Gå varsamt min kristen - folkmelodi från Rättvik - inspelad i Boda kyrka, Rättvik
Gå varsamt min kristen - folktune from Rättvik, Sweden - recorded in Boda church, Rättvik, November 22, 2018.
Melker Stendahl, piano
Recorded and edited by Melker Stendahl. Recorded in 4K
Gammal fäbodpsalm från Älvdalen - Rättviks kyrka - 6 juni 2019
Inspelat i Rättviks kyrka torsdagen den 6 juni 2019
Maria Lärka, fiol, Jon Lundback, fiol & Melker Stendahl, piano
Detta är ett av flera möten med fina människor som jag gjorde på den svenska nationaldagen här i Rättvik. Hela samhället inväntade en ”allvarlig åska” och jag blev bl a fast i ett strömlöst mörker, mitt under betalningen på Coop i Rättvik......men detta som tur var, blev i alla fall dokumenterat på video. Här musicerar svinbra folkmusiker från Siljansbygden med mig, och vi har förmodligen olika tankar om musik, men förenas här på något självklart vis, tycker jag nog, i alla fall.....:)
Inspelat och redigerat av Melker Stendahl
Emma Tinnis - Maria Går I Rosengård (Live Boda Kyrka) (! Not Available in Sweden !)
Artist: Emma Tinnis
Title: Maria Går I Rosengård (Marias Vaggsång)
Written by: Martin Boelitz, Evelyn Lindström, Max Reger
(! Not Available in Sweden !)
Rättvikspolska i Rättviks kyrka Midsommardagen 2018
Rättviks polska Geine o Hasse, Delar av Rättviks spelmanslag
Flight from Siljansnäs to rättvik. Wt9-dynamic. Siljansnäs airport Sweden dalarna
Flight dalarna
Höök-Olles g-moll polska
Täpp Ida Almlöf samt Rättviks Spelmanslag.
Rättviks Spelmanslags sommarkonsert 3 Juli 2018 i Rättviks kyrka under Musik vid Siljan.
Bergets framtid rör upp starka känslor
Nästa år blir majoriteten av medlemmarna i kommuniteten som bor på Berget i Rättvik katoliker. Beslutet har retat upp många inom Svenska kyrkan som menar att det handlar om en form av stöld. Dagen åkte till Dalarna för att prata med Elsa Mases, Anders Åkerlund och Peder Bergqvist.
Läs hela dokumentet om Berget på
Flygbilder (video) Boda kyrkby i Rättviks kommun, Dalarna
Boda Kyrkby i Dalarna 14 mars 2018. Flyghöjd ca 80 meter.
Karls Anders polska och Höök Olles G-mollpolska
Karls Anders polska är efter Petters Erik och spelas solo av riksspelman Täpp Ida Almlöf. Inspelad vid konsert med Rättviks spelmanslag i Rättviks kyrka 3 juli 2018.
Östbjörka Brudlåt - Pers Hans - Rättviks kyrka - Maria Lärka & Jon Lundback, fiol
Östbjörka Brudlåt av Pers Hans
Inspelat i Rättviks kyrka, torsdagen den 6 juni 2019
Maria Lärka & Jon Lundback, fiol
Inspelat och redigerat av Melker Stendahl
Sweden Walks: Tällberg. Typically Swedish village on a grey winter day (4k, natural sound)
Virtual walk for treadmill, relaxing or exploring this idyllic village. If you have an image in your head about what Sweden is like, chances are that that image might match what you can encounter in the county of Dalarna. And Tällberg has a lot of it!
About Tällberg from
“Tällberg is a little village located between Leksand and Rättvik with a spectacular view overlooking Lake Siljan. A special character of the village is that all houses and buildings are made of wood, such as timber or log.
The village itself has about 200 permanent residents and a further 400 people have holiday cottages. There are eight hotels in the village and it has developed from a farmer´s village in the beginning of 1900 to one of the most known tourist and visitor resorts in Sweden.
