Manastirea Radu Voda - Radu Voda Monastery
Radu Voda Monastery
In the third quarter of the 16th century, the church of the monastery commenced to be built by Alexandru Mircea who was the Voivode of Walachia. The church was constructed on a hillock that was situated in the immediate vicinity of the Dambovita River - right on the spot where another religious establishment had formerly existed.
The Voivode's son, Alexandru Mircea II Voivode (who reigned between 1568 and 1577), had several monastic cells erected around the monastery, as well as a guesthouse that was particularly designed for accommodating the messengers and the pilgrims who were coming from foreign countries.
Under Mihnea Turcitul Voivode (who reigned between 1577 and 1583 and between 1585 and 1591) the construction of the monastic establishment was completed.
The Voivode also donated lands, watermills, vineyards, as well as liturgical objects and sacerdotal attire to the holy establishment.
During the period when Archimandrite Mardarie was the abbot of the monastery; the establishment flourished and became a prominent centre of culture. As a consequence, the first library of Bucharest was set up here.
Unfortunately, in 1595, after having been defeated at Calugareni, Sinan Pasha and his army invaded the monastery, and turned it into his headquarters. When the Turks were forced to retreat from the premises, they blew up the entire monastic complex, leaving only ashes behind.
Around 1613, Radu Voda Mihnea Voivode (who reined between 1611 and 1616) had the holy establishment reconstructed on its former foundations - which explains why the monastery bears his name. In 1614, the Voivode placed it under the protection on the Ivir Monastery, which is situated on the Holy Mount Athos, but on account of the incompetent administration of the Greek father egumens, the monastic complex fell into ruin. In the long run, it was under Radu Voda Mihnea's own sun, Alexandru Coconul Voivode (who reigned between 1623 and 1627), that the restoration of the monastery was finally accomplished. Due to his persevering efforts, the painting of the church was executed in 1625.
After 1626, the monastery served as a princely residence for a while, and was consequently visited by several renowned personalities of the Orthodox Church, such as: Patriarch Macarius of Antioch, and his personal secretary, Paul of Alep, as well as Patriarch Dionysius of Constantinople and Patriarch Gerasimos of Alexandria. All of them described the beauty of the Radu Voda Monastery with a great admiration.
The earthquakes in 1860 and 1878 caused widespread damage to this religious edifice. Extensive repairs and restoration activities were carried out between 1860 and 1863; in this period the painter Constantin Lecca (who was the master of the famous Romanian painter Theodor Aman) repainted the interior of the church.
Between 1839 and 1847, the Metropolitan Seminary was removed to the monastery grounds, whereas in the autumn of 1847, the French College was also removed to the monastery precincts.
In 1875, Titu Maiorescu, Cabinet Minister of Religious Affairs, ordered the demolition of the old Radu Voda monastic complex, with the exception of the belfry tower, of the church, and of the monastic cells.
Between 1959 and 1963 the monastery has been closed. The Patriarch Justinian refunded the holy establishment in 1963. He reconstructed the old monastery, ordering that extensive repairs and renovation activities involving the entire establishment should be carried out. The church towers underwent complex renovation works and the paintings were reconditioned.
Also, the Patriarch Justinian chose to be laid to rest in this monastic establishment. The Patriarch Teoctist reactivated the monastic life of the holy establishment in 1998.
The monastery shelters the holy relics of Saint Nectarius the Thaumaturge of the Egina Island, the protector of the monastic establishment, which are worshipped by the devout faithful of Bucharest.
Adresa: Str. Radu Voda, nr. 24 A, sector 4, cod 75102
Localitate: Bucuresti
Zona: Muntenia
Econ IT&T
Manastirea Radu Voda - Bucuresti
Manastirea Radu Voda Bucuresti - Romania
Colturi de Bucuresti - Manastirea Radu Voda
Andrei Mateiu despre Manastirea Radu Voda.
