Steam in Ecuador 2015 - The Guayaquil & Quito Railroad
A video report of a tour of Ecuador, using the train each time this was possible. All the existing railways in Ecuador were used, even though this video is limited to the legendary Guayaquil & Quito railroad, the railroad in the sky. A tour by Railway Touring company.
Ecuador's Ice Train Is Such a Scenic Rail Journey - Tren de Hielo I!
Ecuador's Tren de Hielo I (Ice Train) is a beautiful rail trip from #Riobamba that winds around snow-capped Mount Chimborazo.
The train stops at Urbina, which is the highest train station in Ecuador. That's where passengers have a rare opportunity to meet Baltazar Ushca, known as the last ice merchant. He explains his lost trade of ice harvesting, which 75-year-old Ushca still carries on today.
The Ice Train moves on to the community of La Moya, where children greet passengers for a stroll through the farmland to their village for lunch. The train then makes a scenic trip back to the city of Riobamba, Ecuador, where this journey began. It's our favorite scenic rail journey in Ecuador and a fantastic day trip to take from Riobamba.
For more information on this trip and all the best day trips from Riobamba, Ecuador, be sure to check out our complete blog post details the best things to do in this Andean city:
Tren Crucero - Eine Zugreise durch Ecuador | (Quito - Guayaquil)
Szenen einer romantischen Bahnreise von Quito im Hochland der Anden bis hinab ins tropische Guayaquil am Pazifik. Die Fahrt auf der Schmalspurbahn geht durch den Nebelwald am Fuße des Cotopaxi hinauf nach Urbino am schneebedeckten Vulkan Chimborazo dem höchsten Berg Ecuadors; und weiter durch fruchtbare Täler und Hochebenen rund um Riobamba über den Markt von Guamote zur berühmten Teufelsnase die mit Spitzkehren überwunden wird. Den Abschluss bildet die Dampfzugfahrt durchs üppig grüne Tiefland mit Reisfeldern und Zuckerrohr und Kakaoplantagen bis kurz vor Guayaquil.
Tren Crucero and the Devil's Nose - Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador (Vlog 03)
We embark on a train journey from Riobamba to Bucay where we drive the breathtaking train route along the Devil's nose with the Tren Crucero after our exploration of the huge markets in Guamote.
More Info:
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony A7 II
GoPro Camera
Joby Gorillapod
Zoom H2n Audio Recorder
SDHC Memory Card
Waterproof Memory Card Case
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40
On the 3rd day of our trip through the Andes in Ecuador one of the most picturesque train rides of Ecuador is awaiting us - we board the very luxurious Tren Crucero (which runs from Quito to Guayaquil) in Riobamba to enjoy a breathtaking journey.
Before we get to drive along volcano crater we are stopping in Guamote to visit one of the largest indigenous markets in South America. Afterwards we are boarding the train again for a great ride along the volcano Bola de Oro to Alausi.
During the last stretch of the route we are descending along the Devil's Nose down to the jungle in Bucay.
As part of Team Germany aka #TeamDe I'm exploring the Andes region in Ecuador (La Sierra) within the Feel Again Project. In this project 18 artists from 4 different countries are exploring the 4 different regions of Ecuador.
--- my travel equipment ---
packing list
Online Language Course
Made possible by:
Ministerio de Turismo Ecuador
This video was produced as part of the Feel Again project:
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Epidemic Sound
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El Tren Ecuador: un recorrido lleno de color y belleza natural
El sistema y estructura ferroviaria del Ecuador realizada por el Gobierno es una obra fundamental de rehabilitación y rescate de un patrimonio histórico que fue abandonado durante décadas.
En 2008 el Estado declaró patrimonio cultural a la red ferroviaria y anunció una millonaria inversión para rehabilitar el tren que hace más de 100 años enlazó por primera vez la Sierra y la Costa.
Viajar en el tren es una aventura turística y una experiencia única que ofrece la posibilidad de disfrutar de espectaculares paisajes tanto de los Andes como del litoral en un recorrido por parte de la historia y la construcción económica, política y social del país.
Los diferentes recorridos férreos generan un notable impacto en la reducción de pobreza en comunidades locales y la inclusión económica de grupos desfavorecidos con los recorridos turísticos que se realizan.
La ruta Tren de la Libertad que va desde Otavalo hasta Ibarra es uno de los ocho destinos turísticos que recorre hermosos paisajes imbabureños como cascadas, cañaverales, sectores productivos.
La rehabilitación de su vía de 30 km, y de las estaciones de Ibarra y Salinas, se cumplió durante el 2011 y el 18 de enero de 2012 se reinauguró la ruta que ya ha superado a los 100 mil pasajeros.
El Tren Ecuador lidera el grupo de 12 trenes del mundo que evocan el esplendor del pasado y por su gestión, rehabilitación, recorridos ha logrado importantes premios y reconocimientos internacionales.
Tren Crucero, Tren Ecuador's Luxury Train from Quito to Guayaquil - Devil's Nose & 2 Steam Engines
Tren Crucero is the luxury passenger train service from Tren Ecuador and travels through the Andes, past the volcanoes and down to the lowlands between Quito and Guayaquil. Highlights of the route and included in this video are the famous Devil's Nose where the line descends more than 1,600 feet (500 m) in under 8 miles (12 km) between the towns of Alausí and Sibambe. There are also two sections where the train is pulled by historic steam locomotives.
The train goes from Quito, Cotapaxi National Park, Latacunga, Ambato, Riobamba, Balbanera Church in Colta, Chimborazo volcano, , Alausí, the Devil's Nose, Sibambe to Guayaquil (Duran) and vica versa.
