Pululahua Volcano, Ecuador
Glimpses of Ecuador: Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve, Quito, 25 March 2013.
Drone video of El Crater Hotel, Pululahua Crater, Quito, Ecuador - Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve
Flying over the unique Pululahua Crater and Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve from the El Crater Hotel just outside of Quito, Ecuador. The hotel sits on the edge of the crater with great views looking out over the crater.
Watch our foggy morning timelapse of the Crater -
Pululahua Volcano - Quito, Ecuador
The Pululahua is an active volcano about an hour outside of Quito and five minutes from la mitad del mundo. Here our tour guide is calling to the gods off the Earth to thank them for letting us visit their land.
Horse Riding Ecuador Trails Inside Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve
The Chaupisacha horse riding trail inide the pululahua Geobotanical Reserve.
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Reserva Geobotanica Pululahua VOLCANO in Quito Ecuador:
Quito is a high capital city. It is about 2850 meters( 9350ft) high from the sea level. So we got a little difficult to breath and easy to get tired from walking around.
This is one of our first place to visit in Quito. We went up to the Pululahua, one of the volcanoes in Quito. It is very green and very beautiful there.
We enjoyed this view.
Foggy Morning time-lapse Pululahua Crater Quito, Ecuador - Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve
Time-lapse of a foggy morning in the Pululahua Crater outside of Quito, Ecuador, taken from the El Crater Hotel. Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve. Taken with Brinno Timelapse camera.
Watch our drone video over the Crater -
we made a visit to the PULULAHUA VOLCANO in Ecuador.
there remains some volcanic activity here in the form of gas and steam.
Pululagua (alternate spelling: Pululahua) is a dormant volcano in the north of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. The volcano is in the Western Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, approximately west-southwest of Mojanda and north of Casitahua volcanoes. Pululagua's caldera is approximately 5 km wide.
The volcano is within an Ecuadorian national park known as Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua.
In 467 BCE, Pululagua erupted, sending volcanic ash over much of the western Ecuadorian lowland regions, which greatly reduced the expressions of Chorrera culture
Inside the Volcano, Pululahua Ecuador
Road trip to Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve. I spend the night inside one of two of the world's only inhabited active volcanic craters. This is a short road trip or day trip from Quito. You can get here by car or bus. I did it in my long-suffering VW Golf. I explored the backroads, hiked down to the hot springs, and had a wonderful time discovering this unique and peaceful place just outside of the city.
Additional relevant search terms: Pichincha, hiking ,bus, calicali, mitidad de mundo, what to do, things to do, near quito, horses, wild horses, horses roaming free, horses in the road, horse, #volcano #ecuador #pululahua #quite
Jubal goes to Pululahua, Ecuador - Geobotanical Preserve in 2500 year old Volcanic Caldera
This place is truly amazing to think that people live at the bottom of a now extinct volcanic caldera. There are many organic farms here. Watch the video and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching my travelogue.
Volcan Pululahua
El unico Volcan habitado en su crater.
Viaje Quito - Pululahua, fantástico cráter en la mitad del mundo.. hermosos paisajes y caminos interesantes, junto a mi bro Tommy y Mel..
Que lo disfruten!
video de José Vergara
temas musicales son derecho exclusivo del autor
The music - the people
Lenny Kravitz - can't stop thinkin' 'bout you
Inayu - el sol
AVTV volcan Pululahua
AVTV en Ecuador, cráter del volcán Pululahua donde 100 familias viven en este paraíso, pero en constante peligro de que entre en erupción, están ahí, bajo su propio riesgo. Si te gusto, te agradezco si te suscribis a mi canal. Gracias . #AVTV #AlbertoVanoniTV #FansDeAlbertoVanoniTV #UniendoMexicoEnDosRuedas #UM2R #Ferbel #KTM #HainzerSupply #Klim #avtv_alfindelmundo
Senderismo en el Cráter del Pululahua y Cerro el Chivo
Acompáñanos hoy en un día de senderismo en el cráter Pululahua.
