Untung Jawa Island Trip - Thousand Islands Indonesia
Sedikit review pulau untung jawa. Jika ingin berkunjung ke sana bisa naik kapal di tanjung pasir. Biaya ke sana 50rb / orang untuk PP. Sampai di sana bayar biaya masuk 3rb. Oh ya. Nanti pas masuk banyak ibu2 yang nawarin menu makanan. Kalau mau beli makanan sama mereka lumayan harganya. Saran.. mending beli di sebelah pantai saja. Karna banyak yang jualan dengan haga yang masih terjangkau. Atau kalau mau lebih hemat bisa bawa makanan dari rumah.
Untuk menikmati permainan laut bisa coba banana boat 30rb / orang, donat boat 30rb / orang dan snorkling ke pulau rambut 50rb / orang. Namun kita bisa ambil paket 3 permainan sekaligus cuma kena 80rb / orang. Jauh lebih hemat.
Happy hollyday.. selamat berpetualang..
Liputan Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa
Liputan Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa
Pulau untung jawa.mpg
This is one of the island from 1000 islands in the thousand islands in Indonesia. Is a marine tourism are cheap and good to visit for family gatherings. Anyone want to join register at hutasuhut.co.cc We'll make a outbound interesting events, fishing, dance, karaouke and grilled fish dinner party.
Jelajah Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa di Kepulauan Seribu | JL Kuy
Pada 27 Juli 2019, keluarga kami beserta robongan saudara berlibur ke Pulau Untung Jawa, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara. Kami pergi dengan menggunakan kapal KM Sabuk Nusantara 66 dari Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta.
Di sana banyak spot yang bisa dejelajahi, mulai dari hutan mangrove, taman Arsa, tempat bermain anak (RPTRA), hingga tempat berenang di pantai sakura.
Info BGM:
~ Moving On - MBB
~ Arrival - MBB
~ Jonas Schmidt - Happy and Joyful Children
~ Walk - Ikson
All musics promoted by Youtube Audio Library
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (
JL. Kuy merupakan salah satu program dari chanel kami yang berisi tentang jalan-jalan maupun kuliner.
#KepulauanSeribu #PulauUntungJawa #wisata
Ride To Untung Jawa Island, Thousand Island Indonesia.
Motovlog kemana saja saya berada.
Music By : Zee Avi - Conrete Wall (RAC Remix) -
Gopro setting :
Gopro Hero 3 Black
Grade - premiere
halo guys, gua mau kasih tau beberapa info ke kalian kalau harus bawa uang berapa sih kalo pergi atau liburan ke pulau. tonton video ini sampai habis ya dan semoga kalian suka sama video ini.
Part 1
Part 2
travelling yang murah meriah untuk kelas pengangguran macam gue ini hehe,
ajakan ini datang ketika rencana pendakian gue diundur beberapa minggu, yang dimana mendadak sekali karena gue tergiur dan menyatakan ikut pada H-3..
kita berangkat hari jum'at, dan berencana pulang di hari minggu, dengan peralatan mendakian yang kita punya, kita berangkat ke pulau kotok, kepulauann seribu, sungguh indah dan sepi.. seperti private island, bersih, sepi, dan terawat..
recomended banget buat liburan singkat dan ga mahal juga hehe
Terimakasih kepada willy telah mengabadikan moment ini ke dalam foto-foto dan time lapse yang keren..
alian bisa liat hasil foto-fotonya di masing-masing instagram kami :
#camping #pulaukotok #matsomad
Tuhan telah menitipkan kita birunya laut jangan sampai apa yang telah dititipkan menjadi keruh.
Tuhan telah menitipkan kita Hijaunya daun jangan sampai apa yang telah dititipkan menjadi abu.
jaga semua apa yang telah dititipkan jangan sampai engkau mengecewakannya.
Location : Kepulauan Seribu - Pulau Untung Jawa
Song : Banda Neira - Biru
PULAO SERIBU: Jakarta's Thousand Island White Sand Beach Paradise (Cost only $3.50 by Pelni Ship)
I came to Pulao Seribu, the thousand islands off the Jakarta coast in Indonesia, for a one night stay. I came here on the local Pelni passenger ship, which took 5 hours, at a cost of 50,000 Rupiah each way. Look at the schedule below.
