Russian Orthodox Music and Raifa Monastery
Раифский монастырь недалеко от Казани и православный псалм, ЧайковскийI created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
In this tour, you will see some of the most important and popular places of the city. Also, you will enjoy the modern structure of a wonderful Russian city with a singular weather and a particular culture. You don´t lose this unique opportunity! Come to visit Kazan!
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Kazan, Raifa Monastery
Mavic Pro, 4K 30fps , No color correction.
Экскурсия велосипедистов форума Негонки в Раифу.
5 июня 2012
On the way home from Raifa monastery.
Made in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.
Экскурсия велосипедистов форума Негонки в Раифу.
5 июня 2012
Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery send email
The Virgin Male Monastery of Raifa: Six functioning churches (The Church of the Georgian Virgin Icon, The Trinity Cathedral); the monastery's holy relic is a copy of the Georgian Virgin Icon of the late 17th century. The monastery is located on the shores of Lake Raifa in a picturesque forest, part of the Volga-Kama Preserve, established in 1960. There is a holy spring in the monastery complex.The Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery is one of the most beautiful sites in Tatarstan. The Monastery was founded in the 16th-17th centuries. The ancient cloister is located on the bank of a beautiful lake and surrounded by virgin forests. Here everyone can feel in amazing unique atmosphere of solitude and quiet reigning here, which is due to the primeval silence and remoteness of the place. Anyone approaching the monastery can contemplate a wonderful harmony of the architectural ensemble, crenellated walls of white stone, the Gate bell-tower looking into the sky, golden crosses on the green and sky-blue temple domes. You can see a living ocean of beautiful flowers different in their color and scent in summer and pure whiteness of snow in winter. An inexpressible grace you cannot experience outside of church descends on everyone entering here with a pure heart and good intentions.
The history of the monastery goes 300 years ago back. It was brutally plundered and then closed in 1928. In 1933 they organized a colony for juvenile delinquents. Later it become a technical school, and the temples and the fraternity building housed workshops, a club, and a dining room.
The holy dwelling regained its function in the beginning of the '90s when its prior archimandrite Vsevolod took it upon himself to restore the monastery for it was in utter desolation for more than half a century. By 1991 some buildings had been almost completely destroyed. 10 years have passed. All the buildings were completely repaired; decoration and restoration works are now under way. The monastery of Raifa regained its shining magnificent once lost. Services are resumed in all temples, prayers are being said , and the soul of these ancient walls once again found its dwelling place.
Much has been done to restore the holy cloister, and much work is still ahead. The fraternity building, a pilgrims inn, and a car park are still to be built. Recently, the monastery received as a gift a 3-storey wooden house of pre-Revolution times to be used as an orphanage after repair works. As you enter the monastery, to the left of the wall you can see a grave-yard where the monks found their place. But after the October Revolution the grave-yard was destroyed. In 1991 the bones of the deceased, were collected and buried in a common grave, and on September 1, 1997 a memorial cross of white stone was erected there. At present the grave-yard serves as a flower garden and slab stones resemble grave fences. On the days of special remembrance of the deceased twice a year the fraternity of the monastery say remembrance prayers in the presence of multitudes of believers.
In the middle of the monastery there is a magnificent Trinity Cathedral built by an architect Malinovski in 1904-10. It is a wonderful example of ancient Russian architecture viewed from a modern perspective. The temple resembles Moscow churches of the XVIIth century. The second biggest cathedral of the monastery was sanctified in the name of the miraculous icon of the Virgin of Georgia which is the main shrine of the Raifa monastery. At present the cathedral is completely restored and the decorative works are being finished. Before it was closed in 1930 the glory of the Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery was so great and its main shrine, the miraculous icon of the Virgin of Georgia was so revered and loved by people that even the Trinity Cathedral did not have enough room for all the believers and public prayers were held outside right in front of the temple. On the Trinity Day the icon was usually triumphantly moved to Kazan accompanied by a great multitude of believers and church leaders from all over Russia, and on July 31 it was brought back.
