RallyConnection Rally Driving School, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland.
Based at Millstreet, Cappagh, Dungarvan, County Waterford, in Ireland's sunny southeast, RallyConnection is the perfect venue for an unforgettable rallying experience in the Irish countryside.
Rally Connection - Rally School
Our specially designed and constructed 'special stage' at 'RallyConnection', Co. Waterford, Ireland, reproduces the most testing rallying you are ever likely to experience.
Rally connection
Me driving a Subaru at Rally Connection, Co. Waterford
James Deane drifting Rally Connection circuit
James took a day out with the guys from FOD Solicitors to bring them around the Rally Connection course in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. There were bumpers falling off, spoiler plates lost in ditches and exhaust bending all happening today!! All the guys enjoyed their spins with James, including myself and the footage shows why!
Music by: Stereo Total, I love you ono
Video by: Paddy Macken
Rally Connection Modeligo From the Bike
Circuit test of Rally Connection from Bicycle
James Deane Rally Connection Raw
Raw footage of James' trip to Rally connection Circuit
Website: good-luggage.com
Please like the Good Luggage facebook page also for latest material released.
Marks timed lap at Rally Connection 59 390
last lap timed
Chris Dineen Escort Rally Connection School
Chris Dineen Escort Rally Connection School
RallyConnection Rally School
Based at Millstreet, Cappagh, Dungarvan, County Waterford, in Ireland's sunny southeast, RallyConnection is the perfect venue for an unforgettable rallying experience in the Irish countryside. We use fully prepared rally cars to ensure that the customer experiences the realism of a rally car, while benefiting from all the safety features essential in car rallying. The safety of all those participating in school activities is of paramount importance.
My first Rally Experience
Rallying in RallyConnection rally school. Last five laps and last one timed for the trophy! Sorry for the poor visibility! ive no roll bar mount and there was nowhere else to tie wrap it! Great Craic!
rally connections
tommys stag johnny catches up to kevin
rally connections
tommys stag kevin in the mark 2 with 2 litre vauxhall engine
'Rally Connection' trackmania united
2 displays of a run on my newest trackmania track 'Rally Connection'. Although the shadows and the mood are buggy, it displays the track just fine.
Teenage Bad Girl - Ghost House