महेश्वर का राजराजेश्वर मंदिर :: MAHESWAR KA RAJRAJESWAR TEMPLE
श्री राजराजेश्वर मंदिर
वर्तमान में श्री राजराजेश्वर मंदिर एक शिवालय के रूप में है , जहाँ 11 अखंड दीपक कई शताब्दियों से जल रहे है , और किसी आधी, तूफान, बारिश , बाढ़, युद्ध इत्यादि से कभी बुझे नहीं | माना जाता है की यह सोमवंशिय सहस्त्रार्जुन कार्तवीर्य अर्जुन का समाधि मंदिर है |
सहस्त्रार्जुन कार्तवीर्य अर्जुन का जन्मदिन महेश्वर में बड़े उत्साह से मनाया जाता है , तीन दिन चलने वाला यह उत्सव अगहन माह की शुक्ल सप्तमी से प्रारंभ होता है व समाप्ति पर बड़ा भोजन भण्डारा किया जाता है |
अखंड दीपक हेतु शुद्ध घी का दान, सुखकारक पुन्य वर्धक माना जाता है अतः यहाँ आने वाले श्रद्धालु शुद्ध घी का दान करते है इसीलिए यहाँ हमेशा ही शुद्ध घी का भंडार बना रहता है |
Raj Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun Maharaj temple at Maheshwar part 1
भगवान राज-राजेश्वर मंदिर raj rajeshwar temple khargone video
महेश्वर के प्रसिद्ध और करीब 550 वर्ष पुराने और ऐतिहासिक भगवान राज-राजेश्वर मंदिर में भी श्रद्धालुओं का तांता लगा हुआ है। प्रतिवर्ष यहां शिवरात्रि पर देशभर के हजारों श्रद्धालु भगवान राज-राजेश्वर के दर्शन के लिए पहुंचते है। मंदिर की खास विशेषता यह है कि यहां करीब 550 वर्ष से शुद्ध देशी घी से 11 नंदा दीपक अखंड रूप से प्रज्जल्वित हो रहे है। यहां मन्नत लेने से हर भक्त की मनोकामना भी पूर्ण होती है।
Maheshwar | Ahilya FORT - Madhya Pradesh Tourism
Maheshwar is a City on the north bank of the Narmada River. It was the capital of the Malwa during the Maratha Holkar reign till 6 January 1818, when the capital was shifted to Indore by Malhar Rao Holkar III.
Maheshwar is a culturally prosperous town and its importance is described in Puranas and through history. It is a religious town and people here are simple and pleasing.
It is said that there are more than 100 temples are telling the long history of Maheshwar.
SahastarArjun Temple near the holy river Narmada, Rajrajeshwar Mandir, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, Chaturbhuj Narayan Mandir, Ahilya Mata's Chhatris, Chintamani Ganpati Mandir, Pandharinath Mandir, Bhawani Mata Mandir, Gobar Ganesh Mandir, Banke Bihari, Anant Narayan Mandir, Khedapati Hanuman, Ram and Krishna Mandir. Baneshwar temple, Kaleshwar, Jwaleshwar and Narsingh Mandir.
Ek Mukhi Datta Temple is newly constructed temple in Sahastradhara, Jalkoti, Maheshwar. It's also called Shiva Datta Dham. This temple is constructed in 30 acres of area. Temple area is approx 10000 sq. feet. The temple is situated at the bank of historical Narmada River in its most serious, calm, adventured and horrible form. The main attraction in this temple is The very beautiful idol's of Lord Ek Mukhi Datta, Maa Narmada and Lord Ganesha.
Temple of Vindhyavasini Maheshwari, which is one of the Shakti Peeths of Goddess Kali.
Shree Raj - Rajeshwar Sahastrabahu Temple
This is Video of Punjab of Jallandhar , Near Bhogpur , V.P.O. Kingara-Cho-Wala , On Pathankot Highway established by Rajinder Singh Rajput on 13 November 2010
maheshwar rajrajeshwar bhajan
maheshwar mero chaar dham so dham
lyricist : Bhaiyalal Tamrakar , Bhopal
Raj Rajeshwar ki kahani aur Maheshwar k kuch dilchasp.....
