The Train Ride: Curitiba to Morretes (Brazil)
Traveling along 110 km of a railroad with 125 years of history through the largest preserved area of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, the railway is surrounded by amazing landscapes, with canyons, waterfalls and vegetal biodiversity. The journey along the centenary railroad, allows the visitor to admire the beauties of the Serra do Mar (Sea Mountain Range), crossing bridges, viaducts, valleys and tunnels excavated in solid rocks, work and pride of Brazilian engineering.
The Mountain Range Train of Paraná departs from the city of Curitiba to Morretes everyday and on Sundays it also arrives at Paranaguá.
The trip takes approximately 3 hours.
Brazil's Curitiba-Morretes railway attracts worldwide visitors
A 4-hour tour travelling 100 kilometres...But it is not a boring trip: during the ride, the train goes through 14 tunnels, 30 bridges, through mountains and across viaducts!
Very Unique BRAZILIAN BANANA Meat Stew (Barreado) + Train Ride to Morretes, Brazil!
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CURITIBA, BRAZIL: Along with eating a massive 5 kg. Sandwich the day before in Curitiba, we decided to take a historic train ride to Morretes. Morretes is a beautiful little town and happens to be known for barreado, a unique Brazilian banana meat stew. #Morretes #Brazil #BrazilianFood
Serra Verde Express - Historically it was used as cargo transportation, things grown in Morretes, to Curitiba. Now the train is used for entertainment and people from across Brazil come to take the incredibly beautiful leisure train ride for the spectacular views of the forest and mountains. The train ride was a little slow, but fun, and the views were spectacular. It took about 3.5 hours and we arrived in Morretes, a steamy jungle town.
Train ride - 125 BRL ($30.96) per person
Hotel e Restaurante Nhundiaquara - After walking around Morretes for a few minutes, we headed straight to Hotel e Restaurante Nhundiaquara, one of the classic restaurants serving barreado. In order to assemble a plate of Barreado, you take some meat stew cooked in a clayport, add in cassava powder, and mash it around. Then you add banana - not plantain or cooking banana - but just straight real sweet bananas. It’s very unique and unlike any other dish I’ve eaten. Overall I enjoyed it, it was simple in taste, but with the balance of salty and sweet, and plenty of different textures.
Price - 39 BRL ($9.66) per person
Thanks to Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food. Check out their videos here:
• Rio4Fun:
• Guilherme:
• Rafa:
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Rail Away: Brazilië (Curitiba - Morretes)
De zuidelijke stad Curibata wordt bezocht door Rail Away. De route door de jungle wordt afgelegd met de beroemde dieseltrein de Serra Verde Express, omdat bovenleidingen voor elektrische treinen simpelweg niet mogelijk zijn. Na de immense jungle komen we uit in de Nederlandse kolonie Carembeí waar de Nederlandse invloeden zich met de Braziliaanse vermengd hebben. Wil je de hele uitzending van dit fragment bekijken? Bestel dan de dvd-box op
Uitgebreide omschrijving:
Deze Braziliaanse aflevering begint in de zuidelijke stad Curitiba. De stad is één van de groenste steden ter wereld en wordt bewoond door veel mensen van Europese origine. Het is het startpunt van de Serra Verde Express, die afdaalt van bijna 1000 meter hoogte (waarop Curitiba ligt) tot aan zeeniveau in de stad Morretes. De route daar naar toe voert eerst nog door stedelijk gebied, maar al snel wordt de omgeving groener en weelderiger. De trein rijdt urenlang door de jungle en het uitzicht wisselt van ondoordringbare bossen tot grootse vergezichten. Het is een treinreis waarbij de passagiers tijdens de 4-uur durende rit meer dan genoeg te zien hebben. Wie aan boord gaat van de luxe variant van deze trein, kan zelfs rekenen op een champagne-ontbijt! De reis eindigt in het vriendelijke dorpje Morretes, dat de reizigers een aangename mix van Braziliaanse sferen biedt.
