The Red Church - Perushtitsa, Bulgaria
Червената църква, Перущица с дрон / Ancient Red Church, Perushtitsa, Bulgaria Aerial 4K video
Червената църква в Перущица, заснета с дрон от Стефан Димов за Incept. Ранно византийска църква от края на 5-ти век!
Our latest aerial 4K video from the ancient Red Church in Perushtitsa, an early Byzantine (late Roman) Christian Basilica build in the 5th Century AD.
Visual Studio Incept -
Shot & edited by Stefan Radoslavov Dimov -
music - Sergey Cheremisinov - Shaman's Roar (freemusicarchive)
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Flight over the Red church near Perushtitsa Bulgaria
This is my first flight with DJI Mavic Air and my first video edit ever. The flight was over the ruins of the Red church near Perushtitsa. I hope you enjoy the video.
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Red Church - Bulgaria 4K
The Red Church pronounced is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basilica in south central Bulgaria. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century, the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa in western Plovdiv Province, some 15 kilometres southwest of the city of Plovdiv. The Red Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria, and it was the red colour of the bricks that gave the church its name.
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Червената църква до град Перущица е един от най-забележителните архитектурни шедьоври в Европа от началото на IV век. Храмът се е казвал Света Богородица, но в наше време е известен като Червената църква заради типичните римски тухли и розов хоросан, от които е изграден. Около 343 г.н.е. след Вселенския събор в Сердика, в цяла Тракия започнало строителство на култови сгради, сред които имало и такива, предназначени да съхраняват паметта на мъчениците, загинали за утвърждаване на християнството. Предполага се, че в миналото храмът е бил известен с изцелителните мощи на християнски мъченик, загинал за утвърждаване на вярата по тези земи. Подът ѝ бил покрит с мозайка, а стените до определена височина са били облицовани с мраморни плочи, над които имало стенописи. Специалистите смятат, че откритите два пласта стенописи са изработени между VI и XI век. Днес са запазени отделни стени и части от купола. През периода 2010-2013 е реализиран проект за укрепване, консервация и достъп до нея. Достигнала до наши дни като величествени руини, църквата е един от най-забележителните раннохристиянски паметници в Югоизточна Европа. The Red Church is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basilica in south central Bulgaria, is one of the most remarkable architectural masterpieces of the early 4th century A.D. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century, the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa, some 15 kilometres southwest of the city of Plovdiv. Probably built under Emperor Anastasius I (491–518), next to an old heathen sanctuary nearby the key main roads leading from Thrace to the White Sea and from Constantinople to Western Europe. It is believed that its place was connected to a popular Christian cult to the martyrs. The Red Church is a centrally planned building with four apses with ambulatories. This plan is very rare for the Balkans. Similar to it are St Sofia Church in Odrin, Adrian’s stoa and a church in the village of Lin near the Ohrid lake in Albania. The Red Church originally measured 32.70 by 25.90 metres. The northern wall, the best preserved, reaches around 14 m in height. The Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria, and it was the red colour of the bricks that gave the church its name. The floor of the church was covered with mosaics and the interior was decorated with frescoes. The archeological researches also prove that there is big prehistoric inheritance in the region near the Red Church. Archeological finds as Thracian statues and a chariot have been found near the Church. There are also many Thracian hills near it, which are still not researched. Nowadays the Red church in Perushtitsa is considered as one of the masterpieces of the early Christian architecture in Europe. Video by: Petar Petrov/Impact Press Group/
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Червената Църква / Red Church (Bulgaria)
Кратко видео от екипа на Бук Бутик и Дрон България за Червената църква край град Перущица. / Short Video by Book Boutique's and Drone Bulgaria's teams on Red Church near Perushtitsa, Bulgaria.
[Wikipedia] Red Church (Bulgaria)
The Red Church (Bulgarian: Червена църква, Chervena tsarkva, pronounced [tʃɛrˈvɛnɐ ˈtsərkvɐ]) is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basilica in south central Bulgaria. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century, the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa in western Plovdiv Province, some 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) southwest of the city of Plovdiv. The Red Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria, and it was the red colour of the bricks that gave the church its name.
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Червената църква в Перущица Red church in Perustitsa aerial drone
Червената църква до град Перущица е един от най-забележителните архитектурни шедьоври в Европа от началото на IV век. Храмът се е казвал Света Богородица, но в наше време е известен като Червената църква заради типичните римски тухли и розов хоросан, от които е изграден. Археолози се обединяват около тезата, че Червената църква край Перущица е била изградена при управлението на император Анастасий I, в края на V или началото на VI век . Около 343 г.н.е. след Вселенския събор в Сердика, в цяла Тракия започнало строителство на култови сгради, сред които имало и такива, предназначени да съхраняват паметта на мъчениците, загинали за утвърждаване на християнството. The Red Church is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basilica in south central Bulgaria, is one of the most remarkable architectural masterpieces of the early 4th century A.D. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century, the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa, some 15 kilometres southwest of the city of Plovdiv. Probably built under Emperor Anastasius I (491–518), next to an old heathen sanctuary nearby the key main roads leading from Thrace to the White Sea and from Constantinople to Western Europe. It is believed that its place was connected to a popular Christian cult to the martyrs. The Red Church is a centrally planned building with four apses with ambulatories. ***Съдържанието на всички графични,текстови,фото и видео материали в: , , са под закрила на Закона за авторското право и сродните му права. Всички фотографии, видео клипове и други материали публикувани в страницата са собственост на Impact Press Group Ltd и Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd, , освен ако изрично е посочено друго. Не се допуска никакво публикуване на фотографии, видео клипове и други материали под каквато и да е форма в печатни, електронни издания, използването им за рекламни или подобни цели без писмено съгласие или одобрение от Impact Press Group Ltd или Sky Pictures Bulgaria Ltd. Споделянето на всички видео, фото и графичниматериаличрез , , е абсолютно свободно.***
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The Red Church HD
The Red Church is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basililica in south central Bulgaria. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century, the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa in western Plovdiv Province, some 15 kilometres southwest of the city of Plovdiv The Red Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria, and it was the red colour of the bricks that gave the church its name.
