Qohaito, Eritrea: A Historical Journey Pt.1
Hade1Hade traveled to Eritrea in Summer of 2010 and was privileged to see one of the historical landmarks of Eritrea: Qohaito.
Qohaito was a pre-Axumite city that thrived dring the Axumite period as a stop in the trade route between Adulis and Axum. The rock art near the town appears to indicate habitation in the area since 5th millennium BC. The ancient port of Adulis lies directly to the east. Qohaito also offers the magnificent view of Mount Soira that is considered to be the highest mountain peak of Eritrea.
First discovered in the late 1800's the ruins of Qohaito include landmarks such as the pre-Christian Temple of Mariam Wakiro and the Sahira Dam, and the cave of Adi Alauti.
Qohaito in Saho meaning Rock is one of the oldest and significant civilization site in Eritrea today. It is one of five Eritrean sites nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The city's impressive large remains- cover an area of 2.5Km by 15 Km; so far only 20% of the ruins have been excavated. To the north the sandstone-hewn known locally as Egyptian Tomb can be detected. So named not because its Egyptian origin has been conclusively proven but because of the tomb's impressive dimensions. Inside the tomb carved on walls and facing each other are flower shaped symbol perhaps indicating some sort of religious or social significance of the person who was buried there.
Another historical feature which can be seen in Qouhaito today is the beautifully dressed masonry of Saphira Dam. The dam is over 60m long and is believed to date back 3000 years. The wall of the dam is built of large rectangular blocks of stones; the largest measures 98cm * 48cm. It is said that this was the bathing place of Queen Sheba/Saba during her time.
Near Qohaito are several rock-art sites , including Awalu Galba rock shelter on the Awalu Guda plateau of Hainaba. The rock shelters measures approximately three meters in depth and 12 meters in length. On the walls of the shelter elaborate pictographs in red, white and black pigments can be observed. A number of pictographs have been destroyed by natural exfoliation and by chipping of images from the wall by the people. Cattle and possible human-like figures are depicted on rock shelter's walls.
(Source of description:
Video by Hade1Hade
Tour Guide: Ibrahim
Qohaito, Eritrea: A Historical Journey Pt.2
Hade1Hade traveled to Eritrea in Summer of 2010 and was privileged to see one of the historical landmarks of Eritrea: Qohaito.
Qohaito was a pre-Axumite city that thrived dring the Axumite period as a stop in the trade route between Adulis and Axum. The rock art near the town appears to indicate habitation in the area since 5th millennium BC. The ancient port of Adulis lies directly to the east. Qohaito also offers the magnificent view of Mount Soira that is considered to be the highest mountain peak of Eritrea.
First discovered in the late 1800's the ruins of Qohaito include landmarks such as the pre-Christian Temple of Mariam Wakino and the Sahira Dam, and the cave of Adi Alauti.
Qohaito in Saho meaning Rock is one of the oldest and significant civilization site in Eritrea today. It is one of five Eritrean sites nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The city's impressive large remains- cover an area of 2.5Km by 15 Km; so far only 20% of the ruins have been excavated. To the north the sandstone-hewn known locally as Egyptian Tomb can be detected. So named not because its Egyptian origin has been conclusively proven but because of the tomb's impressive dimensions. Inside the tomb carved on walls and facing each other are flower shaped symbol perhaps indicating some sort of religious or social significance of the person who was buried there.
Another historical feature which can be seen in Qouhaito today is the beautifully dressed masonry of Saphira Dam. The dam is over 60m long and is believed to date back 3000 years. The wall of the dam is built of large rectangular blocks of stones; the largest measures 98cm * 48cm. It is said that this was the bathing place of Queen Sheba/Saba during her time.
Near Qohaito are several rock-art sites , including Awalu Galba rock shelter on the Awalu Guda plateau of Hainaba. The rock shelters measures approximately three meters in depth and 12 meters in length. On the walls of the shelter elaborate pictographs in red, white and black pigments can be observed. A number of pictographs have been destroyed by natural exfoliation and by chipping of images from the wall by the people. Cattle and possible human-like figures are depicted on rock shelter's walls.
