Puh Sarang, The Ancient Catholic Church and Pilgrimage Site in Kediri - East Java
This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, thats why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931. The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity. The first establishment of the complex is the Antique Church, Puhsarang Church. The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see unique full-scale sculptures of Lord Jesus and the people on the way of cross. If we look at this church so far, it is like a ship from a mountain, which is describing the rescue Noah prophets story and his passengers. The buildings in the church area are built from the massive stones, which are taken from materials surrounding the tourism area. The tourism facilities are parking area, hotel, cottages, and home stay, souvenir kiosk, and Kediri special food.
The tourism object of Puh Sarang Church ST. Josef gate along with Henricus Tower is the main entrance to Puhsarang Church. Bentar Temple, Tower Bell and a relief as well are built to describe Adams falling in sin. The main building has roof likes Copula or Dome consists of Altar and Kudos, Sacrament, Baptism, Sacristy, and the place to admit sin. This building made from stone that is adhesive without cement but using Tetes. The roof of building is supported by spread out wire steel without laths and rafter, so if there is a wind it will make a special sound.
Maria Lourdes Cave along with Maria statue is a replica of Maria Lourdes from France. It was built in 1998. The location of this cave becomes a central sacred on the night before Kliwon Friday night. The central location of this cave is crowed by at least 10.000 people from Local, Regional, National, or abroad. In the west location of Maria Lourdes cave, there is a pure waterfall, which radiated from a mountain stonewall can be beneficial to visitors.
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Poh Sarang Pilgrimage Tourism - Kediri
Puh Sarang Church
Puh Sarang or Poh Sarang, is the Roman Catholic Church that located in the village of Pohsarang, Cement District, precisely located at the foot of Mount Wilis. Puh Sarang was founded in 1936 by Father January Waolters CM by the architect Henri Pont Mclaine.
These two figures,were the two great figures of his time who managed to combine two different elements to formed a unique and beautiful church. Two of these elements come from the beauty of the Java architecture and Catholic symbolism for the catechesis of the Catholic faith.
At this Puh Sarang, there are some spots that always been mostly visited, whether those who wish to pray or just to see and enjoy the cool and shady atmosphere. Those locations are: Goa Maria Lourdes, Way of the Cross hill of Golgotha and the Garden of Kana. In addition, there is also camping ground on Mount Tabor, multipurpose building for those who want to hold mass events or other events outside of religious activities as well as Bethlehem Pensions and Hening Pensions or Silent Pension for those who want to stay.
Stepping To Puh Sarang Catholic Church at Kediri - East Java
This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, thats why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931. The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity. The first establishment of the complex is the Antique Church, Puhsarang Church. The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see unique full-scale sculptures of Lord Jesus and the people on the way of cross. If we look at this church so far, it is like a ship from a mountain, which is describing the rescue Noah prophets story and his passengers. The buildings in the church area are built from the massive stones, which are taken from materials surrounding the tourism area. The tourism facilities are parking area, hotel, cottages, and home stay, souvenir kiosk, and Kediri special food.
The tourism object of Puh Sarang Church ST. Josef gate along with Henricus Tower is the main entrance to Puhsarang Church. Bentar Temple, Tower Bell and a relief as well are built to describe Adams falling in sin. The main building has roof likes Copula or Dome consists of Altar and Kudos, Sacrament, Baptism, Sacristy, and the place to admit sin. This building made from stone that is adhesive without cement but using Tetes. The roof of building is supported by spread out wire steel without laths and rafter, so if there is a wind it will make a special sound.
Maria Lourdes Cave along with Maria statue is a replica of Maria Lourdes from France. It was built in 1998. The location of this cave becomes a central sacred on the night before Kliwon Friday night. The central location of this cave is crowed by at least 10.000 people from Local, Regional, National, or abroad. In the west location of Maria Lourdes cave, there is a pure waterfall, which radiated from a mountain stonewall can be beneficial to visitors.