Our Lady of Kazan Church: Patronal Feast
#22. 100 Чудес России. Раифский Богородицкий монастырь
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Раифский Богородицкий монастырь — крупнейший действующий мужской монастырь Казанской епархии Русской православной церкви. Основан в XVII веке отшельником Филаретом в 27 км к северо-западу от Казани. До пожара 1689 г. обитель оставалась полностью деревянной. Каменный ансамбль начал складываться с рубежа XVII-XVIII вв. В 1690-1717 гг. построены ныне существующие зубчатые стены и башни. Они вытянулись по периметру более чем на полкилометра и образовали живописный монастырский кремль. Комплекс монастыря включает возведенную в камне церковь Свв. Отцев, в Раифе и Синае избиенных (1708 г.); Софийскую церковь над братскими кельями (1739-1827), которая является одной из самых маленьких церквей — в храмовой части могут находиться только 7 человек; Грузинский собор в стиле классицизма (1835-1842 гг.); надвратную колокольню (1889-1903 гг.) — самое высокое сооружение монастыря (около 60 м) и возведенный в 1904-1910 годах Троицкий собор в неорусском стиле. Последними строениями Раифской пустыни являются колокольня с надвратной церковью во имя Архистратига Божия Архангела Михаила, построенная на месте пришедших в ветхость башни с холодной надвратной церковью во имя Святителя Николая. Строительство колокольни было начато в 1889 году. Сейчас замечательно восстановленный архитектурный ансамбль монастыря — один из самых величественных и роскошных в Среднем Поволжье. Особую живописность ему придает уникальное природное окружение: Раифское озеро (длиной около 1,5 км и средней шириной 300 м) и великолепный сосновый лес, объявленный заповедником.
С нами Бог - Ф. Степанов
Квартет Притча (Раифский монастырь)
С нами Бог - композитор Степанов.
Съемка и монтаж - Александр Костин.
The Vocal Quartet Pritcha (Raifa Monastery) Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, founded in 1397, is celebrated for its monuments of white stone architecture, unique samples of wooden architecture and Museum of Icons. Russia : Vologodskaya Oblast. See on map .
COZ WE WANT TO VISIT Raifa male monastery
Some of my family and I are visiting Raifa male monastery in Tatarstan, Rassia.
Раифский Богородицкий монастырь Казань
Город Казань. Раи́фский Богоро́дицкий монасты́рь — крупнейший действующий мужской монастырь Казанской епархии Русской православной церкви. Раифский Богородицкий монастырь был основан в середине XVII века отшельником Филаретом в 27 км к северо-западу от города Казани.
На территории монастыря действуют четыре храма: собор в честь иконы Божией Матери «Грузинская» (построен и освящён в 1842 году), храм, освящённый в честь Преподобных отцев в Раифе и Синае избиенных, собор во имя Живоначальные Троицы и надвратный храм, освященный в честь Архангела Михаила.
Адрес Раифского монастыря: 422537; Республика Татарстан, Зеленодольский р-н, пос. Раифа.
От Северного вокзала Казани до монастыря можно добраться на автобусах 552 и 554, от автовокзала Зеленодольска — автобус 405. Остановка «Раифа» расположена в 100 метрах от монастыря.
Travel to Russia
· 09.00 Raifa Fairytale coach tour The Virgin Monastery of Raifa (XVII-XIX centures), miracle icon of Georgian God's Mother, the most little chapel in Europe for the martyrs Vera (faith), Nadezhda (hope), Lyubov (love) and their mother Sofia-Troitskaya, church for the name of Holy Fathers, a walk around the Raifa lake. You will take a view of the Virgin Kizichesky Monastery which was founded in 1691 by Adrian the Moscow Patriarch who until 1690 were the Kazan Bishop. The name Kazichesky means Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus. In this monastery Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy the grandfather of Lev Tolstoy was buried.On your way you will see theTemple of All Religions· Excursion to the Sviyazhsk Island- Fortress of Ivan the Terrible. It is the first orthodox town in the Middle Povolzhie region, founded in 1551 by the Russian Tsar Ivan the TerribleThe excursion includes visiting of the oldest medieval churches, that are famous for the uniqueness of its frescos (the Church of the Saint Trinity, Sergiy Radonezhskiy the miracle-worker Church, the Cathedral of Our lady of all Sorrowful, Chapel, the Cathedral Dormition of Virgin Mary, the Church of Saint Konstantin and Helen).
travel to russia
Make Like a Tree - When she cuts oranges.avi
Make Like a Tree - When she cuts oranges
video is made in Tatarstan Republic in the field near city Naberejnie Chelni
Make Like a Tree is one man music traveling project
All songs are reordered in different places of the world
While one man was traveling
The seed of a tree fell into his heart
It Grew up
And reached God...