(Source of description:
Video by Hade1Hade
Tour Guide: Ibrahim
New Eritrean Comedy 2019 Lama
Qohaito Entertainment
New Eritrean Comedy 2019 Lama
kristi-(ክሪስቲ )NEW ERITREA Comong sonn 2019 ብኤፍረም ሚኪኤል(EFRA)
kristi-(ክሪስቲ )NEW ERITREAN COMEDY 2019 ብኤፍረም ሚኪኤል(EFRA)
Qohaito-wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ (ወዲ ሱዳን) coming soon
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-1
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-2
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-3
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-4
#Qohaito Sport#ዕላል ምስ ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ (coming soon)
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-1
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-2
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-3
Werbung für Qohaito Entertainment
Encounter at Quhaito v1 1
This video tells the story of an encounter which I and a number of friends experienced in Eritrea on 4 July, 1969 - a most remarkable Independence Day.
The video is intended to enhance and expand a radio essay I produced in 2006 for broadcast on Tales From the South ( a locally produced program hosted by Paula Morell broadcast on KUAR-FM in Little Rock, which gives a venue for writers to have their works heard. During the first season, when this was produced and broadcast, the recordings were recorded in the KUAR studio, rather than read before a live audience at Paula's Starving Artist Café, as they have been subsequently.
This is a first release. I intend to make some additions and modifications, and will replace this initial release when they have been included.
Addendum: I have just posted what I hope will be the final release, with some additional information in the credits. Here is a link:
Eritrean History of Metera - Belew Kelew - Adulis and Kohaito - Eritrea TV
- Eritrean History of Metera - Belew Kelew - Adulis and Kohaito - Eritrea TV.
kristi-(ክሪስቲ )NEW ERITREAN COMEDY 2019 ብኤፍረም ሚኪኤል(EFRA)
Qohaito Entertainment
Qohaito-wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ (ወዲ ሱዳን) coming soon
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-1
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-2
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-3
Wedeb Show-ዕላል ምስ ኮሜድያን ሚኪኤለ ገ/የሱስ(ወዲ ሱዳን) part-4
#Qohaito Sport#ዕላል ምስ ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ (coming soon)
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-1
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-2
NEW- EITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT- SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-3
Werbung für Qohaito Entertainment
Eritrea - der juengste Staat am Horn von Afrika - ist seit dem 24. Mai 1993 unabhaengig. Nach dem 30 - jaehrigen Buergerkrieg bemueht sich das geschundene Land um den Wiederaufbau und um die Erhaltung des Friedens. Dieser ist eine gute Voraussetzung fuer archaeologische Forschung, denn das Land ist voll von historischen Fundstellen, die verschiedenen Epochen und Kulturen zuzuordnen sind. Fast jede Woche werden neue Funde bekannt, da die Bevoelkerung sich mehr und mehr fuer die eigene Geschichte interessiert. Bei den Dreharbeiten wurden wir Zeuge der Entdeckung einer (prae-)historischen Fundstelle, wo neben praehistorischen Felsmalereien und -gravuren auch Inschriften aus sabaeischer Zeit an Felswaenden zu finden waren, teilweise sehr sorgfaeltig als Relief-Inschriften gearbeitet.
Bereits im 3. Jahr bemueht sich die Deutsche Archaeologische Mission in Eritrea um die Erforschung und Erhaltung von Altertuemern. Leiter der Mission ist Prof. Dr. Steffen Wenig von der Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin. Die Arbeit der Mission konzentriert sich auf das Hochplateau von Qohaito nahe der Stadt Adi Qeyeh. Dort hatte bereits der deutsche Forscher Enno Littmann 1906 im Rahmen der ersten Deutschen Aksum-Expedition Reste (prae-) axumitischer Bauwerke beschrieben und zum Teil fotografiert. - Das Hochplateau ist uebersaet von Ruinenhuegeln. Die Arbeit der Mission konzentriert sich auf die Vermessung und Kartografierung des etwa 30 qkm grossen Areals, in dem sich ein Staudamm sowie Ruinen mehrerer kleiner Tempel (?) und viele andere Siedlungsreste finden. Warum gerade Qohaito?