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Jelajah Kediri Nda.. - Gua Maria Lourdes Puhsarang Kediri Jawa Timur
ini adalah perjalanan jelajah wisata saya di Kediri Jawa Timur.. semoga dapat memberikan wawasan juga pengetahuan kepada para pemirsa semua khususnya warga Kediri Jawa Timur yang rindu akan kampung halaman.. :)
Catatan : Nda adalah kata sapaan populer di Kediri Jawa Timur layaknya kata Rek Surabaya atau kata gaul Modern Indonesia Bro.. hehe.. :D
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Church / Gereja Maria Lourdes Puh Sarang di Kediri + Jalan Salib..
The Grace of Puh Sarang Catholic Church in Kediri - East Java
This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, thats why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931. The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity. The first establishment of the complex is the Antique Church, Puhsarang Church. The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see unique full-scale sculptures of Lord Jesus and the people on the way of cross. If we look at this church so far, it is like a ship from a mountain, which is describing the rescue Noah prophets story and his passengers. The buildings in the church area are built from the massive stones, which are taken from materials surrounding the tourism area. The tourism facilities are parking area, hotel, cottages, and home stay, souvenir kiosk, and Kediri special food.
The tourism object of Puh Sarang Church ST. Josef gate along with Henricus Tower is the main entrance to Puhsarang Church. Bentar Temple, Tower Bell and a relief as well are built to describe Adams falling in sin. The main building has roof likes Copula or Dome consists of Altar and Kudos, Sacrament, Baptism, Sacristy, and the place to admit sin. This building made from stone that is adhesive without cement but using Tetes. The roof of building is supported by spread out wire steel without laths and rafter, so if there is a wind it will make a special sound.
Maria Lourdes Cave along with Maria statue is a replica of Maria Lourdes from France. It was built in 1998. The location of this cave becomes a central sacred on the night before Kliwon Friday night. The central location of this cave is crowed by at least 10.000 people from Local, Regional, National, or abroad. In the west location of Maria Lourdes cave, there is a pure waterfall, which radiated from a mountain stonewall can be beneficial to visitors.
The Rosario Cottage is describing a Jesus Christ journey to heaven. The Golgotha crucify hill way is describing a Jesus Christ journey until crucifixion. The Columbarium storage dust corpses place, The Kana park, The land Lahore camp hill, To enter that location, the local government opens the access 8 meters wide, so the society will enter that place in comfortable feeling.
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Indahnya Wisata Religi Gereja Pohsarang di Kediri Jawa Timur
Indahnya Wisata Religi Gereja Pohsarang di Kediri Jawa Timur
Gereja Pohsarang merupakan sebuah obyek wisata yang tersohor di kediri. Obyek wisata religi ini terletak di kaki gunung wilis, desa pohsarang, kecamatan semen, kediri. Dari pusat kediri, gereja pohsarang dapat dituju dari arah terminal tamanan, kemudian dilanjutkan ke arah barat menuju kecamatan semen.
Obyek wisata religi ini merupakan sebuah komplek gereja katolik roma yang didirikan oleh Roma Jan Wolters CM dan arsitek Henri Maclaine Pont pada tahun 1936. Kedua tokoh pembangunan gereja ini memiliki kecintaan terhadap arsitektur dan kebudayaan jawa, sehingga tidak aneh jika arsitektur gereja pohsarang sangat kental dengan unsur jawa.
Bagian luar gereja didesain dengan bentuk yang unik dan tersusun dari batu. Desain luar bangunan juga dilengkapi dengan gapura bentar, sehingga menyerupai bangunan candi. Bagian dalam gereja disusun dari bata merah yang dilekatkan tanpa semen, sehingga menyerupai desain bangunan bangunan di era majapahit. Meski sangat kental dengan unsur jawa, tetapi gereja pohsarang tetap menempilkan simbol – simbol keimanan katolik.
Selain bangunan gereja, di kawasan obyek wisata ini juga terdapat bangunan – bangunan lainnya seperti pendopo, jalan salib. Obyek wisata religi ini terbuka untuk umum, sehingga pengunjung-pengunjung non-katolik tetap diperbolehkan untuk berkunjung. Dalam kompek gereja juga terdapat jalan salib yang dibangun dengan melingkari bukit serta dihiasi pepohonan rindang, patung maria disini memiliki ketinggian 4 meter, terlihat sangat agung dan suci.