Regia: Vlad Trandafir
The Sunday of The Orthodox Romanian Saints
21 June 2009
The Sunday of The Orthodox Romanian Saints
Radu Voda Monastery -Bucharest
21 Iunie 2009
Duminica Sfinţilor Români
Mănăstirea Radu Vodă
Manastirea Radu Voda - Bucuresti (strada Radu Voda )
Antim Monastery of Bucharest ROMANIA
Manastirea Antim este ctitorie a Sf. Antim Ivireanul in anul 1715. Este situata in imediata apropiere a Catedralei Patriarhale si are hramul Tuturor Sfintilor. In zilele noastre este adapostita de blocurile ridicate in vecinatatea cladirii Parlamentului Romaniei; ea nu mai are vederea de altadata... Se constituie intr-un stalp al Ortodoxiei.
Palm Sunday Procession in Bucharest
Dozens of priests led a procession through the streets of Bucharest on Saturday, April 8, on the eve of Palm Sunday. Thousands of believers joined in the march from Radu Voda Monastery to the Patriarchal Cathedral, in celebration of the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
The priests and faithful, blessed palms in hand, were greeted on the hill of the patriarchate by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, who blessed an icon of the feast before addressing the faithful gathered with words of spiritual insight and encouragement for the coming journey to the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection.
Psalmul 33.- psaltii man. Radu Voda
sursa trinitas tv
Psalmul 50 - Psalții Mănăstirii Radu Voda
Psalmul 50 interpretat de psalții Mănăstirii Radu Voda din București. Fotografiile reprezintă picturi ale părintelui Arsenie Boca.
Nu dețin niciun drept asupra materialelor prezentate.
Pelerinaj de Florii,Manastirea Radu Voda si Catedrala Patriarhala
Intrarea Domnului in Ierusalim, pelerini de Florii
in marea rosie glas5 la ms radu voda
muzica psaltica
Cartierele Radu Voda si Delea Veche
Fragmente dintr-un documentar despre o parte istorica a Bucurestiului, Cartierul Radu Voda, crescut in jurul Manastirii Radu Voda; documentar realizat in 1975 de Alexandru Stark.
Fragment dintr-un documentar despre cartierul Delea, realizat in 1976 de Ion Petrican.
Manastirea Stavropoleos, Bucuresti. Stavropoleos Monastery, Bucharest
more information about the monastery here:
București - biserica Bucur
Bucur Church is a church which formerly served as the chapel for the Radu Vodă Monastery.
There is no exact date for the building of the church and this has been the subject of much discussion among Romanian historians. For a long time, many historians have insisted that the building is in a style specific to the 18th c., while others have held to the legend which claims that the church was built by the shepherd Bucur, whose name is also associated with the name of the city of Bucharest.
Although the church is recorded in a number of texts by both Romanian and foreign authors as having been built by the founder of Bucharest, the shepherd Bucur, later researchers have concluded that the building was constructed in the 17th c., and rebuilt in the first half of the 18th. There are also opinions of still other researchers who maintain that the church was built in 1416 by Mircea the Elder.
Enigmaticul Negru Voda // The mysterious Negru Voda // English subtitle in CC
În acest episod vom încerca să îl descoperim pe enigmaticul Radu Negru Vodă. A fost el un personaj istoric real, este un mit precum cel al Regelui Arthur? Rămâneți în continuare alături de noi, pentru a afla. Evident discutia va rămâne deschisă, cu speranța, că în timp, vor apărea noi dovezi care să confirme existenta lui.
Epopeea lui Negru Voda începe la finalulul secolului al 13-lea, într-o Transilvanie măcinată de dispute pentru putere și războaie civile.
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Muzica: Andrei Hategan (Thye Amsterdams) si Mihai Caluseriu
Ilustratii: Radu Oltean
Music provided by No Copyright Music:
Ilustratia domnitorului Negru Voda este preluata din cartea Radu Negru Voda. Colectia Centenarul Marii Uniri scrisa de Cristian Mosneanu și Cornel Birsan. O poti cumpara de aici:
Secventele video sunt preluate din jocurile Total Wars, pe care le puteti vedea aici:
#medieval #istorie #wallachia #rediviva
Doxologia Mare - Corul Potirul - MANASTIREA RADU VODA
Manastirea Cetatuia - Negru-Voda | Vedere aeriana din drona | 4K
Manastirea Cetatuia - Negru-Voda aflată la 22 de kilometri de oraşul Câmpulung Muscel, la o altitudine de 880 de metri, Mănăstirea Cetăţuia Negru-Vodă seamănă cu Schitul Meteora din Grecia şi este considerată cea mai aspră sihăstrie românească. Alimentele, materialele şi apa se transportă până acolo cu un funicular.
