grotte artificiali scavate nella roccia che venivano utilizzate come sepolture.
Produzione Droneimagine di C.M.L. Srl per Sardegna Promozione