It was worth it! My stay here started at Pulao Kelapa, then walked to Pulao Harapan. In Harapan, we took a local long tail boat to the white sand paradise beach if Pulao Perak. Along the way we stopped for snorkeling and chilling in the waves. These distant islands are quiet and peaceful.
Taking Pelni to Pulao Seribu is an easy getaway from Jakarta city!
I have always had a love of the Pelni passenger ships in Indonesia, which is the government run passenger ship line connecting the many islands. It is an amazing way to have a safe locals experience, with amazing views of the sea. They have large ships carrying thousands and ships that can just carry a few hundred people. When you take these ships as a tourist, then you get to mix with the locals, who usually smile and want to make friends with you.
I am in Jakarta, the capitol of the country, on the island of Java, and I want to get away. I don't have time for a trip to Bali or Lombok, but there is easily time for a paradise getaway to Pulao Seribu. These are the thousand islands just off the coast of Jakarta, where you get to escape the big city and be with nature. We boarded the Pelni passenger ship at Sunda Kelapa port on the north side of Jakarta at 7am for the 8am departure. We passed by so many white sand beach islands until we arrived at the last stop at 1pm to enjoy a snorkel and island tour. Traveling to Pulao Seribu is absolute paradise. The beaches are pristine, the seafood is fresh out of the ocean, and the smiles are everywhere.
The next day, the ship departed back to Jakarta by 1pm and we were finally back to city life by 6pm.
This trip was in February 2019.
Information on this Pelni Ship Route:
Cost: 50,000 Rupiah ($3.50 USD) per person, pay in cash when boarding the ship
Name of ship : Sanus 66
Port : Sunda Kelapa
Boarding :7 AM
Departure: 8 AM
Pelni web site:
Saturday 7am boarding and priompt 8am departure Jakarta to Seribu Islands
arrive 7am for 8am departure (arrive 1pm)
Monday Jakarta to seribu
Tuesday Seribu to Jakarta
Wed Jakarta to Seribu
Thur Seribu to Jakarta
Friday no ship
Saturday Jakarta to Seribu
Sunday Seribu to Jakarta (only Sunday has the 10am departure, arriving about 330pm)
The route:
From Sunda Kelapa Port in Jakarta to Seribu, the first island is Untung Jawa, then the second island is Pulao Pramuka then the last island Pulao Kelapa (connected by bridge to Harapan)
Same way back. Same islands.
The Islands:
Untung Jawa (not as recommended for tourism)
Pramuka and Lelapa is most recommended for tourism.
Room cost on the islands are starting 500,000rp
Snorkeling boats for the day. Morning till sunset 500,000rp
Snorkel boats can organize camping. Ask your boat captain or homestay.
Book accommodation on tiket.com or travelloka.com
There are maybe 100 home stays on Kelapa, the last stop.
There are no cars on any Seribu island! But you can bring a motorbike, but pay double the ship cost.
No Alfa mart or Indomaret convenient stores or minimarts.
No banks. Only ATM
A lot of fresh fish to eat every night.
I was told by the captain of my ship that the last westerner on the ship was a German man 2 months ago. This is where you can really get the locals experience!
There is NO WIFI!! Mobile data is available, so prepare your SIM cards.
Putri resort and Seapa island resort are the most famous but expensive.
Scuba is easily available.
Follow Jason on Instagram:
Sign up for Airbnb and get $40 off your first accommodation booking. Deal! Here’s my invitation link:
Outro clip made by James Bungcag
Please comment on the video. Whatever you think at all, just say something.
And if you really want to give back, please click share. It really helps out a lot.
Thank you! ❤
Jason Rupp
Island Hopping Thousand Islands | Kepulauan Seribu
Music : Waiting For Love - Avicii
Editor : Movie Maker
Social media
Facebook : Fiona Poetri Komalasari
Twitter & Instagram : @fionaiueo
Blog : fionapetitetraveler.blogspot.com
Nusantaraku : Untung Jawa Island
Located 45 km north from the city, this part of Jakarta offers a huge change in pace and experience from the hustle and bustle of the city, but is near enough for residents and visitors to enjoy the exhilarating marine environment within just one day excursion.
Here are diving, snorkeling and fishing opportunities, or just good for lazing in the sun with nothing to disturb one's mind except the chirping of birds amidst the gentle lapping of the waves.