Hello friends aaj main aapko visit karaungi Maheshwar ke Su prasidh Mandir ka aur sath hi usse Judi kuch Rochak jankariya aur prachin kahaniyan bata rahi hoon. I hope you like it
maheshwar rajrajeshwar bhajans 1
maheshwar rajrajeshwar bhajan 1
16 Best Place to Visit Maheshwar / महेश्वर मे घूमने के 16 प्रमुख जगह
Hello Friends, Friends aaj ma apko Maheshwar City ke bare me batugi.
Maheshwar City Tourist Place:
1. Ahilyabai Ghats (अहिल्या घाट )
2. Ahilya Fort (अहिल्या किला )
3. Sahastra Dhara (सहस्त्रधारा)
4. Ahilyeshwar Temple (अहिल्येश्वर मंदिर)
5. Jaam Gate (जाम गेट)
6. Baneshwar mahadev temple (बाणेश्वर महादेव मंदिर)
7. Kadambeshwar mahadev Mandir (कदम्बेश्वर महादेव)
8. Kaleshwar Temple (कालेश्वर महादेव मंदिर )
9. Kashi vishwanath mandir ( काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर)
10. Rajarajeshwara Temple (राजराजेश्वर मंदिर )
11. Rajwada (राजवाडा)
12. Shri Datt Dham (श्री दत्ता मंदिर )
13. Temple of Vindhyavasini (विंध्यावासिनी मंदिर)
14. Jaleshwar Temple (जलेश्वर मन्दिर )
15. Tilbhandeshwar Temple (तिलभन्देश्वर मन्दिर )
16. Pandrinath Temple (पण्डरीनाथ मन्दिर )
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If any mistake in this video Please forgive me.
Music Credit
Rajarajeshwari sahastrarjun Mandir Akhand Jyoti Darshan Maheshwar by Yashwant Dhakad
Rajrajeshwari sahastrarjun Akhand deep ke darshan video maker aayege album Maheshwar Jila Khargone Main Street hi rajrajeshwari Mandir Narmada Nadi Kinare Yash Dhakad bangrod Jilla Ratlam MP
Akhand Jyoti in Sahastrarjun Mandir Maheshwar 2010 M P India
The Pundit in the mandir informed that these 11 Akhand Jyotis in the mandir are lighted for the past sevaral years.
Kartyaveerarjun Temple at Maheshwar part 2
चलो महेश्वर
Video from jsharma sharma1987@
It is said that there are more than 100 temples are telling the long history of Maheshwar, most temples are spread along the right bank of the river near Maheshwar ghat and the vicinity of the fort.[10]
SahastarArjun Temple near the holy river Narmada, Rajrajeshwar Mandir, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, Chaturbhuj Narayan Mandir, Ahilya Mata's Chhatris, Chintamani Ganpati Mandir, Pandharinath Mandir, Bhawani Mata Mandir, Gobar Ganesh Mandir, Banke Bihari, Anant Narayan Mandir, Khedapati Hanuman, Ram and Krishna Mandir and Narsingh Mandir. Kaleshwar and Jwaleshwar mandirs are located little far off. Baneshwar Mandir is located in a small island in the Narmada River.
Temple of Vindhyavasini Maheshwari, which is one of the Shakti Peeths of Goddess Kali.
Sahastradhara is a place where Narmada River divides into several small streams and flows forcefully. An adventurous water sporting centre is being planned here.