Old Brazil Railway Journeys
[4K] MORRETES - PR • Morretes Train Station + Estação das Artes [Caminhando Brasil]
Há um projeto de restauração e remodelação da Estação Ferroviária. Ótima notícia que ofertará um belo equipamento turístico. HISTORICO DA LINHA: A linha unindo Curitiba a Paranaguá, a mais antiga do Estado, foi aberta pela E. F. Paraná de Paranaguá a Morretes em 1883, chegando a Curitiba em fevereiro ded 1885. Durante seus 120 anos de existência ela pouco mudou, apenas dentro de Curitiba e na mudança de um ou outro túnel na serra. É considerada um dos marcos da engenharia ferroviária nacional, projetada por André Rebouças e construída por Teixeira Soares, depois de firmas estrangeiras recusarem a obra devido à dificuldade do trecho da serra, entre Morretes e Roça Nova. É também uma das poucas linhas que continua ter trens de passageiros, embora de forma turística apenas, desde os anos 1990, hoje explorado por uma concessionária privada, a Serra Verde. Em 1942, a E. F. Paraná foi englobada pela R. V. Paraná-Santa Catarina, e esta, em 1975, transformada em uma divisão da RFFSA. Em 1996, o trecho passou a ser operado pela ALL, que obteve a concessão da antiga RVPSC.
E. F. Paraná (1883-1942)
Rede de Viação Paraná-Santa Catarina (1942-1975)
RFFSA (1975-1997)
Serra Verde (1997-)
Linha Curitiba-Paranaguá - km 40,900 (1936) PR-1651
Altitude: 10,650 m Inauguração: 17.11.1883
Uso atual: estação de trem turístico (2018)
Data de abertura do prédio atual: anos 1950
A ESTAÇÃO: Nas décadas que antecederam a construção da estrada de ferro, a economia e os transportes da cidade de Morretes giravam em torno da erva mate. Era um tempo em que pelas vielas, em pontos estratégicos, as tendas e oficinas dos ferreiros acolhiam os animais para serem ferrados e vencerem a subida de volta e, depois da Graciosa, chegavam também as pesadas carroças para os consertos de emergência. Com o crescimento desses comércios, os acessos à força hidráulica tornaram-se motivo de disputa, gerando conflitos de interesses pelos valos que desviavam as águas dos rios, principalmente do rio Marumbi. O centro de Morretes tornou-se uma rede de valos e derivações, suficientemente grandes para suportar o trânsito de canoas. Ainda hoje existem vestígios desses canais. A estrada de ferro desmontou esse entreposto ervateiro e marcou seu fim. À entrada do pátio da estação de Morretes, a linha atravessava alguns desses canais de engenho num pontilhão com 3 vãos de 2m cada um. A estação de Morretes foi inaugurada em 1883, tendo sido ponta de linha por dois anos da linha da E. F. Paraná que, então, ligava apenas Morretes a Antonina.
Esse antigo prédio da estação de Morretes, hoje parcialmente demolido, foi aproveitado para armazém de carga quando da construção da estação atual, muitos anos mais tarde. Situava-se na marca do Km 40+900m e na cota de 11,50 m, ostentando certo aspecto grandioso para os padrões do tempo, tanto mais se comparado com a estação urbana de Paranaguá. Tinha dois pavimentos, com a morada do agente na parte superior, pois então o centro da cidade ficava um tanto distante. Anexos, dois armazéns de carga e, em outros locais, um depósito para duas locomotiva e uma caixa d'água com capacidade de 48 metros cúbicos e respectiva bomba. Da cidade vinha a rua do Campo, ou talvez rua do Campos, próximo à chácara de Antônio de Campos. À volta, os canaviais de João Baia e várias chácaras.
Em 1885, a linha foi ligada a Curitiba.
A partir de 1892, passou a ser a estação de saída para os trens do ramal de Antonina.
Por volta de 1950, o prédio original deu lugar a uma estação com características modernas.
Entre 2005 e 2008, existiu um trem turístico da ABPF (uma litorina da extinta RVPSC) que saía todos os fins de semana de Morretes para Antonina. Foi suspenso em 2008.
A estação é uma das poucas ativas da linha em 2018, atendendo ao trem Curitiba-Paranaguá, da empresa Serra Verde.
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#morretes #paraná
Serra Verde Express: Train ride from Curitiba to Morretes, Brazil
Serra Verde Express is located in Curitiba and operates a train, among others, that goes from Curitiba to Paranagua, passing the beautiful colonial village of Morretes. On the ride visitors can admire the fast changing landscapes of atlantic rainforest and colonial engineering. Follow me on this ride to Morretes, a visitor magnet in the south of Brazil.