Schitul Cetăţuia este amintit în timpul lui Mihai Viteazul care a trecut pe acolo în anul 1595. Domnitorul Constantin Şerban s-a refugiat în acest loc în 1658, iar în anul 1690 şi Constantin Brâncoveanu. Atunci schitul era metoc al Mănăstirii Negru Vodă din Câmpulung - Muscel.
Cel mai înalt colţ de stâncă de pe vârful Cetăţuia este o cruce, supranumită crucea dorinţelor. Aici s-a rugat Negru-Vodă să scape de năvălitori. Aceeaşi legendă spune că celui care ajunge aici şi se roagă îi vor fi îndeplinite trei dorinţe. Dar aceste dorinţe trebuie chibzuite cu grijă.
#monastery #cetatuia #cnaerialview #aerialview #mavicair
A doua Inviere, Manastirea Radu Voda, 5 mai 2013
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Biserica Sf. Grigore Palama
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Biserica Sf. Grigore Palama.
May 18, 2011. Horia Maries.
A few days ago (05/18/2011), I visited the campus and the offices of the University where I graduated 41 year ago.
It must be noted that I don't graduated in this (new location, the erection of this campus started during my last student years).
My target was to obtain an official letter which is proving that I graduated in 1970.
I had not any problem to obtain it, problem solved in 10 minutes.
Inside the Campus I discovered a very small church, and entered in order to light a candle.
It was erected between 05/29/1996 and 11/14/1998. After the Romanian revolution (Dec. 1989).
The name of the church is St. Grigorie Palama. One orthodox church.
My surprise was quit big, because I discovered inside the church some very interesting wall paintings, every inch of the walls was covered with mural/religious paintings. I made some video shots. The final result liked me, despite the fact that inside the church it was't any kind of artificial light during my visit, just a little bit natural light, filtered somewhere from the ceiling windows.
My cheap FlipVideo camera made a good job.
I'm not speaking here about religion, I'm speaking just about Byzantine style art.
If you will have a little bit free time, I'm inviting you to see this video. Hope that you will enjoy it.
Acum câteva zile (05/18/2011), am vizitat campusul şi birourile de la Universitatea Politehnica pe care am absolvit-o cu 41 de ani în urmă.
Este de mentionat că eu nu am absolvit în aceasta locatie ci in Polizu (construirea noului campus a inceput candva in timpul anilor mei de studentie).
Scopul meu a fost să obţin o adeverinta care sa certifice faptul că am absolvit în1970 (necesara pentru dosarul de pensie).
Nu am avut nici o problemă să o obtin, problema s-a rezolvat în 10 minute.
În interiorul campusului am descoperit o biserica foarte mica şi am intrat pentru a aprinde o lumanare.
Biserica a fost construita intre 29/05/1996 si 14/11/1998 (evident, dupa revolutie).
Numele ei este Sf. Grigorie Palama, o biserica ortodoxa.
Surpriza mi-a fost mare fiindca am descoperit în interiorul bisericii cateva picturi murale foarte interesante, fiecare centimetru patrat al zidurilor fiind acoperit cu picturi murale / religioase. Am tras cateva secvente video.
Rezultatul final imi place, în ciuda faptului că în interiorul bisericii nu era nici un fel de lumină artificială in momentul vizitei mele (era chiar bezna), doar un pic de lumină naturală, filtrata de undeva de sus, prin ferestrele apropiate de tavan/cupola.
Ieftina mea camera FlipVideo a făcut o treabă bună.
Eu nu pomenesc aici despre religie, ma refer numai la arta in stil bizantin.
Sper sa va placa si Dvs.
Mânăstirea Radu Vodă - Bucureşti
La Mânăstirea Radu Vodă din Bucureşti se află racla cu o părticică din Moaştele Sfântului Ierarh Nectarie de la Eghina-Grecia.Mare făcător de minuni şi vindecător de cancer. Prăznuirea sa, se face în ziua de 9 noiembrie.