Ek Mukhi Datta Temple is newly constructed temple in Sahastradhara, Jalkoti, Maheshwar It's also called Shiva Datta Dham. This temple is constructed in 30 acres of area. Temple area is approx 10000 sq. feet. The temple is situated at the bank of historical Narmada River in its most serious, calm, adventured and horrible form. The main attraction in this temple is the very beautiful idols of Lord Ek Mukhi Datta, Maa Narmada and Lord Ganesha. Sadguru Shri Narayan Maharaj of Shri kshetra Narayanpur (Anna) and his disciple are building Char DattaDhams in four different directions in India, of which 2 Dhams have already been completed
First of the Char Dattadhams has been constructed in Madhya Pradesh Shiva Datta Dham, Jalkoti, Maheshwar, Khargone Shiv Datta Dham, Jalkoti, Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh
Second of the Char Dattadhams is in Kanyakumari Anusaya Datta Dham, Vattakottai, KanyakumariAnusaya Datta Dham, Vatta-kottai Vattakottai Fort, Anju Gramam, Kanyakumari.
Third of the Char Dattadhams is near Kolkata Bramha Datta Dham and it is under construction situated in Bramha Datta Dham, Baruipara, KolkataBaruipara. This will be the largest Hindu temple in West Bengal.
Shri Atri Dattadham, Himachal Pradesh
By Kailash Mansarovar Foundation Swami Bikash Giri sumeruparvat.com , naturalitem.com
रहस्यमय बृहदेश्वर मन्दिर तंजौर तमिलनाडु ( MYSTERIOUS BRAHIDESHWAR TEMPLE TANJAVUR TAMILNADU)
राज-राजेश्वरम एवं ब्रिहदिश्वरर मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। यह भारत के सबसे बड़े मंदिरों में से एक है एवं चोला वंश की वास्तुकला का एक बेहतरीन नमूना है। 1010 इसवी में राजा राजा चोला प्रथम के द्वारा बनवाया गया यह मंदिर 1000 साल पुराना है। यह मंदिर UNESCO “वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज साईट” के “द ग्रेट लिविंग चोला टेम्पल” के 3 मंदिरों में से एक है।एक स्वप्न से हुए अनुभव के आधार पर राजा अरुलमोशीवर्म, जिन्हें राजराजा चोला प्रथम के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, ने यह मंदिर अपने साम्राज्य को इश्वर का आशीर्वाद दिलाने के लिए बनवाया था। इसका भूमि पूजन 1002 इसवी में किया गया। यह मंदिर महान चोला वास्तुशिल्प का शानदार उदाहरण है। ज्यामिति के नियम को आधार बना कर यह मंदिर बनाया गया है। इस काल के मंदिर चोला वंश के संपत्ति, ताकत और कलात्मक विशेषता के उदहारण हैं।इसका निर्माण 1003-1010 ई. के बीच चोल शासक प्रथम राजराज चोल ने करवाया था। उनके नाम पर इसे राजराजेश्वर मन्दिर का नाम भी दिया जाता है। यह अपने समय के विश्व के विशालतम संरचनाओं में गिना जाता था। इस मंदिर के निर्माण कला की एक विशेषता यह है कि इसके गुंबद की परछाई पृथ्वी पर नहीं पड़ती। शिखर पर स्वर्णकलश स्थित है। जिस पाषाण पर यह कलश स्थित है, अनुमानत: उसका भार 2200 मन (80 टन) है और यह एक ही पाषाण से बना है। मंदिर में प्रवेश करने पर गोपुरम् के भीतर एक चौकोर मंडप है। वहां चबूतरे पर नन्दी जी विराजमान हैं। नन्दी जी की यह प्रतिमा 6 मीटर लंबी, 2.6 मीटर चौड़ी तथा 3.7 मीटर ऊंची है। भारतवर्ष में एक ही पत्थर से निर्मित नन्दी जी की यह दूसरी सर्वाधिक विशाल प्रतिमा है.
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Maheshwar, MP India
Maheshwar is a jewel of MP Tourism and of Incredible India. Maheshwar dates back to the days of Ramayana and Mahabharat. The original name of Maheshwar was Mahishmati.
The fort was built by Akbar. Malhar Rao Holkar wrested it from the Mughals. His daughter in law, Ahilya Bai shifted her capital from Indore to Maheshwar.