Train from Quito to Riobamba
This is a train trip that you travel on top of the train. It is a wonderful experience and a great way to see Ecuador
Vamos! Ecuador (1): De Sierra (Quito, Cuenca, Ingapirca, Riobamba, Guamote, Banos)
Deel 1 van een videofilm van een reis door Ecuador en de Galapagosarchipel.
Van Quito via Cuenca, NP Las Cajas, Ingapirca, Trein van Chan Chan - Riobamba, Chimborazo naar Banos
De oorspronkelijke Hi8 opnamen werden gedigitaliseerd en opnieuw gemonteerd.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Riobamba, Ecuador
Riobamba Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Riobamba. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Riobamba for You. Discover Riobamba as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Riobamba.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Riobamba.
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List of Best Things to do in Riobamba, Ecuador
Pro Bici
The Devil's Nose Train Ride
Tren Crucero
Lakes of Ozogoche (Lagunas de Ozogoche)
Iglesia de Balbanera
Altar Mountain
Laguna de Colta
Sangay National Park
Catedral de Riobamba
Museo de Arte Religioso de la Concepcion
Rail Away: Ecuador (Quito – Devils Nose)
Het treinverkeer in Ecuador is er een voor de echte waaghalzen. Met meer mensen op dan in de trein is de reis een ware belevenis. Wil je de hele aflevering bekijken? Bestel dan de dvd-box op
Meer informatie over de hele aflevering
De spectaculaire reis door Ecuador begint op een hoogte van 2850 meter in de hoofdstad Quito. De rammelende trein biedt niet alleen zitplaatsen in de prachtige houten wagons; voor avonturiers is er ook plaats boven op het dak. We vertrekken van Quito naar Riobamba en bezoeken onderweg kleurrijke markten. De treinreis voert langs het Andesgebergte. Hoogtepunt van de reis is de beroemde Devil's Nose waar de trein zigzaggend langs de steile bergwanden naar beneden gaat. Vanuit Riobamba komen we in deze aflevering_org tot de plaats Bucay.
Tren Crucero Ecuador Alausí, Simbambe, Nariz del Diablo
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En el siguiente video, se muestra el viaje a parte de la Sierra desde Guayaquil hasta Alausí, para embarcarse en este punto en un recorrido turístico ida y vuelta al ferrocarril del Ecuador que parte desde aquel lugar cruzando entre hermosos paisajes, que incluyen la famosa montaña nariz del diablo hasta la estación de Sibambe donde tendrán entre 45 minutos a una hora para tomar fotos, recorrer el museo, ver un show artístico autóctono y degustar entre una variedad de platillos que está incluido en un solo pago… In the next video, shows the trip to the part of the Sierra from Guayaquil to Alausí, to embark on this point in a round trip sightseeing tour to the Ecuador's railways that starts from that place across between beautiful, landscapes that include the famous devil's nose mountain up to the Sibambe station, in this place you'll get between 45 minutes to take pictures, go the museum, see a indigenous art show and taste between a variety of dishes that is contained in a single payment… enjoy it!!! More info please click here
DGLAS - Riobamba, Ecuador - Part 1
My Trip To Riobamba, Ecuador
A rare trip atop a Diesel locomotive from Guayaquil to Baños, Ecuador (1992)
Filmed with a JVC VHS-C Camcorder. Traveling in Ecuador was an unforgettable cultural experience!
Train Ride: Alausí - Riobamba
discovering the landscape of ecuador...
MUSCHEPUPU in the Devil's Nose pt 1 - train ride, Ecuador, Narriz del Diablo
First part of the video about the train ride from Alausí to the devil's nose (narriz del diablo), Ecuador. WITH LOADS OF RECOMMENDATIONS!
Book train tickets:
How to get from Quito to Alausí: Get to Quitumbe Bus Station in Quito, take a bus to Ambato and from there to Riobamba and from there to Alausi. Total travel time: 6-7hrs.
Alternatively, for private transfer booking, please contact me.
Visit my page to get free travel consultation, obtain recommendations on travelling in South America and its lovely people.
Contact: comment box or on Skype: Marcosmiep
Nariz del Diablo
By Train from Riobamba to Alausi (STUNNING VIEWS OF CHIMBORAZO).
Follow up excursion to negotiate the rail-track bends from the top to the Valley to bottom . La Nariz del Diablo (Devil's Nose) is the name of the rugged slope distinctive landscape. It is customary that passengers and tourists alike travel on the carriage top, We were there on top of the Action.
Ecuador Train Journey - Nariz del Diablo
The Nariz del Diablo (Devil's Nose) train Ecuador. Travelling from Riobamba to just beyond Alausí.
Further information can be found here:
Devil's Nose Train Ride - Riobamba, Ecuador
La Nariz del Diablo, una montaña por la que desciende el tren del Ecuador. Esta es una maqueta a escala Ubicada en uno de los museos del tren ecuatoriano en la ciudad de Riobamba. Si les parece impresionante la maqueta, más impactados quedarán cuando bajen la montaña en zig zag abordo del TREN DE LA EXCELENCIA CRUZANDO LOS ANDES ECUATORIANOS.
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Riobamba, capital of the Chimborazo Province, located in the centre region or Andean region of Ecuador. With half million 'Riobambeños', it is the sixth biggest city in Ecuador. The extreme proudly Ecuadorians lives in this beautiful city. Therefore, the city has the nickname of Cuna de la Nacionalidad Ecuatoriana or in english Cradle of the Ecuadorian nationality. Riobamba has a big historic centre and is the beginning of the famous train trip: The Devil's Nose' which is by the way one of the most extraordinary train trips in the whole world ! It is ceraintly worth visiting !
#Riobamba #Chimborazo #allyouneedisecuador #Ecuador #Southamerica #Travel
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