Russia - Sergeyev Posad - Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius
Sergiyev Posad (Russian: Се́ргиев Поса́д) is a city and the administrative center of Sergiyevo-Posadsky District in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It grew in the 15th century around the monastery Trinity Lavra established by St. Sergius of Radonezh (Russian: Тро́ице-Се́ргиева Ла́вра), the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The monastery was founded in 1337 by one of the most venerated Russian saints, Sergius of Radonezh, who built a wooden church in honour of the Holy Trinity on Makovets Hill.
In 1355, Sergius introduced a charter which required the construction of auxiliary buildings, such as refectory, kitchen, and bakery. This charter was a model for Sergius' numerous followers who founded more than 400 cloisters all over Russia.
St. Sergius supported Dmitri Donskoi in his struggle against the Tatars. The monastery was devastated by fire, when a Tatar unit raided the area in 1408.
St. Sergius was declared patron saint of the Russian state in 1422. The same year the first stone cathedral was built. The relics of St. Sergius still may be seen in this cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The greatest icon painters of medieval Russia, Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny, were summoned to decorate the cathedral with frescoes. Traditionally, Muscovite royals were baptized in this cathedral and held thanksgiving services here.
In 1476, Ivan III invited Pskovian masters to build the church of the Holy Spirit. This graceful structure is one of the few remaining examples of a Russian church topped with a belltower. In the early 16th century, Vasily III added the Nikon annex and the Serapion tent.
It took 26 years to construct the six-pillared Assumption Cathedral, which was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible in 1559. The cathedral is much larger than its model and namesake in the Moscow Kremlin. The magnificent iconostasis of the 16th–18th centuries features Simon Ushakov's masterpiece, the icon of Last Supper. Interior walls were painted with violet and blue frescoes. The vault contains burials of Boris Godunov, his family and several 20th-century patriarchs.
As the monastery grew into one of the wealthiest landowners in Russia, the village (or posad) gradually developed into the modern town of Sergiyev Posad. The cloister itself was a notable centre of chronicle-writing and icon painting.
In 1550s, a wooden palisade surrounding the cloister was replaced with 1.5 km-long stone walls, featuring twelve towers.
By the end of the 17th century, when young Peter I twice found refuge within the monastery from his enemies, numerous buildings had been added. These include a small baroque palace of the patriarchs, noted for its luxurious interiors, and a royal palace, with its facades painted in checkerboard design. The refectory of St. Sergius, covering 510 square meters and also painted in dazzling checkerboard design, used to be the largest hall in Russia. The five-domed Church of John the Baptist's Nativity (1693–1699) was commissioned by the Stroganovs and built over one of the gates. Other 17th-century structures include the monks' cells, a hospital topped with a tented church, and a chapel built over a holy well discovered in 1644.
In 1744, Empress Elizabeth conferred on the cloister the dignity of a Lavra. Elizabeth particularly favoured the Trinity and annually proceeded afoot from Moscow to the cloister. Her secret spouse Alexey Razumovsky accompanied her on such journeys and commissioned a baroque church to the Virgin of Smolensk, the last major shrine to be erected in the Lavra. Another pledge of Elizabeth's affection for the monastery is a white-and-blue baroque belltower, which, at 88 meters, was one of the tallest structures built in Russia up to that date.
Throughout the 19th century, the Lavra maintained its status as the richest Russian monastery. The monastery boasted a supreme collection of manuscripts and books.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Soviet government closed the lavra in 1920. Its buildings were assigned to different civic institutions or declared museums. In 1930, monastery bells, including the Tsar-Bell of 65 tons, were destroyed. Overall many valuables were lost or transferred to other collections.
In 1945, following Joseph Stalin's temporary tolerance of the church during World War II, the Lavra was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. On April 16, 1946 divine service was renewed at the Assumption Cathedral. The monastery continues as a prime centre of religious education. Important restoration works were conducted in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1993, the Trinity Lavra was inscribed on the UN World Heritage List.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Sergiyev Posad, Russia
Sergiyev Posad Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Sergiyev Posad. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Sergiyev Posad for You. Discover Sergiyev Posad as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Sergiyev Posad.
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List of Best Things to do in Sergiyev Posad, Russia.
The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra
Gefsimansky Chernigovsky Skit (convent)
Cathedral of the Assumption
Trinity Cathedral
Waterfall Gremiachy
Refectory Church of St Sergius
Sergiyev Posad State History and Art Museum Preserve
Grave of Boris Godunov
Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Suzdal, Golden Ring of Russia, 4K
The ancient town of Suzdal, the main town of the ancient Russian principality in the 12th-13th centuries, is located in the centre of the European part of Russia, some 200 km east of Moscow, 30 km from Vladimir. The White Monuments of Suzdal are outstanding examples of ancient Russian architecture. These white-stone structures is a unique phenomenon, incorporating the best work of creative master-minds and presenting an amazing synthesis of architecture and monumental art. The architecture Suzdal is an outstanding example of the development and perfection of architectural shapes and building techniques which formed a unique school of architecture. This influential style began and achieved its greatest expression here and illustrates the most important stage of human history and culture in the North-East Rus. Widely used as an example for subsequent construction throughout Russian history, they set a standard as a benchmark of architectural beauty and expressiveness of Russian ecclesiastical architecture. In Suzdal, the Kremlin (fortress) is surrounded by earthen ramparts. Within, dominating the whole town, stands the Cathedral of the Nativity, built in the 13th century and reconstructed in the 16th century, with its five-domed roof and 13th-century Golden Doors. Important monuments in the posad (civil settlement) include several cubic churches of the 16th and 17th centuries, such as the Convent of the Deposition of the Holy Robe and the Refectory Church of the Assumption, and several monasteries. The most important of the latter is the Monastery of Our Saviour and St Euthymius, founded in 1352. Some of the monuments are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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Россия. Троице-Сергиева Лавра + Святой Источник Гремячий ключ.
