Nevada Proud Pyramid Lake: A Centennial Celebration
A Look at Pyramid Lake's History as The Paiute Tribe Celebrates The Lakes Centennial Anniversary.
Special Thanks To:
Reporter Jen Wahl
Videographer Brian Kulpa
The Fish and Wildlife
Boat Driver Dave
Donna Withers, Wildlife Refuge Specialist.
Donna granted us access to Island. The island, Anaho Island National Wildlife Refuge, protects a colony of American White Pelicans, one of the two largest pelican colonies in the western United States. It is uninhabited by humans.
Discover Pyramid Lake, United States
Image 1: Pyramid Lake, NV
Image 2: Pyramid Lake
Image 3: Pyramid Lake by Moonlight
Image 4: Pyramid Lake, NV
Image 5: Pyramid Lake Nevada United States
Image 6: Pyramid Lake Nevada United States
Image 7: View Of Pyramid Tufas
Image 8: Moonrise over Pyramid Lake
Image 9: Pyramid Lake
Image 10: by the Lake...
Paiute, Pyramid Lake 1: Tribe and its reservation in Nevada
Paiute, Pyramid Lake 1: Tribe and its reservation in Nevada
Nevada's Walker Lake | Silver State Sights Episode 30
Episode 30 of Silver State Sights takes us to Walker Lake.
My apologies to those of you just here for the vlog, but I want my entire SSS series to be available on it's own playlist on this channel.
Pyramid Lake & Paiute Reservation
My trip to Pryamid Lake with Mikayla on August 25th 2009
7/11 - Face the State: Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Pyramid Lake - 33 miles from Reno, Nevada
We were at Pyramid Lake - which is 33 miles from Reno, Nevada - it was Absolutely Beautiful out there. We were the Only people out there too. :) No one there but Us. We went skinny dipping, tho that part's not in this video. :-p
Pyramid Lake Paiute Culture Today
Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake, and Reno, Nevada Vacation 2019
LATE POST! #NorthNevadaVacay2019 ⛰????????✨
ShoutOut to my not-so-little-bro who did a fantastic job editing my videos and my Drone Footage! I’ll definitely will come back to this beautiful place! ♥️???? Thanks once again, The Belen Siblings, for all the memories in this place!✨ #NorthNevada #LakeTahoe #PyramidLake #DonnerLake #Reno #VisitNevada #Nature #Drone #GoProHero6Black #GoProKarma
Pyramid Lake / Nevada / USA
Der Pyramid Lake (wörtlich „Pyramidensee“) ist ein abflussloser See im US-Bundesstaat Nevada. Er hat eine Fläche von 487 km² und befindet sich etwa 60 km nordöstlich von Reno im Großen Becken. Der etwa 40 km lange und 20 km breite See wird über den Truckee River vom Lake Tahoe gespeist.
Der See ist von steppenhaft-wüstenartigen Landschaften umgeben. Er ist ein Überbleibsel des Lake Lahontan, eines nacheiszeitlichen Sees; ein nicht weit entfernter Stausee trägt heute noch diesen Namen (Lahontan Reservoir). Trotz der recht reichhaltigen Wasserzufuhr, die er vom Truckee River bekommt, nimmt sein Wasserinhalt stetig ab, da im heißen und trockenen Wüstenklima die Verdunstung größer ist als die Menge des zufließenden Wassers. Der Salzgehalt liegt bei etwa 1/6 dessen von Meerwasser.
Im Süden des Sees befindet sich die 2,567 km² große Insel Anaho Island, die wegen ihrer Tuff-Formationen bekannt ist. Sie beherbergt eine große Kolonie des Nashornpelikans. Zwei Kilometer nordöstlich von Anaho Island und 175 Meter von östlichen Seeufer liegt die kleine namensgebende Insel The Pyramid. Sie hat einen Grundriss von 208 mal 143 Meter, eine Fläche von rund zwei Hektar, und einer Höhe von 105 Metern über dem Seespiegel.
Im Umfeld des Sees, im heute ausgetrockneten Winnemucca Lake jenseits der Lake Range, wurden großflächige Petroglyphen gefunden, die durch Tuffschichten über den Ritzungen auf ein Alter zwischen 14.800 und 10.300 Jahren datiert werden können. Sie sind die ältesten bekannten Petroglyphen Nord-Amerikas und ein Zeichen für frühe kulturelle oder künstlerische Tätigkeiten.
S1E5: Pyramid Lake Scenic Drive
This video includes footage of the drive from Reno to Pyramid Lake, along I-580/US-395, McCarran Blvd (Unsigned NV-659), and NV-445.
Ancient Pyramid Found In Wisconsin Lake?
On the 30th of July, 1967, a group of seven sponge divers were exploring the bottom of rock lake, within Wisconsin. What they found however, is far more precious than sponge, or indeed golden.
Rock Lake in southern Wisconsin, dubbed “North Americas Most Controversial Underwater Archaeological Discovery of the 20th Century.” The first settlers of Lake Mills, Wisconsin in the.
