Row Boats at Red Lake (Lacu Rosu) Romania
Red Lake (Lacu Rosu) - row boats in August 2009.
Location: Red Lake, Neamt, Romania
Lacul Roșu (Red Lake), Bicaz - Romania
Subtitles in ENG & GR - Υπότιτλοι στα ελληνικά και αγγλικά
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Relaxation at Red Lake ( Lacul Rosu), Romania
Red Lake (Romanian: Lacul Roşu) is a barrier lake in the Eastern Carpathians chain in Harghita County, Romania. The name of Lacul Roşu comes from the reddish alluvia deposited in the lake by the Red Creek.
Lacu Rosu, Red Lake, Gylkosto (Transylvania)
A frozen lake from Transylvania (Romania) Lacu Rosu and beautiful mountain, winter edition, same day edited.
Lacul Rosu, Bicaz, Romania
Lacul Rosu, Bicaz, Romania
Lacul Roșu (local cunoscut și sub numele de Lacul Ghilcoș) este un lac de baraj natural format în urma prăbușirii unui versant din cauza cutremurului din 23 ianuarie 1838, ora 18,45. 6,9 magnitudine, VIII intensitate[, la poalele Muntelui Hășmașul Mare, în apropierea Cheilor Bicazului, la distanța de 26 km de Gheorgheni, în județul Harghita. La ultimele măsurători, efectuate în anul 1987, dimensiunile acestuia sunt: lacul se întinde pe un perimetru de 2.830 m, aria este de 114.676 m² și volumul apei care se acumulează este de 587.503 m³. Lacul s-a format la altitudinea de 983 m, într-o depresiune cu un climat predominant subalpin.
Numele său provine de la Pârâul Roșu care traversează straturi de culoare roșie cu oxizi și hidroxizi de fier. În limba germană se numește Mördersee (Lacul Ucigașul); în maghiară, gyilkos = ucigaș, deoarece, potrivit legendei, surparea de teren ar fi acoperit un sat, omorându-i atât locuitorii lui, cât si animalele. Apa adunată a avut culoarea roșie de așa de mult sânge, încât numele lacului a devenit atât Lacul Rosu, cât și Lacul Ucigaș.
Please watch: Skyride to Paradise Point, St Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Lacu Rosu Romania 2019 - Vulcanic Red Lake
The Largest Mountain Natural Lake in Romania
Lacu Rosu is a natural dam lake, located at the foot of Hasmasu Mare Mountains, near the town of Gheorgheni, in Harghita county. It is the largest mountain natural lake in Romania, the name coming from the Red Paraul, which crosses layers of red color, with iron oxides and hydroxides.
The Red Lake resort is a real paradise for those looking for recreation and rest. Located in the eastern part of Transylvania in the Eastern Carpathians, Red Lake and Bicaz Gorge is a region of unique beauty in the world.
Red Lake, is a natural lake formed in 1837 during a landslide.
It is said that an ancient rock in the mountain blocked the thread of the river Bucaz and formed over time the lake that is now seen. What is really interesting about this lake is not its formation, nor its color, but its appearance is quite spectacular. Because here is a forest almost 200 years ago, today the lake is mirrored as a submerged forest. Everywhere you see the old tree trunks still coming out of the water.
A unique region in the world where evergreen fir forests, clean and fresh air provide favorable rest conditions. The resort is a true paradise for those looking for recreation and rest, transmitting through the picturesque landscape an unforgettable atmosphere.
Multi-day programs, races, rock climbs, walks can be organized. If we spend only a few hours in the area of Red Lake, it is worth renting some boats to roam among the remaining trees a part of the lake.
Around the lake there is a well cared and marked path. Within a pleasant hike you can discover the unique natural beauty of the Red Lake.
In fact, there are several legends that have the Red Lake in the plan - the best known is this one:
-she lived in the area a very beautiful girl, with long flats and gray-green eyes. The slim bill was called Fazekas Eszter. Once at a fair in Gheorgheni Eszter fell in love with a strong Szekler boy. But the poor man was called to the army, so they could not make the wedding. In vain did Eszter choose his heart. One day a bandit spotted Eszter and immediately fell in love with the girl. Suddenly he grabbed her face and abducted her. It didn't stop until it reached the cave hidden in the Cohard-Mic rocks. He offered her the treasure, but she was still waiting for her boyfriend. The bandit could not convince the girl in any way. Having no other help, Eszter prayed for the mountains. Nature responded with a cruel vibe, the rocks quaked and there was heavy rain. The mountains began to descend, falling victim all that was in their path, so did Eszter and the bandit. Thus was born the Red Lake, which can be seen even today the gray-green eyes of Eszte.