Крупнейший мужской монастырь Русской православной церкви с многовековой историей. Расположен в центре города Сергиева Посада Московской области, на реке Кончуре. Имеет статус ставропигиального. Крупнейший центр образовательной и издательской деятельности Русской православной церкви. Место нахождения Московской духовной академии. В Свято-Троицком соборе лавры находятся мощи основателя монастыря, преподобного Сергия Радонежского. На территории расположены : Свято-Троицкий собор • Церковь Сошествия Святого Духа на Апостолов • Успенский собор • Церковь преподобного Никона Радонежского • Церковь преподобных Зосимы и Савватия Соловецких • Церковь преподобного Сергия с Трапезной палатой • Церковь Рождества Иоанна Предтечи • Михеевская церковь • Церковь Смоленской иконы Божией Матери • Покровская церковь • Надкладезная часовня • Колокольня
Источник «Гремячий ключ» - святой источник Радонежской земли
Неподалеку от города Сергиев Посад находится популярное у туристов и паломников место – холодные родники, возникшие, по преданию, в результате усердной молитвы Сергия Радонежского. Несколько десятков родников образованы в известняковых породах, слагающих речную долину Вондиги, и бьют прямо из середины крутого склона. Вода выливается на поверхность в объеме 6 литров в секунду, и имеет постоянную температуру в течение всего года. И летом, и в зимний мороз она одинаково холодная +6?С, очень чистая и вкусная. Природные ключи образуют целый каскад водопада, высотой в 25 м, который и принято называть «Гремячим ключом». Название такое прижилось, благодаря постоянному шуму, издаваемому текущими по крутому склону водными струями.
The largest monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church with a long history. Located in the city centre of Sergiev Posad of the Moscow region, on the river Konchura. It has the status of Stavropol. The largest center of educational and publishing activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. Location of the Moscow theological Academy. In the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the monastery are the relics of the founder of the monastery, St. Sergius of Radonezh. On the territory there are : Holy Trinity Cathedral • Church of the Descent of the Holy spirit on the Apostles • assumption Cathedral • Church of St. Nikon of Radonezh • the Church of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovki • the Church of St. Sergius with Refectory Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist • Mikheevskaya Church • Church of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God • Church of the intercession • nadkladeznaya chapel built • the Bell tower
The source of the gremyachy key - the Holy source of the Radonezh land
Near the town of Sergiev Posad is a popular tourist and pilgrims place-cold springs, which arose, according to legend, as a result of the zealous prayer of Sergius of Radonezh. Several dozen springs are formed in limestone rocks, composing the river valley of Sandigi, and hit right out of the middle of a steep slope. Water is poured to the surface in the amount of 6 liters per second, and has a constant temperature throughout the year. In summer and in winter it is equally cold frost +6?C, very clean and tasty. Natural keys form a cascade of waterfall, 25 m high, which is called the Hot key. The name is stuck, thanks to the constant noise produced by the current on a steep slope water jets.
Свято-Успенский Псково-Печерский монастырь | Pskovo-Pechersky monastery
Свято-Успенский Псково-Печерский монастырь — один из самых крупных и известных в России мужских монастырей с многовековой историей.
Название монастыря связано с находящимися в нём пещерами, называемыми «Богом зданными» (то есть созданными Богом). В 1473 году здесь была освящена пещерная церковь Успения Божией Матери, выкопанная преподобным Ионой в холме из песчаника.
Этот год считается годом основания монастыря. Холм, в котором находятся Успенская церковь и Богом зданные пещеры, называется Святой горой.
Монастырь ни разу за всю свою историю не закрывался.
Настоящий расцвет обители связан с игуменом, преподобномучеником Корнилием.
В 1541 году он поставил в монастыре трапезную церковь во имя Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы, расширил Успенскую церковь, прокопал далее монастырские пещеры. При нём обитель превратилась в сильную крепость, вокруг монастыря были воздвигнуты каменные стены (1558—1565 года) и построена надвратная церковь во имя Николая Чудотворца (1565 г).
Игумен Корнилий умер в 1570 году, согласно преданию, был собственноручно убит заподозрившим измену царём Иоанном Грозным. Согласно рукописи, хранящейся в Троице-Сергиевой лавре, это произошло у монастырских ворот. Раскаявшись, царь понёс тело игумена в Успенский храм. С тех пор путь от Николького храма до Успенской церкви называют «Кровавым путём».
В монастыре находятся: Богом зданные пещеры (ближние и дальние), церкви: Успенская, Покровская, Сретенская, Михайловская (собор), Благовещенская, Лазаревская, Николы Вратаря, Воскресения Христова (в дальних пещерах), Корнилевская, Псково-Печерских преподобных, а также Звонница, Дом настоятеля, Братский корпус, Святые источники, Ризница, Крепостные стены с башнями.
В настоящее время ближние пещеры и Сретенская церковь открыты весь день.
Вход в дальние Богом зданные пещеры осуществляется по предварительной договорённости. Успенский храм и Михайловский собор открыты только на время богослужений.
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