The village of Tällberg is well known in Sweden for its hotels and long tradition of welcoming guests to the beautiful surroundings and view of Lake Siljan”
Boda from Ten summerpictures by Melker Stendahl. Recorded in Boda church, Rättvik, Sweden
Boda from Ten summerpictures (2011) by Melker Stendahl. Recorded in Boda church, Rättvik, Sweden, November 22, 2018. Recorded and edited by Melker Stendahl. Recorded in 4K
Time for a real field recording of Swedish folk music. The Swedish Radio company or Radiotjänst as they were called up until the early 1960s had a record label and among the things they recorded were language courses and other not so incredibly commercial recordings. They also went to the province Dalarna to record some genuine folk music in the town Rättvik. In those days there were different groups of folk music fiddlers everywhere, but the most famous and popular group was in Rättvik, namely Rättviks Spelmanslag and Radiotjänst went all the way to Rättvik to record them, January 22, 1949, and this was the result. One of the most famous pieces of Swedish folk music Gärdebylåten is interpreted by Rättviks Spelmanslag. Rättviks Spelmanslag was formed in 1944 and still exists today, though the members have obviously changed during the years.
Låtspel solo av Patrik Weckman
Vid konserten med Esbo och Rättviks spelmanslag i Rättviks kyrka 13 okt 2018 spelade Patrik Weckman dessa tre låtar solo. Låtarna var Tallarin tulomarssi efter Elias Tallari från Kuortane, Finland, Gästbåds annandagsmenuett och Trind som in råovo (polska) från Jeppo, Finland.
Midsummer in Rättvik 2013
The start of summer holidays
Swedes are fairly well attuned to the rhythms of nature. At Midsummer, many begin their five-week annual holidays and they, too, are in a hurry to get things done. Midsummer Eve is celebrated in the countryside — as always — and on the day before, everyone leaves town, everything closes and the streets are suddenly spookily deserted.
The country's main thoroughfares, on the other hand, are packed. Queues of cars stretch away into the distance, and at the end of the road, family and friends wait among silver birches in full, shimmering bloom.
Maypoles and dancing
Midsummer is an occasion of large gatherings — and to be honest, many Swedes take advantage of it to fulfil their social obligations so that they can enjoy the rest of their holiday in peace. In many cases, whole families gather to celebrate this traditional high-point of the summer.
Swedes like the world to be well-ordered, so Midsummer Eve is always a Friday. People often begin the day by picking flowers and making wreaths to place on the maypole, which is a key component in the celebrations.
The maypole is raised in an open spot and traditional ring-dances ensue, to the delight of the children and some of the adults. Teenagers tend to stay out of it and wait for the evening's more riotous entertainment.
Herring and boiled new potatoes
A typical Midsummer menu features different kinds of pickled herring, boiled new potatoes with fresh dill, soured cream and raw red onion. This is often followed by a grilled dish of some kind, such as spare rib or salmon, and for dessert the first strawberries of summer, with cream.
The traditional accompaniment is a cold beer and schnapps, preferably spiced. Every time the glasses are refilled, singing breaks out anew. Swedes like drinkingsongs, and the racier the better.
Midsummer is an occasion invested with a certain nostalgia. Deep inside, Swedes are all agreed on what it should look like and how it should proceed. So after dinner, many people still want to go out dancing, just like in the old days. Preferably on an outdoor dance floor beside a lake as the evening mist settles and the sound of the orchestra echoes back from the rocky hills on the opposite shore.
Mysterious Midsummer
On their way home, girls and young women are supposed to pick seven different species of flowers and lay them under their pillows. At night, their future husbands appear to them in a dream.
Legend has it that the night before Midsummer's Day is a magical time for love. It still is, in a way. During this night many a relationship is put to the test. Under the influence of alcohol, the truth will out, which can lead both to marriage and to divorce.
Like Whitsun, Midsummer is a popular time of year for weddings and christening ceremonies. Despite their poor showing as churchgoers, Swedes still like to wed in a country church with a flower-bedecked, arched entrance and beautiful hymns.
Efter Blank Kalle. Spelad vid konsert med Rättviks spelmanslag 2 juli 2019 Med låtar från Blecket.
Nedre Gärdsjö Rättvik Dalarna Sweden
Nedre Gärdsjö Rättvik Dalarna Sweden
Frater Parum by David Lundblad - Melker Stendahl organ - Boda church, Rättvik
Frater Parum, op 15 by David Lundblad - Melker Stendahl organ - Recorded August 2, 2019 in Boda church, Rättvik
Recorded and edited by Melker Stendahl
Visa från Rättvik
Landslaget i blåsmusik spelar Visa från Rättvik i ett arrangemang av Gösta Morberg. Dirigent: Rune Hannisdal. Inspelat i Ryttargårdskyrkan i Linköping den 2 augist 2015
Visa från Rättvik
The Swedish national windband plays a folk-tune from Rättvik arranged by Gösta Morberg