Viele Archaeologen glauben bis heute, die Siedlungsreste in Qohaito seien identisch mit dem antiken Koloe, das mit Kamelkarawanen in drei Tagesmaerschen von der antiken Hafenstadt Adulis zu erreichen war. In weiteren 5 Tagesmaerschen kam man dann nach Axum, dem Zentrum der Hochkultur jener Zeit. So jedenfalls steht es im Periplus, einem antiken Seefahrer-Buch. Doch schon nach wenigen Tagen Feldforschung ergeben sich Zweifel an dieser Theorie. Andere antike Siedlungsplaetze in der naeheren Umgebung (Toconda, Kaskase, Matara) sowie das erst kuerzlich entdeckte Hash Male kommen aus guten Gruenden ebenfalls in Betracht. Der alte Handelsweg von Adulis nach Koloe ist immer noch ein Geheimnis, das erst nach intensiver archaeologischer Forschung - auch entlang moeglicher Handels-Routen - gelueftet werden kann.
Das Hochplateau wird ueberwiegend von Stammesangehoerigen der SAHO bewohnt, die waehrend des Krieges ihre angestammte Heimat verlassen mussten und nun langsam wieder zurueckkehren. Die meisten sind Hirten, doch einige Flaechen eignen sich auch fuer Ackerbau. Ihre Wirtschaftsweise ist archaisch: Getreideernte mit der Sichel oder gar mit blossen Haenden, Dreschen mit Ochsen, die im Kreise gehen, Trennen der Spreu vom Weizen im Wind wie in uralten Zeiten. Die Daecher ihrer traditionellen niedrigen Steinhaeuser sind ein kunstvolles Geflecht aus Wurzelwerk, Aesten und Erde, eine mit Aesten abgeteilte Feuerstelle findet man vor jedem Haus. Die Frauen sind sehr scheu und lassen sich praktisch nicht filmen.
Die neuerbauten Siedlungen der Rueckkehrer nehmen allerdings wenig Ruecksicht auf archaeologische Belange. Teilweise wurden antike Bauten zu Wohnzwecken und als Vorratsspeicher umgebaut, die meisten Ruinen sind ohnehin seit Jahrhunderten eine Art Steinbruch, wo man sich mit behauenen Quadern versorgt.
Nach Ansicht der Forscher sind mehr als 80 % aller archaeologischen Schaetze Eritreas noch unter der Erde. Jetzt - 7 Jahre nach Kriegsende - sind die Bedingungen fuer archaeologische Forschung guenstiger denn je. Archaeologie in Eritrea hat eigentlich gerade erst begonnen. Die Forscher erhoffen sich in den naechsten 20 Jahren wichtige Aufschluesse zum Verstaendnis der antiken Kulturen zu beiden Seiten des Roten Meeres, deren kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Austausch stets ausserordentlich rege war.
Gespraechspartner vor der Kamera:
Prof. Dr. Steffen Wenig, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin
(vor, waehrend und nach der Kampagne)
Prof. Dr. Walter Raunig, Dir. des Staatl. Voelkerkundemuseums, Muenchen
Dr. Ueli Brunner, Hydro-Geologe, Zuerich
Dr. Yosief Libsekal, Dir. des Nationalmuseums /Altertuemerverwaltung, Asmara
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Qohaito Entertainment
Adhanet: The Eritrean Improved Cookstove
This video details the construction and benefits of the Adhanet improved cookstove, implemented in Vita's work in Eritrea.