Казань. Россия. Kazan. Russia.:)
Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia-2013. Казань, Татарстан, Россия-2013. Казанский Кремль. Студенческие спортивные игры-2013. Летняя Универсиада в Казани-2013. Улица Баумана. Ул. Кремлевская. КГУ. КФУ. Кольцо. ТЦ. Торговый центр Мега. ТЦ Кольцо, ТЦ ГУМ, ТЦ ЦУМ, ул. Пушкина. Набережная реки Казанки. Дворец Земледельцев. Муса Джалиль. Музеи Казани. Парк Ленинский садик, парк Черное озеро. Национальный музей Республики Татарстан. Площадь 1 мая. Площадь Свободы. КГПУ. КГФУ. ТГГПУ. Школы Казани. Казанцы. Казань и казанцы. Улицы города Казани. ТЦ Тандем. ТЦ Мега, ТЦ Метро. Казанское метро. Новый ЗАГС Казан. Фонтаны города Казани. Театры Казани. Театр Оперы и балета. Театр Юного Зрителя. Театр кукол, Казань, Булак. Правобулачная, Левобулачная. Речной портЖД вокзал Казани, , Сахарова. Проспект победы. Общественный транспорт Казани. Культура Татарстана. Татары. Русские. Универсиада. Татарские танцы. Татарская музыка. Татарская плясовая. Татарская народная песня Кубелек Бабочка. Татарская песня. ТЦ Пирамида. Развлекательный комплекс Казани. Развлекательные комплексы Казани. Казанский стадион. Татнефтьарена. Спорт. Спорт России Спорт Татарстана. Tatar. Tatars. Tatarstan Tatar song. Tatar dance. Tatar museums, shopping malls, streets, downtown, people, Russians, Tatars. mosque, church. Moslem, Orthodox. Orthodox monastery. Raifa. Раифский монастырь. Православие. Ислам. Kul Sharif. Suumbeke. Tatar princess. Сююмбике. Кул Шариф. Falling tower Suumbeke.
Christmas in New York
Christmas in New York City I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Kazan, Russia. History, Tourism, Economy, Sports
Kazan meaning 'cooking pot' in Tatar. Kazan is one of Russia's oldest cities, located on the Volga River, 820 km away from Moscow. It is about 150 years older than Moscow. It is the capital of Tatarstan.
Russian airlines Aeroflot and S7 are the main airlines offering international transfers to Kazan. Air France and Etihad Air also offer flights to Kazan via Moscow. Flights from Moscow take around 1 hour and the airport is a 30 minutes drive from the city centre.
BY TRAIN: Moscow and Kazan are well connected, with eight or nine trains every single day. The journey is a relatively swift 11 or 13 hours.
Kazan one of the most rapidly developing tourist destinations. The capital of Tatarstan, visited by over 1,000,000 tourists every year, was rated third in Europe and eighth in the world.
Travellers often judge a destination by its grand history and ancient sites. Certainly there’s no shortage of centuries-old weaponry, jewellery and crafts in Kazan’s museums. In Kazan the modern sights are most charming. there are lots of historical and modern places to visit in Kazan.You can visit:
House of Zinaida Ushkova,
Soyembika Tower,
Museum of 1000 years of Kazan,
Qol Sharif Mosque, Peter and Paul Cathedral,
Raifa Monastery,
Blagoveshchensky Cathedral,
Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Reserve,
Exhibition Hall Manege,
Museum of Islamic Culture, Museum of the History of Tatar Statehood and the Republic of Tatarstan,
National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan,
Old Tatar Village,
temple of All Religions.
Population of about 1.3 million. Over 50 % of population are tatars, with Russians constituting the second largest population group. Russian and Tatar are the two official languages of the region, with completely equal status. Kazan has one of the highest standards of living in Russia, following after Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Kazan peacefully blends Muslim and Christian cultures. Islam and Orthodox Christianity are the most widespread. Here you'll find mosques, Orthodox, Catholic churches and cathedrals, a synagogue, and other religious buildings and centres.
Kazan is one of the largest industrial and financial centers of Russia, and a leading city of the Volga economic region in construction and accumulated investment. Total banking capital of Kazan banks is third in Russia. The main industries of the city are: mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, light and food industries. An innovative economy is represented by the largest IT-park in Russia which is one of the largest of its kind among Eastern Europe.
Kazan is one of the most well-equipped cities of Russia in terms of sports infrastructure. Kazan is Russia's sports capital. Kazan has hosted multiple sports events at national and international level. In 2018, the capital of Tatarstan will host football World Cup matches.
by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Красивое местечко под Казанью- православный Раифский монастырь.
Flusskreuzfahrt von Constanza nach Sankt Petersburg (9) - Susdal
Von Nishni Nowgorod aus wurde ein Landausflug nach Susdal unternommen. Diese kleine Stadt wird als das russische Rothenburg bezeichnet und gehört zum sog. Goldenen Ring um Moskau. Schöne Holzhäuser, Kirchen, Klöster und eine Freilichtmuseum bestimmen das Stadtbild.