[SiL E05] Raudone Castle / Raudonės pilis (4K UHD)
#MBVD_Travel #VisitLithuania
Sightseeing in Lithuania, episode 05:
Raudonė Castle was build in XVI century. The castle was renovated many times in XVII-XIX centuries. The present appearance of the castle is from the reconstruction carried out in the mid of XIX century. Today it is used as a secondary school.
Raudonės pilis – rezidencinė pilis Raudonėje, dešiniajame Nemuno krante Jurbarko rajone. Pilies rūmuose dabar veikia Raudonės pagrindinė mokykla.
All the episodes can be found here:
Music created by Whitesand:
Raudone Castle
Raudone Castle is located in Raudone, Lithuania.
Raudone Castle construction started in the late 16th century. In the 16th century the castle belonged to King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland. A new castle was built on the ruins of the old one by a German knight, Krispin Kirschenstein.
The castle has since been renovated couple times (in the 18th century by the Olendzki family), and today is an example of 19th century neo-Gothic architecture.
The Raudone Castle is now turned into a secondary school. Although that, during the tourist season, visitors are allowed to enter the 35 m castle tower, which extends a beautiful view of castle's surroundings. The longest river in Lithuania, Nemunas flows past the castle.
Virtualus Raudonės turas / Virtual Tour of Raudone, Lithuania (2012)
pasivažinėjimas po Raudonę (Jurbarko raj.) / Virtual Tour of Raudone, Lithuania / Виртуальный тур по Раудоне, Литва / Tour virtuel de Raudone, Lituanie / Virtuelle Tour durch Raudone, Litauen
Virtualūs Lietuvos miestų ir miestelių turai -
Virtualus Raudonės turas / Virtual Tour of Raudone, Lithuania
pasivažinėjimas po Raudonę (Jurbarko raj.) / Virtual Tour of Raudone, Lithuania / Виртуальный тур по Раудоне, Литва / Tour virtuel de Raudone, Lituanie / Virtuelle Tour durch Raudone, Litauen
Virtualūs Lietuvos miestų ir miestelių turai -
Muzikos autorius - Donatas Čemeris:
Virtualus Pilies I turas / Virtual Tour of Pilis, Lithuania (2012)
pasivažinėjimas po Pilį I (Jurbarko raj.) / Virtual Tour of Pilis, Lithuania / Виртуальный тур по Пилис, Литва / Tour virtuel de Pilis, Lituanie / Virtuelle Tour durch Pilis, Litauen
Virtualūs Lietuvos miestų ir miestelių turai -
Lithuania Takai Castle
Palaces and Castles - Lithuania Takai Castle Palaces and Castles - Lithuania Takai Castle Palaces and Castles - Lithuania Takai Castle Palaces and Castles - Lithuania Takai Castle
Raudonės juodoji tuopa
Raudonės pilies parke auganti tuopa žvilgsnį traukia savo neįprasta išvaizda. Susižavėjimą kelia jos aukštis. Tuopos viršūnė siekia 37 metrus. Išmatavimais nenusileidžia ir kamienas. Apačioje jo skersmuo daugiau nei 6 metrai. 3 metrų aukštyje tuopa išsikleidžia. Jos kamienas šakojasi į tris liemenis.
[SiL E06] Panemunė Castle/ Panemunės pilis (4K UHD)
#MBVD_Travel #VisitLithuania
Sightseeing in Lithuania, episode 06:
Panemunė Castle is a castle on the right shore of the Nemunas river. It was built in the beginning of the 17th century and it is located in Jurbarkas district.
All episodes can be found here:
Panemunes (Vytenu) Castle
Panemune Castle
The initial hillfort of the Teutonic Knights in Panemunė (erected 1343) was replaced by a present castle built in 1604-1610. It was built by Hungarian nobleman Eperjesh who bought the surrounding lands from Lithuanian local inhabitants. It is a typical 17th century feudal castle with a defensive tackle, living quarters and farm buildings. The castle stands in a park on a high hill and is girdled by five cascading ponds. It was reconstructed around 1759 by Giełgud family.
The Panemunė castle was left to decay in the 19th century. Its valuable library was brought out, the former marvelous park of classicism style became feral. In 1925 Lithuanian government acquired the castle into a national possession. In 1935 the Panemunė castle and its surroundings where taken under responsibility of Lithuanian Culture department.
Nowadays Panemunė castle has 2 corpuses remained -- the western including 2 towers and the southern. Panemunė castle belongs to Vilnius Art Academy which takes care about restoration of the castle and fitting it to science, education and tourism purposes. During the summer season the Vilnius Art Academy arranges there expositions of art works.
Panemunes pilis 360 video / Panemunė Castle
400 metų gyvuojanti Panemunės pilis keitė ne tik savininkus, bet ir pavadinimus. Ji buvo vadinta ir Gelgaudų, pagal savininko pavardę, ir Vytėnų pilimi, pagal kaimo pavadinimą, ir tiesiog Zamkumi.
Two Lithuanian Castles / Dvi Lietuvos pilys
Two Lithuanian Castles:
Trakai and
0:48 Kaunas
Music: Various - Eternally Entwined
Camera: DJI Mavic Pro
Settings: 4k downscaled to 1080p, 30fps, standard color profile
Panemunės žiedai 2009
Onuškio dvaro rūmai
...ir stovi taip nuo Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metu įvykusio gaisro.
Muzika: Bong Out Of The Aeons
Panemunių Regioninis Parkas - Lithuania
A trip from the Panemunių Regioninis Parkas, where you can visit the Raudonė castle and the Seredžius hill, to Prienai, an access point to the Nemuno Kilpų Regioninis Parkas. RAUDONE CASTLE -- In the 16th century it has belonged to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund II Augustus King of Poland and over the years it has been renovated several times. Currently (2015), it hosts a secondary school. Next to the castle you can see what once was a wonderful bakery
Un viaggio che dal Panemunių Regioninis Parkas, dove si trovano il castello di Raudonė e la collina di Seredžius, ci porta fino a Prienai, imbocco ad un altro Parco Naturale: quello denominato Nemuno Kilpų Regioninis Parkas. CASTELLO DI RAUDONE -- Appartenuto nel 16^ secolo al Granduca di Lituania Re Sigismondo II di Polonia, fu nel corso del tempo piu' volte rinnovato. Attualmente (2015) e' sede di una scuola. Di fianco al castello si trova quello che ultimamente fu un meraviglioso panificio
Vaikštom po Valdovų rūmų kiemelį/ Exploring Courtyard of The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
Exploring The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
2008_05_31 Cicino koncertas Raudones pilyje
Panemunės pilis iš oro :|: Aerial view of Panemune castle
Filmuojame VISKĄ, ką galima nufilmuoti iš oro
Studio RaR kanalą
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#lietuvospilys #panemune #vaizdasisoro
Raudonės pilis (2012)
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Lietuvos, Latvijos lankytinos vietos.
Kviečiame išsamiai susipažinti su Raudonės pilies istorija