Apabila orang orang yang sudah selesai melakukan ibadah disini, wisatawan juga bisa hunting foto kekinian bersama dengan teman dan keluarga. Gereja pohsarang juga mempunyai fasilitas penunjang yang baik bila dibandingkan dengan tempat lain. Fasilitas ini memiliki tujuan agar wisatawan saat berkunjung merasa nyaman saat berkunjung ke tempat wisata religi ini.
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Gereja Unik Poh Sarang Kediri
Puhsarang Church - Kediri
This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, that's why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931. The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity.
The first establishment of the complex is the Antique Church, Puhsarang Church. The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see unique full-scale sculptures of Lord Jesus and the people on the way of cross.
If we look at this church so far, it is like a ship from a mountain, which is describing the rescue Noah prophet's story and his passengers.
The buildings in the church area are built from the massive stones, which are taken from materials surrounding the tourism area. The tourism facilities are parking area, hotel, cottages, and home stay, souvenir kiosk, and Kediri special food.
Menjelajahi Rute Jalan Salib Gua Maria Pohsarang Kediri
Menjelajahi Rute Jalan Salib Gua Maria Pohsarang Kediri
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Kediri, Indonesia
Kediri Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Kediri. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Kediri for You. Discover Kediri as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Kediri.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Kediri.
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List of Best Things to do in Kediri, Indonesia
Puh Sarang Church
Simpanglima Gumul Monument
Kelud Volcano
Gua Maria Puhsarang
Tjoe Hwie Kiong Temple
Selomangleng Cave
An-Nur Pare Mosque
Sendang Tirta Kamandanu
Petilasan Pamuksan Sri Aji Joyoboyo
Indian Village
Wisata Rohani Gua Maria Lourdes Puh Sarang Kediri
Puhsarang Kediri East Java Indonesia
Its a place for Catholic people praying. Every malam Jumat legi (Javanese calendar day), there is a tirakatan there. If you can praying tirakatan there 9 times at malam Jumat legi without missing, your wish will come true.
Ziarah ke Puhsarang Kediri
UKM Katolik St. Ignatius Loyola melakukan ziarah ke Puhsarang Kediri untuk meneguhkan iman dan menyucikan para mahasiswa Katolik Universitas Merdeka Malang
Gua Maria Pohsarang
Canon 550D + 18-55 IS
a.ka Lourdes Mary Cave Puh Sarang
These are some shots i've got from my trip to Kediri, when i'm visiting this wonderful and peaceful place.
Puhsarang Christian Site
Puh Sarang
This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, that's why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931.
The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity. The first establishment of the complex is the Antique Church.
The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see unique full-scale sculptures of Jesus and the people on the way of the cross. Look inside the church, it is like a ship from a mountain, which is describing the rescue Noah prophet's story and his passengers.
The buildings in the church area are built from the massive stones, which are taken from materials surrounding the tourism area. The tourism facilities are parking area, hotel, cottages, and home stay, souvenir kiosk, and Kediri special food.
Agen Wisata Religi Umat Kristiani ke Gua Maria Puhsarang Kediri
Call Us: 0857 913 23 222 Agen Wisata Religi Umat Kristiani ke Gua Maria Puhsarang Kediri yang akan membantu anda menjalankan kegiatan Ruhani tanpa harus repot dengan masalah Transportasi, Akomodasi dan hal lainnya.
The Majestic Nuance On Puh Sarang Church
Puh Sarang Church
Puh Sarang or Poh Sarang, is the Roman Catholic Church that located in the village of Pohsarang, Cement District, precisely located at the foot of Mount Wilis. Puh Sarang was founded in 1936 by Father January Waolters CM by the architect Henri Pont Mclaine.
These two figures,were the two great figures of his time who managed to combine two different elements to formed a unique and beautiful church. Two of these elements come from the beauty of the Java architecture and Catholic symbolism for the catechesis of the Catholic faith.
At this Puh Sarang, there are some spots that always been mostly visited, whether those who wish to pray or just to see and enjoy the cool and shady atmosphere. Those locations are: Goa Maria Lourdes, Way of the Cross hill of Golgotha and the Garden of Kana. In addition, there is also camping ground on Mount Tabor, multipurpose building for those who want to hold mass events or other events outside of religious activities as well as Bethlehem Pensions and Hening Pensions or Silent Pension for those who want to stay.