Filmed in September 2019 with Gopro 7 Black & Canon Dslr 700D
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(C) & (P) Domestic Fire
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Lacu Rosu Red Lake from Transylvania (Romania's tourist attractions)
A frozen lake from Transylvania (Romania) Lacu Rosu and beautiful mountain, winter edition,
TRAVELING THRU ROMANIA 2016~~Red lake summer/Lacul Rosu
adventures in the sun
Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorge), Lacul Rosu( Red Lake), Romania
Week-end at the Bicazul Ardelean village.
Music: Amadeus - Up into the sky
Lacul Rosu si Cheile Bicazului - Istorie pe scurt, Harghita, Romania
Lacul Rosu si Cheile Bicazului - Istorie pe scurt, Harghita, Romania
Lacu Rosu este un lac de baraj natural, situat la poalele Muntilor Hasmasu Mare, in apropiere de orasul Gheorgheni, din judetul Harghita. Este cel mai mare lac natural montan din Romania numele provenind de la Paraul Rosu, care traverseaza straturi de culoare rosie, cu oxizi si hidroxizi din fier.
Accesul spre zona Lacul Rosu se poate face dinspre orasul Gheorgheni, localitate care este situata pe calea ferata Brasov-Deda si pe DN 12. Lacul Rosu s-a format relativ recent, intr-o zi din luna iulie 1837. Atunci, dupa o serie de furtuni si ploi torentiale, din Muntele Ucigasu s-a desprins o bucata si a blocat pârâul Licas, pârâul Oii si paraul Rosu.
Martori actuali ai calamitatii naturale de atunci sunt cioatele de molid ramase in apa. Reflectarea purpurie in lac a Suhardului Mic, prezenta aluviunilor rosiatice aduse indeosebi de pârâul Rosu si calcarele roscate din jurul sau i-au facut pe ciobani sa-i dea numele de Lacul Rosu.
Abia in 1857, trei turisti din Gheorgheni au poposit pe malurile sale, uimiti si fermecati de frumusetea salbatica a privelis tei montane si a lacului. Au povestit tuturor ca au descoperit un colt din paradis. De atunci, atrasi de frumusetea naturala a lacului, de bogatia faunei, florei, numerosi turisti au strabatut potecile acestei regiuni.
Restaurantele din zona pun la dispozitie turistilor mancaruri traditionale si vestitul kurtos kolak
''Kurtos'' în limba maghiară înseamnă burlan sau horn și este evident că denumirea provine de la asemănarea cu aceste obiecte. Ingredientele de bază ale colacului secuiesc, conform rețetei tradiționale, sunt zahăr, făină de grâu, unt, lapte, ouă, drojdie și sare, precum și nucă măcinată sau tocată, migdale, scorțișoară și zahăr vanilat pentru glazură, iar regula este ca acesta să fie copt direct pe jar.
Potrivit lui Albert Yoltan, prima atestare documentară a kurtos-ului datează din 1450, iar prima rețetă cunoscută este din 1784, cea a contesei Mikes Maria din Zăbala. Dar se presupune că produsul ar avea origini mai vechi.
In 1910 a inceput construirea drumului din Gheorgheni pâna la Lacu Rosu, realizat pâna in locul numit „Gâtul Iadului“, si numai in 1937 s-a terminat drumul care leaga Transilvania de Moldova.
Imprejurimile lacului au o fauna si o flora foarte bogata, predomina padurile de conifere in amestec cu alunul, salcia de munte, pe versantii din preajma cresc bradul alb, paltinul si plopul de munte iar dintre animale vietuiesc rasul, capra neagra ,lupi, cerbi mistreti.
In aval de Lacu Rosu incep Cheile Bicazului, chei in Carpatii Orientali, pe valea raului Bicaz, care fac legatura intre Transilvania si Moldova. Are o lungime de 8 km de la Lacu Rosu pana la satul Bicazul Ardelean. Peretii de calcar ai Cheilor Bicazului sunt un rezultat al fierestruirii lor de catre apele repezi ale Bicazului.
Cheile Bicazului fac parte din Parcul National Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas care are ca arii protejate: Lacu Rosu, Cheile Bicazului, Hasmasul Mare.