The fort complex is beautiful So is the Rajrajeshwar temple Complex. The complex has temples of Sahastarjun, Shiv-Parvati, Ganapati and Riddhi-Siddhi, Ram Laxman and Sita etc.
The Ghats of Narmada are beautiful. It is wonderful to take a boat ride in the Narmada.
One can also visit the Sahastra Dhara in Maheshwar. Here the Narmada flows over a rocky bed and splitting itself into thousand streams. You can witness a beautiful sight with the sunlight reflecting from the thousand streams of silver.
Maheshwar is also famous for the Maheshwari sarees. The weaving tradition dates back to the 5th Century.
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Maheshwar is a town in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh state, in central India. It is located 13 km east of National Highway 3 (Agra-Mumbai highway) and 91 km from Indore, the commercial capital of the state. The Town lies on the north bank of the Narmada River. It was the capital of the Malwa during the Maratha Holkar reign till 6 January 1818, when the capital was shifted to Indore by Malhar Rao Holkar III.
Maheshwar has been a centre of handloom weaving since the 5th century. Maheshwar is the home of one of India's finest hand loom fabric traditions. Maheshwar is noted as a centre for weaving colourful Maheshwari sarees.[7] These cotton saris are weaved with distinctive designs involving stripes, checks and floral borders. The hand looms also make fabric material used for making kurtas and other clothings.
The origin of Maheshwari sarees is traced to the establishment of Rehwa Society, an NGO founded by the Holkars, in 1979 to give women employment and revive the town's textiles.[8] About 130 weavers associated with the society produce over 100,000 metres of fine fabrics a year. The weaving centre is located in one of Maheshwar's historic buildings. Rehwa Society also provides a free school for weavers' children and runs a low-cost health scheme. There are few other small local organisations involved in weaving of sarees and other fabrics.
Ahilya Fort which is now converted into a heritage hotel, founded by 'Maharajkumar Shrimant Shivaji Rao Holkar' (Prince Richard Holkar of Indore), a descendant of both Ahilyabai Holkar and the only son of M.Gen. HH Maharaja Shrimant Yeshwant Rao II Holkar of Indore.[9]
The exquisite beauty of Maheshwar and river Narmada is captured in some Bollywood and Tamil/ Kollywood movies. Some of the movies shot in Maheshwar including the movie Ashoka, Tulsi (by actor and director Sachin), Mahashivratri, A R Rehman's music video, Tamil movie Alaipayuthey's song Snekithanea... and yaro yaro di... directed by Maniratnam, Tamil movie Leelai's song Oru killi oru killi... directed by Andrew Vasanth Louis, Yuvan Shankar Raja's musical Tamil movie Arrambam's song Adadada Arrambame... directed by Vishnuvardhan. Also starting episodes of Zee TV serial Jhansi Ki Rani were shot here. In the 60's, Mythological film Mahashivratri's shooting was done here and many local artists were given a chance to act in that. Then Aadi Shankaryachary's shooting was completed in 1985. Many Film stars from Bharat Bhushan to Shahrukh Khan have visited Maheshwar and admired its rich culture and beauty. Also Yamala Pagla Deewana (Dharmendra, Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Kulraj Randhawa come here for shooting) film's 50 minute shot done here at Bazar Chowk, Rajwada, Ahilyabai Chhatri, Ahilya Ghaat and many more location.The shooting of Radha Nachegi song from Tevar was done here. Also recently few scenes of Bajirao Mastani, Neerja and Gautamiputra Satakarni (film) were shot here. Recently the film Pad Man directed by R.Balki starring Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor, and Radhika Apte was shot here.
It is said that there are more than 100 temples are telling the long history of Maheshwar, most temples are spread along the right bank of the river near Maheshwar ghat and the vicinity of the fort.[10]
SahastarArjun Temple near the holy river Narmada, Rajrajeshwar Mandir, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, Chaturbhuj Narayan Mandir, Ahilya Mata's Chhatris, Chintamani Ganpati Mandir, Pandharinath Mandir, Bhawani Mata Mandir, Gobar Ganesh Mandir, Banke Bihari, Anant Narayan Mandir, Khedapati Hanuman, Ram and Krishna Mandir and Narsingh Mandir. Kaleshwar and Jwaleshwar mandirs are located little far off. Baneshwar Mandir is located in a small island in the Narmada River.
