Address: No. 6, Sec. 4, Taiya Rd., Taiping Vil., Datong Township, Taiwan
Attraction Location
Qilan Forest Recreation Area Videos
宜蘭大同鄉好好玩-14個景點(14 Attractions in Datong,Yilan County)
介紹宜蘭縣大同鄉14個步道景點 1. 崙埤河濱公園(Lunpi Riverside Park) 2. 九寮溪生態園區(Jiuliao River Ecological Park) 3. 玉蘭茶園(Yulan Tea Plantation) 4. 松羅國家步道(Songlou National Trail) 5. 芃芃野溪溫泉(Pengpeng Wild Creek Hot Spring) 6. 排骨溪溫泉(Paiku Creek Hot Spring) 7. 樂水部落(Leshui Tribe) 8. 棲蘭森林遊樂區(Qilan Forest Recreation Area) 9. 棲蘭神木園(Qilan Divine Trees Garden) 10. 明池國家森林遊樂區(Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area) 11. 清水地熱廣場(Qingshui Geothermal Square) 12.寒溪部落(Hanxi Tribe) 13. 古魯林道(Gulu Forest-road) 14. 四季甕溪游步道(Skikun-Wengxiyou Trail) 大同鄉14個景點的位置及交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結: (Please refer to the following Google Map link for these 14 Attractions and traffic informatin of Datong Township, Yilan)