Drumul din Cheile Bicazului este format din serpentine ametitoare. Peretii de calcar ai stancilor ascund pesteri (precum Pestera Neagra si Pestera Cascada).
Pe parcursul serpentinelor din Chei exista mici magazine cu suveniruri, produse lucrate de artizanii romani si de cei maghiari din zona.
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Please watch: Skyride to Paradise Point, St Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Lacul Rosu/ Romania /red lake /travel /beautiful place
Carpathian Canyons - Bicaz gorges & Red lake (Romania)
Bicaz Gorges (considered the grandest canyon and climbers paradise) and Red Lake (one of the weirdest natural wonders) are located in the centre of the Eastern Carpathians. This picturesque part of Cheile Bicazului -- Hasmas Mts. National Park with karst landscape and plenty of stone walls (the most magnificent solitary crag in Bicaz gorges -- Altar stone -- towers 350 m above the bottom of the valley), belongs in the best known and most attractive areas in Romania.
Lacul Roşu -The Red Lake (ROMÂNIA )
Beautiful Romania, Lacu Rosu and the Bicaz Gorge
Views of scenic Lacu Rosu (Red Lake) and the spectacular Bicaz Gorge, in the Carpathian Mountains between Transylvania and Moldavia. Photos taken personally by me during our Romanian trip in May, 2006.
Lacu Rosu - After 200 Years from Landslide - Red Lake - The Largest Mountain Natural Lake in Romania
Lacu Rosu - Red Lake
After 200 Years from Landslide
The Largest Mountain Natural Lake in Romania
Thanks for watching!
Filmed in June / July 2019
Lacu Rosu is a natural dam lake, located at the foot of Hasmasu Mare Mountains, near the town of Gheorgheni, in Harghita county. It is the largest mountain natural lake in Romania, the name coming from the Red Paraul, which crosses layers of red color, with iron oxides and hydroxides.
The Red Lake resort is a real paradise for those looking for recreation and rest. Located in the eastern part of Transylvania in the Eastern Carpathians, Red Lake and Bicaz Gorge is a region of unique beauty in the world.
Red Lake, is a natural lake formed in 1837 during a landslide.
It is said that an ancient rock in the mountain blocked the thread of the river Bucaz and formed over time the lake that is now seen. What is really interesting about this lake is not its formation, nor its color, but its appearance is quite spectacular. Because here is a forest almost 200 years ago, today the lake is mirrored as a submerged forest. Everywhere you see the old tree trunks still coming out of the water.
A unique region in the world where evergreen fir forests, clean and fresh air provide favorable rest conditions. The resort is a true paradise for those looking for recreation and rest, transmitting through the picturesque landscape an unforgettable atmosphere.
Multi-day programs, races, rock climbs, walks can be organized. If we spend only a few hours in the area of Red Lake, it is worth renting some boats to roam among the remaining trees a part of the lake.
Around the lake there is a well cared and marked path. Within a pleasant hike you can discover the unique natural beauty of the Red Lake.
In fact, there are several legends that have the Red Lake in the plan - the best known is this one:
-she lived in the area a very beautiful girl, with long flats and gray-green eyes. The slim bill was called Fazekas Eszter. Once at a fair in Gheorgheni Eszter fell in love with a strong Szekler boy. But the poor man was called to the army, so they could not make the wedding. In vain did Eszter choose his heart. One day a bandit spotted Eszter and immediately fell in love with the girl. Suddenly he grabbed her face and abducted her. It didn't stop until it reached the cave hidden in the Cohard-Mic rocks. He offered her the treasure, but she was still waiting for her boyfriend. The bandit could not convince the girl in any way. Having no other help, Eszter prayed for the mountains. Nature responded with a cruel vibe, the rocks quaked and there was heavy rain. The mountains began to descend, falling victim all that was in their path, so did Eszter and the bandit. Thus was born the Red Lake, which can be seen even today the gray-green eyes of Eszte.
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(C) & (P) Snow Train Runnin'
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Red Lake - Romania // The mountain dropped on the lake?
Red Lake (also known as Lake Ghilcoş) is a natural dam lake formed by the collapse of a slope due to the earthquake of January 23, 1838, 18.45 hours. 6.9 magnitudes, intensity VIII, at the foot of the Hasmasul Mare Mountain, near the Bicaz Gorges, at a distance of 26 km from Gheorgheni, in the county of Harghita. At the last measurements made in 1987, its dimensions are: the lake is situated on a perimeter of 2,830 m, the area is 114,676 m² and the volume of water that accumulates is 587,503 m³. The lake was formed at an altitude of 983 m, in a depression with a predominant subalpine climate.