Червената църква - Перущица - Red church
Perushtitsa (Перущица) - Bulgária
Imagens da Cidade de Perushtitsa - Bulgária
*City of Perushtitsa - Bulgaria
*Гр. Перущица - България
Peruštica (búlgaro:Перущица) é uma cidade da Bulgária, localizada no distrito de Plovdiv. A sua população era de 5,194 habitantes segundo o censo de 2010.
Baptist Church in Bulgaria
Baptist Church members singing and praying to The Lord in Bulgaria
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Perushtitsa or Perushtitza is a Bulgarian town located in Perushtitsa Municipality, Plovdiv Province at the foot of the Rhodopes, 22 kilometers south of Plovdiv.The town is famous throughout Bulgaria for the fight that took place there in 1876 during the April Uprising against the Ottoman reign.During the suppression of the uprising by Turkish irregulars, the majority of the residents were slaughtered.The French journalist Ivan de Woestyne, who visited the town in July 1876, reported for the newspaper Le Figaro that out of a population of about 2000 only 150 elders and children were left.
About the author(s): Guus Bosman at nl.wikipedia
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
Author(s): Guus Bosman
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The red church
Wir nehmen Euch mit auf einen kleinen Rundgang durch The red church
* The Red Church * Die Rote Kirche * Червената Църква *
History and architecture
Probably built under Emperor Anastasius I (491–518), the Red Church originally measured 32.70 by 25.90 metres (107.3 by 85.0 ft). The northern wall, the best preserved, reaches around 14 m (46 ft) in height. The church features four semi-domes, a narthex and an outer narthex (exonarthex). The symmetry of the building is disrupted by a baptistery with a piscina attached to the northern wall of the narthex and a chapel located under the semi-dome of the church's south side. The piscina in the baptistery was faced with pink marble.The church was originally domed, but hardly any of the dome has been preserved.
The floor of the church was covered with mosaics and the interior was decorated with frescoes.The early murals of the Red Church illustrate the gradual shift from complex mosaics to frescoes in the interior decoration of Christian churches which was taking place at the time.Some decoration is preserved in the National Historical Museum in Sofia. Though now lost, part of those early frescoes were the apocryphal scenes of the flight of Elizabeth and the murder of Zechariah, John the Baptist's parents.
The Red Church is thought originally to have been a martyr's mausoleum (martyrium) which housed the remains of a popular saint.The church underwent reconstruction in the Early Middle Ages. In the 10th–11th century, several of the side passages were sealed off using bricks from the church itself, and the space in front of the apse was isolated by means of double fencing. The necropolis around the church has been dated to the Middle Ages as well, and it was in that period that the second layer of frescoes was added.
The Red Church was first excavated in 1915 by Bulgarian archaeologists. The outbreak of World War I delayed any further research until 1921, when excavations were continued by the Bulgarian Archaeological Institute with the financial aid of American Byzantinist Thomas Whittemore. Due to structural damage, the church was stabilized with wood scaffolding in 1985. In 2013, the site was reopened after a renovation project made possible by substantial funding from the European Council. The wooden scaffolding was replaced with metal beams, structural enhancements made, and a visitor's centre constructed.
Along with the Hagia Sophia Church in Sofia and the Old Bishopric in Nesebar, the Red Church stands as one of only three preserved brick churches from that period of the history of Bulgaria. Solid brickwork was generally rare and to be seen in buildings constructed from the 5th to the 12th century in Byzantium and Byzantine-influenced areas. Architecture historian Margarita Koeva considers the church one of the prime examples of the changes which ensued in the modern Bulgarian lands following the Edict of Milan of 313.
The Red Church Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century
The Red Church is a large partially preserved late Roman (early Byzantine) Christian basilica in south central Bulgaria. Dating to the late 5th–early 6th century., the church stands near the town of Perushtitsa in western Plovdiv Province. The Red Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria.
Worship in Pentecostal Church Asenovgrad, Bulgaria
1876г Отбраната на Перущица през Априлското въстание
Асенова крепост // Asen's Fortress, Bulgaria
Асеновата крепост, или Петрич, са развалини на средновековна крепост с укрепената църква „Света Богородица Петричка“. Намира се в планината Родопи на 2 км от Асеновград, България.
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Boyana Church, Sofia, Bulgaria