Red Rock Coulee Natural Area - Orion - Alberta - Canada
Red Rock Coulee Natural Area - Orion - Alberta
Coordonnées GPS: 49°39'17.8N 110°51'46.3W
Un autre site très unique du sud-est de l'Alberta. D'énormes rochers rouges, de forme sphérique, jonchent le sol d'une immense prairie. On se croirait vraiment sur une autre planète.
Certains de ces rochers ont un diamètre très impressionnant! Ils ont été créés il y a des millions d'années à partir de sable, calcite et oxyde de fer qui se sont formés et durcis autour de feuilles ou d'os.
Au fil du temps, l'eau aurait ajouté plus de dépôts qui auraient collés aux formations existantes, les rendant ainsi encore plus grosses.
La fonte des glaciers aurait provoqué des torrents d'eau qui auraient poussé ces rochers jusqu'à cet endroit.
Certains de ces rochers sont encore presque parfaitement ronds tandis que d'autres sont cassés, ce qui nous permet d'observer l'intérieur de ces étranges formations.
Je ne sais pas si c'est toujours le cas, mais le vent était vraiment très puissant lors de notre passage dans ce secteur.
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Artiste :
A Musicenery to Red Rock Coulee
Took a Trip to Red Rock Coulee, Alberta, Canada
Sit Back and crank up the tunes and enjoy the Scenery in High Speed.
Music by:
Death Cab for Cutie - The Ghosts of Beverly Drive
The Neighbourhood - R.I.P. 2 My Youth
Vampire Weekend - Diane Young
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Red Rock Coulee
Red Rock Coulee Alberta
Slow TV: Red Rock Coulee
Red Rock Coulee is located in south-eastern Alberta, about 54 KM south of Medicine Hat. In this peaceful edition of Slow TV, light and shadow plays off the alien-like landscape, highlighting the unique rock formations.
TELUS STORYHIVE supports compelling, original stories told by filmmakers from BC and Alberta by providing production funding, training and exposure to new audiences.
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(old) Red Rock Coulee
Explore your watershed!
Red Rock Coulee is a very interesting formation not far from Medicine Hat.
Head West on Highway 3 to Seven Persons (~10 minutes)
Turn South on Highway 887 (~20 minutes)
Red Rock Coulee can be found on your right where the highway makes a 90-degree turn to the left (East).
Red Rock Coulee, Alberta and the Cutting Room Floor
Day 13 6-12-16 We leave Cypress Hills and spend some time at Red Rock Coulee, Alberta and also a treat for you. Everything that is videoed doesn't make it to YouTube but I think you need to see this one!
Red Rock Canyon, Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
Beautiful drive. You can see bears and elk if you're lucky. Red Rock Canyon Visitors Centre at the end of the road with lots of parking. Drive is about 10 miles, one way, all paved with numerous pullouts to stop and enjoy the spectacular views. End of parkway is Red Rock Canyon parking with nice quick walk along the river with exposed red rocks on each side, easy to do in 30 minutes if you are pressed for time, but serene enough to stay and relax for longer. Easily accessible and plenty of photo opps. Must admit it is great for the kids. There are longer hikes but often the longer hikes are closed due to bears in the area.
On the road too and back, If you are lucky enough to see a bear, be prepared for what they call a bear jam. Whenever you stop people slow down to see what you are looking at. If you go in September or October should be able see the elk. They gather in a large area for what is referred to as the elk rut and bugling. Anyone in the area can tell you where they are.
I have several more Waterton and Banff National Park HD photo tours at my mikeminnesota-youtube channel. Close to over 200 travel photovideos from Norway, Out West to Alaska.
2018:07:29 AB-61 Manyberries & Orion
Riding around in the Old Home Town. It has been a really long time since I was last out there. Memory challenged visit for sure.
Montins in Canada ???????? Redstone fox
Chant 2 du voyage au Canada: Red Rock Coulee Natural area; Le plus beau voyage, de Claude Gauthier
Voici la demande spéciale de Nicole Poulin, Le plus beau voyage, de Claude Gauthier (paroles), Yvan Ouellet et Claude Gauthier (musique). Cette vidéo a été tournée à Red Rock Coulee Natural Area, dans le sud-est de l'Alberta, entre les villages de Seven Persons et Orion. Les roches rouges étant plus dures que ce qui les entoure, l'érosion les découvre peu à peu et elles-mêmes se font ensuite éroder par le vent. Le sol est argileux, donc très glissant et collant puisqu'il est humide le jour où je fais l'enregistrement, le 23 août 2014.
Suivez-moi sur mon blogue :
Coulee Collapse
Originally Aired on CHAT TV (6 July 2010)
Curtin Geology Club Canada Hill Challenge 2009
Canada fox
Alberta Badlands
Some photos I took on my recent trip to the badlands
Still Here - A Story About Orion, Alberta
Located on Treaty 4 land in the southeast corner of Alberta, Orion is a hamlet with a population of less than 10 people. The folks who still live there, however, have plenty of love and pride for their home. Check out the notes below ↓
More information about Dr. Samuel Danforth Bartlett:
Short documentary about Boyd Stevens:
Check out Susan Martin's photography, which includes some great vintage shots of the prairies:
For more detailed information about Orion and surrounding communities, please check out The Piegan Country, and Manyberries Chinook in the local history section of the new Calgary Central Library.
Debt Consolidation Canada
For Debt Consolidation Visit
Debt is not a new phenomenon. It has been here for as long as humanity itself. However, how we manage our debt has evolved over the years. For example, people no longer have to slave for feudal lords just because they could not pay up their debt. Nowadays, creditors are civil about how they collect their debts. In other words, they use lawyers and the courts.
You will never have to deal with bankruptcy lawyers if you learn how to manage your debt well. This is especially true in the modern economy that we live in. Now, you can actually consolidate your debt instead of having many creditors. Debt consolidation comes with many numerous benefits. Here are some of these benefits.
- Debt Consolidation Offers Single Payments to Your Creditors
Each financial transaction that you make has a certain cost attached to it. Making payments to your creditors is no exception. This means that you will incur a cost with every transaction that you make to each creditor. These transaction costs can be very expensive if you have many creditors to pay. You can avoid all of these costs by making single payments to a debt consolidation company. Your debt consolidation company will then disburse your funds to the relevant creditors.
- Debt Consolidation Gives You a Greater Bargaining Power
Negotiating with your creditors can be a very frustrating experience. They rarely listen. In fact, they usually ask for higher interest rates when you ask for a longer repayment period on your debt. Conversely, they will ask for a shorter repayment period on your loan if you ask for a lower interest rate. This cycle will go on and on just because you are an individual. In the end, you will have no longer but to accept what your creditors say.
- Debt Consolidation Helps
However, the presence of a debt consolidation company changes everything. You will now able to negotiate better terms with your creditors if you decide to consolidate your debt. This is because the presence of a debt consolidation company assures your creditors that they will receive their money in due time. This makes them more flexible as you negotiate terms with them.
Consolidate your debts today. Avoid the embarrassment of bankruptcy lawyers and the court system. Debt consolidation works.
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Alberta Skies
Dramatic sky photos from various locations across southern Alberta
Small Stream Fly Fishing | How To
Bill Spicer heads back to the spot where his fond fishing memories all began. Mary-Lou and Stuart Roxborough, Trout Unlimited enthusiasts who deeply believe in giving back to the resource, join him. Lots of great tips and information in this video!
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