Temple of Vindhyavasini Maheshwari, which is one of the Shakti Peeths of Goddess Kali.
Sahastradhara is a place where Narmada River divides into several small streams and flows forcefully. An adventurous water sporting centre is being planned here.
Ek Mukhi Datta Temple is newly constructed temple in Sahastradhara, Jalkoti, Maheshwar.[11] It's also called Shiva Datta Dham. This temple is constructed in 30 acres of area. Temple area is approx 10000 sq. feet
#devi ahilyabai holkar nagri
#vlog 3
#ahilya fort
the centre of world
prewedding shoot spot
salman khan
my solo travel
#mandav mandu
boat ride
tourist guide
lord shiva camera charge tripod equipment chatri
ghat hand made handloom workers from haidrabad ghaadi darwaza kamani gate jail british raaj darbaar sati tahkhana khajana mukta bai ashta dhatu pratima statue samadhi stan beauty shivalaya arcitecture pattern nakkasiya clean
maheshwar rajrajeshwar bhajan
suno maheshwar walo , rajrajeshwar se keh do
lyricist : Bhaiyalal Tamrakar , Bhopal
It is said that there are more than 100 temples are telling the long history of Maheshwar, most temples are spread along the right bank of the river near Maheshwar ghat and the vicinity of the fort.[10]
SahastarArjun Temple near the holy river Narmada, Rajrajeshwar Mandir, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, Chaturbhuj Narayan Mandir, Ahilya Mata's Chhatris, Chintamani Ganpati Mandir, Pandharinath Mandir, Bhawani Mata Mandir, Gobar Ganesh Mandir, Banke Bihari, Anant Narayan Mandir, Khedapati Hanuman, Ram and Krishna Mandir and Narsingh Mandir. Kaleshwar and Jwaleshwar mandirs are located little far off. Baneshwar Mandir is located in a small island in the Narmada River.
Temple of Vindhyavasini Maheshwari, which is one of the Shakti Peeths of Goddess Kali.
Sahastradhara is a place where Narmada River divides into several small streams and flows forcefully. An adventurous water sporting centre is being planned here.
Ek Mukhi Datta Temple is newly constructed temple in Sahastradhara, Jalkoti, Maheshwar It's also called Shiva Datta Dham. This temple is constructed in 30 acres of area. Temple area is approx 10000 sq. feet. The temple is situated at the bank of historical Narmada River in its most serious, calm, adventured and horrible form. The main attraction in this temple is the very beautiful idols of Lord Ek Mukhi Datta, Maa Narmada and Lord Ganesha. Sadguru Shri Narayan Maharaj of Shri kshetra Narayanpur (Anna) and his disciple are building Char DattaDhams in four different directions in India, of which 2 Dhams have already been completed
First of the Char Dattadhams has been constructed in Madhya Pradesh Shiva Datta Dham, Jalkoti, Maheshwar, Khargone Shiv Datta Dham, Jalkoti, Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh
Second of the Char Dattadhams is in Kanyakumari Anusaya Datta Dham, Vattakottai, KanyakumariAnusaya Datta Dham, Vatta-kottai Vattakottai Fort, Anju Gramam, Kanyakumari.
Third of the Char Dattadhams is near Kolkata Bramha Datta Dham and it is under construction situated in Bramha Datta Dham, Baruipara, KolkataBaruipara. This will be the largest Hindu temple in West Bengal.
Shri Atri Dattadham, Himachal Pradesh
By Kailash Mansarovar Foundation Swami Bikash Giri sumeruparvat.com , naturalitem.com
maheshwar rajrajeshwar bhajan
guru ji mori laagi lagan , maheshwar me
lyricist : Bhaiyalal Tamrakar , Bhopal