The idyllic Thousand Islands are in fact a marine nature conservation area. Here are a wealth of sea biota species which form part of its coral reef ecosystem, there are 144 species of fish, 2 species of giant clam, sea worms of various colours and 17 species of coastal birds.
Trip Murah - Pulau Untung Jawa
Pulau Untung Jawa adalah salah satu kelurahan di kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu Selatan, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Sumber:wikipedia)
Pulau Untung Jawa merupakan salah satu pulau yang jaraknya membutuhkan waktu yang tidak lama alias sebentar, apalagi kalian menyebrangnya dari pantai Tanjung Pasir yang berada di daerah Teluknaga, Tangerang. Selain itu juga, Untuk menuju ke pulau tersebut hanya membutuhkan biaya yang bisa dibilang murah yaitu sekitaran 100k buat kalian para pengunjung sudah bisa menikmati indahnya pemandangan alam dan menaiki salah satu wahana (banana boat/donat/snorkling). Pokoknya Perjalanan ke pulau ini sangat murah tapi tidak murahan loh guys. So just try it????
Pulau Untung Jawa, Kepulauan Seribu Part 2
Ini adalah sambungan dari liputan yang pertama
the beautiful thousand islands of pari island jakarta indonesia
Pari Island is famous for some beautiful beaches. Among them are Pasir Perawan Beach, Lipi Beach, Kresek Beach, and Bintang Beach. Yes, this beach is truly original, offering stunning natural scenery. Usually, beach tourism is carried out on the first day after the group arrives at Pari Island.
Many things can be done on the beaches on Pari Island, from noon to evening. Among them:
Swimming in the beach
Play beach sports like volleyball
Playing games
Cycling around the island, passing one beach to another and then ending at Bukit Matahari
Bukit Matahari is the perfect spot to enjoy your first sunset view on Pari Island.
#pulaupari thousand islands # touristalam # beachpalingindah #
Mancing dapat ikan monster!! di Pulau Untung Jawa kepulauan seribu
Ngevlog lagi brohhhh.. vlog mancing kedua saya kali ini saya mancing di kepulauan seribu tepatnya di pulau Untung Jawa saya bersama tiga rakan saya berangkat menuju ke pulau Untung jawa
Berangkat pukul 06.00 pagi dari pantai Tanjung pasir ongkos perahu untuk menyebrang ke pulau Untung Jawa 50rb sudah termasuk PP perjalanan dari Tanjung pasir memakan waktu kurang lebih 25 menit
Sampailah di pulau Untung Jawa pukul 06.30 terlihat beberapa orang yg sedang asik memancing di sekitaran dermaga lalu kita bergegas menuju spot mancing, kami berjalan menuju arah kanan dari dermaga tadi kita turun, sesampainya di spot kita langsung mempersiapkan alat pancing dan langsung nyeburr atau istilah pemancing itu ngoyorr :D
Yaudah langsung aja gaess di tonton videonya semoga menghibur.
Jangan lupa like, komen, subscribe pastinya hehe biar semangat bikin vlog selanjutnya brohhh thanks you :)
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Data tackel :
Rod : Relix Nusantara cangek 1-3lb
Reel : Pflueger PRESSP20
Line : Duraking Natuna 0.6/0.12mm
Leader : Relix Samar fluorocabon 100% 0.28mm
Lure : hinomiya agile, hengjia, Kenzi Morina, dll
Visit pulau Untung Jawa Kepulauan Seribu
Liburan Seru Ke Pulau Untung Jawa - Kepulauan Seribu
Liburan Seru ke Pulau Untung Jawa - Kepulauan Seribu
Kenangan bersama teman-teman saat liburan ke salah satu pulau di Kepuluan Seribu (Pulau Untung Jawa)
Lokasinya yang tidak jauh dari Jakarta membuat pulau ini cukup menyita perhatian banyak orang di lokasi sekitar yang ingin tamasya namun dengan sedikit biaya.
Lumayan cukup dapat diandalkan untuk berlibur melepas penat. :)
Pulau Bidadari, Kepulauan seribu Jakarta - indonesia, Bidadari Island
Pulau Bidadari, Kepulauan seribu Jakarta,one of the beauty island in thousand island Jakarta Indonesia, Usually used for pre-wedding photo.
Untung Jawa Island, a Visual'
Pantai untung jawa 1000 island
Pulau seribu ,pulau Untung
Pulau seribu