Underwater Ancient Pyramids in WISCONSIN LAKE Older than Giza, Pre-Flood, 16000 yrs old. --ANCIENT UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS in USA - Discovered in WISCONSIN LAKE - Pre-Flood Era 16000 years.
Nevada: Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe is a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada of the United States. Lying at 6,225 ft (1,897 m), it straddles the state line between California and Nevada, west of Carson City. Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America, and at 122,160,280 acre⋅ft (150,682,490 dam3) trails only the five Great Lakes as the largest by volume in the United States. Its depth is 1,645 ft (501 m), making it the second deepest in the United States after Crater Lake in Oregon (1,945 ft (593 m)).
The lake was formed about two million years ago as part of the Lake Tahoe Basin, with the modern extent being shaped during the ice ages. It is known for the clarity of its water and the panorama of surrounding mountains on all sides. The area surrounding the lake is also referred to as Lake Tahoe, or simply Tahoe. More than 75% of the lake's watershed is national forest land, comprising the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit of the United States Forest Service.
Lake Tahoe is a major tourist attraction in both Nevada and California. It is home to winter sports, summer outdoor recreation, and scenery enjoyed throughout the year. Snow and ski resorts are a significant part of the area's economy and reputation. The Nevada side also offers large casinos, with highways providing year-round access to the entire area.
Approximately two-thirds of the shoreline is in California. The south shore is dominated by the lake's largest city, South Lake Tahoe, California, which adjoins the town of Stateline, Nevada, while Tahoe City, California, is located on the lake's northwest shore. Although highways run within sight of the lake shore for much of Tahoe's perimeter, many important parts of the shoreline lie within state parks or are protected by the United States Forest Service. The Lake Tahoe Watershed (USGS Huc 18100200) of 505 sq mi (1,310 km2) includes the land area that drains to the lake and the Lake Tahoe drainage divide traverses the same general area as the Tahoe Rim Trail.
Lake Tahoe is fed by 63 tributaries. These drain an area about the same size as the lake and produce half its water, with the balance entering as rain or snow falling directly on it.
The Truckee River is the lake's only outlet, flowing northeast through Reno, Nevada, into Pyramid Lake which has no outlet. It accounts for one third of the water that leaves the lake, the rest evaporating from the lake's vast surface. The flow of the Truckee River and the height of the lake are controlled by the Lake Tahoe Dam at the outlet. The natural rim is at 6,223 ft (1,897 m) above sea level, with a spillway at the dam controlling overflow. The maximum legal limit, to which the lake can be allowed to rise in order to store water, is at 6,229.1 ft (1,898.6 m). Around New Year 1996/1997 a Pineapple Express atmospheric river melted snow and caused the lake and river to overflow, inundating Reno and surrounding areas.
The 1974 film The Godfather Part II used the lakeside estate Fleur de Lac as the location of several scenes, including the elaborate First Communion celebration, the Senator's shakedown attempt of Michael, the assassination attempt on Michael, Michael disowning Fredo, Carmela Corleone's funeral, Fredo's death while fishing, and the closing scene of Michael sitting alone outside.
Pyramid Lake Water Wars and Creation Story
Since the beginning of the first settlers there have been water wars. After gold, water became the most important thing in the development of the western United States. This fact collided with the Native American population and their reservation. Pyramid Lake was the ancient home of the Cui-Ticutta Paiute people and it was slowly dying as water was being diverted for development and agriculture. Finally there was a water agreement between the State of Nevada and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.
Pyramid Lake Protest At High Desert Recreation in Sutcliffe. Paiute.
Walker Lake, NV Time lapse
Did this one last night. (7-20-14) 191 pictures made 9.5seconds of video then i looped it. Enjoy!
NOTE: I do not own the rights to any of the music in this video and i give full credit to its owner(s).
Amerykański Sen - czym on dla was jest? Tylko Naprawdę Głupi Biały Człowiek może zadać tak durne pytanie Indianom. I to jakim! Nie bogatym plemionom z Kalifornii, właścicielom wielkich kasyn, którzy na życzenie gubernatora-terminatora, przy wtórze chichotu historii, są w stanie na poczekaniu wypisać czek na miliard dolarów.
Głupi Biały Człowiek pyta skromnych i dumnych Pajutów, plemię nomadów, którzy wybrali Pyramid Lake, nieziemskiej wręcz urody jezioro na pustyni Newady, za środek swojego świata - i to tysiące lat przed tym, jak nad Nilem zaczęto stawiać pierwsze piramidy, a od chwili, gdy ze wschodu zaczęła napływać fala osadników, demonstrowali konsekwentnie, w jak głębokim poważaniu mają protestancki imperatyw sukcesu i postępu.
Cały reportaż - w tygodniku POLITYKA.
Paiute Indian Petroglyphs
Oldest Petroglyphs In North America - Nevada
Finding Lost Civilizations - An Educational Series - Additional Videos at:
Trek with me to Nevada and see North America's oldest/dated petroglyphs.
Additional Videos at:
A Point in Time Clip | Native Americans in Nevada
We look at the culture and some of the customs of the four major tribal groups in Nevada: Washoe, Western Shoshone and Northern and Southern Paiute.