Visit & Love KOBULETI!!
Kobuleti Municipality includes resorts such as Kobuleti, Tsikhisdziri and Chakvi. The district is rich with historic monuments and sights. Touristscan visit ancient churches and monasteries as well as fortresses and arched bridges. Kobuleti is also known for its protected areas: Ispani,Kintrishi Reserve and Mtirala National Park.
В состав Кобулетского муниципалитета входят курорты: Кобулети, Цихисдзири и Чакви. Здесь много исторических памятников и достопримечательностей древних церквей, монастырей, крепостейи арковых мостов. Кобулети известен своими защищёнными тер-риториями: Испани, Кинтришским заповедником и национальнымпарком Мтирала.
00022 Ispani mires - natrix natrix in the water swimming
Ispani mires - the sound of frogs (Groene Kikker spec. - Pelophylax spec Meerkikker) on unidentified potamogeton crispus
The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00025 Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00024 Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00030 gladde slang.MTS
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00032 Ispani mires - the sound of frogs on unidentified potamogeton natans Pelophylax
Ispani mires - the sound of frogs (Groene Kikker spec. - Pelophylax spec Meerkikker) on unidentified potamogeton crispus
The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels.
00021 Ispani mires - the sound of frogs on unidentified potamogeton crispus Pelophylax
Ispani mires - the sound of frogs (Groene Kikker spec. - Pelophylax spec Meerkikker) on unidentified potamogeton crispus
The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00023 Ispani mires - natrix natrix in the water swimming
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
The nominated National Parks of Georgia for UNESCO World Heritage
#KolkhetiNationalPark #UNESCO #ProtectedArea
First time in Georgia, Colchic forests and wetlands were nominated on UNESCO World
Heritage Site, with the coordination of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia’s LEPL Agency of Protected Areas.
Protected Areas nomination as a world heritage site is extremely important fact for Georgia.
According to the documentations, Mtirala, Kolkheti, Kintrishi and Kobuleti Protected Areas are presented at UNESCO World Heritage Site. These territories are an important part of the
Caucasus Eco region and Black Sea basin. Colchic forests and wetlands are unique with
ecosystem and rich biodiversity.
Awarding World heritage site status to the protected areas will facilitate to raise awareness of protected areas at an international level, as well as eco-tourism development, sharing
international practice of natural objects management, attracting and increasing numbers of
The initiative has been implementing since 2017 year, by the financial and technical support of the Government of Germany, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Mikheil Zukov Foundation.
In the frame of the project, field works were carried out, biodiversity was researched on place and held several workshops, which aimed to discuss current progress and future plans.
Stakeholders, local population experts and representatives of donor organizations were involved in the process.
პირველად საქართველოში, გარემოს დაცვისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის სამინისტროს სსიპ დაცული ტერიტორიების სააგენტოს ხელმძღვანელობით მოხდა კოლხური ტყეებისა და წყალჭარბი ტერიტორიების UNESCO-ს მსოფლიო ბუნებრივი მემკვიდრეობის ნომინაციაზე წარდგენა.
დაცული ტერიტორიების მსოფლიო მემკვიდრეობის უბნად ნომინირება უმნიშვნელოვანეს მოვლენას წარმოადგენს ქვეყნისთვის. დოკუმენტაციის შესაბამისად, UNESCO-ს მსოფლიო ბუნებრივი მემკვიდრეობის საიტად წარდგენილია მტირალას, კოლხეთის, კინტრიშისა და ქობულეთის დაცული ტერიტორიები, რომლებიც წარმოადგენს კავკასიის ეკო-რეგიონისა და შავი ზღვის აუზის უმნიშვნელოვანეს ნაწილს. კოლხური ტყეები და ჭარბტენიანი ტერიტორიები გამოირჩევა მისი უნიკალური ეკო-სისტემებითა და მდიდარი ბიომრავალფეროვნებით.
დაცული ტერიტორიებისთვის მსოფლიო ბუნებრივი მემკვიდრეობის სტატუსის მინიჭება ხელს შეუწყობს დაცულ ტერიტორიების ცნობადობის გაზრდას, ეკოტურიზმის განვითარებას, საერთაშორისო მნიშვნელობის ბუნებრივი ობიექტების მართვის გამოცდილების გაზიარებას, ვიზიტორების დაინტერესებას და რაოდენობის ზრდას.
ინიციატივა 2017 წლიდან ხორციელდება გერმანიის მთავრობის, ბუნების დაცვის მსოფლიო ფონდისა (WWF) და მიხეილ ზუკოვის ფონდის ფინანსური და ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერით.
პროექტის ფარგლებში ჩატარდა საველე სამუშაოები. ადგილზე შეისწავლა ტერიტორიების ბიომრავალფეროვნება, ჩატარდა არაერთი სამუშაო შეხვედრა, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავდა ამ მიმართულებით არსებული პროგრესისა და სამომავლო გეგმების განხილვას. პროცესში ჩართულნი იყვნენ დაინტერესებული პირები, ადგილობრივი მოსახლეობა, ექსპერტები და დონორი ორგანიზაციების წარმომადგენლები.
National Parks of Georgia:
Agency of Protected Areas:
00027 gladde slang
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels
00029 gladde slang
Ispani mires - grasssnake natrix natrix in the water swimming. The Kobuleti Protected Areas were established in 1999 and cover the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (331 ha) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (439 hectare), which are located in Adjara Autonomous Republic along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Kobuleti.
Here is the typical humid subtropical marine climate -- the annual amount of precipitation is 1500-2500 mm; the majority of this precipitation falls as rain in autumn and winter seasons.
According to the Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS), maintained by Wetlands International in the Netherlands, one of Georgia's two Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) is right here in Kobuleti, The Ispani Mires Ramsar site, part of the Kobuleti Nature Reserve protected area.
It's a relatively rare percolation mire, supposedly depending entirely upon rainwater flow. Ramsar is a place in Iran where the treaty was signed in 1971.
Among amphibians the following species can be found here: Caspian and marsh tortoises, Common toad, Green toad, Common Tree frog, et al. and among reptiles -- Dice snake, Grass snake, Slow worm, European Legless Lizard, Striped lizard, Common newt, et al.
Among ichthyofauna the Northern pike, Crucian carp, European perch and Silver eelcan be found in the channels