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【K】Brazil Travel-Curitiba[브라질 여행-쿠리치바]기차로 가는 모헤치스/Train/Tropical rain forest/Tourist
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아름다운 도시 쿠리치바의 인근에는 빼어난 자연환경으로 이름난 곳들이 있다. 그곳으로 가기 위해 찾은 쿠리치바 기차역. 브라질은 워낙 땅이 넓다 보니 상대적으로 철도 교통은 낙후된 편이다. 이곳 쿠리치바역 또한 관광열차를 중심으로 한다. 쿠리치바에서 모헤치스까지 운행하는 기차는 소문난 관광코스 중 하나라고 한다. 나도 관광객들과 함께 이 열차에 올랐다. 열차가 출발하자 역무원들이 플랫폼까지 직접 나와 손을 흔들며 배웅하는데, 관광객을 위한 특별 서비스라고 한다.이 열차의 가장 큰 특징은 깜짝 놀랄 만큼 느리다는 것이다. 그리고 또 하나의 특징은 객실마다 가이드가 배정돼 있다는 것. 주로 중년의 여성들이 가이드를 맡고 있다. 이 열차의 시스템은 비행기와 비슷하다.열차 내에서 음료와 간식을 얼마든 무료로 받을 수 있다.나도 음료와 과자를 건네 받았다.저속 운행 때문일까, 창 밖으로 몸을 내밀어 사진을 찍는 사람이 많이 보인다.철로 공사 중이던 인부들이 손을 흔들어주기도 한다.그런데 그렇지 않아도 천천히 달리던 기차가 갑자기 멈춰서 버린다. 마주 오던 기차를 먼저 보내기 위해서이다. 마주 오던 열차가 지나가고 난 뒤에야 우리 열차는 서서히 출발한다. 열차가 달리는 구간은 아름다운 비경으로 유명한 열대 우림을 지난다. 차창 밖으로 보이는 풍경이 점점 모습을 달리하기 시작한다. 좁디 좁은 터널로 접어든다. 터널을 벗어나자 보이는 풍경에 탄성이 터진다. 승객들을 일으켜 세운 아름다운 폭포.기차는 점점 더 근사한 풍경 속으로 달려간다.다리 아래로 보이는 깊은 계곡과 울창한 숲.떡갈나무 구름다리라는 이 다리를 지나는 동안 마치 계곡 사이를 나는 듯 한 스펙타클을 느낄 수 있었다. 열차가 마룸비역을 지나쳐 간다. 기차가 서지 않는 이 역은 관광용 간이역이나 다름없다고 한다.빼곡한 열대 우림과 자욱하게 내려앉는 안개. 이곳은 바라보는 것만으로도 몽환에 빠져들게 한다. 마치 시간여행을 하는 듯 달리는 열차. 목적지인 모헤치스에 도착하자 관광객들은 추억을 한 장의 사진으로 남긴다. 나는 돌아가는 기차를 타지 않기로 했다.
[English: Google Translator]
There are things that I'm beautiful city of Curitiba nearby to name a superb natural environment. Curitiba train station to go to locate there. Brazil is so broad land, saw relatively underdeveloped rail transport is a part. This Curitiba Station also around the tourist train. Train service from Curitiba to Mo's hurt is referred to as one of the reputed tour. I went on a train with tourists. To let the train departs the station staff came out directly to see off the platform waving hands, and that a special service for tourists. The biggest feature of this train is that it is slow enough to be surprised. And another feature is that you gotta guides are assigned to each room.
■클립명: 남미007-브라질07-14 기차로 가는 모헤치스/Train/Tropical rain forest/Tourist
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이상헌 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 12월 December
마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,산,mountain,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,터미널,terminal,harbour, bus, station, train, metro, air port, subway, ferry, boat,기차,탈것,,train,지하철, rail, subway, station, metro,남아메리카,South America,남미,브라질,Brazil,Brasil ,Federative Republic of Brazil,이상헌,2015,12월 December,파라나 주,Parana,Estado do Paraná,
Brazil-Curitiba-train to Morretes
The single-track line through the Serra do Mar is one of the highlights of Paraná.
Opened in 1880, it was one of the biggest engineering challenges of the era. The track starts in Curitiba, 934 metres above the ocean, and ends in Morretes, just a couple of metres above sea level. The distance to Morretes is approximately 70 km and takes 3 hours. It is considered one of the most impressive train rides of the world through dense, lush tropical vegetation of the Atlantic Rain Forest, with breathtaking views of numerous bridges and landscapes.