Eritrea is the Land of Punt (Land of the Gods)
NEW- ERITREAN - INTERVIEW-SPORT-SHOW-WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART-1
Embassy Media - Glimpse into the Antiquity of Eritrea - 'Adulite Civilization'
The National Museum of Eritrea has been engaged in different research pursuits nationwide for almost two decades emulating a multi-disciplinary approach in collaboration with different foreign counterparts.Evidence confirm that the western lowlands of Eritrea are the location for the ancient Land of Punt.
The main objectives of the fieldwork at the ancient port city aimed to conduct archaeological excavations and technically the research has been designed to provide the first detailed chronological sequence of the occupation and development of the site. The conservation of the exposed trenches has been a priority and management works were carried specially for the specific purpose in the course of the project. Ethnographic assessment, geological studies, environmental assessment of the shoreline, topographic mapping and systematic excavation revealed evidence on various aspects. Around thirty Eritrean and Italian experts have participated in the different phase of the Adulis project.
Eritrea's ancient history
ሓየሎም በረቀ ሌላ ምስ ከተማ ዓዲ ቀይሕ /// Eritrean journalist hayelom beraki in adi keyh
Eritrean journalist hayelom beraki in adi keyh hayelom beraki ab adi keyh mendefera senafe kebabean zigebero edot kalen zetekalele medeb senay mikitital.
eritrean city senafe ሰንዓፈ lela senafe ab ketema zewer elna tarikawn menebabro nayti adi zigelits medeb mis hayelom bereqe.
funny eritrean journalist with hayelom bereqe.
Eritrea: The OLDEST new Nation (Part 1/2)
What makes Eritrea the Oldest new nation you ask?
One of the oldest hominids, representing a link between Homo erectus and an archaic Homo sapiens, was found in Buya (Eritrean Danakil) in 1995 by Italian scientists. The cranium was dated to be over 1 million years old
Read more about it here:
According to renowned archaeologist, evidence found on the shoreline of Eritrea's Red Sea coast that dates back 125,000 years ago supports the Out of Africa theory of human evolution leaving africa through Eritrea's Red Sea coasts. The first humans to leave Africa and colonize Earth left through Massawa's last beach party in Eritrea some 125,000 years ago.
Read more about it here:
The Land of Punt Empire found in Eritrea.
Ancient Egyptian sources also give references to cities and trading posts along the southwestern Red Sea coast, roughly corresponding to modern day Eritrea, calling this the land of Punt famed for its incense. Expeditions to this very land were launched by the Ancient Egyptians as early as the 25th century BC and were chronicled in more detail in later expeditions during the reign of the female Pharao Hatshepsut in the 15th century BC. As it stands, Eritrea is the only nation where they have been able to find evidence of Ancient punt artifacts in Eritrea, thus, diminishing the claims by Sudan, Ethiopia and central Somalia as being other possible location for this mysterious empire.
'Oldest' African settlement found in Eritrea - BBC
Africa's OLDEST settlement was found in Asmara, Eritrea. Making Eritrea the oldest recorded date of human settlements found in Africa and only 2nd to Israel by world Standards.
Read more about it here:
Aksumite Empire, along with the Roman Empire, Persian Empire and the Chinese Empire are said to be the greatest four empires of their time.
Aksum is mentioned in the 1st century CE Periplus of the Erythraean Sea as an important market place for ivory, which was exported throughout the ancient world:
From that place to the city of the people called Auxumites there is a five days' journey more; to that place all the ivory is brought from the country beyond the Nile through the district called Cyeneum, and thence to Adulis....
—Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Chap.4
According to the Periplus, the ruler of Aksum in the 1st century CE was Zoscales, who, besides ruling in Aksum also held under his sway two harbours on the Red Sea: Adulis (near Massawa) and Avalites (Assab). He is also said to have been familiar with Greek literature:
These places, from the Calf-Eaters to the other Berber country, are governed by Zoscales; who is miserly in his ways and always striving for more, but otherwise upright, and acquainted with Greek literature.
—Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Chap.5
This Eritrean docmentary is created by By Issayas Tesfamariam. Intro was edited by Rugoom wedi's staff. All credit goes to Issayas Tesfamariam for his time, money and research he put into this documentary.
Adulis in Massawa, Eritrea
Adulis is an archeological site in the Northern Red Sea of Eritrea, situated about 30 miles south of Massawa in the Gulf of Zula. It was the port considered part of the Kingdom of Aksum, located on the coast of the Red Sea. However recent excavation uncovers artifacts that predates the Axumite civilization. These civilization is now known as Adulitarian. Adulis Bay is named after the site. It is thought that the modern town of Zula may be the Adulis of the Aksumite epoch, as Zula may reflect the local name for the Ancient Greek Adulis.
Adulis was one of the first Axumite sites to undergo excavation, when a French mission to Eritrea under Vignaud and Petit performed an initial survey in 1840, and prepared a map which marked the location of three structures they believed were temples. In 1868, workers attached to Napier's campaign against Tewodros II visited Adulis and exposed several buildings, including the foundations of a Byzantine-like church.
The first scientific excavations at Adulis were undertaken by a German expedition in 1906, under the supervision of R. Sundström. Sundström worked in the northern sector of the site, exposing a large structure, which he dubbed the palace of Adulis, as well as recovering Axumite coinage. The expedition's results were published in four volumes in 1913.
The Italian Roberto Paribeni excavated in Adulis the following year, discovering many structures similar to what Sundström had found earlier, as well as a number of ordinary dwellings. He found a lot of pottery: even wine amphorae imported from the area of modern Aqaba were found here during the decades of existence of the colony of Italian Eritrea. These types now called Ayla-Axum Amphoras have since been found at other sites in Eritrea including on Black Assarca Island.
Over 50 years passed until the next series of excavations, when in 1961 and 1962 the Ethiopian Institute of Archeology sponsored an expedition led by Francis Anfray. This excavation not only recovered materials showing a strong affinities with the late Axumite kingdom, but a destruction layer. This in turn prompted Kobishchanov to later argue that Adulis had been destroyed by an Arab raid in the mid-7th century, a view that has since been partially rejected.
A pair of fragments of glass vessels were found in the lowest layers at Adulis, which are similar to specimens from the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. One very specialised imported vessel discovered at the site was a Menas flask. It was stamped with a design showing the Egyptian St. Menas between two kneeling camels. Such vessels are supposed to have held water from a spring near the saint's tomb in Egypt, and this particular one may have been brought to Adulis by a pilgrim.
Since Eritrean Independence, the National Museum of Eritrea has petitioned the Government of Ethiopia to return artifacts of these excavations.
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Encounter at Quhaito v1.2
This video tells the story of an encounter which I and a number of friends experienced in Eritrea on 4 July, 1969 - a most remarkable Independence Day.
The video is intended to enhance and expand a radio essay I produced in 2006 for broadcast on Tales From the South ( a locally produced program hosted by Paula Morell broadcast on KUAR-FM in Little Rock, which gives a venue for writers to have their works heard. During the first season, when this was produced and broadcast, the recordings were recorded in the KUAR studio, rather than read before a live audience at Paula's Starving Artist Café, as they have been subsequently.
This is a revised release, & hopefully the final one.
NEW ERITREAN INTERVIEW SPORT SHOW WITH ተጻዋታይ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ጋንታ መሎቲ ነበር ኣቶ እዮብ ዮውሃንስ PART 2
It's Not All Black and White: An African Story---People of ERITREA
The third video in a nine part series called It's Not All Black and White: An African Story
Eritrean's are connected to the history of Ark Noah - Geez and Mesopotamia
ታሪኽና ንፍለጦ፣ ኤርትራዊያን ካብቶም ቀዳሞት ሓረስቶት እዮም ተፈጥሮም።
The first civilization was founded in Mosopotamia which start their civilisation through to farming.
Farming was the reason for productivity, culture, maths, signs like semitic, hamitic and more.