El cráter del Pululahua se encuentra a media hora en auto desde la ciudad de Quito en un Rango Altitudinal de 1800–3356 msnm. Volcán activo de la Era Cuaternaria formado por una caldera semidestruida con 3 elevaciones: Pondoña, Chivo, y Pan de Azúcar. Últimas erupciones hace 2545 y 2460 años.
Este es un buen lugar para realizar una salida en familia pues no requiere de previo entrenamiento. En el ingreso a la reserva es de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm y se requiere registrarse con el número de cédula o pasaporte. No se permite el ingreso de mascotas.
El montañismo llego a nuestras vidas en Julio de 2015 y ahora ya no podemos bajarnos de la montaña.
Compartimos este vídeo con el afán de que más personas puedan animarse a practicar este bello deporte y nos acompañen alguna vez a conocer nuestro hermoso país y el mundo desde las cumbres!
Redes sociales:
Contacto: comoperrosindueno1@gmail.com
Sus Amigas, Ana y Cristina!
Pululahua Hostal Ecolodge
Visit us:
Ecolodge and Organic Farm Inside the Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve in Ecuador. This hostel is inside the Crater, the only one of its kind in the world
Pululahua Crater
Pululahua Crater from the rim at El Crater Restaurant & Hotel, Quito, Ecuador. World's only inhabited volcanic crater a geo-botanical preserve. Location a few seconds north of the equator.
Pululahua Crater
There was an entire town of people living in this crater.
Pululahua - Ecuador
- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions
Pululahua Ecuador
Considered one of the world's largest volcanic craters, this extinct volcano is one of two populated craters in the world whose first inhabitants were the Incas.
Read more at:
Travel blogs from Pululahua:
- After visiting the equator, we also got to see a shrunken head (find out the size of your shrunken head by looking at your fist), and then visited a crater called Pululahua Crater
- The hostel had organised trips to the equator and neighbouring volcano ( Pululahua ) for around $30 each but we thought we could do it on the cheap and take a bus there by ourselves
- After this we took a short hike up round the crater rim of Pululahua, and through the clouds you could see the huge crater floor formed around 2500 years ago when the volcano cone collapsed to form
Read these blogs and more at:
Photos from:
- Guayaquil, Ecuador
- Quito, Ecuador
- Riobamba, Ecuador
Photos in this video:
- D. Rob & I looking out over Pululahua crater by Alibongo from a blog titled Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
- Pululahua Crater near Mitad Del Mundo by Nixb from a blog titled Finally at the middle of the world
- Pululahua 3 - Overlooking the crater by Risint from a blog titled Pululahua
- Mitad del Mundo - Volcán Pululahua by Spog00 from a blog titled Quito
- Crater of the Pululahua Volcano by Kptravel from a blog titled Quito..................................
- Mist descending on Pululahua by Matt72 from a blog titled Indecision, Indecison....
- En el crater del Pululahua by Patoysandrix from a blog titled En la mitad del mundo
- Pululahua Volcano Crater by Gareth.alanna from a blog titled Standing at the middle of the earth
- El crater del Pululahua by Patoysandrix from a blog titled En la mitad del mundo
- Pululahua and fat bloke by Matt72 from a blog titled Indecision, Indecison....
- Pululahua, again by Matt72 from a blog titled Indecision, Indecison....
- Pululahua 1 by Risint from a blog titled Pululahua
- Pululahua 2 by Risint from a blog titled Pululahua
- Pululahua by Matt72 from a blog titled Indecision, Indecison....
sabías que en el cráter de este volcán habitan personas??, quienes dependen de la agricultura, su comunidad vive solo de lo que ellos producen y entre ellos hacen el denominado trueque, esto significa que intercambian entre ellos los productos. 23903
Inhabited crater - Pululahua Volcano Ecuador
Hiking trips near Quito Pichincha Ecuador: Yunguilla and the Pululahua Volcano | 4k | Drone | A6300
Exploring, Hiking the Highlands near Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador: Yunguilla and the Pululahua Volcano | 4k | Drone | A6300