Serra do Mar
Brazil's Serra do Mar is a mountain range that stretches from Espírito Santo in the north to Santa Catarina in the south. Until the arrival of the first European settlers, this region, covering 16% of Brazil's total area, was completely covered by Atlantic Rain Forest. Today only about eight percent of the original Atlantic Rain Forest area remains, but it is still the most species-diverse Rain Forest in the world. Seven percent of the world's known animal species and 25% of Brazil's plant species can be found in this area. Paraná alone has 12 million km2 of Atlantic Rain Forest covering the entire Serra do Mar and parts of the lowlands on the coast. The forest is dense and lush, with a rare beauty and richness of fauna and flora.
Morretes é um município brasileiro na região litorânea do estado do Paraná. É uma cidade famosa por seus restaurantes, que vendem um prato típico da região chamado Barreado. Também possui muitos casarões antigos bem preservados, suas ruas e praças são bem arborizadas e limpas.
North-South Railway in Brazil
The railway in conclusion is essential for the transportation of Brazil's agricultural output and will allow for a greater participation of the country in the World Agribusiness.
Brazilian railways 7
Ocaso da Ferrovia Brasileira - Decline of Brazilian Railway
(Quando dinheiro público vira sucata!)
por Latuff
LOCAL TRAINS in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Feels like Mumbai - Hindi Vlog
Locals Trains of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A little better than Mumbai Local Trains, but gives the feel of MUMBAI Local trains.
Watch Full video for complete Information and COVERAGE! Subscribe to this CHANNEL.
PS This video is just for informative and educational purposes only and not for any commercial purposes.
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Brazil Diaries - Train Ride - Curitiba To Morretes
- The plan was to reach Ilha do Mel for the Jazz Festival – so to get there – one of the nicest ways to go was by the famous train ride. The ride lasted about 3-4 hours and among its 110 kilomeeters of railway line extension you get to see amazing landscapes, rich animal and vegetation biodiversity, spectacular bends, canyons and gorges, waterfalls and a lot more. Now in our case – we had to travel – so we couldn’t be picky about choosing a clear day – but when you guys go – do make sure it’s a clear sky – you get to see so much more. The train inside was pretty vintage and maintained and they do serve snacks on the way. Also, during the trip the train passes trough 14 tunnels, 30 bridges, beyond mountains and viaducts. Now for the options – we opted for the tourist one with Portuguese guide. We actually would prefer one without the guide but nice seats. I feel – well depends on guides – but they just keep speaking ☺ We took the R$ 90 option I think – which comes with snacks and a drink. The seats were very comfortable and we had a nice big window to look out. Next Stop Morretes!
Director/DOP: Ozair Rao
Produced By: Hopscotchers -
In Collaboration With:
Music: Harmonic - Atmosphere
Producer: Nazreen Nizam -
Date Produced: 4th November, 2016
Equipment Used:
Camera & Lenses: GH3, 14-140mm
Post Production: Adobe Premiere CC, Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Audition CS6
Color Correction: Magic Bullet Looks
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Boarding a busy train in Brazil
We are trying to board the metro right before Brazil's first world cup game.
Brazilian railways 12
Walking along a 10km section of railway between Mendes and Santana de Barra, in the countryside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
November 10, 2004.
By Latuff.
Brazilian Railroad´s.
Todos os Direitos Reservados os Autores das Imagens Utilizadas Neste Video!
Rail transport in Brazil and the Brazilian rail network has 30,129 [1] kilometers long (1121 electrified), spread over 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, divided into 4 types of gauges:
Wide (Irish) - 1,600 m: 4057 km
Standard (International) - 1,435 m: 202.4 km
Metric - 1,000 m: 23,489 km
Mixed - 1,600 m (1,435 m) / 1,000 m: 396 km
There are also gauges of 0.600 and 0.762 m in tourist sections
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Protesters against fare rises take over train station in Brazil
Protesters against fare rises take over train station in Brazil
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Protesters against rising public transport fares took over Rio de Janeiro's central station during rush-hour on Thursday. The demonstrations took police by surprise and violent clashes spilled onto surrounding streets. Activists said there would be further protests in the lead up to the World Cup in Brazil in June
Click here for full Guardian article:
Brazilian trains given World Cup twist - Brazil World Cup 2014
Rio de Janeiro's metro system is making World Cup-themed station announcements throughout the competition in Brazil.
Trains of Brazil - Northern Paraná - June 2019
Freight trains of Rumo (former ALL) in the northern region of Paraná state, Brazil
Trems de RUMO (antiga ALL) na terra dos pés vermelhos em Cambé entre Londrina e Rolândia em Junho 2019