Its name comes from the Red Pine that crosses red layers with oxides and iron hydroxides. In German, it is called Mördersee (Lake Killer); In Hungarian, gyilkos = the killer, because, according to legend, the landfall would have covered a village, killing both its inhabitants and animals. The collected water was red enough so that the name of the lake became both Red Lake and Lake Ucigaş. Red Lake is situated between Şuhardul Mic, Şuhardul Mare on the north side, Podu Calului Mountains on the southwestern side, Licaş and the Kis-Havas Mountains in the north-west, Csíki-Bükk in the north-east and Mount Ucigas in the eastern part. The lake is fed by four large streams and another 12 temporary water courses, of which the most important are Verescheul (Red), Licoşul, Suhardul, Oii, The killer.
Source :
Trip to Romania/Red Lake
One of the best places I've ever seen - Red Lake in Romania. Also, The Bicaz Gorge (Cheile Bicazului), a true Romanian exprerience.
Music by Alex Spranceana -
07.11.2010 Travel to Romania - Red lake Harghita
Red lake Harghita. GPS : 46º 47' 27.3 N / 25º 47' 17.8 E. More if you visit my travel website .
Lacul Roşu - Red Lake
(RO) Lacul Roşu (local cunoscut şi sub numele de Lacul Ghilcoş) este un lac de baraj natural format în 1837, la poalele Muntelui Hăşmaşul Mare, în apropierea Cheilor Bicazului, la distanţa de 26 km de Gheorgheni, în judeţul Harghita. La ultimele măsurători, efectuate în anul 1987, dimensiunile acestuia sunt: lacul se întinde pe un perimetru de 2.830 m, aria este de 114.676 m² şi volumul apei care se acumulează este de 587.503 m³. Lacul s-a format la altitudinea de 983 m, într-o depresiune cu un climat predominant subalpin.
(EN) Red Lake (locally known as Lake Ghilcoş ) is a natural storage lake formed in 1837 at the foot Hăşmaşul Mare , near Gorge Gorge, at 26 km from Gheorgheni , Harghita County . The latest measurements made in 1987 , its dimensions are : Lake covers an area of 2,830 m , the area is 114 676 m² and accumulating water volume is 587,503 m³ . The lake was formed at an altitude of 983 m, in a valley with a predominantly alpine climate .
Lacul Rosu - in zori
????ROM “Lacul Roșu (local cunoscut și sub numele de Lacul Ghilcoș) este un lac de baraj natural format în urma prăbușirii unui versant din cauza cutremurului din 23 ianuarie 1838, ora 18,45. 6,9 magnitudine, VIII intensitate, la poalele Muntelui Hășmașul Mare, în apropierea Cheilor Bicazului, la distanța de 26 km de Gheorgheni, în județul Harghita. La ultimele măsurători, efectuate în anul 1987, dimensiunile acestuia sunt: lacul se întinde pe un perimetru de 2.830 m, aria este de 114.676 m² și volumul apei care se acumulează este de 587.503 m³. Lacul s-a format la altitudinea de 983 m, într-o depresiune cu un climat predominant subalpin.
Numele său provine de la Pârâul Roșu care traversează straturi de culoare roșie cu oxizi și hidroxizi de fier. În limba germană se numește Mördersee (Lacul Ucigașul); în maghiară, gyilkos = ucigaș, deoarece, potrivit legendei, surparea de teren ar fi acoperit un sat, omorându-i atât locuitorii lui, cât si animalele. Apa adunată a avut culoarea roșie de așa de mult sânge, încât numele lacului a devenit atât Lacul Rosu, cât și Lacul Ucigaș.
????ENG Red Lake, Lacul Roșu (Romanian: Lacul Roșu, Hungarian: Gyilkos-tó – Killer Lake) is the largest barrier lake, in the Eastern Carpathians chain in Harghita County, Romania. The name of Lacul Roșu comes from the reddish alluvia deposited in the lake by the Red Creek. The lake falls within the jurisdiction of the municipality of Gheorgheni.
It was formed in 1837 after a landslide blocked the Bicaz Valley. It is about 93 m deep and covers about 12.01 hectares.
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Nebulous Blackout
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